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This document provides an alphabetic listing with hyperlinks for the documents that are provided for the SIMOSAM1 Libraries. The SIMOSAM1 Libraries (or Directory Structures) are the foundation for the Mainframe System Model. This architecture makes it possible to migrate (or move) a batch or online application that is currently running on an IBM Mainframe System with ZOS to a Linux, UNIX or Windows System with Micro Focus Server.

Migrating the application assets and building the load members for the new environment is only part of the effort required. Migrating and/or sharing the data is a critical part of the overall migration effort. Many of the programs in the following list will focus on the data file transfer, share, convert and compare aspects of a data migration effort.

We have made a significant effort to ensure the documents and software technologies are correct and accurate. We reserve the right to make changes without notice at any time. The function delivered in this version is based upon the enhancement requests from a specific group of users. The intent is to provide changes as the need arises and in a timeframe that is dependent upon the availability of resources.

Copyright © 1987-2024
SimoTime Technologies and Services
All Rights Reserved

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A Listing of HTML Members in the Document Repository for SimoWEB1.

a2en8001 This job will execute a program that will read a record sequential, ASCII-encoded file, convert or translate the record content and write to a record sequential, EBCDIC-encoded file while maintaining binary and numeric integrity. The first COBOL program does the file Input and Output and calls a second COBOL program to do the record content conversion between ASCII and EBCDIC. Each record in the Input file is a data structure that contains a mixture of binary, numeric and text strings or fields.
ab011401 This suite of programs will cause an ABEND (or ABnormal ENDing) when attempting to do a move using reference modification with an invalid offset. The ABEND is an RTS0114 - Attempt to access an item beyond bounds of memory.
abtest01 Example of a COBOL program running in a Micro Focus environment that calls an ABEND routine to display the call stack. This allows an abnormal termination of a program and provide useful information about the cause.
adm1dirs This is the Library (or Folder) structure for the Administrator that manages the SIMOSAM1 Library of Programs and Documents. The SIMOSAM1 Library (or Directory) is the foundation for the Mainframe System Model that executes on a Windows System with Micro Focus Enterprise Server.
adracc01 An example of using embedded SQL to create a table in a relational data base model using an ODBC driver interface to Microsoft Access in a Micro Focus Enterprise Server environment.
aiedmk01 This program executes a routine that uses the Edit and Mark or EDMK Instruction to prepare a numeric value that is stored in a Packed-Decimal format to be used in a review process that requires human observation. A HEX-Dump routine is used to display the memory used by the program. The assembler program is written in IBM Mainframe Assembler, it will compile using Assembler/H or HLASM. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS or ZOS batch job on an IBM Mainframe System or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a Windows System.
ailh0001 perform functional testing of the Load Halfword (LH) instruction. The results of the functional testing will be written to a user log file. The content of the affected General Purpose registers will be presented using hexadecimal notation.
aistcm01 This 370 Assembler program provides different techniques for using the RS Format of the Store Characters under Mask (STCM) Instruction. The assembler program is written in IBM Mainframe Assembler, it will compile using Assembler/H or HLASM. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM Mainframe System or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a Windows System.
aisub001 This 370 Assembler program provides different techniques for using the RX Format of the Subtract Instruction. The assembler program is written in IBM Mainframe Assembler, it will compile using Assembler/H or HLASM. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM Mainframe System or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a Windows System.
aitr0001 This program executes a routine that use the TR Instruction to convert a string of lower case characters to upper case. A HEX-Dump routine is used to display the memory used by the program. The assembler program is written in IBM Mainframe Assembler, it will compile using Assembler/H or HLASM. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM Mainframe System or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a Windows System.
alocat01 Override a physical file location with Micro Focus Enterprise Server
altinc01 This is a Utility Program to scan COBOL source code and replace the -INC statements with standard COBOL Copy Statements.
altincb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
altincb2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
altincb3 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
altksdb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
ap2upd1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
apdupe01 This test case will execute a cobol program that will describe and demonstrate the use of the GO TO DEPENDING ON function of the COBOL Programming language.
aphtml01 Source Code Identification or Member Typing with Member Counts and Lines of Code.
aphtmmdl Source Code Identification of Member Type based on programming language with Member Counts and Lines of Code.
aplmig01 A discussion of the process and tasks involved when moving of all the components of an application from an existing system to a new system and obtaining the same business results. The term Application Migration may be defined as the moving or deploying of all the components of an application from an existing system to a new system and obtaining the same business results.
apload01 Describes how to Define an Application Properties Repository and Populate with Validated Source Information.
apmast01 Describes the structure and properties of an Application Properties Repository. This will include the physical structure of the Data Set and the Record Format.
apmastb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
appevo01 This document provides an overview of a application life cycle that includes the structure and process for promoting through the Development, Testing and Production phases.
applbldl Describe and demonstrate the technical notes and tasks that are created and implemented during an application migration between an IBM Mainframe and a Linux, UNIX or Windows system.
applsupp Micro Focus Enterprise Server and a focus on the application and system support requirements.
apxrefb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
asc2ebc1 A conversion or translation chart or table for ASCII, EBCDIC, Binary, bit, hex, hexadecimal, decimal or text. Includes alternate codes for the currency symbols (dollar sign, British Pound and Japanese Yen), the umlaut, acute, grave, circumflex, tilde, Copyright and Trademark.
asm4wto1 A discussion and samples of mainframe assembler coding techniques for the Write To Operator (WTO) macro. The program is written in IBM Mainframe Assembler, it will compile using Assembler/H or HLASM. This suite of programs, both source code and documentation are included in a zip file for easy downloading.
asmaat01 This is a very simple example of a mainframe assembler program. It simply sets the return code to zero and returns to caller. The assembler program is written in IBM Mainframe Assembler, it will compile using Assembler/H or HLASM. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM Mainframe System or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on windows System.
asmahome Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about High Level Assembler (HLASM). This is the Home page.
asmalink The SIMOTIME Data Management Facilies are a suite of job scripts and programs that perform data file transfer, convert, validate, compare, review and summarizing.
asmalt01 IBM Mainframe, High, Level, Assembler (HLASM) Alternatives when Migrating an Application to a distributed or open system such as Windows, UNIX or Linux.
asmapg10 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about High Level Assembler (HLASM). This page contains information for Application Migration & System Preparation (1 of 2).
asmapg11 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about High Level Assembler (HLASM). This page contains information for Application Migration & System Preparation (1 of 2).
asmapg20 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about High Level Assembler (HLASM). This page contains information for Application Migration & System Preparation (1 of 2).
asmaquit Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about High Level Assembler (HLASM). This is the Home page.
asmasm01 This suite of programs provides an example of how a mainframe assembler program calls a mainframe assembler (HLASM) routine. The assembler programs are written in IBM Mainframe Assembler, it will compile using Assembler/H or HLASM. A suite of JCL members is provided to run the jobs as as ZOS or MVS batch jobs on an IBM Mainframe System. Also, the jobs have been tested on a Windows System with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) and Enterprise Developer with the Mainframe sub-system option enabled.
asmbch01 A reference for the extended mnemonics for the branch instructions for mainframe assembler programming or coding techniques.
asmbit01 An example of how a COBOL program calls an Assembler routine to do Bit level processing. Testing for a bit setting or resetting a bit within a byte. The COBOL program is written using the COBOL/2 dialect and the Assembler is written using IBM HLASM. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM Mainframe System or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a Windows System.
asmcbl01 This suite of programs provides an example of how a High Level Assembler (HLASM) program calls a COBOL program. The assembler program is written using an IBM Mainframe Assembler dialect (HLASM). The HLASM program will compile using Assembler/H or HLASM. A JCL member is provided to run the job as a batch job on an IBM Mainframe System with ZOS or as a batch job on a Windows System with Micro Focus Enterprise Developer.
asmins01 This document is intended to be used as a quick reference for the IBM Mainframe Assembler programmer using HLASM (High Level Assembler) or Assembler/H. The focus is on the 360 and 370 problem-state, non-floating point instructions running in an MVS or ZOS environment. The programs may be compiled and executed on an IBM Mainframe System or a Windows System with Micro Focus Enterprise Developer.
asmmbr01 The code structure diagram was created by scanning the Assembler source code members that are used to create an executable Mainframe Assembler program. The objective is to identify the source member dependencies that include macro and copy files.
asmmf101 An introduction to the installation, configuration and usage of mainframe assembler capability on a Windows System using Micro Focus technology and Enterprise Developer.
asmmix01 This suite of programs provides an example of how a mainframe COBOL program can call a Mainframe Assembler program that is a composite link of multiple Assembler members. The assembler programs are written in IBM Mainframe Assembler, they will compile using Assembler/H or HLASM or Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a Windows System.
asmo2cbl This program generates programs or COBOL Source Code that may be used to access non-relational data files and VSAM data sets.
asmogenr An example of how to create a non-executable member from Assembler Source Code for the Micro Focus Studio and Server environments running in EBCDIC or ASCII. The source code may contain define constants, Define Storage, DC, DS, Equates, EQU or ORG statements.
asmogsys This member provides functional specifications by example of the advanced functions of the HTMGENER program that generates HTML documents from specifications in an Excel Spreadsheet.
asmr1401 This is a very simple example of a mainframe assembler program. It simply sets the return code to zero and returns to caller. The assembler program is written in IBM Mainframe Assembler, it will compile using Assembler/H or HLASM. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM Mainframe System or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on windows System.
asmsdirs This is the Library (or Folder) structure for the Mainframe Assembler programmers that manage and compile source code for the SIMOSAM1 Library of Assembler Programs and Documents. The SIMOSAM1 Library (or Directory) is the foundation for the Mainframe System Model that executes on a Windows System with Micro Focus Enterprise Developer.
asmtrixs A discussion and examples of mainframe assembler (HLASM) programming or coding techniques. This document may be used as a tutorial for new assembler programmers or as a quick reference for experienced programmers.
aspeek01 The ASPEEKA1 routine (or callable program) will access a user defined binary string of data and create a text string of data in a hex-decimal notation format that may be displayed or used in a review process that requires human observation.
astn8001 Read a sequential file that contains 80 byte, fixed length records. Calculate a record count and accumulate summary totals for the numeric fields that are defined as Binary, Packed Decimal or Zoned Decimal.
bannerb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
basicsu1 A description of a quick acquisition and payment process for small services requirements.
bchmrk01 An example of how to track and document the elapsed times of the tasks within a batch application.
bdscript This is an example of Windows Command Files that will do a scripted build of an application that has been moved from an IBM Mainframe to a Windows environment with Micro Focus.
behaveb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
bflagsb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
binbit01 This is an example of a COBOL program that shows how to create, define, access or process tables or text strings that contain binary values.
byte8001 Convert a mainframe record sequential file to a line sequential file (or ASCII/Text) with a comma separated values (or CSV) format.
byte80b1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
callam01 Describe and demonstrate program examples the define or declare external variables using COBOL with Procedure Pointers and External Data Items. The sample COBOL programs continue to execute on a Mainframe System and have been copied, compiled and executed on a Linux, UNIX and Windows System with Micro Focus.
casecr01 An example of how a COBOL program does case conversion. The example shows simple conversion between upper and lower case plus capitalization and editing of specific words within a text string. The COBOL programs are written using the COBOL/2 dialect. A JCL member is provided to run the job as a ZOS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
casevary This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
catext05 The suite of programs will extract information from the Micro Focus catalog and write CSV formatted records to an ASCII/Text file.
catgdg01 Identify Generation Data Groups and create entries in the Micro Focus Catalog.
catpds01 Identify Partitioned Data Sets and create entries in the Micro Focus Catalog.
catpop01 An example of how to populate a catalog for the Micro Focus Server.
catpopb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
catseq01 Identify the record sequential files and create entries in the Micro Focus Catalog.
catvsm01 Identify VSAM data sets and create entries in the Micro Focus Catalog.
cbl_cprs80c1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcka2ec1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcka2er1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcke2ac1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcke2ar1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tckextc1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tckextr1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tckhexc1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tckimpc1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tckimpr1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tckksdc5 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tckksdc8 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tckpekc1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tckpekr1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tckshxc1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcktotc1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcktotc2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcktotc6 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcktotr1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcktotr2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcktotr6 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcna2ec1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcna2er1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcncl1c1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcncp1c1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcncp3c3 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcne2ac1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcne2ar1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcnextc1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcnextr1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcnhexc1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcnimpc1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcnimpr1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcnksdc5 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcnksdc8 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcnpekc1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcnpekr1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcntotc1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcntotc2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcntotc6 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcntotr1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcntotr2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcntotr6 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcpa2ec2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcpa2er2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcpe2ac2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcpe2ar2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcpeekc1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcpextc2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcpextr2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcphx4c2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcpimpc2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcpimpr2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcppekc2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbl_tcppekr2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cblalt01 This example includes a suite of COBOL programs and JCL that will produce a VSAM, Keyed Sequential Data Set (i.e. KSDS) with alternate indexes or alternate record keys (AIX). IDCAMS is used to create the file and COBOL is used to load or populate the file.
cblasm01 This suite of programs provides an example of how a mainline COBOL program calls a mainframe assembler (HLASM) I/O routine to access a VSAM, KSDS data set. The COBOL program is written using COBOL/2 dialect but also works with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. The assembler IO routine is written in IBM Mainframe Assembler, it will compile using Assembler/H or HLASM. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
cblasmb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cblbin01 A COBOL program and JCL member that describes and demonstrates by example the various table functions such as a table load, a standard COBOL SEARCH, a standard COBOL SEARCH ALL, a user written binary search and a user written linear search.
cblbit01 An example of how a COBOL program does Bit level processing. Testing for a bit setting or resetting a bit within a byte. The COBOL programs are written using the COBOL/2 dialect. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM Mainframe System or on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System with Micro Focus. A CMD file is provided to the job on a Windows System using Micro Focus COBOL. A Bash Script file is provided to run the job on Linux or Ubuntu using GnuCOBOL
cblbuild This document will describe the process for creating executable members from COBOL source members. The process uses Job Scipts or Batch Job Processing techniques. This process was originally created and executed on a Microsoft Windows NT2000 System with Micro Focus Net Express 3.0.
cblcat01 Describe and demonstrate an example of how to populate, list and dump a catalog for a Micro Focus Enterprise Server environment.
cblcbl01 This suite of programs provides an example of how a mainline COBOL program calls a mainframe COBOL I/O module or routine to access a VSAM, KSDS data set. The COBOL programs are written using COBOL/2 dialect but also works with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A sample JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
cblcblb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cblclt01 A suite of COBOL programs that provide examples of the sorting or collating (SORT or COLLATE) sequence and the differences between EBCDIC and ASCII encoding formats and possible programming logic failures.
cblcmp01 This is an example of a COBOL program that will compare the contents of two data files at the record level and by position within the record.
cblcrd01 This is an example of a COBOL program that will produce a comma delimited file without the leading and trailing spaces within the fields.
cblcsv01 Convert a file with a record structure that uses a row and column format to an ASCII encoded file with a record structure that uses a Comma Separated Value or CSV format. This test case is an example of a set of COBOL programs that will produce a comma (tab, semicolon or other character) delimited file without the leading and trailing spaces within the fields. The programs have been tested on an IBM Mainframe System, a Windows system with Micro Focus COBOL and a Linux System with GnuCOBOL.
cblcsv02 Convert an ASCII encoded file with a record structure that uses a
cbldat01 A COBOL coded program example of how to convert, edit, validate and format a date field.
cblday01 This suite of programs provides an example of calculating the number-of-days difference between two dates.
cbldayb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbldfc01 An example of how COBOL programs do file conversion. The example provides ASCII EBCDIC conversion, case conversion techniques and file format conversion. Examples of IBM Mainframe data conversions between ASCII Text, Sequential, QSAM, Indexed, VSAM, KSDS using fixed or variable length records with a fixed field or comma delimited record structure are included.
cbldfcb2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cbldia01 This page briefly describes some of the COBOL dialect differences and some COBOL syntax examples.
cble2a01 An example of how COBOL programs do file conversion. The example provides ASCII EBCDIC conversion and case conversion techniques.
cblenv01 How to SET or GET an environment variable from within a Micro Focus process using a COBOL program.
cbletm01 This Test Case will describe and demonstrate a technique that will calculate the total execution time of the program and track the elpased time of user-defined segments of code within the program.
cblfpa01 This is an example of a COBOL program that does floating point arithmetic.
cblhbx01 An example of how a COBOL program can display a message in a hexadecimal dump or hex dump format for both ASCII and EBCDIC data strings.
cblivp01 A very simple COBOL program that displays a message to the screen.
cbljus01 A COBOL programming example of how to center, right or left justify a text string within a character field. This sample includes the source code for executing on an IBM Mainframe System or a Windows System with Micro Focus Server using COBOL.
cbllog01 This member provides an example of how to post or write a message to a user-defined log file.
cblmem01 An example of how a COBOL program can display a message in a hexadecimal dump or hex dump format for both ASCII and EBCDIC data strings.
cblnum01 An example of how a COBOL program does testing and scanning of a field for a numeric value. It describes how to do an arithmetic compare of two numeric values. The COBOL program is written using COBOL/2 dialect but also works with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS or ZOS batch job on an IBM Mainframe System or a Linux, UNIX or Windows System with Micro Focus.
cblpar01 Describe or explain how to pass a parameter string or variable from JCL to COBOL via the LINKAGE section or the ACCEPT statement. Included are examples of using the PARM= and SYSIN functions to pass text strings, variables or multiple records from SYSIN.
cblprt01 This suite of programs provides an example of how a COBOL program can be used to scan a text string and replace the non-display or non-printable characters with spaces prior to printing or displaying. This has the result of removing non-printable characters from the text string.
