Assembler Coding Tricks Mainframe Examples with Comments |
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This suite of sample programs is written in IBM Mainframe Assembler. The programs will compile using Assembler/H or HLASM. This suite provides examples of some of the coding techniques that have been used by mainframe assembler programmers. They will run as MVS batch jobs on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows (refer to ).
This programs may serve as a tutorial for programmers that are new to 370 assembler or as a reference for experienced programmers.
We have made a significant effort to ensure the documents and software technologies are correct and accurate. We reserve the right to make changes without notice at any time. The function delivered in this version is based upon the enhancement requests from a specific group of users. The intent is to provide changes as the need arises and in a timeframe that is dependent upon the availability of resources.
Copyright © 1987-2025
SimoTime Technologies and Services
All Rights Reserved
This section provides examples of specific coding techniques.
On the mainframe files can be allocated, created or deleted using DD statements in JCL (Job Control Language). Also, JCL has a requirement that it must have a JOB statement and an EXEC statement. If a programmer simply wanted to create a file using a JCL member with a JOB statement and a DD statement it would cause an error. If the programmer added an EXEC statement the PGM keyword required a program name and this program would execute. Therefore, the need for a program that simply returned to the caller became a requirement. The first version of this program was two bytes (or x'07FE') and referred to as "the world's smallest program".
In the preceding example the BR OpCode is an extended mnemonic for the BCR (Branch on Condition Register) instruction. The BR mnemonic generates a BCR instruction that sets all the mask bits to 1's and this causes an unconditional branch to the address defined in Register 14.
Note: It is standard protocol for the calling program to provide a return address in register 14 .
If we take a closer look at the actual generated, two bytes of code (or x'07FE') the "07" is the opcode for the BCR instruction. The "F" of the "FE" byte is the mask for branching and since all bits are on it becomes an unconditional branch. The "E" of the "FE" byte specifies register 14.
It was not long before the first "bug" was reported. The "return code" was being set to a non-zero value and subsequent job steps that were dependent on the return code were failing. In a matter of minutes a fix was delivered and the size of the program doubled to four bytes (or x'1BFF07FE').
DATA LABEL OP OPERANDS COMMENTS IEFBR14 CSECT 1BFF SR 15,15 Subtract Reg-15 from itself giving Zero (Return Code) 07FE BR 14 Return to Caller via Reg-14 END
In the preceding example the SR OpCode is the mnemonic for the SR (Subtract Register) instruction. Therefore, subtracting the contents of register 15 from itself results in a zero value.
Note: It is standard protocol for register 15 to be used to store the return code value.
This new version has been running for years without any reported bugs. This is the story of " why and how " the program known as IEFBR14 was created.
Sometimes an assembler routine is called many times and contains code segments that only need to be executed the first time the routine is called. The following is an example of the coding technique used to execute a segment of code the first time a routine is called.
DATA LABEL OP OPERANDS COMMENTS 4700B00C NOBRANCH BC X'00',ONEJUMP First time through is a no-op 92F0B001 MVI NOBRANCH+1,X'F0' Change to unconditional branch 47F0B000 B NOBRANCH First time logic, perform once ONEJUMP EQU *
This is a technique that is commonly used to perform first-time or one-time logic. The Branch Instruction is coded with a mask of zero and will never branch. It will fall through and execute the next sequential instruction. The first-time logic is inserted after the branch. A Move Immediate instruction is used to modify the Branch instruction to be an unconditional branch. The code following the branch will not execute again until a new copy of the program is loaded.
Note: This techniques was an acceptable practice many years ago because it was fast and only required eight bytes of memory. However, in today's world of structured programming it is no longer an accepted practice to use dynamic, self-modifying code.
Refer to the First Time or One Time Logic for more detail. To return to this point use the browser's "back" function.
This is a rather esoteric coding technique for creating a sequential 256 byte table of the character set using a single instruction. The technique uses the addressing constant (ADCON) function of mainframe assembler. Let's take a look at how the 256AL1(*-TABLE) creates a 256 byte EBCDIC table. First, the AL1 says create a one byte ADCON. The value of 256 says repeat this creation process 256 time. Now the trick, the (*-TABLE) calculates the value of each of the 256, one byte ADCON's by taking the value of the current address (specified by the *) and subtracting the address of TABLE. For example, let's assume the table will be located at address x'00010000'. On the first ADCON creation the table address is x'00010000' and the current address is x'00010000' and the resulting ADCON is x'00'.
