Customer Master File Create & Maintain a VSAM, KSDS |
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Many of the programs provided by SimoTime Technologies use a "Customer Master File" to get data that is used to demonstrate various processing or data accessing techniques. This suite of programs describes how to create the "Customer Master File". On the IBM Mainframe the Customer Master File is an EBCDIC-encoded VSAM Keyed Sequential Data Set (referred to as KSDS). On a Windows or UNIX System using Micro Focus the Customer Master File is an Indexed File or Key Sequenced File. In the Micro Focus world on Linux, UNIX or Windows the file content may be EBCDIC or ASCII encoded.
The Customer Master file contains variable length records with the minimum and average record length being the same length of 512 bytes. The key starts in the first position of the record and is 12 bytes in length. The record layout is defined in a COBOL copy file and contains text strings and various numeric formats including zoned-decimal, packed and binary.
We have made a significant effort to ensure the documents and software technologies are correct and accurate. We reserve the right to make changes without notice at any time. The function delivered in this version is based upon the enhancement requests from a specific group of users. The intent is to provide changes as the need arises and in a timeframe that is dependent upon the availability of resources.
Copyright © 1987-2025
SimoTime Technologies and Services
All Rights Reserved
This suite of programs will illustrate the following functions.
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Programming Objectives |
This suite of sample programs will run on the following platforms.
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Programming Requirements |
This suite of sample programs will run on the following platforms
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Programming Overview |
The JCL provided with this suite of programs will run in a Mainframe-Oriented Environment. The term "Mainframe-Oriented Environment" is used to refer to the following.
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Mainframe-Oriented Environments |
The record structure for the Customer Master File is defined using a COBOL COPY File (or COPY Book). The COPY File provides the basic information for an application program. However, determining the position and physical length of the fields within a record would require some additional calculation. Therefore, we have included a link to a separate document that explicitly provides this information. The document is generated using the COBOL COPY File.
The following (CUSTCB01.cpy) shows the content of the COPY File.
***************************************************************** * CUSTCB01.cpy - a COBOL Copy Member * * Customer Master File used for Quality Assurance Testing * * This is a VSAM Keyed-Sequential-Data-Set or KSDS * * Copyright (C) 1987-2020 SimoTime Technologies * * All Rights Reserved * * Provided by SimoTime Technologies * * Our e-mail address is: * * Also, visit our Web Site at * ***************************************************************** * CUST-RECORD size is 512 bytes. * RMIN is 512 RMAX is 512 * KPOS is 1 KLEN is 012 * ....:.*..1....:....2....:....3....:....4....:....5....:....6....:....7....:....8 01 CUST-RECORD. 05 CUST-NUMBER PIC X(12). col A 05 CUST-DATA. 10 CUST-STATUS PIC X. col B 10 CUST-NAME. 15 CUST-LAST-NAME PIC X(28). col C 15 CUST-FIRST-NAME PIC X(20). col D 15 CUST-MID-NAME PIC X(20). col E 10 CUST-ADDRESS-1 PIC X(48). col F 10 CUST-ADDRESS-2 PIC X(48). col G 10 CUST-CITY PIC X(28). col H 10 CUST-STATE PIC X(28). col I 10 CUST-POSTAL-CODE PIC X(12). col J 10 CUST-PHONE-HOME PIC X(18). col K 10 CUST-PHONE-WORK PIC X(18). col L 10 CUST-PHONE-CELL PIC X(18). col M 10 CUST-CREDIT-LIMIT PIC 9(7) COMP-3. col N 10 CUST-DISCOUNT OCCURS 3 TIMES. 15 CUST-DISCOUNT-CODE PIC S9(3) COMP. col ORU 15 CUST-DISCOUNT-RATE PIC S9(2)V999. col PSV 15 CUST-DISCOUNT-DATE PIC X(8). col QTW 10 CUST-LADATE PIC X(8). col X 10 CUST-LATIME PIC X(8). col Y 10 CUST-TOKEN PIC 9(3). col Z 10 FILLER PIC X(145). * *** CUSTCB01 - End-of-Copy File - - - - - - - - - - - CUSTCB01 * ***************************************************************** *
The Record Structure for the Customer Master file is defined in an HTML document that is generated using a COBOL copy file. The COBOL copy file provides information for an application program to build a data structure in Working Storage. However, the copy file does not provide explicit information about the start positions of fields within the records or the physical size of the various numeric formats. The HTML document provides this information.
The following (CUSCRTJ1.jcl) is a listing of the JCL member that may be used to create the Customer Master File.
//CUSCRTJ1 JOB SIMOTIME,CLASS=1,MSGCLASS=0,NOTIFY=CSIP1 //* ******************************************************************* //* CUSCRTJ1.JCL - a JCL Member for Batch Job Processing * //* This JCL Member is provided by SimoTime Technologies * //* (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved * //* Web Site URL: * //* e-mail: * //* ******************************************************************* //* //* Text - Create an empty VSAM, KSDS data set using IDCAMS. //* Author - SimoTime Technologies //* Date - January 24, 1996 //* //* This job will create a VSAM, KSDS data set. Refer to the INDEXED //* parameter within the DEFINE CLUSTER. //* //* The key is twelve characters starting at the first position in //* the record. Refer to the KEYS(12,0) parameter. //* //* The record length for the data set is 512 characters. Refer to //* the RECORDIZE(512,512) where the first numeric value is the //* AVERAGE and the second numeric value is the MAXIMUM length. //* //* This job script will run on an IBM Mainframe under ZOS or on a //* Microsoft Windows System under Micro Focus Mainframe Express. //* //* ******************************************************************* //* Step 1 of 1, this is a single step job. //* //KSDSMAKE EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * DEFINE CLUSTER (NAME(SIMOTIME.DATA.CUSTMAST) - TRACKS(45,15) - INDEXED) - DATA (NAME(SIMOTIME.DATA.CUSTMAST.DAT) - KEYS(12,0) - RECORDSIZE(512,512) - FREESPACE(10,15) - CISZ(8192)) - INDEX (NAME(SIMOTIME.DATA.CUSTMAST.IDX)) /* //*
Once the VSAM Cluster has been defined it will be necessary to load data (i.e. add records to the file) into the data set. The following sub-sections will describe and demonstrate some of the alternatives available.
The following two JCL members will create a sequential file of eighty (80) byte records with each record containing a six (6) byte customer number and customer data. The sequential file will then be read and the information will be reformatted to a twelve (12) byte customer number with larger data fields. The reformatted data will then be used to update records in the Customer Master File.
The following (CUSC80J1.jcl) is a listing of the JCL member that may be used to create a sequential file using instream data. The sequential file may be used to update the Customer Master File.