cblqsm01 This program example describes how a mainline COBOL program calls a COBOL I/O routine to access a QSAM or Sequential file. The COBOL programs are written using COBOL/2 dialect but also works with COBOL for OS390. A sample JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM Mainframe System with ZOS or a Linux, UNIX or Windows System with Micro Focus Enterprise Server or Studio. Command files are provided for running with Net Express or Application Servers.
cblqsm03 This program provides an example of how a single COBOL program can access a QSAM file for sequential processing. The COBOL program is written using COBOL/2 dialect but also works with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
cblraz01 A COBOL program example of how to do a right adjust or right justify of a numeric value within a text field and zero fill the left most (or high order) bytes with leading zeroes. Also provides an erase to End Of Field after the first space character is encountered. The programs in this test case may be compiled and executed on an IBM Mainframe System, a Windows System or a Linux System.
cblrep01 This example will show how to scan a field and replace or convert a text string within a field with a text string value of a different length by extending the functionality provided by the COBOL inspect statement using the replacing or converting format. A JCL member is provided to run the job as a ZOS batch job on an IBM Mainframe System or as a project with Micro Focus Enterprise Developer running on a Windows System. A CMD member is provided to run the job with Micro Focus Net Express running on a Windows System. A Bash Script File is provided to run the job on a Linux or UNIX System and GnuCOBOL
cblrmp01 This suite of programs provides an example of how a COBOL program can parse a data string using a space character or other character as a delimiter. A new field is created with the leading and trailing spaces removed, a truncate or trim function, and the embedded, multiple spaces will be replaced with a single space. This example uses COBOL reference modification and is an alternative to using the STRING and UNSTRING statements.
cblrtn01 This COBOL example will show how to convert the two byte file status code that may contain binary data to a four byte numeric value that may be displayed.
cblsrt01 A COBOL programming example of how to create and access data files with variable length records. This sample includes the source code for executing on a PC with Micro Focus COBOL.
cblsrtb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cblstr01 This program suite provides an example of how a COBOL program can parse a data string containing a street address and produce a new data string with an edited street address (i.e. case formatting and word substation). Also, the program identifies a Post Office Box address.
cblsub01 An example for submitting a second job (or JCL Member) to the Mainframe internal reader or INTRDR from within a COBOL Program executing from a JCL Member.
cbltbl01 This is an example of a COBOL program that does table processing. A table will be loaded, sorted and accessed.
cbltrx01 This suite of programs shows various COBOL coding techniques to perform tasks or provide function that may be considered outside the primary business processing requirements.
cbltxn01 This suite of programs provides an example of a COBOL program calling a COBOL conversion routine to convert digits or numeric values to a currency text string or english-oriented text string of words for display or print. The COBOL sample programs are written using the COBOL/2 dialect. The COBOL programs will run on an IBM Mainframe and on Windows or UNIX using Micro Focus COBOL.
cblv8001 A COBOL programming example of how to create and access data files with variable length records. This sample includes the source code to compile and execute on an IBM Mainframe System or a Linux, UNIX or Windows System with Micro Focus COBOL. The example uses standard SELECT and FD statements with recording mode syntax.
cblvlr01 A COBOL programming example of how to create and access data files with variable length records. This sample includes the source code for executing on a Windows System with Micro Focus COBOL.
cblvlrc1 A COBOL program that compares two ASCII/Text files on a record by record basis. For this program the maximum length of the records to be compared is 80 characters.
cblvlrc2 A COBOL program that converts a record sequential file with 80 bytes fixed length records to a mainframe (or ZOS) formatted sequential file with variable length records with the size varying from 4 to 32,760 bytes.
cblvlrc3 A COBOL program that converts a mainframe (or ZOS) formatted sequential file with variable length records with the size varying from 4 to 32,760 bytes to a Micro Focus Sequential file with variable length records.
cblvlrc4 A COBOL program that converts a mainframe (or ZOS) formatted sequential file with variable length records with the size varying from 4 to 32,760 bytes to a Micro Focus Sequential file with variable length records.
cblvlrc5 A COBOL that converts a Mainframe (or ZOS) formatted sequential file with variable length records with the size varying from 4 to 32,760 bytes to a Micro Focus Record Sequential file with fixed length records with a record size of 80 bytes.
cblvlrc6 A COBOL that converts a Mainframe (or ZOS) formatted sequential file with variable length records with the size varying from 4 to 32,760 bytes to a Micro Focus Record Sequential file with fixed length records with a record size of 80 bytes.
cblvlrc7 A COBOL that converts a Micro Focus formatted sequential file with variable length records with the size varying from 4 to 32,760 bytes to a Micro Focus Record Sequential file with a maximum record size of 80 bytes.
cblvsm01 This program provides an example of how a COBOL program can access a VSAM, KSDS data set. The COBOL program is written using COBOL/2 dialect but also works with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a Windows System. A Command File is provided to run the job on a Windows System using Micro Focus COBOL Technology. A Bash Shell Script is provided to run the job on a Linux System using GnuCOBOL from SourceForge.
cbsnap01 Dump and display the content of user items that are defined in the COBOL WORKING STORAGE section.
cbsort01 This test case will describe and demonstrate by example how to use a COBOL program to call the sort program to re-sequence a data file.
cbtrak01 This member provides an example of how to call the SimoTRAK program that will post the point of interest in a program and the elapsed time between this call, the prior call and the first call.
cbwait01 How to execute a WAIT or SLEEP function from JCL or a COBOL program using Micro Focus Enterprise Server and the CBL_THREAD_SLEEP. This function will cause a delay in processing for the amount of time specifed by the user.
ccsrdr01 Submit a batch job via JCL to the JES Internal Reader or INTRDR from a CICS program using EXEC CICS SPOOL. A MVS, ZOS or Micro Focus example using Enterprise Server.
ceeigzct This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
char80b1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
chatmats The SIMOTIME Data Management Facilies are a suite of job scripts and programs that perform data file transfer, convert, validate, compare, review and summarizing.
chstcq01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
chstsq01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
ci2inq1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cicsaf01 This is an example of a CICS Menu Screen or BMS with a COBOL Program using command level CICS.
cicsap01 This is an example of a CICS Program that manages a VSAM, KSDS containing information about application source members.
cicscm01 This is a CICS program to do Inquiry and Update Functions for the Customer Master File
cicsfm01 This is an example of a CICS Menu Screen or BMS with a COBOL Program using command level CICS.
cicsfp01 This is an example of a CICS Program that manages a VSAM, KSDS containing information about data files (characteristics or properties) used by a mainframe application.
cicsfs01 This is an example of a CICS program that accesses a VSAM, KSDS containing brief descriptions about the cause of a file status return code.
cicshx01 This is an example of a CICS COBOL program that does File Access and shows the content of a selected record in a VSAM, KSDS in hexadecimal or Hex-format (Dump) on a 3270 display device using a BMS screen.
cicshx03 This is an example of a CICS File Management Application that shows the content of a selected record in a VSAM, KSDS in Hex-format (Dump) an EBCDIC format and an ASCII format. A record may be viewed or patched (updated).
cicsim01 This is a CICS program to do Inquiry and Update Functions for the Item Master File
cicsmn01 This is an example of a CICS Menu Screen or BMS with a COBOL Program using command level CICS.
cicsn101 This is an example of a COBOL program that will produce a comma delimited file without the leading and trailing spaces within the fields.
cicsrm01 This is an example of a CICS Menu Screen or BMS with a COBOL Program using command level CICS. The menu items provide links to CICS programs that access a relational data base table that may be managed by DB/2, SQL Server, Oracle or ODBC.
cicsst01 This is an example of a COBOL program that will produce a comma delimited file without the leading and trailing spaces within the fields.
cicsum01 This is an example of a CICS Menu Screen or BMS with a COBOL Program using command level CICS.
ciedmk01 This Job executes a COBOL routine that performs the same function as the IBM Edit and Mark or EDMK Instruction. This function will prepare a numeric value that is stored in a Packed-Decimal format to be used in a review process that requires human observation. A HEX-Dump routine is used to display the memory used by the program. The programs are written in COBOL and initially tested on a Windows System with Micro Focus COBOL. The COBOL programs are ANSI85 and may be transferred to a LINUX or IBM Mainframe System and then compiled and executed.
cmd_a1nbpzw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_a1nbpzw8 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_accessw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_adm1_genr_cbl_to_html_loop This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_adm1_genr_csv2htm_userdocs_loop This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_adm1_genr_csv2htm_userdocs_once This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_adm1_genr_sysout_to_html_loop This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_adm1_genr_txt_to_html_loop This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_adm1_genr_txt_to_inc_loop This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_admfmtw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_admimpw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_bj_set_go_bldl_test_data This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_bj_set_go_full_test_case This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_bj_set_go_prep_001 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_bj_set_go_tcne2aw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_bj_set_go_tcnhxaw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_bj_set_go_tcnpekw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_bj_set_n_go_bldl_test_data This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_bj_set_n_go_group_001 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_bj_set_n_go_group_002 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_bj_set_n_go_tcne2aw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_bj_set_n_go_tcnhxaw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_bj_set_n_go_tcnpekw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_bsda2ew1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bsde2aw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bsdextw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bsdfdsw3 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_bsdhxdw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bsdhxdw6 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_bsdimpw2 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bsdneww8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bsma2ew1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bsme2aw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bsmextw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bsmfdsw3 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_bsmhxdw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bsmimpw2 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bsmneww8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bswa2ew1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bswe2aw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bswextw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bswhxdw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bswimpw2 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bswneww8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_buda2ew1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bude2aw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_budextw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_budhxdw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_budimpw2 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_budneww8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_buma2ew1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bume2aw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bumextw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bumhxdw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bumimpw2 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bumneww8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_buwa2ew1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_buwe2aw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_buwextw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_buwhxdw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_buwimpw2 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_buwneww8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_bx_neww8 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_cbbatae1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_cbprepw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_cbut1ae1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_cbut2ae1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_ciohexw3 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_flds_tcnbrs01_cpy2flds_expo This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_flds_tcnbrs01_cpy2flds_impo This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_flds_tcnbrs01_cpy2flds_peek This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_flds_tcnbrs01_cpy2flds_tots This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_hex_tcnbrsd1_asc Message Posting of Text Strings
cmd_hex_tcnbrsd1_ebc Message Posting of Text Strings
cmd_hex_tcnbrsd2_asc Message Posting of Text Strings
cmd_hex_tcnbrsd2_ebc Message Posting of Text Strings
cmd_nvrtbnw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_nvrtpdw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_nvrtzdw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_prep_tcnbrs01_csv2pcf_comp_loop This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_prep_tcnbrs01_csv2pcf_conv_loop This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_prep_tcnbrs01_csv2pcf_revu_loop This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_prep_tcnbrs01_csv2pcf_tots_loop This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_prep_tcnbrs01_pcf2cbl_comp_loop This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_prep_tcnbrs01_pcf2cbl_conv_loop This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_prep_tcnbrs01_pcf2cbl_revu_loop This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_prep_tcnbrs01_pcf2cbl_tots_loop This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_psda2ew1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_psde2aw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_psdextw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_psdhxdw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_psdimpw2 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_psdneww8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_psma2ew1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_psmcl1k1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_psmcl1k4 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_psmcl1w4 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_psmcp1w4 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_psmcp3w1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_psme2aw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_psmextw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_psmextw5 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_psmfdsw3 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_psmhxdw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_psmhxdw6 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_psmimpw2 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_psmimpw5 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_psmneww8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_psmpekw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_psmpekw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_psmtotw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_psmtotw4 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_psmzapw4 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_pswa2ew1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_pswe2aw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_pswextw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_pswhxdw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_pswimpw2 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_pswneww8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_puda2ew1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_pude2aw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_pudextw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_pudhxdw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_pudimpw2 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_pudneww8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_puma2ew1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_pume2aw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_pumextw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_pumhxdw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_pumimpw2 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_pumneww8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_puwa2ew1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_puwe2aw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_puwextw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_puwhxdw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_puwimpw2 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_puwneww8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_px_neww8 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_strs_datafmts_cpy2html_recl_strs This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_sysluser_ Message Posting of Text Strings
cmd_sysluser_tcncl1w1 Message Posting of Text Strings
cmd_sysluser_tcncl1w9 Message Posting of Text Strings
cmd_sysluser_tcncp1w1 Message Posting of Text Strings
cmd_sysluser_tcncp1w9 Message Posting of Text Strings
cmd_sysout_tcna2ew2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_sysout_tcncl1w1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_sysout_tcncl1w9 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_sysout_tcncp1w1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_sysout_tcncp1w9 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_sysout_tcne2aw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_sysout_tcnextw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_sysout_tcnhxaw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_sysout_tcnhxaw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_sysout_tcnhxew1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_sysout_tcnhxew2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_sysout_tcnimpw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_sysout_tcnpekw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_sysout_tcnpekw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_sysout_tcntotw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_sysout_tcntotw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcke2aw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tckhxaw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tckhxew1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tckimpw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tckksdw8 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tckpekw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tckpkaw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tckpkew1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcktotw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcktotw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcktotw6 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcktotw9 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tckzapw9 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcna2ew2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcnbrsrb This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcncl1w1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcncl1w9 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcncp1w1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcncp1w9 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcne2aw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcnextw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcnhxaw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcnhxaw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcnhxew1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcnhxew2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcnimpw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcnimpw3 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcnksdw8 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcnpekw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcnpekw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcnpekw9 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcntotw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcntotw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcntotw3 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcntotw6 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcntotw9 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcnzapw9 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcpa2ew2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcpcpew2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcpe2aw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcpeekw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcpextw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcphx4w2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcpimpw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_tcppekw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_zcpy2fld This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_zcpy2htm This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_zfigprep This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_zjobexec This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_zpcf2cbl This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_zpcf2tot This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_zsda2ew1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zsde2aw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zsdextw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zsdfdsw3 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_zsdhxdw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zsdimpw2 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zsdneww8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zsma2ew1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zsme2aw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zsmextw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zsmfdsw3 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cmd_zsmhxdw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zsmimpw2 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zsmneww8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zswa2ew1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zswe2aw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zswextw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zswhxdw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zswimpw2 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zswneww8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zuda2ew1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zude2aw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zudextw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zudhxdw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zudimpw2 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zudimpw8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zudneww8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zuma2ew1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zume2aw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zumextw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zumextw8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zumhxdw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zumimpw2 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zumimpw8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zumneww8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zuwa2ew1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zuwe2aw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zuwextw1 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zuwhxdw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zuwimpw2 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zuwimpw8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zuwneww8 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cmd_zx_neww8 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