On the second iteration the address of the table is still x'00010000' but the current address is now x'00010001' and the resulting ADCON is x'01' This process keeps repeating itself for 256 times.
TABLE DC 256AL1(*-TABLE) * Create a 256 byte TABLE
The preceding statement will generate the following.
Address Data 00010000 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F 00010010 101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F 00010020 202122232425262728292A2B2C2D2E2F 00010030 303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F 00010040 404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F 00010050 505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F 00010060 606162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E6F 00010070 707172737475767778797A7B7C7D7E7F 00010080 858182838485868788898A8B8C8D8E8F 00010090 909192939495969798999A9B9C9D9E9F 000100A0 A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9AAABACADAEAF 000100B0 B0B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9BABBBCBDBEBF 000100C0 C0C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9CACBCCCDCECF 000100D0 D0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D9DADBDCDDDEDF 000100E0 E0E1E2E3E4E5E6E7E8E9EAEBECEDEEEF 000100F0 F0F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FAFBFCFDFEFF
Note: The preceding technique may be considered as overly clever. For clarity it may be better to code as follows.
TABLE EQU * DC XL16'000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F' DC XL16'101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F' DC XL16'202122232425262728292A2B2C2D2E2F' DC XL16'303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F' DC XL16'404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F' DC XL16'505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F' DC XL16'606162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E6F' DC XL16'707172737475767778797A7B7C7D7E7F' DC XL16'858182838485868788898A8B8C8D8E8F' DC XL16'909192939495969798999A9B9C9D9E9F' DC XL16'A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9AAABACADAEAF' DC XL16'B0B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9BABBBCBDBEBF' DC XL16'C0C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9CACBCCCDCECF' DC XL16'D0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D9DADBDCDDDEDF' DC XL16'E0E1E2E3E4E5E6E7E8E9EAEBECEDEEEF' DC XL16'F0F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FAFBFCFDFEFF'
Refer to the Table Routine in the Source Code for more detail. To return to this point use the browser's "back" function.
This is a common coding technique used to increment the contents of a register. There are many ways to increase the contents of a register but this technique uses a single instruction and does not use any data items in memory.
LA R3,1(,R3) * Increment REGISTER-3 by 1
The preceding Load Address (LA) instruction will load R3 with the value contained in R3 plus the displacement value or 1. Since the amount to increment the register is contained in the 3-byte displacement value of the LA instruction the register contents may be increased by a value of 1 through 4095 (i.e. x'001' through x'FFF'.
Refer to the Incrementing Register Routine in the Source Code for more detail. To return to this point use the browser's "back" function.
This is a common coding technique used to decrement the contents of a register. There are many ways to decrease the contents of a register but this technique uses a single instruction and does not use any data items in memory.
BCTR R3,R0 * If OP-2 is 0 then DECR OP-1, NO BRANCH
The preceding statement takes advantage of a unique characteristic of the Branch-on-Count-Register (BCTR) instruction. Normally the BCTR decrements the value in the register specified by operand-1 and when the content of the operand-1 register is non-zero a branch to the address specified in operand 2 is performed. There is one exception, if operand-2 is register zero then a branch is never executed. Therefore, the operand-1 register is decremented and a branch is never performed. In the preceding statement R3 will be decreased by a value of one and a branch is never performed.
Refer to the Decrementing Register Routine in the Source Code for more detail. To return to this point use the browser's "back" function.
This is a common coding technique used to force the high order (left-most) bit of a register to an ON condition.
O R3,=X'80000000' * Set HIGH-ORDER BIT ON X'80000000'
This technique uses the OR (O) instruction and in this example the value in memory of x'80000000' is OR'ed with the contents of register-3 and the result is placed in register-3. Therefore, if the contents of register-3 before the instruction is executed contains x'00000000' then after the preceding OR instruction is executed the contents of register-3 will equal x'80000000'.
The mainframe assembler has the capability to dynamically create literals. The =x'80000000' in the preceding statement will cause the compiler to generate the equivalent of the following instruction.
DC X'80000000'
The literal pool for dynamically specified literals is generated at the end of the CSECT unless a LTORG statement is used. When a LTORG statement is used the literals created up to the point of the LTORG statement will be generated.
Refer to the Set the High Order Bit ON for more detail. To return to this point use the browser's "back" function.
This is a common coding technique used to force the high order (left-most) bit of a register to an OFF condition.