//CUSC80J1 JOB SIMOTIME,CLASS=1,MSGCLASS=0,NOTIFY=CSIP1 //* ******************************************************************* //* CUSC80J1.JCL - a JCL Member for Batch Job Processing * //* This JCL Member is provided by SimoTime Technologies * //* (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved * //* Web Site URL: * //* e-mail: * //* ******************************************************************* //* //* Text - Create a Sequential Data Set on disk using IEBGENER. //* Author - SimoTime Technologies //* Date - January 24, 1996 //* //* The first job step (QSAMDELT) will delete any previously created //* file. The second job step (QSAMCRT1) will create a new file. //* //* This set of programs will run on a mainframe under MVS or on a //* Personal Computer with Windows and Micro Focus Mainframe Express. //* //* ************ //* * QUSC80J1 * //* ********jcl* //* * //* * //* ************ ************ //* * IEFBR14 ******* CUST0080 * //* ********utl* ***delete*** //* * //* * //* ************ ************ ************ //* * SYSIN ******* IEBGENER ******* CUST0080 * //* ********jcl* ********utl* *******rseq* //* * //* * //* ************ //* * EOJ * //* ************ //* //* ******************************************************************* //* Step 1 of 2, Delete any previously created file... //* //QSAMDELT EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //CUST0080 DD DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.CUST0080,DISP=(MOD,DELETE,DELETE), // STORCLAS=MFI, // SPACE=(TRK,5), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800,DSORG=PS) //* //* ******************************************************************* //* Step 2 of 2, Create and populate a new QSAM file... //* //QSAMCRT1 EXEC PGM=IEBGENER //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* :....1....:....2....:....3....:....4....:....5....:....6....:....7. ..:....8 //SYSUT1 DD * 000100 Anderson Adrian 1113 Peachtree Plaza Atlanta GA 26101 000200 Brown Billie 224 Baker Boulevard Baltimore MD 35702 000300 Carson Cameron 336 Crenshaw Blvd. Cupertino CA 96154 000400 Davidson Dion 448 Main Street Wilmington DE 27323 000500 Everest Evan 55 5TH Avenue New York NY 10341 000600 Franklin Francis 6612 66TH Avenue Bedrock NY 11903 000700 Garfunkel Gwen 777 77TH Street New York NY 16539 000800 Harrison Hilary 888 88TH Street Pocatello ID 79684 000900 Isley Isabel 999 99TH Avenue Indianapolis IN 38762 001000 Johnson Jamie 1010 Paradise Drive Larkspur CA 90504 001100 Kemper Kelly 1111 Oak Circle Kansas City KS 55651 001200 Lemond Lesley 1212 Lockwood Road Mohave Desert AZ 80303 001300 Mitchell Marlowe 1313 Miller Creek Road Anywhere TX 77123 001400 Newman Noel 1414 Park Avenue Santa Monica CA 90210 001500 Osborn Owen 1515 Center Stage Rolling Rock PA 36613 001600 Powell Pierce PO Box 1616 Ventura CA 97712 001700 Quigley Quincy 1717 Farm Hill Road Oshkosh WI 43389 001800 Ripley Ray 1818 Alien Lane Wayout KS 55405 001900 Smith Sammy 1919 Carnoustie Drive Novato CA 94919 002000 Tucker Taylor 2020 Sanger Lane St. Paul MN 43998 002100 Underwood Ulysses 2121 Wall Street New York NY 17623 002200 Van Etten Valerie 2222 Vine Street Hollywood CA 98775 002300 Wilson Wiley 2323 Main Street Boston MA 01472 002400 Xray Xavier 2424 24TH Street Nashville TN 44190 002500 Young Yanni 2525 Yonge Street Toronto ON 6B74A6 002600 Zenith Zebulon 2626 26TH Street Dallas TX 71922 123456 Doe John 123 Main Street Anywhere OR 88156 /* //SYSUT2 DD DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.CUST0080, // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // STORCLAS=MFI, // SPACE=(TRK,5), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800,DSORG=PS) //
The following (CUSI80J1.jcl) is a listing of the JCL member that may be used to update the Customer Master File.
//CUSI80J1 JOB SIMOTIME,ACCOUNT,CLASS=1,MSGCLASS=0,NOTIFY=&SYSUID //* ******************************************************************* //* CUSI80J1.JCL - a JCL Member for Batch Job Processing * //* This JCL Member is provided by SimoTime Technologies * //* (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved * //* Web Site URL: * //* e-mail: * //* ******************************************************************* //* //* Text - Read 80-Byte input and populate a VSAM, KSDS. //* Author - SimoTime Technologies //* Date - November 24, 2004 //* Version - 07.01.22 //* //* This job uses a COBOL program to read a sequential file. The //* information is then used to add records to the KSDS. The records //* must be in sequence determined by the key field. //* //* ******************************************************************* //* Step 1 of 1, Read Sequential File, add records to VSAM, KSDS. //* //STEP010 EXEC PGM=CUSI80C1 //STEPLIB DD DSN=SIMOTIME.DEMO.LOADLIB1,DISP=SHR //CUST0080 DD DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.CUST0080, // DISP=SHR //CUSTMAST DD DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.CUSTMAST, // DISP=SHR //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //*
The following two JCL members will do an initial load and a secondary update/add of records to the Customer Master File.
Check out How to Create and Populate a Customer Master File for the Development and Testing environments. This suite of programs will allow the user to determine the number of records to be added to the Customer Master File.
The following is the mainframe JCL (OBFADDJ1.jcl) required to sequentially load (or add) records to a new Customer Master File.
//OBFADDJ1 JOB SIMOTIME,ACCOUNT,CLASS=1,MSGCLASS=0,NOTIFY=CSIP1 //* ******************************************************************* //* This JCL Member is provided by SimoTime Technologies * //* (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved * //* Web Site URL: * //* e-mail: * //* ******************************************************************* //* //* Text - Execute a COBOL program to populate a Customer File. //* Author - SimoTime Technologies //* Date - January 01, 1997 //* //* This COBOL program will read a control file and access the various //* name files to populate or update a customer master file. //* //* This program uses a Sequential ADD methodology. Therefore, //* the records being added to the file need to be in sequence //* by the record key. Since this does an OPEN for OUTPUT it is used //* to create a new file. //* //* ************ //* * OBFADDJ1 * //* ********jcl* //* * //* * //* ************ ************ ************ //* * OBFCTL80 *--*--* OBFDATC2 *-----* OBF1CUST * //* *******rseq* * ********cbl* *******ksds* //* * * //* ************ * * //* * LASTNAME *--* * //* *******rseq* * * //* * * //* ************ * * //* * FNAMEF01 *--* * //* *******rseq* * * //* * * //* ************ * * //* * FNAMEM01 *--* * //* *******rseq* * * //* * * //* ************ * * //* * POSTCODE *--* * //* *******rseq* * * //* * * //* ************ * * //* * STREET01 *--* * //* *******rseq* * //* * //* ************ //* * EOJ * //* ************ //* //* ******************************************************************* //* Step 1 This is a single step job. //* //CUADDS01 EXEC PGM=OBFDATC2 //STEPLIB DD DISP=OLD,DSN=MFI01.SIMOPROD.LOADLIB1 //OBFCTL80 DD DISP=OLD,DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.OBFCTL80 //FNAMEF01 DD DISP=OLD,DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.FNAMEF01 //FNAMEM01 DD DISP=OLD,DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.FNAMEM01 //LASTNAME DD DISP=OLD,DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.LASTNAME //POSTCODE DD DISP=OLD,DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.POSTCODE //STREET01 DD DISP=OLD,DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.STREET01 //OBF1CUST DD DISP=OLD,DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.OBF1CUST //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //*
The following is the mainframe JCL (OBFUPDJ1.jcl) required to add new records or update existing records for the Customer Master File.
//OBFUPDJ1 JOB SIMOTIME,ACCOUNT,CLASS=1,MSGCLASS=0,NOTIFY=CSIP1 //* ******************************************************************* //* This JCL Member is provided by SimoTime Technologies * //* (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved * //* Web Site URL: * //* e-mail: * //* ******************************************************************* //* //* Text - Execute a COBOL program to update a Customer File. //* Author - SimoTime Technologies //* Date - January 01, 1997 //* //* This COBOL program will read a control file and access the various //* name files to populate or update a customer master file. //* //* This program uses a Random, ADD/UPDATE methodology. Therefore, //* the records being added to the file do not need to be in //* sequence by the record key. //* //* ************ //* * OBFUPDJ1 * //* ********jcl* //* * //* * //* ************ ************ //* * OBFDATC1 *-----* OBF1CUST * //* ********cbl* *******ksds* //* * //* ************ ************ //* * OBFCTL80 *--*--* OBFCTLC1 * //* *******rseq* ********cbl* //* * //* ************ ************ //* * LASTNAME *--*--* OBFDATR1 * //* *******rseq* * ********cbl* //* * * //* ************ * * //* * FNAMEF01 *--* * //* *******rseq* * * //* * * //* ************ * * //* * FNAMEM01 *--* * //* *******rseq* * * //* * * //* ************ * * //* * POSTCODE *--* * //* *******rseq* * * //* * * //* ************ * * //* * STREET01 *--* * //* *******rseq* * //* * //* ************ //* * EOJ * //* ************ //* //* ******************************************************************* //* Step 1 This is a single step job. //* //CUUPDS01 EXEC PGM=OBFDATC1 //STEPLIB DD DISP=OLD,DSN=MFI01.SIMOPROD.LOADLIB1 //OBFCTL80 DD DISP=OLD,DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.OBFCTL80 //FNAMEF01 DD DISP=OLD,DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.FNAMEF01 //FNAMEM01 DD DISP=OLD,DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.FNAMEM01 //LASTNAME DD DISP=OLD,DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.LASTNAME //POSTCODE DD DISP=OLD,DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.POSTCODE //STREET01 DD DISP=OLD,DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.STREET01 //OBF1CUST DD DISP=OLD,DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.OBF1CUST //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //*
The following two JCL members will create a sequential file with each record containing a field identifier, a customer number and a string of data. The sequential file will then be read and the information will be used to update fields within records of the Customer Master File.