compgnit This procedure will generate the COBOL source code that will compare two data files. The records contain packed and binary data. The generated program may be compiled and executed on an IBM mainframe (z/OS or VSE) and a Windows or UNIX platform with Micro Focus COBOL.
compgvit This document explains how to validate or view the source code generated to compare two Item Master files.
concat01 Describe and demonstrate how to concatenate the records from two (2) data files using a JCL member with Utility Programs and COBOL. This set of programs and JCL will run on a ZOS Mainframe System or a Windows, Linux or UNIX System with Micro Focus.
copy0133 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cp051201 An example of how to Compare Selected Positions within Records for a Sequential File and a VSAM, KSDS.
cp80rsc3 This program will compare 80 byte records within two data files using matching record logic.
cpbyte01 This test case was used to evaluate the feasibility of using a single COBOL program to compare the content of two non-relational data structures of unknown origin. The idea was to access the data as sequential files containing one-byte records.
cpdirx01 This document describes a process that will compare the content of two (2) directory structures and their associated sub-directories. The methodology will create a directory listing for each of the directory structures. The listing files are then reformatted and sorted prior the to compare and tracking of added or deleted members within the directory structures.
cpls4k01 A sample COBOL program to compare two line sequential or ASCII/Text files. The program may be compiled and executed on a Window, UNIX or Linux System with Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
cpls8001 A sample COBOL program to compare two line sequential (or ASCII/Text) files with a maximum record length of 80 bytes. The program may be compiled and executed on a Window, UNIX or Linux System with Micro Focus Cobol or GnuCOBOL.
cplseq08 A Windows Command File or Job Script that is used to create test files.
cprs8001 A sample COBOL program to compare two sequential files with 80 byte records. The program may be compiled and executed on an IBM Mainframe System or a Window, UNIX or Linux System with Micro Focus.
cpsout01 A sample COBOL program to compare two line sequential or ASCII/Text files. The program may be compiled and executed on a Window, UNIX or Linux System with Micro Focus.
cptots01 A description of how to compare two SYSOUT files that are configured as Line Sequential with 121 byte records and contain user-defined summary totals and record counts.
cpy_tcpr80b2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cpyrep01 This is an example of a COBOL program that uses copy files with the replacing function.
cpyrepb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cq2upd01 This is a CICS program to do read, fetch, update and insert Functions for the Customer Data Base using embedded EXEC CICS and EXEC SQL statements.
cq2upd1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cqhold1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
crtn8008 This job will execute a program that will read an existing line sequential file with a record structure that uses a CSV (Comma Separated Values) format. Next, the primary program will call a second program to convert or translate the record content from CSV to FFL (Fixed Field Length) format. Next, the primary program will write the record to a new record sequential file. The first COBOL program does the file Input and Output and calls a second COBOL program to do the record content conversion. Each record in the Output file is a data structure that contains a mixture of binary, numeric and text strings.
csdfct01 This is an example of a utility program to extract FCT information from the Micro Focus DFHDRDAT file and post to a CSV file.
csdfct82 Describe how to update the FCT entries in the DFHDRDAT File for a Micro Focus Enterprise Server configuration.
csdfctb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
csdpct01 This is an example of a utility program to extract PCT information from the Micro Focus DFHDRDAT file and post to a CSV file.
csv_pd_sgn_user_data_n2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
csv_tcnbrsd2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cu2inq01 This is an example of a CICS Inquiry Screen or BMS with a COBOL Program using command level CICS.
cu2inq1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cu2seqb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cu2upd01 This is an example of a CICS Menu Screen or BMS with a COBOL Program using command level CICS.
cu2upd1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cu80qa01 This Test Case includes job scripts and programs that describe and demonstrate the use of file access methods used by SimoTime. The programs describe and demonstrate a variety of data file accessing and data management techniques. Techniques for accessing, analyzing, viewing, converting or comparing data files of known and unknown structure and content are included. The viewing
cudump01 This utility program will create a Hexadecimal dump (or HEXDUMP) of user-defined records in the Customer Master VSAM, Key Sequenced Data Set (KSDS). The Dump information is written to a SimoTime Log File.
cudump1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cuduox01 How to generate, compile and execute a COBOL program that will compare the records in two VSAM data sets. The positions within the records to be compared are defined by the user at execution time by using a control file.
cuhexk03 This generated COBOL program will create a Hexadecimal dump (or HEX-DUMP) of user-defined records in the Customer Master File. This file is a VSAM, Key Sequenced Data Set (KSDS). The dump information is written to a user-defined file. This program will compile and execute on a Mainframe, Linux, UNIX or Windows System.
cumast01 This is an example of a COBOL program that will produce a Customer Master File. The file format produced is a VSAM, KSDS or a Micro Focus Indexed File.
cumend1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cumktx01 An example of how to generate, compile and execute a file conversion process that uses a set of COBOL programs to do the File-Format and Record Content conversion from an ASCII-encoded Indexed file with a fixed-length-field record structure with COMP and COMP-3 numeric formats to an ASCII/Text file with a record structure that contains fixed-length-fields of all text.
cup30301 Use a COBOL program to Compare selected positions within the records of two VSAM KSDS.
cup303x1 COBOL Source Code for a Data File Compare Program.
cup303x2 COBOL Source Code for a Data File Compare Program.
cuqacc01 This document describes how to configure an ODBC Driver and then create and process a Microsoft Access Database using the ODBC Driver with Micro Focus COBOL and embedded SQL Statements.
cuqcp101 An example of using embedded SQL in a COBOL program to sequentially process a table within a relational data base. This example uses cursor processing and the FETCH to sequentially access multiple rows within a table.
cuqct101 An example of using embedded SQL to create a table in a relational data base model.
cuqdt101 An example of how to delete or drop a table within a relational data base.
cuqin101 An example of inserting a row into a table in a relational data base model. This example uses embedded SQL in a COBOL program to insert a row.
cuqrdb01 An example of reading a VSAM Key sequenced data set or KSDS and inserting records into a relational data base table.
cuqup101 An example of updating and existing row or inserting a new row into a table in a relational data base model. This example uses embedded SQL in a COBOL program to update or insert a row.
cureka01 This is an example of a COBOL program that does Data File Conversion. The convert process will read an EBCDIC encoded, Record Sequential file and produce an ASCII encoded VSAM, KSDS. This program will compile and execute on a Mainframe, Linux, UNIX or Windows System.
cuscl101 An example of how to do a Logical Compare of Selected Positions within Records for a Sequential File and a VSAM, KSDS. A Logical compare will do a compare based on byte content and a compare based on the ASCII or EBCDIC symbol.
cuscp101 The requirement for this Test Case is to create data file compare programs that will compare two VSAM, KSDS's or Indexed Files. The compare programs have the capability of comparing the full record content or a segment of data within a record
cuse2a01 This is an example of a COBOL program that will read an EBCDIC encoded VSAM, KSDS file with text, binary and packed data and produce an ASCII encoded VSAM, KSDS.
cusext01 Thiss test case will describe and demonstrate how to Convert a Fixed-Field-Length Record Structure to a Comma-Separated-Values Record Structure. This technique is used to extract data from a VSAM, Key-Sequenced-Data-Set (KSDS) with a record structure that uses fixed-length fields. The new CSV format may be easily loaded into an Excel spread sheet or relational data table.
cusimp01 This test case will describe and demonstrate how to Convert a Comma-Separated-Values Record Structure to a Fixed-Field-Length Record Structure. This technique may be used to import data into a VSAM, Key-Sequenced-Data-Set (KSDS) with a record structure that uses fixed-length fields and may contain numeric values stored in a packed-decimal or binary format. The CSV formatted file may been accessed by Microsoft Excel or used as input into a relational data base.
cusmk108 How to create, modify and monitor changes to the customer master file during Quality Assurance Testing or QAT.
cusnum01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cust80b1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
custcb01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
custcb02 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
custcb03 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
custch01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
custcq01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
custcq02 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
custex01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
custmast This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
custrec This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
custsq01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
custtxb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
cutest01 Create test data for a customer master file that can be used with VSAM or relational data base table
cutots01 This Job Script is used as a Quality Assurance Test for validating the integrity of numeric values that are stored within each record of a Customer Master File. The numeric values may use a Binary, Packed or Zoned Decimal format.
cv80alar A SIMOCARD Member that describes and demonstrates by example how to convert an ASCII/Text or line sequential file to an ASCII-encoded record sequential file.
cv80aler A SIMOCARD Member that describes and demonstrates by example how to convert an ASCII/Text or line sequential file to an EBCDIC-encoded record sequential file.
cv80aral A SIMOCARD Member that describes and demonstrates by example how to convert an ASCII-encoded record sequential file to an ASCII/Text file.
cv80arer A SIMOCARD Member that describes and demonstrates by example how to convert an ASCII-encoded record sequential file to an EBCDIC-encoded record sequential file.
cv80eral A SIMOCARD Member that describes and demonstrates by example how to convert an EBCDIC-encoded record sequential file to an ASCII/Text file.
cv80erar A SIMOCARD Member that describes and demonstrates by example how to convert an EBCDIC-encoded record sequential file to an ASCII-encoded record sequential file .
cvn25601 A data file with records containing text strings and numeric fields (Binary, Packed-Decimal and Zoned Decimal) will be converted between EBCDIC and ASCII while maintaining mainframe numeric integrity. The sample programs will show techniques for displaying a record in a hexadecimal dump format.
cvtestb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
d80hxr01 This utility program will create a Hexadecimal dump (or HEXDUMP) of user-defined records in a Record Sequential File.
dars8001 This suite of programs and documentation will describe and demonstrate the dynamic file allocation function for the Micro Focus Studio and Server environments.
dat51201 Examples for converting record content between ASCII and EBCDIC, Describes file format conversion between ASCII/Text and Record Sequential file formats. Includes an example of expanding field sizes and record keys for indexed files.
data8001 A suite of Programs that describes and demonstrates by example how to convert the record content between ASCII and EBCDIC and how to convert the file format between ASCII/Text and Record Sequential file formats using 80 byte record images.
data80b1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
databn01 This is a data description and discussion about the format and size of Binary or COMP (i.e. USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL) fields used on an IBM Mainframe System, or a Micro Focus environment using COBOL or HLASM. This numeric format is supported using GnuCOBOL. The focus is on the usage of the COBOL PIC 9 COMP syntax. A description of the Big Endian and Little Endian formats is included.
datadirs This is the directory structure for the non-Relational Data for the Mainframe System Model and Data Management that executes on a Windows System with Micro Focus Enterprise Server.
dataen01 This is a data overview of the edited, numeric format used on an IBM Mainframe System in an EBCDIC environment. The description and discussion includes the format for edited numeric running in an ASCII or non-mainframe environment such as Windows or UNIX. The unsigned (or implied positive) and the signed formats (with positive and negative examples) are discussed.
datagnit This procedure will generate the COBOL source code that will convert the Item Master file from EBCDIC to ASCII. The records contain packed and binary data.
datagvit This document explains how to validate or view the source code generated to convert the Item Master file.
datam101 This suite of programs provides examples of how to move, transfer or migrate data between an IBM Mainframe System and a Windows environment. The focus is on migrating data in its EBCDIC encoded format to an ASCII encoded format for Linux, UNIX or Windows Systems while maintaining mainframe numeric integrity by supporting or converting the various numeric formats used with the COBOL programming language.
datam102 This suite of programs provides an example of how a COBOL program processes a parameter string from mainframe JCL via the PARM keyword.
datapk01 This is an overview of the numeric, packed-decimal format (also referred to as a packed data, packed numeric or COMP-3 field) used on IBM Mainframe Systems in an EBCDIC environment. The description and discussion includes the format (both content and size) for packed decimal running in an ASCII or non-mainframe environment such as Linux, UNIX or Windows. The focus is on the usage of the Mainframe or Micro Focus COBOL PIC 9 USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL-3 or abbreviated as COMP-3 syntax.
datazd01 This is a data overview of the numeric, zoned decimal format used on mainframes in an EBCDIC environment. The description and discussion includes the format for zoned decimal running in an ASCII or non-mainframe environment such as Windows or UNIX. The unsigned (or implied positive) and the signed formats (with positive and negative examples) are discussed. This is the default for COBOL or may be explicitly defined with the usage is display clause. The focus is on the usage of the IBM Mainframe System or Micro Focus COBOL PIC 9 USAGE IS DISPLAY syntax.
datcom01 This is a self study course that describes how to compare two data files on a Windows or UNIX platform using generated Micro Focus COBOL with Micro Focus file formats. The generated COBOL program (source code) that is used to do the file compare may be compiled and executed on Micro Focus platforms or an IBM Mainframe, either z/OS, OS/390, MVS or VSE and used to compares VSAM data sets or QSAM files.
datcyc01 This is an example of a COBOL program that will focus on the transfer, share, convert and compare processes across multiple systems using currently available technologies.
datfmt01 An example of using IEBGENER to create a file, IDCAMS to delete, define, copy or repro a VSAM Data Set of Sequential File and a COBOL program to compare two files or data sets.
datman01 This document will focus on the validate, review, file compare and confirm processes or techniques that may be used with non-relational data structures. This includes sequential files and VSAM Data Sets with a focus on Key Sequenced Data Sets or KSDS.
datmig01 This is a self study course that describes the process and associated risk for migrating or converting a mainframe, EBCDIC encoded data file to a Micro Focus, ASCII encoded data file. This process uses a generated COBOL program that may be compiled and executed on an IBM Mainframe. It may be compiled on a Linux, UNIX or Windows using Micro Focus COBOL.
datmrt01 Convert a data file with multiple record types between EBCDIC and ASCII while maintaining mainframe numeric integrity for packed, binary and sign, zoned, decimal fields. The COBOL programs are written using the COBOL/2 dialect. A JCL member is provided to run the job as a ZOS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
datmrtb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
datmrtb2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
datmrtb3 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
datrak01 Manage an inventory of data files, data Structures and VSAM Data Sets using an open repository.
datrakb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
datrev01 This document will focus on the validate, review, file compare and confirm processes or techniques that may be used with non-relational data structures. This includes sequential files and VSAM Data Sets with a focus on Key Sequenced Data Sets or KSDS.
datshr01 This document will describe and demonstrate techniques for maintaining data integrity during a file transfer and convert process using record counts and numeric totals.
datstr01 An example of how to track and document the elapsed times of the tasks within a batch application.
datstrb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
datstrb3 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
dcmastb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
dcuguide Provides a indexed, repository of documents that are available from SimoTime.
dfabst01 This white paper provides a quick overview of data file formats and links to documents that provide detailed information for data file transfer, share, convert and compare.
dfcomp01 This white paper describes the technique for generating data validation or comparison programs or COBOL source code that will compare two data files (may be sequential or VSAM format) in a Micro Focus (Windows, UNIX or Linux) or Mainframe environment (ZOS or VSE). When a difference occurs the content of each record is displayed in hexadecimal, ASCII and EBCDIC.
dfconv01 This white paper describes the data file conversion services, technologies, and requirements when transferring, migrating or sharing data files between an IBM Mainframe and a Windows System using Micro Focus COBOL. A discussion of a file format convert (Sequential, Indexed or VSAM, KSDS) and a record content convert (fixed, variable, ascii, asc, ebcdic, ebc, binary, packed, csv) are included in the data file convert process.
dfreview A description of be various techniques for viewing or reviewing the content of a data file or a segment of memory. Techniques for presenting files or data strings in a hexadecimal format will be included. This may be very helpful if that data contains binary information.
dfsers01 This is a white paper that provides a consolidated resource of information about application migrations between Mainframe systems and Windows or UNIX systems supported by Micro Focus technologies. The concepts available may be used regardless of the direction of the migration.
dfxfer01 This white paper describes the alternates available for transferring data files between an IBM Mainframe system and a Windows system using Micro Focus technology or the File Transfer Protocol or FTP.
dir_entcobol_asc_cbl_bat This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
dir_entcobol_ebc_cbl_bat This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
dircom01 The Folder or Directory Compare Utility Program may be used to compare the contents of two different directories or to compare the contents of the same directory before and after a job has executed.
dirpil01 How to specify and use Micro Focus COBOL Compiler Directives and configuration alternatives for data file processing with the External File Handler (EXTFG.cfg).
dm2upd1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
dmgrhome The SIMOTIME Data Management Facilies are a suite of job scripts and programs that perform data file transfer, convert, validate, compare, review and summarization.
dmgrlink The SIMOTIME Data Management Facilies are a suite of job scripts and programs that perform data file transfer, convert, validate, compare, review and summarizing.
dmgrpg00 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
dmgrpg10 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
dmgrpg20 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
dmgrpg30 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
dmgrpg40 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
dmgrpg50 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
dmgrpg60 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
dmgrpg61 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
dmgrpg62 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
dmgrpg63 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
dmgrpg64 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
dmgrpg70 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
dmgrquit The SIMOTIME Data Management Facilies are a suite of job scripts and programs that perform data file transfer, convert, validate, compare, review and summarization.
dmpua101 This example uses the EXEC CICS READQ TS function to access a data table that was previously loaded as a non-Executable member. Use a Temporary Storage Queue for a Table of Addresses.
dmpua11 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
docsj001 This example describes how to use a Java Server Page (with JSP tags and HTML with JavaScript) and Java programs to call COBOL programs for business processing and access to VSAM Data Sets.
dtsyscon Dump or Write a user data string to the system console log. The format of the information will be in hexadecimal with a possible ASCII and EBCDIC display.
dxnumbb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
dxrseqb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
dynjddb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
dynreqb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
e2a25601 This is an example of a COBOL program that will read an EBCDIC encoded record sequential file and produce an ASCII encoded line sequential file.
e2acvt01 How to Convert EBC encoded text strings to ASCII encoded text strings using COBOL programs or HLASM programs that will read an EBCDIC encoded record sequential file and produce an ASCII encoded record sequential file.
e2an8001 This job will execute a program that will read a record sequential, EBCDIC-encoded file, convert or translate the record content and write to a record sequential, ASCII-encoded file while maintaining binary and numeric integrity. The first COBOL program does the file Input and Output and calls a second COBOL program to do the record content conversion between EBCDIC and ASCII. Each record in the Input file is a data structure that contains a mixture of binary, numeric and text strings or fields.
escfgb01 Provide information for configuring a JES sub-system or batch server running under Micro Focus Enterprise Server. Provide minimum catalog entries.
escfgc01 Describe how to configure a Transaction Server Instance (Online Server or CICS Region) running under Micro Focus Enterprise Server. Provide minimum catalog entries.
escfgg01 Provide information for configuring a JES sub-system and the Global Lock Manager running under Micro Focus Enterprise Server.
escfgi01 Provide information for configuring a Batch Server with IMS Support running under Micro Focus Enterprise Server.
escfgs01 Provide information for configuring XA Resources for SQL Access using embedded SQL in COBOL programs under Micro Focus Enterprise Server.
esd12801 Describe how to Delete, Define or add records to a VSAM, Entry Sequenced Data Set or ESDS.
evaltek2 A user may request an evaluation copy of the various SimoTime Technologies.
exn25601 This is an example of a COBOL program that reads a sequential file that contains records in a Fixed Field Length format and produces a sequential file with comma delimited fields within each record. The packed and binary numeric values are expanded (or converted) into a text format with an explicit decimal point and a separate sign character. This data format may be easily imported into Excel, Access or other SQL Data Bases.
ezasok01 This member provides functional specifications by example of the advanced functions of the HTMGENER program that generates HTML documents from specifications in an Excel Spreadsheet.