This technique uses the AND (N) instruction and in this example the value in memory of x'7FFFFFFF' is AND'ed with the contents of register-3 and the result is placed in register-3. Therefore, if the contents of register-3 before the instruction is executed contains x'FF010203' then after the preceding AND instruction is executed the contents of register-3 will equal x'7F010203'.
The mainframe assembler has the capability to dynamically create literals. The =x'7FFFFFFF' in the preceding statement will cause the compiler to generate the equivalent of the following instruction.
The literal pool for dynamically specified literals is generated at the end of the CSECT unless a LTORG statement is used. When a LTORG statement is used the literals created up to the point of the LTORG statement will be generated.
Refer to the Set the High Order Bit OFF for more detail. To return to this point use the browser's "back" function.
This is a common coding technique used to initialize a field to spaces.
MVI DATA80,X'40' * Move a space to 1st position MVC DATA80+1(79),DATA80 * Propagate space through field
The preceding two statements take advantage of how the MOVE (MVC) instruction executes a move function. The first statement uses the Move Immediate (MVI) instruction to move a space to the first byte in the 80-byte field called DATA80. The MVC instruction performs the move byte-by-byte from left to right. By moving the value at the memory location of DATA80 to the memory location of DATA80+1 we move a space character to the next position in memory. Since the length of the MVC has been specified as 79 bytes this process will repeat resulting in the entire eighty bytes of DATA80 being initialized to spaces.
Refer to the Initializing a Field to Spaces for more detail. To return to this point use the browser's "back" function.
The following takes advantage of the results of the eXClusive-OR instruction when executed multiple times. Notice the second eXClusive-OR has the fields reversed.
XC WORKA16(16),WORKZ16 * The next three exclusive-or XC WORKZ16(16),WORKA16 instructions will swap WORKA16 XC WORKA16(16),WORKZ16 contents with WORKZ16 contents
After executing the preceding three instructions the contents of WORKA16 and WORKZ16 will be swapped.
Refer to the Swap Fields for more detail. To return to this point use the browser's "back" function.
This section describes how to set or test the value of the Return Code. Register 15 is used to pass the Return Code value between calling programs. Therefore, when you return to a COBOL program or a Job (JCL) and you want the Return Code to be Zero then you must place a value of Zero (x'00000000') into register 15.
SR 15,15 * Set RETURN-CODE to ZERO
There are a number of ways to place a value into register 15. The preceding two statements show how to set register 15 to zero. The first method is fast and simply subtracts register 15 from itself.
The second statement will also set register 15 to Zero by loading an address defined within the Load Address (LA) instruction into register 15. In the above example an address (or value) of Zero will be loaded into register 15.
The following statements show how to test register 15 for a Zero or non-Zero value.
LTR 15,15 * Load R15 with itself and test content BNZ ABENDRTN * If R15 not ZERO branch to ABENDRTN
The Load-and-Test-Register (LTR) instruction loads the value of a register into a register and sets the Condition Code (not Return-Code) based on whether or not the value of the targeted register is Zero. In this example register 15 is loaded with the contents of itself and therefore does not change. However, the Condition Code is set based on the content of register 15 being a Zero or non-Zero value.
The mnemonic branch (BNZ) instruction will branch to an abnormal termination routine if the value of register 15 is not Zero.
Refer to the Set Return Code to Zero Logic for more detail. To return to this point use the browser's "back" function.
The mainframe assembler has the capability to dynamically create literals within the coding of assembler statements by using the literal definition preceded by an equal sign. For example, =X'C1C1C1C1' or =C'AAAA' will cause a four byte area of memory to be allocated with the value of "AAAA".
The preceding is an example of the LTORG statement. The literal pool for dynamically specified literals is generated at the end of the CSECT unless a LTORG statement is used. When a LTORG statement is used the literals created up to the point of the LTORG statement will be generated.
The following is the mainframe JCL (ASMTRXJ1.jcl) required to run the mainline program. The coding technique is used with the expectation the JCL would be used as a stand alone procedure. This will also run on the PC using Mainframe Express provided by Micro Focus.