The following (CUCSQJ01.jcl) is a listing of the JCL member that may be used to create a sequential file using instream data. The sequential file may be used to update the Customer Master File.
//CUCSQJ01 JOB SIMOTIME,CLASS=1,MSGCLASS=0,NOTIFY=CSIP1 //* ******************************************************************* //* CUCSQJ01.JCL - a JCL Member for Batch Job Processing * //* This JCL Member is provided by SimoTime Technologies * //* (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved * //* Web Site URL: * //* e-mail: * //* ******************************************************************* //* //* Text - Create a Sequential Data Set on disk using IEBGENER. //* Author - SimoTime Technologies //* Date - January 24, 1996 //* //* The first job step (SQ01DELT) will delete any previously created //* file. The second job step (CUCSQS01) will create a new file. //* //* This set of programs will run on a mainframe under MVS or on a //* Personal Computer with Windows and Micro Focus Mainframe Express. //* //* ************ //* * CUCSQJ01 * //* ********jcl* //* * //* * //* ************ ************ //* * IEFBR14 ******* CUSTSQ01 * //* ********utl* ***delete*** //* * //* * //* ************ ************ ************ //* * SYSUT2 ******* IEBGENER ******* CUSTSQ01 * //* ********jcl* ********utl* *******qsam* //* * //* * //* ************ //* * EOJ * //* ************ //* //* ******************************************************************* //* Positions Purpose/Description //* 01-03 Control Information //* 04-15 Key for KSDS Access //* 15-71 Text string used for update //* //* *** ************************ //* /NL update CUST-LAST-NAME //* /NF update CUST-FIRST-NAME //* /NM update CUST-MIDDLE-NAME //* /A1 update CUST-ADDRESS-1 //* /A2 update CUST-ADDRESS-2 //* /CT update CUST-CITY //* /ST update CUST-STATE //* /PC update CUST-POSTAL-CODE //* /CL update CUST-CREDIT-LIMIT //* /TH update CUST-PHONE-HOME //* /TO update CUST-PHONE-OFFICE //* /TM update CUST-PHONE-MOBILE //* //* ******************************************************************* //* Step 1 of 2, Delete any previously created file... //* //SQ01DELT EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //CUSTSQ01 DD DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.CUSTSQ01,DISP=(MOD,DELETE,DELETE), // STORCLAS=MFI, // SPACE=(TRK,5), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800,DSORG=PS) //* //* ******************************************************************* //* Step 2 of 2, Create and populate a new QSAM file... //* //CUCSQS01 EXEC PGM=IEBGENER //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* :....1....:....2....:....3....:....4....:....5....:....6....:....7....:....8 //SYSUT1 DD * /NL000000000001Anderson /NF000000000001Adrian /A1000000000001111 Peachtree Plaza /CT000000000001Atlanta /ST000000000001GA /PC00000000000111033 /TO0000000000012651101234 /CL0000000000010025000 /NL000000000002Brown /NF000000000002Billie /A1000000000002222 Baker Boulevard /A2000000000002Apartment 22B /CT000000000002Baltimore /ST000000000002MD /PC00000000000221033 /CL0000000000020002500 /NL000000000003Carson /NF000000000003Cameron /A1000000000003333 Crenshaw Blvd. /CT000000000003Cupertino /ST000000000003CA /PC00000000000394116 /NL000000000004Davidson /NF000000000004Dion /A1000000000004444 Main Street /CT000000000004Wilmington /ST000000000004DE /PC00000000000410421-6767 /NL000000000005Everest /NF000000000005Evan /A1000000000005555 5TH Avenue /CT000000000005New York /ST000000000005NY /PC00000000000512135 /NL000000000006Franklin /NF000000000006Francis /A1000000000006666 66TH Avenue /CT000000000006Bedrock /ST000000000006NY /PC00000000000613897 /NL000000000007Garfunkel /NF000000000007Gwen /A1000000000007777 77TH Street /CT000000000007New York /ST000000000007NY /PC00000000000711397 /NL000000000008Harrison /NF000000000008Hilary /A1000000000008888 88TH Street /CT000000000008Pocatello /ST000000000008ID /PC00000000000878662 /NL000000000009Isley /NF000000000009Isabel /A1000000000009999 99TH Avenue /CT000000000009Indianapolis /ST000000000009IN /PC00000000000937912 /NL000000000010Johnson /NF000000000010Jamie /A10000000000101010 Paradise Drive /CT000000000010Larkspur /ST000000000010CA /PC00000000001097661 /NL000000000011Kemper /NF000000000011Kelly /A10000000000111111 Oak Circle /CT000000000011Kansas City /ST000000000011KS /PC00000000001143077 /NL000000000012Lemond /NF000000000012Lesley /A10000000000121212 Lockwood Road /A2000000000012Suite 12A /CT000000000012Mohave Desert /ST000000000012AZ /PC00000000001287033 /NL000000000013Mitchell /NF000000000013Marlow /A10000000000131313 Miller Creek Road /CT000000000013Anywhere /ST000000000013TX /PC00000000001361773 /NL000000000014Newman /NF000000000014Noel /A10000000000141414 Park Avenue /CT000000000014Santa Monica /ST000000000014CA /PC00000000001490503 /NL000000000015Osborn /NF000000000015Owen /A10000000000151515 Center Stage /CT000000000015Rolling Rock /ST000000000015PA /PC00000000001527113 /NL000000000016Powell /NF000000000016Pierce /A1000000000016PO Box 1616 /CT000000000016Ventura /ST000000000016CA /PC00000000001690507 /NL000000000017Quigley /NF000000000017Quincy /A10000000000171717 Farm Hill Road /CT000000000017Oshkosh /ST000000000017WI /PC00000000001706112 /NL000000000018Ripley /NF000000000018Ray /A10000000000181818 Alien Lane /CT000000000018Wayout /ST000000000018KS /PC00000000001804713 /NL000000000019Smith /NF000000000019Sammy /A10000000000191919 Carnoustie Drive /CT000000000019Novato /ST000000000019CA /PC00000000001994949 /TO000000000019415 883-6565 /CL0000000000190010000 /NL000000000020Tucker /NF000000000020Taylor /A10000000000202020 Sanger Lane /CT000000000020St. Paul /ST000000000020MN /PC00000000002006147 /CL0000000000201234567 /NL000000000021Underwood /NF000000000021Ulysses /A10000000000212121 Wall Street /CT000000000021New York /ST000000000021NY /PC00000000002104001 /NL000000000022Van Etten /NF000000000022Valerie /A10000000000222222 Vine Street /A200000000002216TH Floor /CT000000000022Hollywood /ST000000000022CA /PC00000000002297163 /NL000000000023Wilson /NF000000000023Wiley /A10000000000232323 Main Street /CT000000000023Boston /ST000000000023MA /PC00000000002327135 /NL000000000024Xray /NF000000000024Xavier /A10000000000242424 24TH Street /CT000000000024Nashville /ST000000000024TN /PC00000000002450513 /NL000000000025Young /NF000000000025Yanni /A10000000000252525 Yonge Street /CT000000000025Toronto /ST000000000025ON /PC0000000000251K3 B4R /NL000000000026Zenith /NF000000000026Zebulon /A10000000000262626 26TH Street /CT000000000026Dallas /ST000000000026TX /PC00000000002661735 /* //SYSUT2 DD DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.CUSTSQ01, // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // STORCLAS=MFI, // SPACE=(TRK,5), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800,DSORG=PS) //
The following (CUUPDJ01.jcl) is a listing of the JCL member that may be used to update the Customer Master File.