ezseries This is a suite of sample Windows Command files to assists with the management and use of Micro Focus Enterprise Server for Mainframe Application Migration.
filerc1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
filercb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
fncase01 A description of file naming conventions and guidelines used on a Mainframe System, a Windows System, a Linux System or a UNIX System.
forlup01 How to use a Windows batch file and the FOR command to execute a repeatable task based on a list of items in a control file.
fp2upd1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
fpdump01 This utility program will create a Hexadecimal dump (or HEXDUMP) of user-defined records in the File Properties Repository that is a VSAM, Key Sequenced Data Set (KSDS).
fphtml01 View an example of a generated HTML document (or repository) that contains the details (or properties) of the non-relational data structures used by an application.
fpload01 This suite of programs will provide the capability of building a data base of file properties (or characteristics) for the files used by an application. This includes traditional sequential files, VSAM Data Sets, Partitioned Data Sets (PDS's) and Generation Data Groups (GDG's)
fpmast01 Focus on building a repository for the non-relational data structures including traditional sequential files, VSAM Data Sets, Partitioned Data Sets (PDS's) and Generation Data Sets (GDG's).
fpmastb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
fprfflb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
ftp4cmd1 A Summary of FTP commands to download or upload files between a Mainframe and Windows System using Micro Focus.
ftpsam01 Using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) with a Scripted Batch transfer data files with fixed or variable length records
gdghub01 How to create a catalog entry for a Generation Data Group (GDG) in a Micro Focus Server environment.
gdgjob01 Identify Generation Data Groups and create entries in the Micro Focus Catalog.
gdgjob02 Create Catalog Entries for Generation Data Groups for Micro Focus Catalog.
gdgone01 This is an example of a COBOL program and JCL that will create and process a Generation Data Group or GDG on a Mainframe System with ZOS or a Linux, UNIX or Windows System with Micro Focus .
glineswp In today's world the practice of migrating and sharing data and the "processing of data" across a variety of systems has become a requirement in controlling cost, improving service levels and putting some of the control and processing functions back into the hands of the users.
global01 This is an example of a COBOL program that will produce a comma delimited file without the leading and trailing spaces within the fields.
glossary This document provides a list or glossary of terms used in the various documents provided with this suite of programs and white papers.
gnucbl01 The SimoTime Program Library contains hundreds of COBOL programs. Many of the programs were created on an IBM Mainframe System. This document described how these programs were deployed to a Linux System running Ubuntu and GnuCOBOL.
google875f5aacb80e342f. DESCRIPTION not found.
gotodo01 This test case will execute a cobol program that will describe and demonstrate the use of the GO TO DEPENDING ON function of the COBOL Programming language.
hdnotice SimoTime specialty items, technology and services.
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hex_nvzuwdd1_ebc Message Posting of Text Strings
hex_tcnbrsd1_asc Message Posting of Text Strings
hex_tcnbrsd1_ebc Message Posting of Text Strings
hex_tcnbrsd2_asc Message Posting of Text Strings
hex_tcnbrsd2_ebc Message Posting of Text Strings
hexdecb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
hexdspb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
hexn8001 This utility program will create a Hexadecimal dump (or HEXDUMP) of user-defined records in a Record Sequential File.
holddirs This is the Library (or Folder) structure for the programmers that manage and compile source code for the SIMOSAM1 Library of Programs and Documents. This folder structure serves as a holding or staging area for the load members. The SIMOSAM1 Library (or Directory) is the foundation for the Mainframe System Model that executes on a Windows System with Micro Focus Enterprise Server.
htmgener Generate an HTML Page or Document from the information provided in an Excel Work Sheet. Read the CSV or Comma Separated Values file and create a browser or Web page using HTML and advanced parsing techniques.
htmgenx1 The SimoTime HTML Template Document for basic functions of the HTMGENER program that generates HTML documents from specifications in an Excel Spreadsheet.
htmgenx2 This member provides functional specifications by example of the advanced functions of the HTMGENER program that generates HTML documents from specifications in an Excel Spreadsheet.
htmgenx3 This slide describes how to Support & Enhance User Systems & Applications that are deployed across a variety of systems with different architectures.
htmlcb01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
hx80dump This is an example of a COBOL program that will produce a HEX dump or hexadecimal display of a Sequential File of 80-Byte, fixed-length records.
hx80ks03 This utility program will create a Hexadecimal dump (or HEX-DUMP) of user-defined records contained in an indexed data structure or file. This file is a VSAM, Key Sequenced Data Set (KSDS). The dump information is written to a user-defined file.
hxn25601 This is an example of a COBOL program that will produce a HEX dump or hexadecimal display of a Sequential File of 256-Byte, fixed-length records.
idocweb1 A Listing of HTML Members in the Document Repository stored on a User-Defined Server. This may include the samples or examples available from SimoTime.
idocweb2 A Listing of HTML Members or the Document Catalog. Two links are provided. The first link is to the SimoTime Web Site via the Internet. The second link is via the Current Server.
if_cmd01 How to use a Job Script or Windows CMD file and the IF command to execute a repeatable task based on the results of the IF testing the produces a True or False value.
imsdlib1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
imsone01 This example provides a quick reference document and sample programs for the IMS Option provided by Micro Focus.
index SimoTime is a consulting, services and technologies company specializing in the integration or conversion of Mainframe legacy applications and data with Linux, UNIX or Windows (LUW) Systems. We have the people, skills and complementary technology to quickly move COBOL-oriented applications between or across Systems. We specialize in the conversion and validation of traditional data structures. We have the experience and have developed the technologies to do file format and record content conversions while maintaining the integrity of the numeric content.
indexasm The Assembler Connection provides a suite of sample IBM mainframe assembler programs describing various coding or programming techniques using Assembler/H or HLASM (High Level Assembler). The focus is primarily on the MVS or ZOS Environments.
indexcbl COBOL is an acronym for COmmon Business Oriented Language. The COBOL Connection provides a suite of test cases that were developed using the COBOL programming language. Many of the programs were created and continue to run on an IBM Mainframe System and are sometimes referred to as Legacy Systems. Many of the programs have been transferred, compiled and executed on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using Micro Focus COBOL or GnuCOBOL. This suite includes principles, tips and techniques for processing, migrating and converting data files. This information may be used as a tutorial or as reference material.
indexcic The CICS Connection provides a suite of COBOL programs, BMS Maps and documentation that show how to do practical tasks using command level CICS as the Transaction Manager. The CICS programs are written to compile and execute in the Micro Focus environment or an IBM Mainframe environment. Samples with VSAM, KSDS or relational data base access are provided.
indexjcl The JCL Connection defines a JES environment and provides links to sample or example JCL members (including source code, control statements and procedures or PROC's). The JCL (Job Control Language) members may be submitted and executed using and IBM Mainframe with ZOS and JES2 or JES3. This set of examples describes the techniques used for executing jobs on a Mainframe System with ZOS or a Linux, UNIX or Windows System with Micro Focus Enterprise Server.
indexjsp The Java/JSP Connection provides a suite of sample programs describing various coding or programming techniques using the Java Software Development Kit from Oracle/Sun. The Web Server used in this suite of programs is Apache/Tomcat.
indexmig Describe or demonstrate the details involved with Application and Data Migration or the moving of an application or data between platforms such as a Mainframe System running ZOS and a Linux, UNIX or Windows System running Micro Focus Enterprise Server. Includes practical "How-to" examples of creating application and data resiliency.
indexnum The Numbers Connection provides documentation and sample programs describing the formats and processing techniques for a variety of different numeric formats used on an IBM Mainframe or Windows, Linux or UNIX System with Micro Focus COBOL.
indexsam The VSAM and QSAM Connection provides a suite of test programs describing the processing principles and techniques used for managing VSAM Data Sets, QSAM flat sequential files or Generation Data Groups (GDG) using COBOL, Assembler and other Utility programs. Accessing techniques that may be used to create, delete, update, edite, convert or compare are included. The programming test cases, both source code and documentation are included in a zip file for easy downloading. This information may be used as a tutorial or as a reference material.
indexsql Provides examples of accessing relational data bases using embedded EXEC SQL in COBOL programs. Examples may execute on an IBM Mainframe using DB2 or a Windows, Linux or UNIX platform using Micro Focus COBOL and Microsoft SQL Server.
indextst An introduction and overview of various approaches to functional and performance testing for business applications. Describe how to test business processes and review results using data validation and file compare methodologies.
indextwo SimoTime is a consulting, services and technologies company specializing in the integration or conversion of mainframe legacy and web systems for the Internet or Intranet environments. We have the people skills and comp
intrdr01 An example for submitting a second job to the internal reader or INTRDR from within the current running job or how to submit another job thru the current job.
it2inq01 This is an example of a CICS Inquiry Screen or BMS with a COBOL Program using command level CICS.
it2inq1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
it2upd01 This is an example of a CICS Update Screen or BMS with a COBOL Program using command level CICS to update a product or item master file that is a VSAM KSDS.
it2upd1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
itcomp01 When data files are transferred or shared between systems the ability to do data file compares and data processing confirmation becomes a requirement. This document and the associated test cases will describe and demonstrate a minimum set of alternatives for the compare or confirm process.
itdump01 This is an example of a Batch COBOL program that does File Access to an Item Master File and writes the content of a selected record from the VSAM, KSDS in Hex-format (Dump) to a user-defined log file.
itemcb01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
itemcb02 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
itemcq01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
itemrdb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
itemsq01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
itmast01 This is an example of a COBOL program that will produce an Item Master File. The file format produced is a VSAM, KSDS or a Micro Focus Indexed File.
itme2a01 This is an example of a COBOL program that will read an EBCDIC encoded VSAM, KSDS file with text, binary and packed data and produce an ASCII encoded VSAM, KSDS.
itmext01 This is an example of a COBOL program that access a VSAM, KSDS and produces a sequential file with comma delimited fields within each record.
itmnum01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
itqcp101 An example of using embedded SQL in a COBOL program to sequentially process a table within a relational data base. This example uses cursor processing and the FETCH to sequentially access multiple rows within a table. The data content is Item or Product information.
itqct101 An example of using embedded SQL to create a table in a relational data base model that contains item or product information.
itqdt101 An example of how to delete or drop a table within a relational data base.
itqin101 An example of inserting a row into a table in a relational data base model. This example uses embedded SQL in a COBOL program to insert a row.
itqrdb01 An example of reading a VSAM Key Sequenced Data Set or KSDS and inserting records into a relational data base table. The data content is for product or item information.
itqup101 An example of updating and existing row or inserting a new row into a table in a relational data base model. This example uses embedded SQL in a COBOL program to update or insert a row.
ivlogs01 This suite of programs is used to test and demonstrate the function of a callable routine that will display a message to the user-defined SYSOUT device or the SYSTEM operator console. Also, the IVLOGSC2 program will write to a log file.
ivphtm01 The SimoTime HTML Template Document.
jcladv01 It is sometimes preferable to let the system assign a unique name to a temporary data set by using a double ampersand (&&) prefix with the Data Set Name (or DSN) in the DD statement.
jclalt01 This is a Utility Program to scan JCL Source Members and replace the ++INCLUDE statements with standard JCL Statements.
jclcam01 This example describes how to use a single JCL Member and IDCAMS to create VSAM Clusters with unique data set names.
jclcon01 This suite of programs provides sample conditional JCL and parameter passing to a COBOL program. The programming examples, both source code and documentation are included in a zip file for easy downloading.
jclcon02 This suite of programs provides sample conditional JCL and parameter passing to a COBOL program. This programming example uses the IF THEN ELSE constructs.
jclinc01 This program will describe how to use the INCLUDE and JCLLIB statements provided with JCL and batch job processing on a Mainframe or Micro Focus environment.
jcllib01 A list of jobs that are available to be submitted to a Mainframe-Oriented System for execution and review. The jobs were originally created to run in an OSVS or MVS environment and continue to run in the ZOS environment today. In addition, all the jobs have been migrated and run in a Micro Focus Server environment on Linux, UNIX or Windows (LUW) systems. The list is arranged by functional categories.
jclone01 This example provides a quick reference document and sample programs for IBM mainframe JCL used with MVS or OS/390. This information may also serve as a learning guide or tutorial for beginners.
jclovr01 An example of using parameter substitution and procedure (or PROC) overrides with Mainframe MVS or ZOS JCL and PROC's.
jclprc01 A quick overview of the use of JCL Procedures or PROCs.
jclrst01 This suite of sample programs will describe and demonstrate the Job Restart capabilities that are available in Micro Focus Enterprise Server. Also, this suite of programs includes a description and demonstration of the diagnostic capabilities for the CORE_ON_ERROR function of Micro Focus Enterprise Server.
jclscn01 This suite of programs provides an example of basic JCL functions using IEFBR14, IEBGENER and the sort utility. It shows how to do syntax checking without executing the JCL. The sort examples will show how to use the ALTSEQ to make the sort case insensitive and group upper and lower case letters together.
jclsub01 Describe how to define (or name) a variable value within JCL and then use or change the variable by its referenced name.
jcltds01 It is sometimes preferable to let the system assign a unique name to a temporary data set by using a double ampersand (&&) prefix with the Data Set Name (or DSN) in the DD statement in the JCL Member.
jclwin01 Examples for managing Partioned Data Sets (PDS's).
jcscan01 This program will scan IBM, ZOS Mainframe JCL and extract file information from DD and IDCAMS statement.
jddflags This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
jiodfh01 This Test Case includes job scripts and Java programs that describe and demonstrate the use of file access methods used by SimoTime. The programs describe and demonstrate a variety of Java file accessing and data management techniques. Techniques for accessing or analyzing files of known and unknown structure and content are included. The viewing or human observation is provided in a hexadecimal or hex dump format with a possible EBCDIC or ASCII translation.
jiohex01 This java utility program will describe and demonstrate techniques for accessing oreviewing files of known and unknown structure and content are included. The viewing or human observation is provided in a hexadecimal or hex dump format with a possible EBCDIC or ASCII translation.
jobqry01 This sample program demonstrates how to access JCL specifications from a COBOL program using the SimoTime Job Query program. Information provided with the JOB and DD statements may be obtained by a simple call. The Job Number and Job Name will be provided.
jvamgr01 The SIMOTIME T112 Conversion Utility Program will convert the EBCDIC-encoded, T112 file to an ASCII/Text file with the bit-sensitive information expanded to text strings. The Master Card or MC T112 file is a clearing file for financial transactions. The record structure uses an Integrated Product Messages (IPM) format with variable-length records. It is based on the ISO 8583–1993 specification.
jvfile01 This Java Program will get the system date and time. It will write a message preceded by a date/time stamp to a file.
jvhext01 This Java Program will define and display an array containing hexadecimal values to the standard output device or write a hex-dump array to a file. The array includes the character symbols for ASCII and EBCDIC encoding.
jvsout01 This Java Program will display or write a message to the standard output device.
jvt11201 The SIMOTIME T112 Conversion Utility Program will convert the EBCDIC-encoded, T112 file to an ASCII/Text file with the bit-sensitive information expanded to text strings. The MasterCard or MC T112 file is a clearing file for financial transactions and may be used during the reconciliation process. The record structure uses an Integrated Product Messages (IPM) format with variable-length records. It is based on the ISO 8583–1993 specification.
jvutil01 The SIMOTIME T112 Conversion Utility Program will convert the EBCDIC-encoded, T112 file to an ASCII/Text file with the bit-sensitive information expanded to text strings. The Master Card or MC T112 file is a clearing file for financial transactions. The record structure uses an Integrated Product Messages (IPM) format with variable-length records. It is based on the ISO 8583–1993 specification.
jvvcbl01 This member provides functional specifications by example of the advanced functions of the HTMGENER program that generates HTML documents from specifications in an Excel Spreadsheet.
jvweb101 An overview of the systems configuration for a Web Server environment that supports Java, JSP and Beans. Apache/Tomcat running on a Windows System is used for this description.
ksahex01 This is an example of how a COBOL program can read from an Indexed file (or a VSAM KSDS) and write to a sequential ASCII/Text file containing HEX dump information of a data structure with Text, Packed and Binary Data Strings (or User Defined Fields).
ksasqe01 An example of how a COBOL program does file conversion. The COBOL programs are written using COBOL/2 dialect but also works with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A CMD member is provided to run the job with Micro Focus Enterprise Developer running on a Windows System. This program will read an ASCII-encoded, Indexed file and write an EBCDIC-encoded, sequential file. The program uses a sequential add approach.
ksatxa01 An example of how a COBOL program does file conversion. The COBOL programs are written using a Micro Focus dialect. A CMD member is provided to run the job with Micro Focus Enterprise Developer running on a Windows System. This program will read an ASCII-encoded, Indexed file and write an ASCII/Text file. The packed and binary numbers will be expanded.
ksdbig01 An example of how a COBOL program processes a very large indexed (VSAM, KSDS) or sequential file using Micro Focus Enterprise Server running on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System.
ksdhub01 How to define a VSAM Cluster and create a catalog entry for a VSAM, KSDS on an IBM Mainframe System or on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using Micro Focus Enterprise Serve.
ksdjob01 Identify and Document the VSAM KSDS Data Sets and create entries in the Micro Focus Catalog.
ksdjob02 Create catalog entries for VSAM KSDS or Key Sequenced data Set.
ksdseq01 An example of how a COBOL program that does file conversion. The COBOL programs are written using COBOL/2 dialect but also work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus NET Express running on a Windows System. This program will read a VSAM, KSDS and write to a record sequential file.
l2ntech1 SimoTime, when technology complements business, provides information for companies wanting to include the mainframe as a major player functioning in its traditional role and taking on the new role of a powerful server and large data base manager in an Internet environment.
labtable This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
lcls0001 Describe and demonstrate how to deploy and existing COBOL Batch application to a Linux environment. The System will use Ubuntu with GnuCOBOL.
linuxopt The Slash opt directory structure of the Linux Environment that is used by SIMOTIME.
lnxone01 Describe and demonstrate how to deploy and existing COBOL Batch application to a Linux environment. The System will use Ubuntu with GnuCOBOL.
lnxone02 Describe and demonstrate how to use Micro Focus Enterprise Server on a Linux Platform.
lonapffl This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
lorand01 This suite of programs is provided as a COBOL programming example of one of the possible solutions when performing Boolean logic. This Test Case will perform a logical AND Function.
lororr01 This suite of programs is provided as a COBOL programming example of one of the possible solutions when performing Boolean logic. This Test Case will perform a logical OR Function.
lorxor00 This suite of programs is provided as a COBOL/HLASM programming example of one of the possible solutions when performing Boolean logic. This Test Case will perform an Exclusive OR (XOR) Function using an Assembler or HLASM callable routine.
lorxor01 This suite of programs is provided as a COBOL programming example of one of the possible solutions when performing an Exclusive OR using Boolean logic. This Test Case will perform an Exclusive OR (XOR) Function using a primary COBOL program to create the text strings and call a secondary COBOL program to do the XOR Function. Bash, CMD and JCL Job scripts are provided to prepare the environment and execute the programs. Micro Focus COBOL is used for Windows. GnuCOBOL is used for Linux.
lrs256b1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
lrsmodel The SimoTime HTML Template Document.
lrsnotes The SimoTime HTML Template Document.
lrsprt01 Addressing Special print requirements when moving an application from a Mainframe System to a WIndows System using Micro Focus.
m51_v001 This document describes a 1951 Mercury that is an American Legacy maintained in its original form and still moving down the highway. Pictures and other information are provided.
m51_v002 This document describes a 1951 Mercury that is an American Legacy maintained in its original form and still moving down the highway. Pictures and other information are provided.
m51_v003 This document describes a 1951 Mercury that is an American Legacy maintained in its original form and still moving down the highway. Pictures and other information are provided.
m51_v004 This document includes close-up shots of the detail and trim for a 1951 Mercury. Pictures and other information are provided.
m51_v005 This document contains notes about the electrical and mechanical components of a 1951 Mercury. Pictures and other information are provided.
m51notes This document describes a 1951 Mercury that is an American Legacy maintained in its original form and still moving down the highway. Pictures and other information are provided.
m51radio The 1951 Mercury was available with a Model 1CM747-1 radio that was manufactured by Sylvania Hygrade. It is an 8 tube AM only receiver. It predates stereo but does have a built-in control and connector for a rear speaker.
maccpy01 This is a very simple example of a mainframe assembler program that uses one copy file and two macro files. The copy file is stored in a user copy library. The macro files are stores in a user macro library. However, the second macro file is categorized as a copy file.
mailcb01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