//ASMTRXJ1 JOB SIMOTIME,ACCOUNT,CLASS=1,MSGCLASS=0,NOTIFY=CSIP1 //* ******************************************************************* //* ASMTRXJ1.JCL - a JCL Member for Batch Job Processing * //* This JCL Member is provided by SimoTime Technologies * //* (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved * //* Web Site URL: * //* e-mail: * //* ******************************************************************* //* //* Text - 370 Assembler, Assembler Coding Techniques //* Author - SimoTime Technologies //* Date - January 01, 1997 //* //* This 370 Assembler program will show a few of the programming //* techniques used by assembler programmers. //* //* This set of programs will run on a mainframe under MVS or on a //* Personal Computer with Windows and Micro Focus Mainframe Express. //* //* The real value is in the animation of this program. You can //* immediately see the results of each instruction execution. This //* is a very effective way to become familiar with the 370 //* instruction set. //* //* ******************************************************************* //* Step 1 of 1, This is a single step job. //* //TRIXSTP1 EXEC PGM=ASMTRXA1 //STEPLIB DD DSN=SIMOTIME.DEMO.LOADLIB1,DISP=SHR //*
This program (ASMTRXA1.mlc) does not provide much visual information when it is executed on the mainframe. The real value to this program is when it is animated using the 370 Assembler Option of Mainframe Express provided by Micro Focus. It is possible to watch the actual execution of each individual instruction and to immediately see the results.
ASMTRXA1 CSECT *********************************************************************** * ASMTRXA1.MLC - This is an HLASM Program * * Provided by SimoTime Technologies * * (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved * * Web Site URL: * * e-mail: * *********************************************************************** * Created: 1993/06/01, Simmons * * Changed: 1993/06/01, Simmons, no changes to date... * * * *********************************************************************** * * * Micro Focus Mainframe Express, version 2.5 or later with the * * the Assembler Option is required. This program provides a sample * * of some of the coding techniques used by assembler programmers. * * You can immediately see the results of each instruction execution. * * This is a very effective way to become familiar with how these * * techniques work. * * * * Note: The comments on the EQU statements are HTML links. * * * *********************************************************************** * BALR 11,0 Prepare a base register USING *,11 Establish register as the base * *********************************************************************** * WTO to display the copyright information * WTO '* ASMTRXA1 Examples of Assembler Coding Tips v03.01.24-' LTR R15,R15 IS REG-15 = ZERO... BNZ ABEND4 IF NOT, ABEND... * WTO '* ASMTRXA1 Copyright 1987-2019 SimoTime Technologies- All Rights Reserved' LTR R15,R15 IS REG-15 = ZERO... BNZ ABEND4 IF NOT, ABEND... * WTO '* ASMTRXA1 is STARTING...' * ONETIME EQU * *********************************************************************** * This is a technique that is commonly used to perform first-time or * one-time logic. The Branch Instruction is coded with a mask of zero * and will never branch. It will fall through and execute the next * sequential instruction. The first-time logic is inserted after the * branch. A Move Immediate instruction is used to modify the Branch * instruction to be an unconditional branch. The code following the * branch will not execute until a new copy of the program is loaded. *********************************************************************** NOBRANCH BC X'00',ONEJUMP First time through is a no-op MVI NOBRANCH+1,X'F0' Change to unconditional branch B NOBRANCH First time logic, perform once ONEJUMP EQU * * TABLERTN EQU * *********************************************************************** * This is how you create a 256 byte table of the EBCDIC character set * in a single instruction. This is a rather esoteric technique. * Also note the technique used to branch around the table * without having to use a label. *********************************************************************** B *+4+256 * BRANCH around the TABLE TABLE DC 256AL1(*-TABLE) * Create a 256 byte TABLE * INCRREGS EQU * *********************************************************************** * This is how you increment the contents of a register. * * The incrementing value may be 1-4095. * *********************************************************************** LA R3,0 * Set R3 to ZERO X'00000000' LA R3,1(,R3) * Increment REG-3 by 1 X'00000001' LA R3,2(,R3) * Increment REG-3 by 2 X'00000003' LA R3,3(,R3) * Increment REG-3 by 3 X'00000006' * DECRREGS EQU * *********************************************************************** * This is how you decrement the contents of a register. * * The decrementing value is limited to 1. * * When the second operand points to register-0 then no branch. * *********************************************************************** LA R3,5 * SET R3 to FIVE X'00000005' BCTR R3,R0 * DECR OP-1, NO BRANCH X'00000004' BCTR R3,R0 * DECR OP-1, NO BRANCH X'00000003' BCTR R3,R0 * DECR OP-1, NO BRANCH X'00000002' * BITON EQU * *********************************************************************** * Set