//CUUPDJ01 JOB SIMOTIME,ACCOUNT,CLASS=1,MSGCLASS=0,NOTIFY=CSIP1 //* ******************************************************************* //* CUUPDJ01.JCL - a JCL Member for Batch Job Processing * //* This JCL Member is provided by SimoTime Technologies * //* (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved * //* Web Site URL: * //* e-mail: * //* ******************************************************************* //* //* Text - Execute a COBOL program to read QSAM and write VSAM. //* Author - SimoTime Technologies //* Date - January 01, 1997 //* //* This COBOL program will read a QSAM, EBCDIC, 80-byte, //* fixed-record-length file and update a KSDS, VSAM data set. //* //* ************ //* * CUUPDJ01 * //* ********jcl* //* * //* * //* ************ ************ ************ //* * CUSTSQ01 *-----* CUUPDC01 *-----* CUSTMAST * //* *******qsam* ********cbl* *******vsam* //* * //* * //* ************ //* * EOJ * //* ************ //* //* ******************************************************************* //* Step 1 of 1, this is a single step job. //* //CUUPDS01 EXEC PGM=CUUPDC01 //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=MFI01.SIMOPROD.LOADLIB1 //CUSTSQ01 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.CUSTSQ01 //CUSTMAST DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.CUSTMAST //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //*
The following (CUSEXTJ1.jcl) is a listing of the JCL member that may be used to extract information from the Customer Master File and create a sequential file with the records formatted with the fields delimited by a comma.
//CUSEXTJ1 JOB SIMOTIME,ACCOUNT,CLASS=1,MSGCLASS=0,NOTIFY=CSIP1 //* ******************************************************************* //* CUSEXTJ1.JCL - a JCL Member for Batch Job Processing * //* This JCL Member is provided by SimoTime Technologies * //* (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved * //* Web Site URL: * //* e-mail: * //* ******************************************************************* //* //* Text - Read Customer Master File, write to a sequential file //* Author - SimoTime Technologies //* Date - January 01, 1989 //* //* This set of programs will run on a mainframe under MVS or on //* a Personal Computer running Windows and Mainframe Express by //* Micro Focus. //* //* ************ ************ //* * Entry * * Entry * //* * MVS * * Windows * //* ************ ************ //* * * //* ************ ************ //* * CUSEXTJ1 * * CUSEXTE1 * //* ********jcl* ********cmd* //* * * //* ************ * //* * IEFBR14 * * //* ********utl* * //* * * //* ********************************* //* * //* * //* ************ ************ ************ //* * CUSTMAST *----* CUSEXTC1 *----* CUSEXTSV * //* ************ ********cbl* ********dat* //* * * //* * * //* * *---CALL----* //* * * //* * * //* * ************ //* * * CUSEXTR1 * //* * ********cbl* //* * //* ************ //* * EOJ * //* ************ //* //* ******************************************************************* //* Step 1 of 2, This job step will delete a previously created file. //* //DELTSEQ1 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //CUSTRCSV DD DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.CUSTPHON,DISP=(MOD,DELETE,DELETE), // STORCLAS=MFI, // SPACE=(TRK,5), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=256,DSORG=PS) //* ******************************************************************* //* Step 2 of 2, Execute the Sample program. //* Read the customer file (KSDS) and write a record of //* selected fields to a sequential file. Truncate spaces //* from each field and separate the fields by a comma. //* //CBLEXTS1 EXEC PGM=CUSEXTC1 //STEPLIB DD DSN=MFI01.SIMOPROD.LOADLIB1,DISP=SHR //CUSTMAST DD DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.CUSTMAST,DISP=SHR //CUSTRCSV DD DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.CUSTPHON,DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // STORCLAS=MFI, // SPACE=(TRK,5), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=256,DSORG=PS) //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //*
This section includes a listing of the source code for the COBOL programs used to create, maintain and access the Customer Master File.
The following (CUSI80C1.cbl) is a sample COBOL demonstration program. This program will "read from" a sequential file and "update records or add records" to the Customer Master File. The sequential input file is eighty (80) byte fixed length records with a six (6) byte customer number in positions 1-6. The Customer number will be expanded to twelve (12) bytes and the individual fields will be increased in size. The program will compile and run in a Mainframe-oriented environment using an EBCDIC or ASCII encoded format.
IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. CUSI80C1. AUTHOR. SIMOTIME TECHNOLOGIES. ***************************************************************** * This program was generated by SimoZAPS * * A product of SimoTime Technologies * * Our e-mail address is: * * Also, visit our Web Site at * * * * Generation Date: 2018-10-10 Generation Time: 20:28:24:10 * * * * Record Record Key * * Function Name Organization Format Max-Min Pos-Len * * PRIMARY CUST0080 SEQUENTIAL FIXED 00080 * * * * SECONDARY CUSTMAST INDEXED VARIABLE 00512 00001 * * 00012 00012 * * * * Translation Mode is ASCII to ASCII * * * ***************************************************************** ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT CUST0080-FILE ASSIGN TO CUST0080 ORGANIZATION IS SEQUENTIAL ACCESS MODE IS SEQUENTIAL FILE STATUS IS CUST0080-STATUS. SELECT CUSTMAST-FILE ASSIGN TO CUSTMAST ORGANIZATION IS INDEXED ACCESS MODE IS SEQUENTIAL RECORD KEY IS CUSTMAST-PKEY-00001-00012 FILE STATUS IS CUSTMAST-STATUS. ***************************************************************** DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. FD CUST0080-FILE DATA RECORD IS CUST0080-REC . 01 CUST0080-REC. 05 CUST0080-DATA-01 PIC X(00080). FD CUSTMAST-FILE DATA RECORD IS CUSTMAST-REC . 01 CUSTMAST-REC. 05 CUSTMAST-PKEY-00001-00012 PIC X(00012). 05 CUSTMAST-DATA-00013-00500 PIC X(00500). ***************************************************************** * This program was created with the SYSMASK1.TXT file as input. * * The SYSMASK1 provides for the sequential reading of the input * * file and the sequential writing of the output file. * * * * If the output file is indexed then the input file must be in * * sequence by the field that will be used to provide the key * * for the output file. This is a sequential load process. * * * * If the key field is not in sequence then refer to SYSMASK2 * * to provide for a random add or update of the indexed file. * * * * This program mask will have the ASCII/EBCDIC table inserted * * for use by the /TRANSLATE function of SimoZAPS. * * * * For more information or questions please contact SimoTime * * Technologies. The version control number is 16.01.01 * * * * Our e-mail address is: * * Also, visit our Web Site at * ***************************************************************** WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 SIM-TITLE. 05 T1 pic X(11) value '* CUSI80C1 '. 05 T2 pic X(34) value 'Sequential, RSEQ-80 to KSEQ-512 '. 05 T3 pic X(10) value ' v16.01.01'. 05 T4 pic X(24) value ''. 01 SIM-COPYRIGHT. 05 C1 pic X(11) value '* CUSI80C1 '. 05 C2 pic X(32) value 'This Data File Convert Member wa'. 05 C3 pic X(32) value 's generated by SimoTime Technolo'. 05 C4 pic X(04) value 'gies'. 01 CUST0080-STATUS. 05 CUST0080-STATUS-L pic X. 05 CUST0080-STATUS-R pic X. 01 CUST0080-EOF pic X value 'N'. 01 CUST0080-OPEN-FLAG pic X value 'C'. 01 CUSTMAST-STATUS. 05 CUSTMAST-STATUS-L pic X. 05 CUSTMAST-STATUS-R pic X. 01 CUSTMAST-EOF pic X value 'N'. 01 CUSTMAST-OPEN-FLAG pic X value 'C'. 01 CUST0080-LRECL pic 9(5) value 00080. 01 CUSTMAST-LRECL pic 9(5) value 00512. 01 CUST0080-LRECL-MAX pic 9(5) value 00080. 01 CUSTMAST-LRECL-MAX pic 9(5) value 00512. ***************************************************************** * The following buffers are used to create a four-byte status * * code that may be displayed. * ***************************************************************** 01 IO-STATUS. 05 IO-STAT1 pic X. 05 IO-STAT2 pic X. 01 IO-STATUS-04. 05 IO-STATUS-0401 pic 9 value 0. 05 IO-STATUS-0403 pic 999 value 0. 01 TWO-BYTES-BINARY pic 9(4) BINARY. 01 TWO-BYTES-ALPHA redefines TWO-BYTES-BINARY. 05 TWO-BYTES-LEFT pic X. 05 TWO-BYTES-RIGHT pic X. ***************************************************************** * Message Buffer used by the Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT routine. * ***************************************************************** 01 MESSAGE-BUFFER. 05 MESSAGE-HEADER pic X(011) value '* CUSI80C1 '. 05 MESSAGE-TEXT. 10 MESSAGE-TEXT-1 pic X(068) value SPACES. 10 MESSAGE-TEXT-2 pic X(188) value SPACES. 01 MSG-LSB pic 9(5) value 267. ***************************************************************** 01 PROGRAM-NAME pic X(8) value 'CUSI80C1'. 01 INFO-STATEMENT. 05 INFO-SHORT. 