mdirtest A Windows command file is used to create or restore a new application test environment on a Windows System with Micro Focus Enterprise Developer.
mem2hx01 An example of how a COBOL program can display a message in a hexadecimal dump or hex dump format for both ASCII and EBCDIC data strings. The content of the message is determined by a user-defined seqment of data stored in random access memory (RAM).
MENUJ001 This member provides functional specifications by example of the advanced functions of the HTMGENER program that generates HTML documents from specifications in an Excel Spreadsheet.
mfcatchk This program will read the Micro Focus Catalog and produce information about the catalog entries. The information produced is based on the user requirements defined in a control file.
mfcatpop This program will read the Micro Focus Catalog and produce a Comma Separated Values (or CSV) file with line items for the properties of each data file.
mfcatxpt This program will read the Micro Focus Catalog and produce a Comma Separated Values (or CSV) file with line items for the properties of each data file.
mfdata01 Scan the first part of a data file for a Micro Focus header record.
mfenvars How to SET or GET an environment variable from within a Micro Focus process using a COBOL program.
mfevents This is an example of a callable COBOL routine that will identify and display the call stack for the Micro Focus environment.
mffile01 This white paper provides a description of the various Micro Focus data file formats provided for the Windows, UNIX and Linux Environments. Links to examples for COBOL and Assembler programs are included.
mfjctlbc This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
mfjdxit This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
mfjeslog This program will read the Micro Focus JES Spool files and create HTML or CSV Files with elapsed time included with the job and Job Step information.
mfthlp01 A quick reference for Micro Focus COBOL and other supporting technologies.
mfunique The SimoTime HTML Template Document.
mfwaitb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
mfwaiter This callable routine will WAIT (or SLEEP) for a specified amount of time. This is a callable routine (MFWAITER.cbl) that will return to the calling program after the specified amount of time.
mifodevl A model sub-directory structure of the Application Libraries for the DEVELOPMENT environment.
mifoprod A model sub-directory structure of the Application Libraries for the PRODUCTION environment.
mifotest A model sub-directory structure of the Application Libraries for the TEST environment.
mkc08001 This document describes how to create a suite of test files. It will create an ASCII/Text file, a Record Sequential File and a VSAM, KSDS.
mkc080j8 This document describes a Mainframe JCL Member that will create a QSAM file and a VSAM KSDS with 80-byte records. The last job step will do a Hex-Dump of selected records in the VSAM KSDS based on a list of user-defined keys.
mkc080w8 This document describes a Windows Command (CMD) file that will create a QSAM file and a VSAM KSDS with 80-byte records. The last job step will do a Hex-Dump of selected records in the VSAM KSDS based on a list of user-defined keys.
mkn25601 An example of how to create a single test file with records that contain EBCDIC or ASCII text strings and numeric data items in various formats such as Packed Decimal, Binary and Zoned Decimal.
mkn25607 Describe and demonstrate how to generate programs that will convert between various formats such as Packed Decimal, Binary and Zoned Decimal and accumulate summary totals to ensure numeric integrity is maintained.
mkn256b1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
mktglyze An approach to determining the member types stored in a mainframe PDS.
mktgview An approach to converting Mainframe BMS or MFS Screens to HTML.
mktgx390 Scan 370 Assembler source code and identify macro and copy dependencies. Optionally track CALL, LOAD and LINK statements. Scan for non-printable hex characters.
mktgzaps Provides a copy and reformatting function for ASCII/TEXT files.
mn1adv1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
mn1app1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
mn1fms1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
mn1ims1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
mn1sql1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
mn1utl1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
mqsone01 This document provides a "How to" example for installing, configuring and using IBM MQ Series or IBM MQ WebSphere on a Windows System with Micro Focus Enterprise Server.
mrgbjst1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
mrgcblt1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
mrgcpy01 This suite of programs will describe and demonstrate how to merge multiple files of various record lengths into a single file. This suite includes examples for IEBGENER, IDCAMS and REPRO, SORT, DFSORT, ICETOOL and ICEMAN with SORT, MERGE, COPY and CONCATENATE Functions running on ZOS Mainframe or Micro Focus Enterprise Server.
mrgcsvt1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
mrgsiot1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
mrgtxtt1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
msk4pct1 This document provides a list of Transaction IDs based on the information in a Resource Definition file (DFHDRDAT).
mvscat02 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
mvscatlg This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nbpzqasb This is the System Information Manual for the TCNTXT01 Test Case. This test case will convert the file format, record content and record structure of an EBCDIC-encoded file that was created and transferred from an IBM Mainframe System to a format and structure that may be easily imported and accessed from within an ASCII-oriented relational data base or a spread sheet using Excel or LibreOffice Calc.
nbrcvt01 This test case will describe and demonstrate the processing techniques for numeric values. A variety of numeric formats are used on an IBM Mainframe System, a Windows System, a UNIX System or a Linux System. Bash, CMD and JCL Job scripts are provided to prepare the environment and execute the programs. Enterprise COBOL running under ZOS is used on an IBM Mainframe System. Micro Focus COBOL is used for Windows. GnuCOBOL is used for Linux. Numeric formats include Binary, Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal. The COBOL USAGE clause would be COMP, COMP-3 and DISPLAY. The DISPLAY format may be referred to as a character or text format.
nbrmix01 This document will describe and demonstrate how to process data strings containing numeric values and structures. The processing techniques will create, convert and view in a Hex Dump format. The numeric formats include Zoned Decimal (USAGE IS DISPLAY), Packed Decimal (USAGE IS COMP-3) and Binary (USAGE IS COMP). The numeric formats are commonly used with IBM Mainframe Systems or application programs that were created using the COBOL programming language.
nbrmixb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nbrmixb2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nbrn80b1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nbrpk301 This document with sample programs describes the anomalies of allowing space characters in a numeric field that is defined as Packed Decimal. For the COBOL programming language these fields would be defined as COMPUTATIONAL-3 or COMP-3.
nbrpk3b1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nbrpk3b8 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nbrs80b1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nbrtst01 This document describes and demonstrates the internal format of the COMP, COMP-3 and COMP-5 numeric fields using COBOL programs.
nbrtst02 This program is used to show techniques for analyzing, testing and viewing the content of numeric fields.
nbrtyp01 This COBOL program provides examples of some of the various numeric formats used by the COBOL Programming Language. The program has been tested as part of a batch job using a JCL Member on an IBM Mainframe System with Enterprise COBOL, a Command File on a Windows System with Micro Focus COBOL and a Bash Script on a Linux System with GnuCOBOL.
nbrxff01 An overview of using High-Value Bytes in a numeric field that is defined as Zoned Decimal. Why do it and how to manage the consequences.
nbrxffb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nbrzd301 This document with sample programs describes the anomalies of allowing non-numeric content in a numeric field that is defined as Zoned Decimal. For the COBOL programming language these fields would be defined as USAGE IS DISPLAY.
nbrzd3b1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nbrzd3b8 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
number01 This is a self study session with sample programs that demonstrate and describe the common numeric encoding data formats used by COBOL and other languages. This session will show how the numeric values are stored in memory on an IBM Mainframe System and a Windows, Linux or UNIX System with Micro Focus.
numbnt01 An example of how to do file format conversion between ASCII/Text files and Record Sequential files plus record content conversion between a Comma Separated Values (or CSV) format to a Fixed Field Length format. The records contain numeric data in various formats such as Packed Decimal, Binary and Zoned Decimal. The numeric data will be reviewed and validated using human observation combined with programmatic totals accumulation and comparison.
numbnt07 Describe and demonstrate how to generate programs that will convert between various formats such as Packed Decimal, Binary and Zoned Decimal and accumulate summary totals to ensure numeric integrity is maintained.
numbnt08 An example of how to create test files with records that contain numeric data items in various formats such as Packed Decimal, Binary and Zoned Decimal.
numbug01 This COBOL program provides examples of some of the challenges of processing numeric fields with leading spaces used by the COBOL Programming Language.
numbugb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
numprt01 This suite of programs provides an example of how a COBOL program can be used to print a report from data that contains packed and binary data.
numtbsb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
numtbub1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
numtpsb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
numtpub1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
numtzsb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
numtzub1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
numxdsb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nvbnsdb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nvbnsmb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nvbnswb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nvbnudb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nvbnumb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nvbnuwb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nvfmtsbn The purpose of this document is to provide information about a Quality Assurance Test Case that focuses on SIMOTIME Technologies that manage data files with record structures that contain alphameric Text Strings that are stored using EBCDIC or ASCII encoding and Numeric Values that are stored in a Binary (or COMP) format. This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "BINARY" format (also referred to as COMP). The Binary numeric format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
nvfmtspd The purpose of this document is to provide information about a Quality Assurance Test Case that focuses on SIMOTIME Technologies that manage data files with record structures that contain alphameric Text Strings that are stored using EBCDIC or ASCII encoding and Numeric Values that are stored in a Packed-Decimal format. This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). The packed-decimal numeric format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
nvfmtsrb This is the Run Book for the NVFMTST01 Test Case. This test case will describe and demonstrate the process of converting an EBCDIC-encoded, Record Sequential file to an ASCII/Text file. The convert process includes file format, record content and field format conversion. This test case will describe and demonstrate how to identify and convert text strings between EBCDIC and ASCII and how to define, identify, expand and convert numeric values that are formatted as Zoned-Decimal, Packed-Decimal or Binary.
nvfmtszd The purpose of this document is to provide information about a Quality Assurance Test Case that focuses on SIMOTIME Technologies that manage data files with record structures that contain alphameric Text Strings that are stored using EBCDIC or ASCII encoding and Numeric Values that are stored in a Zoned-Decimal format. This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "Zoned-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as Zoned data or a Zoned numeric field). The Zoned-Decimal numeric format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
nvpdqarb This is the Run Book for the NVPDQA01 Test Case. This test case will describe and demonstrate the process of converting an EBCDIC-encoded, Record Sequential file to an ASCII/Text file. The convert process includes file format, record content and field format conversion. This test case will describe and demonstrate how to identify and convert text strings between EBCDIC and ASCII and how to identify, expand and convert numeric values that are formatted as Packed-Decimal.
nvpdsdb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nvpdsmb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nvpdswb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nvpdudb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nvpdumb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nvpduwb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nvzdsdb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nvzdsmb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nvzdswb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nvzdudb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nvzdumb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nvzduwb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
nxanim01 This is an example of how to compile a cobol source member from a Windows command line using Micro Focus Command Line Interface to create a DLL.
nxbldl22 This is an example of how to compile a cobol source member from a Windows command line using Micro Focus Command Line Interface to create a DLL.
nxchek01 This example describes how to compile a COBOL program within a Net Express project.
nxchek02 This example describes how to set compiler directives within a Net Express project.
nxcode01 This example describes how to add source code to a Net Express project. This set of programs will be used to convert data files.
nxcode02 This example describes how to add source code to a Net Express project. The program will be use to compare data files.
nxcopy01 This is a SimoPATH Document describing how to point to a copy file directory within a Net Express project.
nxcsys01 An example of how a Micro Focus, Net Express COBOL program accesses the environment variables and Windows command line. This sample is also used to map the COBOL file name to the physical PC file name.
nxdata01 This is a SimoPATH Document describing how to add a data file to a Net Express project.
nxdfed01 This example describes how to add a data file to a Net Express project and use the Micro Focus Data File Editor.
nxdfed02 This example describes how to add a data file to a Net Express project and use the Micro Focus Data File Editor.
nxdfed03 This example describes how to create a structure file that will be used by the Micro Focus Data File Editor to map the records to a copy file definition.
nxopen02 This is an example of how to open an existing project using Micro Focus Net Express.
nxstrt01 An example of how to create a new project using Micro Focus Net Express.
ob2trpb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
obf632b1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
obf680b1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
obfaid01 This is the supporting document for the OBFDAT01 program that creates a customer master file using generic names and addresses. This suite of programs does the maintenance and conversion of the files that contain the list of people names, street names and the city, state and zip information.
obfctlb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
obfdat01 Programs that will create or generate a customer master file for the testing and development environments with obfuscated or randomly created names and addresses that are not associated with actual people. JCL members are provided to run the jobs as ZOS batch jobs on an IBM Mainframe System or as a project with Micro Focus Enterprise Developer running on a Windows System. CMD members are provided to run the jobs with Micro Focus Net Express running on a Windows System. Bash Script Files are provided to run the jobs on a Linux (Ubuntu) or UNIX System and GnuCOBOL
obfpcdb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
ordrcb01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
ordrcb02 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
passcape This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
passex80 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
passobb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
passpark This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
passpipe This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
passws80 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
pdshub01 How to create a catalog entry for a Partitioned Data Set (PDS) in a Micro Focus Server environment.
pdsjob01 Identify Partitioned Data Sets and create entries in the Micro Focus Catalog.
pdsjob02 Identify and Document Sequential Data Files and create entries in the Micro Focus Catalog.
pek_psdpekw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
pek_psmpekw3 This document will focus on a discussion of a numeric field (or data string) known as "PACKED-DECIMAL" format (also referred to as packed data or a packed numeric field). This format is supported by the COBOL programming language. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using COBOL technologies from Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL.
pj01info Project Information for using SIMOTIME Technologies and Services to migrate or move applictions and data between sytems.
pktots01 A description of how to accumulate or calculate summary totals with record counts and post the information to a SYSOUT file that is configured as Line Sequential with 121 byte records. The format for the numeric fields is Packed Decimal.
pktots08 Describe and demonstrate how to create test data for a sequential file with records that contain packed-decimal (or COMP-3) numeric fields.
pktotsb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
profiles The SimoTime HTML Template Document.
pt1notes Describe the basic considerations or starting point for performance tuning in a Micro Focus Server environment.
pt1one01 Demonstrate and describe how to establish a set of baseline performance metrics by executing a known test case and then calculating elapsed time for batch jobs from information extracted from the Micro Focus JES output.
purchase This document provides a list of products and technologies that are available for purchase. Various options for purchase are available including PayPal.
putls32k This is an example of a callable COBOL program that provides write access for a line sequential or ASCII/Text file.
pwrcart1 Describe how to build a portable, mobile do it yourself power supply unit using a 12 volt battery source that will provide emergency or temporary backup power for 120 Volts AC (VAC) and 12 Volts DC (VDC). The unit or system should be easy to transport and easy to maneuver.
qalyom01 This member provides functional specifications by example of the advanced functions of the HTMGENER program that generates HTML documents from specifications in an Excel Spreadsheet.
qatbat01 Describe and demonstrate how to create an environment for Application Regression Testing on a Windows Platform. The Test Cases used in this scenario were downloaded from a z/OS Mainframe System. Review the JES logs and Compare Files.
qsamio01 This suite of programs provides an example of how a mainline COBOL program calls a mainframe assembler (HLASM) I/O routine to access a QSAM, sequential file. The COBOL program is written using COBOL/2 dialect but also works with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. The assembler IO routine is written in IBM Mainframe Assembler, it will compile using Assembler/H or HLASM. A JCL member is provided to run the job on an IBM Mainframe with ZOS or Windows with Micro Focus Mainframe Express.
qsamiob1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
qsmcpyb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
qsmcpyb2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
r08kcb01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
r192cb01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
r256cb01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
r2l25601 This is an example of a COBOL program that will read a record sequential file and produce a line sequential file.
r512cb01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
rec1ixb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
rec1msk1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
rec1sqb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
rec1txb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
reclay01 Create HTML documentation for record structures (non-relational files and/or VSAM Data Sets) based on the definitions provided from a COBOL copy file.
reclayot Generated by SimoTime, a definition for a COBOL Data Structure or Record Layout.
revres01 The primary objective for this test case is to describe and demonstrate techniques for maintaining and validating data integrity in a multi-system, multi-user environment. This includes data file convert, compare and numeric checking. The techniques are used to validate and review data as it moves through various transition processes. Also, the tools may be used in a problem determination effort when an unexpected condition such as a S0C7 or RTS163 error occurs.
rfimodel A Proof of Concept Example for Migrating an Application that is currently running on a Mainframe System to a Windows System running Micro Focus Server. This example includes both JES batch and CICS online components.
ring1cbl This member provides functional specifications by example of the advanced functions of the HTMGENER program that generates HTML documents from specifications in an Excel Spreadsheet.
rpdcls01 Route OUTPUT files to a user-defined location using the a DD statement with DATACLAS and the Micro Focus ES_ALLOC_OVERRIDE function.
rpt13301 Data File Compare of Two Report Files of 133 Byte Print Records.
rpt133b1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
rrd01k01 Describe how to Create or Delete, Define or add records to a VSAM, Relative Record Data Set or RRDS.
rs80cv01 This member provides functional specifications by example of the advanced functions of the HTMGENER program that generates HTML documents from specifications in an Excel Spreadsheet.
rs80hx01 This member provides functional specifications by example of the advanced functions of the HTMGENER program that generates HTML documents from specifications in an Excel Spreadsheet.
rs80pds1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
rs80zdu1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
rsdatab1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
rtbasics Explore How to do Regression Testing for Batch Processing on a Windows System. This document will describe and demonstrate how to prepare test data, execute a regression test and validate the results. The validation process includes data file compare functions, accumulation of summary totals and hexadecimal dump or hex dump capability.
rtcust01 How to monitor changes to the customer master file during regression testing.
rtntot01 Read a file and calculate record counts and summary totals for currency or numeric fields.
rtntotb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
rtw00101 This Job Script will describe and demonstrate how to do access Bytes or Bits within a data string.
rtw00208 This Job Script will generate, transfer and compile the COBOL source code for a suite of programs that perform data file compare functions.
rtw00308 This Job Script will generate, transfer and compile the COBOL source code for a suite of programs that will do the data file convert functions.
rtw00408 This Job Script will generate, transfer and compile the COBOL source code for a suite of programs that will show the content of records within a file in a Hex-Dump format.
rtw00508 This Job Script will generate the COBOL source code for a suite of programs that will accumulate summary totals with a record count. The generated programs will access non-relational data structures that include Traditional Files or VSAM Data Sets.
rtw00608 This Job Script will generate the HTML documentation for the record layout of non-relational data structures that includes Traditional Files or VSAM Data Sets.
rtw00701 This Job Script will describe and demonstrate how to validate the Numeric Integrity of Packed-Decimal fields. The test cases are used to identify possible S0C7 or RTS-173 errors (non-numeric value in a numeric field) that may cause an application program to abnormally terminate.
rtw00801 This Job Script will describe and demonstrate Boolean Logic Functions using COBOL programs. The test cases are used to perform Logical AND, OR & XOR functions.