10 INFO-ID pic X(8) value 'Starting'. 10 filler pic X(2) value ', '. 10 filler pic X(34) value 'Sequential, RSEQ-80 to KSEQ-512 '. 05 filler pic X(24) value ''. 01 APPL-RESULT pic S9(9) comp. 88 APPL-AOK value 0. 88 APPL-EOF value 16. 01 WRITE-FLAG pic X value 'Y'. 01 CUST0080-TOTAL. 05 CUST0080-RDR pic 9(9) value 0. 05 filler pic X(3) value ' - '. 05 filler pic X(23) value 'Line count for CUST0080'. 01 CUSTMAST-TOTAL. 05 CUSTMAST-ADD pic 9(9) value 0. 05 filler pic X(3) value ' - '. 05 filler pic X(23) value 'Line count for CUSTMAST'. ***************************************************************** PROCEDURE DIVISION. move all '*' to MESSAGE-TEXT-1 perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move INFO-STATEMENT to MESSAGE-TEXT-1 perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move all '*' to MESSAGE-TEXT-1 perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-POST-COPYRIGHT perform CUST0080-OPEN perform CUSTMAST-OPEN * USRSOJ Processing not specified... perform until CUST0080-STATUS not = '00' perform CUST0080-READ if CUST0080-STATUS = '00' add 1 to CUST0080-RDR perform BUILD-OUTPUT-RECORD if WRITE-FLAG = 'Y' perform CUSTMAST-WRITE if CUSTMAST-STATUS = '00' add 1 to CUSTMAST-ADD end-if end-if end-if end-perform * USREOJ Processing not specified... move CUST0080-TOTAL to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move CUSTMAST-TOTAL to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT if APPL-EOF move 'Complete' to INFO-ID else move 'ABENDING' to INFO-ID end-if move INFO-STATEMENT to MESSAGE-TEXT(1:79) perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT perform CUSTMAST-CLOSE perform CUST0080-CLOSE GOBACK. ***************************************************************** BUILD-OUTPUT-RECORD. * TransMODE is A2A... * TransINIT process... move ALL SPACES to CUSTMAST-REC * TransCOPY... move CUST0080-REC(00001:00006) to CUSTMAST-REC(00007:00006) * TransCOPY... move CUST0080-REC(00008:00015) to CUSTMAST-REC(00014:00015) * TransCOPY... move CUST0080-REC(00023:00010) to CUSTMAST-REC(00042:00010) * TransCOPY... move CUST0080-REC(00033:00024) to CUSTMAST-REC(00082:00024) * TransCOPY... move CUST0080-REC(00057:00015) to CUSTMAST-REC(00178:00015) * TransCOPY... move CUST0080-REC(00072:00003) to CUSTMAST-REC(00206:00003) * TransCOPY... move CUST0080-REC(00075:00006) to CUSTMAST-REC(00234:00006) * TransFILL... move '000000' to CUSTMAST-REC(00001:00006) * TransFILL... move X'0000250F' to CUSTMAST-REC(00300:00004) * TransFILL... move X'0000' to CUSTMAST-REC(00304:00002) * TransFILL... move '00000' to CUSTMAST-REC(00306:00005) * TransFILL... move '00000000' to CUSTMAST-REC(00311:00008) * TransFILL... move X'0000' to CUSTMAST-REC(00319:00002) * TransFILL... move '00000' to CUSTMAST-REC(00321:00005) * TransFILL... move '00000000' to CUSTMAST-REC(00326:00008) * TransFILL... move X'0000' to CUSTMAST-REC(00334:00002) * TransFILL... move '00000' to CUSTMAST-REC(00336:00005) * TransFILL... move '00000000' to CUSTMAST-REC(00341:00008) * TransFILL... move '20080124' to CUSTMAST-REC(00349:00008) * TransFILL... move '13053000' to CUSTMAST-REC(00357:00008) * TransDATE... accept CUSTMAST-REC(00349:00008) from DATE YYYYMMDD * TransTIME... accept CUSTMAST-REC(00357:00008) from TIME * TransFILL... move '000' to CUSTMAST-REC(00365:00003) exit. ***************************************************************** * I/O Routines for the INPUT File... * ***************************************************************** CUST0080-CLOSE. add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT. close CUST0080-FILE if CUST0080-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else move 'CLOSE Failure with CUST0080' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move CUST0080-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* CUST0080-READ. read CUST0080-FILE if CUST0080-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT else if CUST0080-STATUS = '10' add 16 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else if APPL-EOF move 'Y' to CUST0080-EOF else move 'READ Failure with CUST0080' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move CUST0080-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* CUST0080-OPEN. add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT. open input CUST0080-FILE if CUST0080-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT move 'O' to CUST0080-OPEN-FLAG else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else move 'OPEN Failure with CUST0080' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move CUST0080-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. ***************************************************************** * I/O Routines for the OUTPUT File... * ***************************************************************** CUSTMAST-WRITE. if CUSTMAST-OPEN-FLAG = 'C' perform CUSTMAST-OPEN end-if write CUSTMAST-REC if CUSTMAST-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT else if CUSTMAST-STATUS = '10' add 16 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if end-if. if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else move 'WRITE Failure with CUSTMAST' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move CUSTMAST-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* CUSTMAST-OPEN. add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT. open OUTPUT CUSTMAST-FILE if CUSTMAST-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT move 'O' to CUSTMAST-OPEN-FLAG else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else move 'OPEN Failure with CUSTMAST' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move CUSTMAST-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* CUSTMAST-CLOSE. add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT. close CUSTMAST-FILE if CUSTMAST-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT move 'C' to CUSTMAST-OPEN-FLAG else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else move 'CLOSE Failure with CUSTMAST' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move CUSTMAST-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. ***************************************************************** * The following Z-ROUTINES provide administrative functions * * for this program. * ***************************************************************** * ABEND the program, post a message to the console and issue * * a STOP RUN. * ***************************************************************** Z-ABEND-PROGRAM. if MESSAGE-TEXT not = SPACES perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT end-if move 'PROGRAM-IS-ABENDING...' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT add 12 to ZERO giving RETURN-CODE STOP RUN. * exit. ***************************************************************** Z-CALCULATE-MESSAGE-LSB. add 267 to ZERO giving MSG-LSB perform until MSG-LSB < 80 or MESSAGE-BUFFER(MSG-LSB:1) not = SPACE if MESSAGE-BUFFER(MSG-LSB:1) = SPACE subtract 1 from MSG-LSB end-if end-perform exit. ***************************************************************** * Display CONSOLE messages... * ***************************************************************** Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT. perform Z-CALCULATE-MESSAGE-LSB display MESSAGE-BUFFER(1:MSG-LSB) move all SPACES to MESSAGE-TEXT exit. ***************************************************************** * Display the file status bytes. This routine will display as * * four digits. If the full two byte file status is numeric it * * will display as 00nn. If the 1st byte is a numeric nine (9) * * the second byte will be treated as a binary number and will * * display as 9nnn. * ***************************************************************** Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS. if IO-STATUS not NUMERIC or IO-STAT1 = '9' move IO-STAT1 to IO-STATUS-04(1:1) subtract TWO-BYTES-BINARY from TWO-BYTES-BINARY move IO-STAT2 to TWO-BYTES-RIGHT add TWO-BYTES-BINARY to ZERO giving IO-STATUS-0403 move 'File Status is: nnnn' to MESSAGE-TEXT move IO-STATUS-04 to MESSAGE-TEXT(17:4) perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT else move '0000' to IO-STATUS-04 move IO-STATUS to IO-STATUS-04(3:2) move 'File Status is: nnnn' to MESSAGE-TEXT move IO-STATUS-04 to MESSAGE-TEXT(17:4) perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT end-if exit. ***************************************************************** Z-POST-COPYRIGHT. display SIM-TITLE display SIM-COPYRIGHT exit. ***************************************************************** * This program was generated by SimoZAPS * * A product of SimoTime Technologies * * Our e-mail address is: * * Also, visit our Web Site at * * * * Generation Date: 2018-10-10 Generation Time: 20:28:24:13 * *****************************************************************
The following (CUUPDC01.cbl) is a sample COBOL demonstration program. This program will "read from" a sequential file and "update records or add records" to the Customer Master File. The program will compile and run in a Mainframe-oriented environment using an EBCDIC or ASCII encoded format.
IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. CUUPDC01. AUTHOR. SIMOTIME TECHNOLOGIES. ***************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1987-2019 SimoTime Technologies. * * * * All rights reserved. Unpublished, all rights reserved under * * copyright law and international treaty. Use of a copyright * * notice is precautionary only and does not imply publication * * or disclosure. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software * * for any commercial purpose requires a fee to be paid to * * SimoTime Technologies. Once the fee is received by SimoTime * * the latest version of the software will be delivered and a * * license will be granted for use within an enterprise, * * provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies * * of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used * * in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the * * software without the written permission of SimoTime * * Technologies. * * * * Permission to use, copy and modify this software for any * * non-commercial purpose and without fee is hereby granted, * * provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies * * of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used in * * any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the * * software without the written permission of SimoTime * * Technologies. * * * * SimoTime Technologies makes no warranty or representations * * about the suitability of the software for any purpose. It is * * provided "AS IS" without any expressed or implied warranty, * * including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness * * for a particular purpose and non-infringement. SimoTime * * Technologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, * * special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of * * use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or * * tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or * * performance of this software * * * * SimoTime Technologies * * 15 Carnoustie Drive * * Novato, CA 94949-5849 * * 415.883.6565 * * * * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND * * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject * * to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of * * the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at * * DFARS 52.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of * * Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights at 48 * * CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Contact SimoTime Technologies, * * 15 Carnoustie Drive, Novato, CA 94949-5849. * * * ***************************************************************** * This program is provided by SimoTime Technologies * * Our e-mail address is: * * Also, visit our Web Site at * * * ***************************************************************** * ***************************************************************** * Source Member: CUUPDC01.CBL * Copy Files: QQSMREC1.CPY ***************************************************************** * * CUUPDC01 - Execute CUUPDC01 to read a QSAM file and update * a VSAM Keyed Sequential Data Set (KSDS). * * EXECUTION or CALLING PROTOCOL * ----------------------------- * Use standard JCL to EXECUTE or ANIMATE. * * DESCRIPTION * ----------- * This single COBOL program will read an 80-byte, EBCDIC, QSAM * file an populate or update an empty or existing KSDS, VSAM * data set. * * ************ * * KSDUPD * * ********jcl* * * * * * ************ ************ ************ * * CUSTSQ01 *-----* CUUPDC01 *-----* CUSTMAST * * *******qsam* ********cbl* *******vsam* * * * * * ************ * * EOJ * * ************ * ***************************************************************** * This program will read the input file and update the master * file (SYSMLR2). The format of the input file (SYSMLR1) is * as follows. * * Position Length Description... * ------ ---- ----------------------------------------------- * 01 03 Record Idendifier * /N1 Name change or correction * /A1 Address change or correction (street) * /CT City * /ST State * /PC Postal Code * 04 12 The Key Field * 16 nn Length based on Record Identifier * ***************************************************************** * * MAINTENANCE * ----------- * 1997/02/27 Simmons, Created program. * 1997/02/27 Simmons, No changes to date. * ***************************************************************** * ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. ***************************************************************** SELECT CUSTSQ01-FILE ASSIGN to CUSTSQ01 ORGANIZATION is SEQUENTIAL ACCESS MODE is SEQUENTIAL FILE STATUS is CUSTSQ01-STATUS. SELECT CUSTMAST-FILE ASSIGN to CUSTMAST ORGANIZATION is indexed ACCESS MODE is RANDOM RECORD KEY is CUST-NUMBER FILE STATUS is CUSTMAST-STATUS. ***************************************************************** DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. ***************************************************************** FD CUSTSQ01-FILE RECORD CONTAINS 80 CHARACTERS. COPY QSMCPYB2. FD CUSTMAST-FILE. COPY CUSTCB01. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. ***************************************************************** * Data-structure for Title and Copyright... ***************************************************************** 01 SIM-TITLE. 05 T1 pic X(11) value '* CUUPDC01 '. 05 T2 pic X(34) value ' Read CUSTSQ01, Update CUSTMAST '. 05 T3 pic X(10) value ' v07.02.21'. 05 T4 pic X(24) value ''. 01 SIM-COPYRIGHT. 05 C1 pic X(11) value '* CUUPDC01 '. 05 C2 pic X(20) value 'Copyright 1987-2019 '. 05 C3 pic X(28) value ' SimoTime Technologies '. 05 C4 pic X(20) value ' All Rights Reserved'. 01 SIM-THANKS-01. 05 C1 pic X(11) value '* CUUPDC01 '. 05 C2 pic X(32) value 'Thank you for using this program'. 05 C3 pic X(32) value ' provided from SimoTime Technolo'. 05 C4 pic X(04) value 'gies'. 01 SIM-THANKS-02. 05 C1 pic X(11) value '* CUUPDC01 '. 05 C2 pic X(32) value 'Please send all inquires or sugg'. 05 C3 pic X(32) value 'estions to the helpdesk@simotime'. 05 C4 pic X(04) value '.com'. 01 CUSTMAST-STATUS. 05 CUSTMAST-STAT1 pic X. 05 CUSTMAST-STAT2 pic X. 01 CUSTSQ01-STATUS. 05 CUSTSQ01-STAT1 pic X. 05 CUSTSQ01-STAT2 pic X. 01 IO-STATUS. 05 IO-STAT1 pic X. 05 IO-STAT2 pic X. 01 TWO-BYTES. 05 TWO-BYTES-LEFT pic X. 05 TWO-BYTES-RIGHT pic X. 01 TWO-BYTES-BINARY redefines TWO-BYTES pic 9(4) comp. 01 END-OF-FILE pic X(3) value 'NO '. ***************************************************************** * Buffer used for posting messages to the console. ***************************************************************** 01 MESSAGE-BUFFER. 05 MESSAGE-HEADER pic X(11) value '* CUUPDC01 '. 05 MESSAGE-TEXT. 10 MESSAGE-TEXT-1 pic X(68) value SPACES. 10 MESSAGE-TEXT-2 pic X(188) value SPACES. 01 CUSTSQ01-FLAG pic X value 'N'. 01 WORK-07. 05 WORK-07-NUMB pic 9(7) value 0. 01 WX-7 pic 9(2) value 0. 01 APPL-RESULT pic S9(9) comp. 88 APPL-AOK value 0. 