rxparm01 A collection of sample REXX programs showing the EXECIO, queued, queue, SAY, ARG functions. The programs will run on an IBM Mainframe or a Windows System with Micro Focus. The Micro Focus environment includes the IRXJCL utility.
s1load01 Produce an HTML Document with Summary Totals for Source Member Counts by Category and Lines of Code.
sam1dlib A model sub-directory structure of the Application Libraries for the DEVELOPMENT environment.
seqhub01 How to create a catalog entry for a record sequential file in a Micro Focus Server environment.
seqjob01 Identify and Document the Sequential Data Files and create entries in the Micro Focus Catalog.
seqjob02 Create catalog entries for Sequential Data Files.
seqksd01 An example of how a COBOL program that does file conversion. The COBOL programs are written using COBOL/2 dialect but also work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus NET Express running on a Windows System. This program will read a VSAM, KSDS and write to a record sequential file.
seqksd02 An example of how a COBOL program that does file conversion. The COBOL programs are written using COBOL/2 dialect but also work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus NET Express running on a Windows System. This program will read a VSAM, KSDS and write to a record sequential file.
sim4bus1 SimoTime - Business Partners for Products and Services
sim4clrs A color chart for HTML codes and Hexadecimal Definitions using rrggbb.
sim4con1 Contact information for SimoTime.
sim4dpak A list of SimoTime Products and Technologies that may be downloaded. The items are packaged in a ZIP file format.
sim4dzip SimoTime Z-Packs provide individual COBOL, Assembler, JCL and VSAM QSAM programming examples, documentation and test data files in a single package.
sim4gway The SimoTime Gateways to Technology offer practical, solution-oriented examples that use vendor specific technologies targeted for variety of systems environments such as ZOS on an IBM Mainframe System or Micro Focus Enterprise Server running on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System.
sim4home SimoTime is a consulting, services and technologies company specializing in the integration or conversion of Mainframe legacy applications and data with Linux, UNIX or Windows (LUW) Systems. We have the people, skills and complementary technology to quickly move COBOL-oriented applications between or across Systems. We specialize in the conversion and validation of traditional data structures. We have the experience and have developed the technologies to do file format and record content conversions while maintaining the integrity of the numeric content.
sim4info SimoTime is a consulting, services and technologies company specializing in the integration or conversion of mainframe legacy and web systems for the Internet or Intranet environments. We have the people, skills and complementary technology to quickly convert BMS and MFS screens to HTML forms that include JavaScript to handle specialized functions.
sim4l2n1 Companies want to include the mainframe as a major player functioning in its traditional role and taking on the new role of a powerful server and large data base manager in an Internet environment. Extending Legacy Applications by using Internet technologies as a vehicle for the profitable exchange of business information
sim4lib1 SimoTime is a technologies and services company providing tools and skills for the integration or conversion of mainframe legacy and web systems for the Internet or Intranet environments. We can quickly convert BMS and MFS screens to HTML forms that include JavaScript to handle specialized functions.
sim4lnx1 A suite of practical, solution-oriented examples that focus on the use of specific technologies across a variety of operating systems and hardware platforms. This gateway will focus on the Linux Operating System.
sim4mfe1 A quick reference for Mainframe Express users.
sim4mfg1 Business Partners for Products and Services for applications that are COBOL oriented. Migrate or convert mainframe applications to run on Windows, UNIX or Linux platforms.
sim4mvs1 A suite of practical, solution-oriented examples that focus on the use of specific technologies across a variety of operating systems and hardware platforms. This gateway will focus on mainframe systems with ZOS, MVS or OS/390.
sim4news SimoTime is a consulting, services and technologies company specializing in the integration or conversion of mainframe legacy and web systems for the Internet or Intranet environments. We have the people skills and complementary technology to quickly convert BMS and MFS screens to HTML forms that include JavaScript to handle specialized functions.
sim4site The site map provides a structured, block diagram with links to the various pages within the site.
sim4srch SimoTime Hyperlinks to various web search engines.
sim4synr SimoTime is a consulting, services and technologies company specializing in the integration or conversion of mainframe legacy and web systems for the Internet or Intranet environments. We have the people skills and complementary technology to quickly convert BMS and MFS screens to HTML forms that include JavaScript to handle specialized functions.
sim4webm Home Page for the SimoTime Web Master.
sim4win1 A suite of practical, solution-oriented examples that focus on the use of specific technologies across a variety of operating systems and hardware platforms. This gateway will focus on Windows Operating System.
simguest SimoTime is a consulting, services and technologies company specializing in the integration or conversion of mainframe legacy and web systems for the Internet or Intranet environments. We have the people, skills and complementary technology to quickly convert BMS and MFS screens to HTML forms that include JavaScript to handle specialized functions.
simhex01 This is an example of a COBOL program that will produce a HEX dump of a VSAM Data Set.
simhtm01 This member provides functional specifications by example of the advanced functions of the HTMGENER program that generates HTML documents from specifications in an Excel Spreadsheet.
simindex Main Page, Left pane for SimoTime Web Site
simmsg01 This is an example of a Windows command line function to display a message to the screen and write the message text to a log file with a date and time stamp.
simo801k This is the COBOL source code listing for a utility program that will concatenate text strings within multiple 80-byte records into a single 1,024 byte record.
simoabn0 This is an example of a callable COBOL routine that will terminate the execution of a program in a Micro Focus environment. It may be used to replace a call to ILBOABN0.
simoaloc This is an example of a COBOL program that will produce a comma delimited file without the leading and trailing spaces within the fields.
simobits This is an example of a COBOL program that will convert between a one-byte field of eight bits to an eight byte field with each byte set to zero or one based on the bits.
simobsio This is an example of a COBOL program that will access a file in at the byte or block of bytes level. This access method is referred to as Byte Stream I/O.
simobuy1 DESCRIPTION not found.
simocard This suite of programs will process commonly used file format and record content conversions for files with 80 byte records that are commonly referred to as card image files.
simocase This is the COBOL source code listing for a callable case conversion and Capitalization routine.
simoclsb This program provides the programmer with the location of the Last Significant Byte (LSB) within a user-defined data string.
simodate This is an example of a COBOL program that will edit a date field and test for valid date entries.
simodump The SimoDUMP routine (or callable program) is a sample or example program that will convert a text string to its hexadecimal value with a display or logging capability.
simoexec This is an example of a COBOL program that will call other programs and will pass a command line parameter as if it were being called from mainframe JCL.
simogens Provides a separate place for analyst, technical administrators, testing groups and support individuals to generate programs that will be used to convert, compare, verify or review the content and properties of non-relational data structures such as traditional data files or VSAM Data Sets.
simogl4k This is an example of a callable COBOL program that provides read access for a line sequential or ASCII/Text file.
simogl80 This is an example of a callable COBOL program that provides read access for a line sequential or ASCII/Text file.
simogr80 This is an example of a callable COBOL program that provides read access for a record sequential file.
simohex1 The SimoHEX1 routine (or callable program) will convert a data string of one-byte items to a text string of two-byte items using hexadecimal notation. The hexadecimal notation string is then posted to the SYSOUT device.
simohex4 This is an example of a COBOL program that will convert a text string to hexadecimal dump format. Its intended use is to be called by a program that is reading a file and wants to dump the records in hexadecimal.
simoi370 A discussion and examples of the mainframe problem-state instruction set. This suite of programs includes a member that executes each problem state instruction in alphabetic sequence according to the mnemonic opcode.
simojlib This example describes how to use a Java Server Page (with JSP tags and HTML with JavaScript) and Java programs to call COBOL programs for business processing and access to VSAM Data Sets.
simojust This is an example of a COBOL program that will center, right justify or left justify a text string within a field.
simolab1 A discussion and examples of creating unique labels or avoiding the use of labels with macro generated code.
simologs SIMOLOGS is a callable routine that will display a message to the user-defined SYSOUT device or the SYSTEM operator console. Also, SIMOLOGS may write to a log file..
simolyze Analyze Mainframe Source Code to determine the programming Language and Member Type within Language. Perform a source code scan and analysis to determine the content or member type. Calculate the number of record within each source member and determine the number of comments, blank lines and Lines of Code (LOC) within each source member. Accumulate summary totals when a group of source members are being processed.
simomods A collection of shared modules that perform common tasks or repeatable processes. The SimoMODS are divided into three categories, callable modules, utility programs and driver programs
simonote SIMONOTE is an example of a batch script or command file that will display a text string to the screen and write a time stamped text string to a log file. This Batch Script or Command file may be called from other Batch or Command files.
simopark This member provides a shared memory area for a set of COBOL programs that are linked together.
simopars Parse a text string based on a user defined delimiter byte.
simopath The SIMOPATH Series is a single point of entry for the training offerings from SimoTime and a repository for the learning materials used in the classroom sessions or self-study courses.
simopl4k This is an example of a callable COBOL program that provides write access for a line sequential or ASCII/Text file.
simopl80 This is an example of a callable COBOL program that provides write access for a line sequential or ASCII/Text file.
simopr80 This is an example of a callable COBOL program that provides write access for a record sequential file.
simora12 This is an example of a COBOL program that will right adjust a numeric text string with a field.
simorec1 This utility provides the length of a field and the position of the start of the field within a data record. The actual physical length for COBOL group items, packed fields, binary fields and tables will be calculated. This information is provided by the SimoTime Record Layout utility program within a text file and an HTML document.
simoroad This is an example of a COBOL program that will edit and modify a text string (or field) that contains a street address (oriented for the United States).
simosnap Describe and demonstrate a coding technique that will dump the content of working storage for diagnostic or debugging purposes.
simostat This is the COBOL source code listing for a callable routine that will analyze and prepare the file status code for display.
simosub1 This is an example of a COBOL program that will search a field for a text string and replace the text string with a new text string of the same or different length.
simotek2 A group of technologies for individuals that have the responsibility for updating or modifying mainframe applications for deployment on mainframe or non-mainframe systems.
simotrak Describe and demonstrate a coding technique that will trace or track the start and stop times of events within programs.
simotxtn This is an example of a COBOL program that will translate or convert the digits from a numeric field to words in an alpha-numeric field.
simous01 A model sub-system with libraries for the Development, Testing and Production Environments.
simov32k SIMOV32K is a callable routine that will write a message to a Log File. The file format is record sequential with the record size varying from 64 to 32,760 characters.
simoview An approach to converting Mainframe BMS for CICS or MFS for IMS Screens to HTML.
simovrec This is an example of a COBOL program that will access a file at the byte or block of bytes level and process the blocks from a mainframe formatted, variable length file.
simox390 SIMOX390 is a mainframe Assembler Analysis Tool. This version of SIMOX390 runs on a Windows System and scans a mainframe assembler source member that have been downloaded and identifies the macro and copy files used by the programs.
simox397 This suite of utility programs will scan the source code for a Mainframe Assembler an produce an ASCII/Text file of the maco and copy files used in the program. An optional feature will produce a structure diagram that may be viewed using a web browser.
simoxmsg This document provides a list of the possible informational or error messages that may be issued during the member scan and analysis.
simoxt80 A description and sample demonstration for a callable routine that provides conversion between ASCII and EBCDIC for an eighty (80) byte text string.
simozaps A multi-purpose utility that generates COBOL source code that will do data file content (i.e. ASCII and EBCDIC) or format (i.e. VSAM, KSDS to Sequential) conversion or compare two files. The techniques used will allow the convert or compare programs to be compiled and executed on a Mainframe System (ZOS or VSE) or a Linux, UNIX or Windows System with Micro Focus. Also, SIMOZAPS provides a view, copy, modify and format function for viewing files, making small patches to files or making global changes to files in a Windows and Micro FOcus environment.
simsam01 An Enterprise (aka Mainframe) System Model Environment for Windows. Move or migrate a mainframe business application from a mainframe to a Windows, UNIX or Linux platform.
slzhtml2 Source Code Identification or Member Typing with Member Counts and Lines of Code.
sortut01 Examples of sorting files on an IBM Mainframe System using the ZOS SORT program or on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using the Micro Focus SORT program. This document will describe and demonstrate the EBCDIC and ASCII encoding and case insensitive sort capabilities. Examples are included that define the syntax for ascending or descending sort by individual field positions.
spsnum01 This is a self study course that describes the various numeric formats used by IBM Mainframe COBOL or Micro Focus COBOL on a Windows or UNIX platform.. The COBOL programs (source code) that is used in this session may be compiled and executed on Micro Focus platforms or an IBM Mainframe, either z/OS, OS/390, MVS or VSE.
SQ0080B1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sqeksa01 This program will read an EBCDIC encoded record sequential file and write an ASCII encoded, Indexed file. The program uses a sequential add approach. Therefore, the input file must be in sequence based on the key field.
srt080b1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
srtksd01 This document will describe and demonstrate how to use the Micro Focus SORT program to create an empty VSAM, KSDS Cluster (or Key Sequenced Data Set). This function is similar to the DELETE/DEFINE function of IDCAMS. This example was created and tested on a Windows System using the Micro Focus SORT program and could easily be ported to run on a Linux or UNIX system.
stafmt01 This suite of programs provides an example of how a COBOL program does field parsing and formatting plus parameter passing between COBOL and JCL. This example includes a date edit and conversion program.
stalocb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
stamlr01 This sample application illustrates the use of JCL, the SORT utility and COBOL programs to access a VSAM, KSDS or Indexed file and create a QSAM or sequential file of mailing addresses in zip code sequence and formatted for 1, 2, 3 or 4 across mailing labels. The COBOL program is written using COBOL/2 dialect but also works with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
stbase01 The SimoTime shared program members that are shared across applications. These members provide a focal point for managing environment variables and repeatable functions using a consistent methodology.
stcams01 An example of using IDCAMS, IEBGENER and IEFBR14 to create a Sequential File and delete, define and populate or load a VSAM, KSDS with file status code information.
stcohome An introduction to SIMOTIME and an overview of the products and services that provide a variety of Application Processing and Data Management Options.
stcoinf2 This is the secondary informational slide used for the Introduction to SIMOTIME presentation.
stcoinfo This is the primary information slide for the Introduction to SIMOTIME presentation.
stcolink This slide provides a list of slides used in the Introduction to SIMOTIME presentation. It provides a method for quickly navigating between all the slides.
stcopg00 This is the Agenda slide for the Introduction to SimoTime presentation.
stcopg10 This slide describes how to Re-Deploy an Application and Data in a multi-system environment. It is referenced in the SIMOTIME presentations.
stcopg20 This slide describes possible techniques that do Data Convert, Transfer, Validate or Reviewÿ in a multi-system environment.
stcopg30 This slide describes how to Support & Enhance User Systems & Applications that are deployed across a variety of systems with different architectures.
stcopg40 This slide describes possible techniques that may be used to Create a Baseline Test Environment (Application Members and non-Relational Data Structures) for batch jobs.
stcopg50 This slide describes possible techniques that may be used to manage, reduce or eliminate the use of Assembler (HLASM) within an Application.
stcopg60 This slide describes possible techniques and technologies that may be used to Extract Data Items from a VSAM, KSDS by Field Name.
stcopg95 This is a summary slide that is used for the Introduction to SIMOTIME presentation.
stcoquit An introduction to SIMOTIME and an overview of the products and services that provide a variety of Application Processing and Data Management Options.
stexec22 Execute a Data File Compare Program.
stgen000 The Data Management Assistant will provide convert, compare and review capability for non-relational data structures. Validating or checking the integrity of numeric items is included.
stgenc2f This document will focus on the task of generating HTML documentation for Records structures used within data files and VSAM Data Sets. The document generation is based on the field definitions from a COBOL Copy File. A separate file is generated to identify the numeric fields and properties.
stgenc2h This document will focus on the task of generating HTML documentation for Records structures used within data files and VSAM Data Sets. The document generation is based on the field definitions from a COBOL Copy File.
stgenp2c This document will focus on the task of generating COBOL programs that will do file format and record content conversion.
stgenp2t This document will focus on the task of generating COBOL programs that will read data files or VSAM Data Sets and accumulate summary totals.
stgenp2v This document will focus on the task of generating COBOL programs that will compare the content of two data files.
stgenp2x This document will focus on the task of generating COBOL programs that will read data files or VSAM Data Sets and produce Hexadecimal Dump information based on a user request.
sthtml22 Generate HTML Documentation of a Record Layout based on a COBOL Copy File.
stinfob1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
stjquery Provide access to JCL specifications from within a COBOL program using the SimoTime Job Query program. Information provided from the JOB and DD statements may be obtained by a simple call.
stmastoc Master Table of Contents for the SIMOTIME Libraries.
stpeek01 The STPEEKC1 routine (or callable program) will access a user defined binary string of data and create a text string of data in a hex-decimal notation format that may be displayed or used in a review process that requires human observation.
str_apmastb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_custcb01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_dirlstb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_itemcb01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_nvbnsdb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_nvbnsmb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_nvbnswb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_nvbnudb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_nvbnumb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_nvbnuwb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_nvpdsdb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_nvpdsmb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_nvpdswb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_nvpdudb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_nvpdumb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_nvpduwb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_nvzdsdb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_nvzdsmb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_nvzdswb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_nvzdudb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_nvzdumb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_nvzduwb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_passbits This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_passdump This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_passjust This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_passpars This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_passparx This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_passra12 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_passsub1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_passtxtn This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_stpeekb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_tcksdsb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_tckslsb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_tcnbrsb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_tcntxtb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_tcpr80b2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_tctextb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str_x80revb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str121b1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
str133b1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
strprobe The STRPROBE program will read a Micro Focus Structure file, analyze the information and create a new COBOL source member that defines the data structure or a record layout.
stscan01 Read (or scan) an ASCII/Text File and search each record for the possible presence of a user-defined text string.
stserv01 Contact information for SimoTime Technologies and Services. We have experience in moving or sharing data or application processing across a variety of systems.
ststub01 This program is a stub or starter program for creating a new COBOL program or callable sub-routine. A primary feature is a call to the SIMODUMP program to do a HEX-Dump of a user-defined data string. A second feature shows how to use external switches or environment variables to control program behavior
sttimeb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
stwiptoc Master Table of Contents for the SIMOTIME Libraries.
stwtor01 Post a message to the system console, halt execution and wait for an operator response. This program is used in a VSE Job Control environment.
sxaction A SIMOCARD Member that describes and demonstrates by example how to convert an ASCII/Text or line sequential file to an ASCII-encoded record sequential file.
sys_rec1 This utility provides the length of a field and the position of the start of the field within a data record. The actual physical length for COBOL group items, packed fields, binary fields and tables will be calculated. This information is provided by the SimoTime Record Layout utility program within a text file and an HTML document.
sys1dirs This is the Library (or Folder) structure for the System Programmer that manages the SIMOSAM1 Library of Programs and Documents. The SIMOSAM1 Library (or Directory) is the foundation for the Mainframe System Model and Data Management that executes on a Windows System with Micro Focus Enterprise Server.
sys1prep This member provides an overview of the system preparation process required prior to doing an application and data migration.
sys76p01 Quantify the effort and document the tasks required to provide a development environment on a Linux System for a developer that is familiar with Microsoft Windows and IBM Mainframe Systems. For this effort we used a System/76 Serval WS laptop with Ubuntu. Firefox and LibreOffice were installed by the supplier. We installed the Java Developers Kit (JDK), Chrome, Apache Tomcat and GnuCOBOL or Open COBOL from SourceForge. Our goal is to deploy a segment of a business application that is currently running on an IBM Mainframe System onto a Linux System. For batch Job processing we created Bash Script Files.
sysad_gb This is the Run Book for the NVPDQA01 Test Case. This test case will describe and demonstrate the process of converting an EBCDIC-encoded, Record Sequential file to an ASCII/Text file. The convert process includes file format, record content and field format conversion. This test case will describe and demonstrate how to identify and convert text strings between EBCDIC and ASCII and how to identify, expand and convert numeric values that are formatted as Packed-Decimal.
sysenv01 An overview of the system architecture that will support applications that are currently running on a Mainframe System to be transferred to a distributed Windows System for development, testing or production.
sysluser_ Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_hex_tckrsad1_asc Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_hex_tckrsed1_ebc Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_hex_tcnbrsd1_asc Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_hex_tcnbrsd1_ebc Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_hex_tcnbrsd2_asc Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_hex_tcnbrsd2_ebc Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_hex_vr80rsw1 Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_hex_vr80rsw2 Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_hex_vr80rsw3 Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_psmcl1k1 Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_psmcl1k4 Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_psmcl1w4 Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_psmcp1w4 Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_psmcp3w1 Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_tcncl1w1 Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_tcncl1w9 Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_tcncp1w1 Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_tcncp1w9 Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_tcpcpew2_ne Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_tcphx4w2_asc Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_tcphx4w2_ebc Message Posting of Text Strings
sysluser_x80cp1w9 Message Posting of Text Strings
sysout_bx_neww8 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_psma2ew1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_psmcl1w4 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_psmcp1w4 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_psmcp3w1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_psme2aw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_psmfdsw3 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_psmfdxw4_nok DESCRIPTION not found.
sysout_psmhxdw3 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_psmhxdw6 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_psmimpw5 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_psmtotw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_psmtotw4 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_psmtotw4_nok DESCRIPTION not found.
sysout_psmzapw4 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_px_neww8 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcke2aw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tckhxaw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tckimpw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tckksdw8 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tckpkaw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tckpkew1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tckzapw9 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcna2ew2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcncl1w1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcncl1w9 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcncp1w1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcncp1w9 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcne2aw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcnextw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcnhxaw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcnhxaw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcnhxew1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcnhxew2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcnimpw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcnimpw3 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcnksdw8 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcnpekw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcnpekw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcnpekw9 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcntotw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcntotw2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcntotw3 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcntotw6 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcntotw9 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcnzapw9 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_tcpeekw1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_user This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_zsmfdsw3 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
sysout_zx_neww8 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
t2load01 This example uses the EXEC CICS LOAD function to load a non-Executable member or data table into memory.
tapc8001 Move a Mainframe batch job that uses JCL and tape devices to a Micro Focus Server running on Linux, UNIX or Windows.
tbook002 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
tc00list A list of Test Cases that may be used in the Unit, Application and System Test environments. The suite of jobs and programs may be used for Regression Testing or User Acceptance Testing.
tc01dm01 Describe and demonstrate how JCL and COBOL programs that are currently executed on an IBM/ZOS Mainframe System can be executed on a Linux, UNIX or Windows (LUW) System using Micro Focus Server.
tc01rsb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
tc01rsb8 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
tc02pds3 Describe and demonstrate how to transfer or copy the contents of a Partitioned Data Set or PDS that is currently on an IBM/ZOS Mainframe System to a folder or directory on a Linux, UNIX or Windows (LUW) System that uses Micro Focus Server.
tc03cp01 Describe and demonstrate how to compare to non-relational data structures such as a sequential file and/or a VSAM Data Sets. The process for comparing the data structure should be executable on an IBM/ZOS Mainframe System or on a Linux, UNIX or Windows (LUW) System using Micro Focus Server. Also, the process should be supported in a development, test or production environment.
tc04sr01 Describe and demonstrate a process to sort a record sequential file and produce a report with sub-totals and final totals using SORT, DFSORT, SYNCSORT or MFJSORT. This Test Case was created for a Windows System with Micro Focus Enterprise Developer and Enterprise Server
tc04sr08 Describe and demonstrate a process to create a record sequential file containing Signed Packed Decimal data.
tc05cv01 The primary objective of this test case is to describe and demonstrate how to manage (i.e. create, convert, compare, view) sequential files with 80-byte, fixed-length records. The records in the file will contain various numeric formats such as BINARY, COMP and COMP-3.
tc05rsb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
tc06dv01 The primary objective of this test case is to describe and demonstrate how to validate the integrity of the numeric values in a non-relational data file.
tc07sr01 The primary objective of this test case is to describe and demonstrate how to use the alternate collating or ALTSEQ function of the SORT Utility program to arrange an ASCII-encoded file into an EBCDIC sequence or an EBCDIC-encoded file into an ASCII sequence.
tcdata01 This document will describe and demonstrate how to Create, Doument and Maintain the non-relational data files and VSAM data Sets that are used by the SIMOTIME Test Cases..
tcksdsb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
tcksdsrb Describe and demonstrate the process of converting an EBCDIC-encoded, VSAM Key Sequenced Data Set (KSDS) to an ASCII-encoded, VSAM Key Sequenced Data Set (KSDS). The convert process includes file format, record content and field format conversion. This test case will describe and demonstrate how to identify and convert text strings (or record content) between EBCDIC and ASCII and how to maintain or identify, expand and convert numeric values that are formatted as Signed-Zoned-Decimal, Packed-Decimal or Binary.
tcksdssp Describe and demonstrate the preparation processes of converting multiple data files or data structures. The convert process includes file format, record content and field format conversion.
tcnbrsb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
tcnbrsb8 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
tcnbrsrb This is the Run Book for the TCNBRS01 Test Case. This test case will describe and demonstrate the process of converting an EBCDIC-encoded, Record Sequential file to an ASCII/Text file. The convert process includes file format, record content and field format conversion. This test case will describe and demonstrate how to identify and convert text strings between EBCDIC and ASCII. Also, Numeric values that are stored using a Binary, Packed-Decimal or Signed-Zoned-Decimal format may be identified, expanded and converted to alphanumeric text strings while maintaing numeric integrity.
tcnbrssb This is the System System Preparation Guide for the TCNBRS01 Test Case. This test case will convert the file format, record content and record structure of an EBCDIC-encoded file that was created and transferred from an IBM Mainframe System to a format and structure that may be easily imported and accessed from within an ASCII-oriented relational data base or a spread sheet using Excel or LibreOffice Calc.
tcnqat01 This Test Case will create a suite of data files that are subsequently used as input for Quality Assurance Testing (QAT). The test file formats include Line Sequential (LSEQ or ASCII/Text) and Record Sequential (RSEQ). The record content may be EBCDIC or ASCII encoded for text-oriented data strings. Numeric values may be stored in a variety of formats including Zoned-Decimal, Packed-Decimal or Binary. The record structure may be fixed or variable length with a user-defined arrangement of concatenated data strings.
tcntxt01_home The SIMOTIME Data Management Facilies are a suite of job scripts and programs that perform data file transfer, convert, validate, compare, review and summarization.
tcntxt01_link The SIMOTIME Data Management Facilies are a suite of job scripts and programs that perform data file transfer, convert, validate, compare, review and summarizing.
tcntxt01_pg10 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
tcntxt01_pg12 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
tcntxt01_pg14 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
tcntxt01_pg20 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
tcntxt01_pg22 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
tcntxt01_pg30 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
tcntxt01_pg32 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
tcntxt01_pg40 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
tcntxt01_pg42 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
tcntxt01_pg44 Presentation Material for a SIMOTIME Workshop about Non-Relational Data Structures. This page contains information for traditional file structures and VSAM Data Sets.
tcntxt01_quit The SIMOTIME Data Management Facilies are a suite of job scripts and programs that perform data file transfer, convert, validate, compare, review and summarization.
tcntxtrb This is the Run Book for the TCNTXT01 Test Case. This test case will describe and demonstrate the process of converting an EBCDIC-encoded, Record Sequential file to an ASCII/Text file. The convert process includes file format, record content and field format conversion. This test case will describe and demonstrate how to identify and convert text strings between EBCDIC and ASCII and how to identify, expand and convert numeric values that are formatted as Signed-Zoned-Decimal, Packed-Decimal or Binary.
tcntxtsb This is the System Information Manual for the TCNTXT01 Test Case. This test case will convert the file format, record content and record structure of an EBCDIC-encoded file that was created and transferred from an IBM Mainframe System to a format and structure that may be easily imported and accessed from within an ASCII-oriented relational data base or a spread sheet using Excel or LibreOffice Calc.
tcpeek01 A Test Case to show how a COBOL program can access a user defined segment of memory (RAM) and create a text string of data in a hexadecimal notation format that may be displayed or used in a review process that requires human observation.
tcpr80b2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
tcprev02 This is the Run Book for the TCPREV02 Test Case. This test case will describe and demonstrate the process of converting an EBCDIC-encoded, Record Sequential file that was created on an IBM Mainframe System to an ASCII/Text file. The convert process includes file format, record content and field format conversion. This test case will describe and demonstrate how to identify and convert text strings between EBCDIC and ASCII and how to identify, expand or convert numeric values that are stored using a Binary, Packed-Decimal structure into a Signed-Zoned-Decimal or Alphanumeric structure.
tuffrlb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
txaksa01 An example of how a COBOL program does file conversion. The COBOL programs are generated using a COBOL/2 dialect but also works with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A Windows Command file is provided to run the job from the Windows Command line or as a project with Micro Focus NET Express running on a Windows System. This program will read an ASCII/Text file and write an ASCII, Indexed file. The program uses a sequential add approach.
txaksa02 An example of how a COBOL program that does file conversion. The COBOL programs are written using COBOL/2 dialect but also works with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus NET Express running on a PC with Windows. This program will read an ASCII/Text file and write an ASXII, Indexed file. The program uses a sequential add approach.
txthex01 This is an example of a COBOL program that will produce a HEX dump of a Sequential or ASCII/Text File.
txtorrb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
txvrec01 Convert an ASCII/Text file (Line Sequential) to a Micro Focus Record Sequential file with variable length records.
unwrap01 This utility program will read an ASCII/Text file containing multiple source members. Each source member in the file is preceded by a -PUNCH statement that contains the source member name.
unwrap02 This utility program will read an ASCII/Text file containing multiple JCL or PROC members. Each member in the file is delimited by a START/STOP record. The member name is derived from the JOB or PROC statement.
unwrap03 This utility program (UNWRAPC3) will read a file that was originally created on a Mainframe System using the IEBPTPCH utility program. The original EBCDIC-encoded, record sequential file with 81-byte, fixed-length records contained multiple concatenated members from a Partitioned Data Set (PDS) with each member being preceded by a separator record. The single sequential file was transferred from the Mainframe System using File Transfer Protocol (FTP) in the default ASCII mode. This transfer process resulted in the creation of a single ASCII/Text file containing multiple source members.
usrtrc01 An example of how to track and document the execution of user defined code segments. Each event is posted to a file with a date and time stamp.
utcomp01 Generate data validation programs that will compare data files or VSAM Data Sets on a record by record basis, accumulate summary totals with a record count and create HTML documentation for the record structures based on a COBOL Copy file. The generated COBOL source code may be compiled and executed on an IBM Mainframe System with Enterprise COBOL, a Microsoft Windows System with Micro Focus COBOL or a Linux System with GnuCOBOL. The generation process has been tested on a Windows System with Micro Focus COBOL and an Ubuntu Linux System with GnuCOBOL.
utconv01 Describe and demonstrate various techniques to do data file conversions. The techniques include test cases that do file format conversion and record content conversion. The convert process will generate COBOL programs that will do Data File Format conversion between various Micro Focus Files and Record Content conversion such as EBCDIC and ASCII and create HTML documentation. This utility program runs on a Windows System with Micro Focus. The generated COBOL source code that does the actual convert may be compiled and executed on an IBM Mainframe System or a Windows, UNIX or Linux System.
utdiredt DESCRIPTION not found.
utgpcf01 Describe and demonstrate the process of converting multiple data files or data structures. The convert process includes file format, record content and field format conversion.
utgriopg This program generates programs or COBOL Source Code that may be used to access non-relational data files and VSAM data sets.
utldat01 Examples for creating, populating, maintaining and deleting QSAM files and VSAM Data Sets.
utldat02 Examples for managing mainframe Partitioned Data Sets (PDS's). Describes how to create, delete, maintain or access a PDS or Library and a PDSM or member within a PDS.
utldat03 Examples of JCL for compiling and linking programs.
utlhex01 This utility will help identify source members that contain invalid or embedded hexadecimal (or HEX or binary) characters. Also, this technique may be used to scan data files.
utlhexb2 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
utlhexb3 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
utmrghtm This program will merge two html files.
uttimex1 The SimoTime HTML Template Document for basic functions of the HTMGENER program that generates HTML documents from specifications in an Excel Spreadsheet.
utx1cb01 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
utxctl01 Describe and demonstrate how to create and execute a non-terminal, long running transaction running under control of CICS that will sleep, awake, execute and sleep. This process will loop until cancelled by the user.
uvserv01 Overview of jobs used to test the installation and configuration of a user defined Application Server Instance running under Micro Focus Enterprise Server.
vksdrec1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
vreccp01 A sample COBOL program to compare two sequential files with variable-length records. The program may be compiled and executed on an IBM Mainframe System or a Window, UNIX or Linux System with Micro Focus. The record positions to be compared are determine at compile time.
vreccp03 A sample COBOL program to compare two sequential files with variable-length records. The program may be compiled and executed on an IBM Mainframe System or a Window, UNIX or Linux System with Micro Focus. The record positions to be compared are determine at execution time.
vrecex01 This is an example of a suite of COBOL programs that will convert a mainframe sequential file with variable length records to a Micro Focus or GnuCOBOL file with variable length records. The Record Descriptor Word is used to determine record length.
vrectx01 Convert a Record Sequential file with variable length records to an ASCII/Text file (Line Sequential).
vrs32k01 Access and Process Record Sequential files with variable length records. The processing techniques include file create, convert, compare and view in a Hex Dump format. The record content may be ASCII or EBCDIC encoded. This document will focus on the Linux (Ubuntu), and Windows platforms. The file formats and record structures are commonly used with IBM Mainframe Systems or application programs that were created using the COBOL programming language.
vsmfsk01 A quick reference of the VSAM and QSAM File Status or Return Codes for an IBM Mainframe System or Micro Focus COBOL or GnuCOBOL.
vstumf01 An introduction to Microsoft Visual Studio and Micro Focus Enterprise Developer. Notes from a project that migrated an application from a Mainframe System to a Windows System using Micro Focus Enterprise Developer.
vtn25601 Read a file and calculate record counts and summary totals for currency or numeric fields that are defined as Binary, Packed Decimal or Zoned Decimal.
w10net01 This document describes how to setup and use Microsoft HomeGroup networking.
wait3001 This CICS example provides a 30 second wait to simulate a long running, process dependent transaction.
weblogb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
winnotes This document describes how to setup and use Microsoft HomeGroup networking.
wip00001 This is an example of a Work-In-Progress or Parking Lot Document.
wipxhome An introduction to SIMOTIME and the products and services that provide a variety of Application Processing and Data Management Options.
wipxpg30 This slide describes how to Support & Enhance User Systems & Applications that are deployed across a variety of systems with different architectures.
wipxpg40 This slide describes possible techniques that may be used to Create a Baseline Test Environment (Application Members and non-Relational Data Structures) for batch jobs.
wtl12801 This is an example of a CICS program that prompts a user for the text of a message to be written to a user-defined log file.
wtl1281 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.
x10hub01 How to define a VSAM Cluster and create a catalog entry for a VSAM, KSDS in a Micro Focus Server environment.
x10job01 Identify and Document the Special Purpose Files and create entries in the Micro Focus Catalog.
x10job02 Create catalog entries for the Special Purpose Files.
x390lcsv DESCRIPTION not found.
zap00101 An example of a Windows Command file and a COBOL program does file format and record content conversion from EBCDIC sequential to ASCII Text. This suite of programs and the associated documentation are used as one of the Installation Verification Programs for the SimoZaps Utility program.
zap001c1 A listing of the COBOL source code that does file conversion from EBCDIC sequential to ASCII Text. The COBOL programs are generated by SimoTime Technologies using a Micro Focus dialect.
zap00201 An example of a COBOL program that does file conversion from EBCDIC Sequential to ASCII Indexed. The COBOL programs are generated using a COBOL/2 dialect but also works with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Enterprise Studio running on a PC with Windows.
zap002c1 A listing of the COBOL source code that does file conversion from EBCDIC Sequential to ASCII Indexed. The COBOL programs are generated by SimoTime Technologies using a Mainframe dialect. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Enterprise Studio running on a Windows System.
zap00301 An example of how a COBOL program that does file conversion. The COBOL programs are generated using a COBOL/2 dialect but also works with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or a Linux, UNIX or Windows System with Micro Focus Enterprise Server.
zap003c1 A listing of the COBOL source code that does file conversion from EBCDIC Sequential to ASCII Sequential. The COBOL programs are generated by SimoTime Technologies using a Mainframe dialect. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Enterprise Studio running on a Windows System.
zap00401 An example of how a COBOL program that does file conversion. The COBOL programs are generated using a Micro Focus dialect. This program will read an ASCII/Text file and write an EBCDIC, Indexed file. The program uses a sequential add approach.
zap004c1 A listing of the COBOL source code that does file conversion from ASCII Text to EBCDIC Indexed using sequential processing techniques. The COBOL programs are generated by SimoTime Technologies using a Micro Focus dialect.
zap00501 An example of how a COBOL program that does file conversion. The COBOL programs are generated using a Micro Focus dialect. This program will read an ASCII/Text file and write an EBCDIC, Indexed file. The program uses a random add, update approach.
zap005c1 A listing of the COBOL source code that does file conversion from ASCII Text to EBCDIC Indexed using a random update and/or add processing technique. The COBOL programs are generated by SimoTime Technologies using a Micro Focus dialect.
zdtots01 A description of how to accumulate or calculate summary totals with record counts and post the information to a SYSOUT file that is configured as Line Sequential with 121 byte records. The format of the numeric fields is Zoned Decimal
zdtots08 Describe and demonstrate how to create test data for a sequential file with records that contain zoned-decimal (USAGE IS DISPLAY) numeric fields.
zdtotsb1 This document provides a record layout based on the field definitions in a COBOL copy file.