88 APPL-EOF value 16. ***************************************************************** PROCEDURE DIVISION. perform Z-POST-COPYRIGHT. perform CUSTSQ01-OPEN. perform CUSTMAST-OPEN. perform until END-OF-FILE = 'YES' if END-OF-FILE = 'NO ' perform CUSTSQ01-GET if END-OF-FILE = 'NO ' move QSAM-B2-RECORD to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move QSAM-B2-KEY to CUST-NUMBER perform CUSTMAST-GET perform EVALUATE-FIELD-TYPE if CUSTSQ01-FLAG = 'Y' if APPL-AOK perform MOVE-QSAM-FIELD-TO-KSDS-RECORD perform CUSTMAST-REWRITE else perform INITIALIZE-CUSTOMER-RECORD move QSAM-B2-KEY to CUST-NUMBER perform MOVE-QSAM-FIELD-TO-KSDS-RECORD perform CUSTMAST-WRITE end-if end-if end-if end-if end-perform. perform CUSTMAST-CLOSE. perform CUSTSQ01-CLOSE. display 'CUUPDC01 CUSTMAST-HAS-BEEN-UPDATED' display 'CUUPDC01 NORMAL-END-OF-JOB...' perform Z-THANK-YOU. GOBACK. ***************************************************************** * The following routines are in alphabetic sequence. * ***************************************************************** INITIALIZE-CUSTOMER-RECORD. move all SPACES to CUST-RECORD initialize CUST-RECORD exit. ***************************************************************** EVALUATE-FIELD-TYPE. if QSAM-B2-ID = '/NM' or QSAM-B2-ID = '/NL' or QSAM-B2-ID = '/NF' or QSAM-B2-ID = '/A1' or QSAM-B2-ID = '/A2' or QSAM-B2-ID = '/CT' or QSAM-B2-ID = '/ST' or QSAM-B2-ID = '/PC' or QSAM-B2-ID = '/CL' or QSAM-B2-ID = '/TH' or QSAM-B2-ID = '/TO' or QSAM-B2-ID = '/TM' move 'Y' to CUSTSQ01-FLAG else move 'N' to CUSTSQ01-FLAG end-if exit. ***************************************************************** MOVE-QSAM-FIELD-TO-KSDS-RECORD. move 'Y' to CUSTSQ01-FLAG evaluate QSAM-B2-ID when '/NL' move QSAM-B2-DATA to CUST-LAST-NAME when '/NF' move QSAM-B2-DATA to CUST-FIRST-NAME when '/NM' move QSAM-B2-DATA to CUST-MID-NAME when '/A1' move QSAM-B2-DATA to CUST-ADDRESS-1 when '/A2' move QSAM-B2-DATA to CUST-ADDRESS-2 when '/CT' move QSAM-B2-DATA to CUST-CITY when '/ST' move QSAM-B2-DATA to CUST-STATE when '/PC' move QSAM-B2-DATA to CUST-POSTAL-CODE when '/CL' perform MOVE-CUST-CREDIT-LIMIT when '/TH' move QSAM-B2-DATA to CUST-PHONE-HOME when '/TO' move QSAM-B2-DATA to CUST-PHONE-WORK when '/TM' move QSAM-B2-DATA to CUST-PHONE-CELL when other move 'N' to CUSTSQ01-FLAG end-evaluate exit. ***************************************************************** MOVE-CUST-CREDIT-LIMIT. move QSAM-B2-DATA to WORK-07 perform until WORK-07(7:1) not = SPACE perform varying WX-7 from 6 by -1 until WX-7 = 0 move WORK-07(WX-7:1) to WORK-07(WX-7 + 1:1) end-perform * move WORK-07(6:1) to WORK-07(7:1) * move WORK-07(5:1) to WORK-07(6:1) * move WORK-07(4:1) to WORK-07(5:1) * move WORK-07(3:1) to WORK-07(4:1) * move WORK-07(2:1) to WORK-07(3:1) * move WORK-07(1:1) to WORK-07(2:1) move ZERO to WORK-07(1:1) end-perform if WORK-07-NUMB is NUMERIC add WORK-07-NUMB to ZERO giving CUST-CREDIT-LIMIT else move 'Credit Limit Update Error...' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT end-if exit. ***************************************************************** * Routines to do a sequential read of the QSAM file. * ***************************************************************** CUSTSQ01-GET. read CUSTSQ01-FILE if CUSTSQ01-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT else if CUSTSQ01-STATUS = '10' add 16 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else if APPL-EOF move 'YES' to END-OF-FILE else move 'CUUPDC01 CUSTSQ01-FAILURE-GET...' to MESSAGE-TEXT move CUSTSQ01-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* CUSTSQ01-OPEN. add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT. open input CUSTSQ01-FILE if CUSTSQ01-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else move 'CUUPDC01 CUSTSQ01-FAILURE-OPEN...' to MESSAGE-TEXT move CUSTSQ01-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* CUSTSQ01-CLOSE. add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT. close CUSTSQ01-FILE if CUSTSQ01-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else move 'CUUPDC01, CUSTSQ01, FAILURE, CLOSE...' to MESSAGE-TEXT move CUSTSQ01-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. ***************************************************************** * Routines to do a read by KEY of the KSDS, VSAM Data Set. If * * the read is successful then the record may be updated else a * * new record may be added. * ***************************************************************** CUSTMAST-GET. read CUSTMAST-FILE if CUSTMAST-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT else if CUSTMAST-STATUS = '10' add 16 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else if APPL-EOF move 'YES' to END-OF-FILE end-if end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* CUSTMAST-WRITE. write CUST-RECORD if CUSTMAST-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT else if CUSTMAST-STATUS = '10' add 16 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else if APPL-EOF move 'YES' to END-OF-FILE else move 'CUUPDC01 CUSTMAST-FAILURE-WRITE...' to MESSAGE-TEXT move CUSTMAST-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* CUSTMAST-REWRITE. REWRITE CUST-RECORD if CUSTMAST-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT else if CUSTMAST-STATUS = '10' add 16 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else if APPL-EOF move 'YES' to END-OF-FILE else move 'CUUPDC01 CUSTMAST-FAILURE-REWRITE...' to MESSAGE-TEXT move CUSTMAST-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* CUSTMAST-OPEN. add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT. open I-O CUSTMAST-FILE if CUSTMAST-STATUS = '35' move 'CUUPDC01 CUSTMAST-FAILURE-OPEN-IO...' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move CUSTMAST-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS move 'CUUPDC01 CUSTMAST-ATTEMPT-OPEN-OUTPUT...' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT open output CUSTMAST-FILE end-if if CUSTMAST-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else move 'CUUPDC01 CUSTMAST-FAILURE-OPEN...' to MESSAGE-TEXT move CUSTMAST-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* CUSTMAST-CLOSE. add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT. close CUSTMAST-FILE if CUSTMAST-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else move 'CUUPDC01 CUSTMAST-FAILURE-CLOSE...' to MESSAGE-TEXT move CUSTMAST-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. ***************************************************************** * The following Z-Routines perform administrative tasks * * for this program. * ***************************************************************** * ***************************************************************** * ABEND the program, post a message to the console and issue * * a STOP RUN. * ***************************************************************** Z-ABEND-PROGRAM. if MESSAGE-TEXT not = SPACES perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT end-if move 'CUUPDC01 PROGRAM-IS-ABENDING...' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT add 12 to ZERO giving RETURN-CODE STOP RUN. ***************************************************************** * Display the file status bytes. This routine will display as * * two digits if the full two byte file status is numeric. If * * second byte is non-numeric then it will be treated as a * * binary number. * ***************************************************************** Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS. if IO-STATUS not NUMERIC or IO-STAT1 = '9' subtract TWO-BYTES-BINARY from TWO-BYTES-BINARY move IO-STAT2 to TWO-BYTES-RIGHT display '* CUUPDC01 FILE-STATUS-' IO-STAT1 '/' TWO-BYTES-BINARY else display '* CUUPDC01 FILE-STATUS-' IO-STATUS end-if exit. ***************************************************************** Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT. if MESSAGE-TEXT-2 = SPACES display MESSAGE-BUFFER(1:79) else display MESSAGE-BUFFER end-if move all SPACES to MESSAGE-TEXT exit. ***************************************************************** Z-POST-COPYRIGHT. display SIM-TITLE display SIM-COPYRIGHT exit. ***************************************************************** Z-THANK-YOU. display SIM-THANKS-01 display SIM-THANKS-02 exit. ***************************************************************** * This example is provided by SimoTime Technologies * * Our e-mail address is: * * Also, visit our Web Site at * *****************************************************************
This is actually two COBOL programs. The first program does the File I/O of reading the Customer Master File and writing reformatted records to a sequential file. The File I/O program calls the second program to do the record formatting that expands the numeric fields and does blank truncation on the text fields and then places a comma between the fields as the field delimiter.