The preceding list contains 0001338 document members.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Summary

This document provides an alphabetic listing with hyperlinks for the documents that are provided for the SIMOSAM1 Libraries. This document may be used to assist as a tutorial for new programmers or as a quick reference for experienced programmers.

In the world of programming there are many ways to solve a problem. This documentation and software were developed and tested on systems that are configured for a SIMOTIME environment based on the hardware, operating systems, user requirements and security requirements. Therefore, adjustments may be needed to execute the jobs and programs when transferred to a system of a different architecture or configuration.

SIMOTIME Services has experience in moving or sharing data or application processing across a variety of systems. For additional information about SIMOTIME Services or Technologies please contact us using the information in the  Contact or Feedback  section of this document.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Software Agreement and Disclaimer

Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software, documentation or training material for any purpose requires a fee to be paid to SimoTime Technologies. Once the fee is received by SimoTime the latest version of the software, documentation or training material will be delivered and a license will be granted for use within an enterprise, provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the software without the written permission of SimoTime Technologies.

SimoTime Technologies makes no warranty or representations about the suitability of the software, documentation or learning material for any purpose. It is provided "AS IS" without any expressed or implied warranty, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. SimoTime Technologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software, documentation or training material.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Downloads and Links

This section includes links to documents with additional information that are beyond the scope and purpose of this document. The first group of documents may be available from a local system or via an internet connection, the second group of documents will require an internet connection.

Note: A SimoTime License is required for the items to be made available on a local system or server.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Current Server or Internet Access

The following links may be to the current server or to the Internet.

Note: The latest versions of the SimoTime Documents and Program Suites are available on the Internet and may be accessed using the Link to Internet icon. If a user has a SimoTime Enterprise License the Documents and Program Suites may be available on a local server and accessed using the Link to Server icon.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore An Enterprise System Model that describes and demonstrates how Applications that were running on a Mainframe System and non-relational data that was located on the Mainframe System were copied and deployed in a Microsoft Windows environment with Micro Focus Enterprise Server.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore The ASCII and EBCDIC Translation Tables. These tables are provided for individuals that need to better understand the bit structures and differences of the encoding formats.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore The File Status Return Codes that are used to interpret the results of accessing VSAM data sets and/or QSAM files.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Internet Access Required

The following links will require an internet connect.

A good place to start is The SimoTime Home Page for access to white papers, program examples and product information. This link requires an Internet Connection

Explore The Micro Focus Web Site for more information about products (including Micro Focus COBOL) and services available from Micro Focus. This link requires an Internet Connection.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Glossary of Terms

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the Glossary of Terms for a list of terms and definitions used in this suite of documents and white papers.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Contact or Feedback

This document was created and is maintained by SimoTime Technologies. If you have any questions, suggestions, comments or feedback please use the following contact information.

1. Send an e-mail to our helpdesk.
2. Our telephone numbers are as follows.
2.1. 1 415 763-9430 office-helpdesk
2.2. 1 415 827-7045 mobile


We appreciate hearing from you.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Company Overview

SimoTime Technologies was founded in 1987 and is a privately owned company. We specialize in the creation and deployment of business applications using new or existing technologies and services. We have a team of individuals that understand the broad range of technologies being used in today's environments. Our customers include small businesses using Internet technologies to corporations using very large mainframe systems.

Quite often, to reach larger markets or provide a higher level of service to existing customers it requires the newer Internet technologies to work in a complementary manner with existing corporate mainframe systems. We specialize in preparing applications and the associated data that are currently residing on a single platform to be distributed across a variety of platforms.

Preparing the application programs will require the transfer of source members that will be compiled and deployed on the target platform. The data will need to be transferred between the systems and may need to be converted and validated at various stages within the process. SimoTime has the technology, services and experience to assist in the application and data management tasks involved with doing business in a multi-system environment.

Whether you want to use the Internet to expand into new market segments or as a delivery vehicle for existing business functions simply give us a call or check the web site at

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Copyright © 1987-2024
SimoTime Technologies and Services
All Rights Reserved
When technology complements business