This link is provided to view the file extract programs that are provided in a separate document.
This is actually two COBOL programs. The first program does the File I/O of reading the Customer Master File and writing reformatted records to a sequential file. The File I/O program calls the second program to do the record formatting that expands the numeric fields and does blank truncation on the text fields and then places a comma between the fields as the field delimiter.
This link is provided to view the file extract programs that are provided in a separate document.
This is a single COBOL program. The program does the File I/O of reading a record sequential file and writing to a line sequential file (Micro Focus terminology for an ASCII/Text file).
This link is provided to view the file extract programs that are provided in a separate document.
This is actually two COBOL programs. The first program does the File I/O of reading a record sequential file and writing to a line sequential file (Micro Focus terminology for an ASCII/Text file). The File I/O program calls the second program to do the EBCDIC to ASCII conversion of the 256 byte record.
This link is provided to view the file extract programs that are provided in a separate document.
This section provides access to documents with sample programs that will describe and demonstrate how to create and/or use tools that will assist in the validation and review of data structures that contain customer information.
This is an interesting program that would have required an assembler routine prior to the introduction of COBOL/2 for the mainframe. This program reads the Customer Master File that is a VSAM, Keyed-Sequential-Data-Set (KSDS) and writes a variable-length, sequential file that contains hexadecimal information. Records to be written to the Hex-Dump file are selected based on a list of primary keys in a control file.
Explore How to Create Hexadecimal Dump information for the records in a Customer Master file. The Customer Master file is a VSAM, KSDS. This document describes a process for generating a COBOL program that will read a VSAM/KSDS and write hexadecimal dump information to a sequential file. The user may define the records to be dumped by providing a list of primary keys in a control file. A second COBOL program is called to write the HEX-Dump information to a sequential file that contains variable length records.
This suite of sample programs describes how to create a "Customer Master File". This document may be used to assist as a tutorial for new programmers or as a quick reference for experienced programmers.
In the world of programming there are many ways to solve a problem. This documentation and software were developed and tested on systems that are configured for a SIMOTIME environment based on the hardware, operating systems, user requirements and security requirements. Therefore, adjustments may be needed to execute the jobs and programs when transferred to a system of a different architecture or configuration.
SIMOTIME Services has experience in moving or sharing data or application processing across a variety of systems. For additional information about SIMOTIME Services or Technologies please contact us using the information in the Contact or Feedback section of this document.
Software Agreement and Disclaimer
Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software, documentation or training material for any purpose requires a fee to be paid to SimoTime Technologies. Once the fee is received by SimoTime the latest version of the software, documentation or training material will be delivered and a license will be granted for use within an enterprise, provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the software without the written permission of SimoTime Technologies.
SimoTime Technologies makes no warranty or representations about the suitability of the software, documentation or learning material for any purpose. It is provided "AS IS" without any expressed or implied warranty, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. SimoTime Technologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software, documentation or training material.
This section includes links to documents with additional information that are beyond the scope and purpose of this document. The first group of documents may be available from a local system or via an Internet connection, the second group of documents will require an Internet connection.
Note: A SimoTime License is required for the items to be made available on a local system or server.
The following links may be to the current server or to the Internet.
Note: The latest versions of the SimoTime Documents and Program Suites are available on the Internet and may be accessed using the icon. If a user has a SimoTime Enterprise License the Documents and Program Suites may be available on a local server and accessed using the
Explore the non-Relational Data Connection for more examples of accessing methodologies and coding techniques for Data Files and VSAM Data Sets.
Explore How to Create and Populate a Customer Master File with generic test data. This document describes a simple process for creating test data for a customer master file. This simple process may be used with a traditional Record Sequential File, a VSAM Data Set or a Relational Data Base Table.
Explore How to Create a New or Update an Existing Customer Data Set that is a VSAM Key-Sequenced-Data-Set (KSDS). This document will describe the jobs and programs that create and maintain a Customer Data Set. The program will run on an IBM Mainframe System or a Linux, UNIX or Windows System with Micro Focus COBOL Support.
Explore An Enterprise System Model that describes and demonstrates how Applications that were running on a Mainframe System and non-relational data that was located on the Mainframe System were copied and deployed in a Microsoft Windows environment with Micro Focus Enterprise Server.
Explore The ASCII and EBCDIC Translation Tables. These tables are provided for individuals that need to better understand the bit structures and differences of the encoding formats.
Explore The File Status Return Codes that are used to interpret the results of accessing VSAM data sets and/or QSAM files.
The following links will require an Internet connection.
This suite of programs and documentation is available to download for review and evaluation purposes. Other uses will require a SimoTime Software License. Link to an Evaluation zPAK Option that includes the program members, documentation and control files.
A good place to start is The SimoTime Home Page for access to white papers, program examples and product information. This link requires an Internet Connection
Explore The Micro Focus Web Site for more information about products (including Micro Focus COBOL) and services available from Micro Focus. This link requires an Internet Connection.
Explore the GnuCOBOL Technologies available from SourceForge. SourceForge is an Open Source community resource dedicated to helping open source projects be as successful as possible. GnuCOBOL (formerly OpenCOBOL) is a COBOL compiler with run time support. The compiler (cobc) translates COBOL source to executable using intermediate C, designated C compiler and linker. This link will require an Internet Connection.
Explore the Glossary of Terms for a list of terms and definitions used in this suite of documents and white papers.
This document was created and is maintained by SimoTime Technologies. If you have any questions, suggestions, comments or feedback please use the following contact information.
1. | Send an e-mail to our helpdesk. |
1.1. | |
2. | Our telephone numbers are as follows. |
2.1. | 1 415 763-9430 office-helpdesk |
2.2. | 1 415 827-7045 mobile |
We appreciate hearing from you.
SimoTime Technologies was founded in 1987 and is a privately owned company. We specialize in the creation and deployment of business applications using new or existing technologies and services. We have a team of individuals that understand the broad range of technologies being used in today's environments. Our customers include small businesses using Internet technologies to corporations using very large mainframe systems.
Quite often, to reach larger markets or provide a higher level of service to existing customers it requires the newer Internet technologies to work in a complementary manner with existing corporate mainframe systems. We specialize in preparing applications and the associated data that are currently residing on a single platform to be distributed across a variety of platforms.
Preparing the application programs will require the transfer of source members that will be compiled and deployed on the target platform. The data will need to be transferred between the systems and may need to be converted and validated at various stages within the process. SimoTime has the technology, services and experience to assist in the application and data management tasks involved with doing business in a multi-system environment.
Whether you want to use the Internet to expand into new market segments or as a delivery vehicle for existing business functions simply give us a call or check the web site at
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Customer Master File, Creation and Maintenance of a VSAM, KSDS |
Copyright © 1987-2025 SimoTime Technologies and Services All Rights Reserved |
When technology complements business | |