the high-order bit of a register to a ON condition. * *********************************************************************** LA R3,0 * Set R3 to ZERO O R3,=X'80000000' * Set HIGH-ORDER BIT ON X'80000000' * BITOFF EQU * *********************************************************************** * Set the high-order bit of a register to a OFF condition. * *********************************************************************** L R3,=X'FF010203' * Set R3 to HEX FF010203 N R3,=X'7FFFFFFF' * Set HIGH-ORDER BIT OFF X'7F010203' * INIT80 EQU * *********************************************************************** * Initialize an eighty byte field to spaces. * *********************************************************************** MVI DATA80,X'40' * Move a space to 1st position MVC DATA80+1(79),DATA80 * Propagate space through field * SWAP16 EQU * *********************************************************************** * One of the unique results of doing three eXClusive OR instructions * * is the contents of the defined items are swapped. * *********************************************************************** MVC WORKA16,A16 Move all A's to WORKA16 MVC WORKZ16,Z16 Move all Z's to WORKZ16 XC WORKA16(16),WORKZ16 * The next three exclusive-or XC WORKZ16(16),WORKA16 instructions will swap WORKA16 XC WORKA16(16),WORKZ16 contents with WORKZ16 contents * RCTOZERO EQU * *********************************************************************** * Test the return-code (Register-15) for a zero value * *********************************************************************** MVC WTODATA(8),=C'LTRTRICK' LA R15,0 * Set R15 to Zero value LTR R15,R15 * Load R15 with itself and test content BZ *+8 * If zero, branch over next instruction B ABEND08 * This instruction should never execute * *********************************************************************** * NORMAL END-OF-JOB * * RETURN to the CALLING PROGRAM OR OPERATING SYSTEM * *********************************************************************** WTO '* ASMTRXA1 is FINISHED...' SR 15,15 * Set RETURN-CODE to ZERO BR 14 * RETURN to CALLER * ABEND4 EQU * *********************************************************************** * ABENDING WITH RETURN-CODE OF 4 * * WTO '* ASMTRXA1 MLC, is ABENDING, RC=4...' RETURN (14,12),RC=4 * * ABEND08 EQU * * ABEND routine *********************************************************************** * ABENDING WITH RETURN-CODE OF 8 * * RETURN to the CALLING PROGRAM OR OPERATING SYSTEM * *********************************************************************** WTO MF=(E,WTOBLOCK) LA R15,8 BR 14 WTOBLOCK DC H'84' DC XL2'0000' WTODATA DC CL80'???????? ASMTRXA1 is ABENDING...' *********************************************************************** * Define Constants and EQUates * *********************************************************************** DS 0F + Force alignment DATA80 DC 80XL1'00' * LTORG * R0 EQU 0 R1 EQU 1 R2 EQU 2 R3 EQU 3 R4 EQU 4 R5 EQU 5 R6 EQU 6 R7 EQU 7 R8 EQU 8 R9 EQU 9 R10 EQU 10 R11 EQU 11 R12 EQU 12 R13 EQU 13 R14 EQU 14 R15 EQU 15 * DS 0F + Force alignment A16 DC 16CL1'A' Z16 DC 16CL1'Z' WORKA16 DC 16CL1'A' WORKZ16 DC 16CL1'Z' * END
This document may be used to assist as a tutorial for new assembler programmers or as a quick reference for experienced programmers. The samples focus on the coding techniques of the individual instructions. As always, it is the programmer's responsibility to thoroughly test all programs.
In the world of programming there are many ways to solve a problem. This documentation and software were developed and tested on systems that are configured for a SIMOTIME environment based on the hardware, operating systems, user requirements and security requirements. Therefore, adjustments may be needed to execute the jobs and programs when transferred to a system of a different architecture or configuration.
SIMOTIME Services has experience in moving or sharing data or application processing across a variety of systems. For additional information about SIMOTIME Services or Technologies please contact us using the information in the Contact or Feedback section of this document.
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Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software, documentation or training material for any purpose requires a fee to be paid to SimoTime Technologies. Once the fee is received by SimoTime the latest version of the software, documentation or training material will be delivered and a license will be granted for use within an enterprise, provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the software without the written permission of SimoTime Technologies.
SimoTime Technologies makes no warranty or representations about the suitability of the software, documentation or learning material for any purpose. It is provided "AS IS" without any expressed or implied warranty, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. SimoTime Technologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software, documentation or training material.
Note: A SimoTime License is required for the items to be made available on a local system or server.
This section includes links to documents with additional information that are beyond the scope and purpose of this document. The first group of documents may be available from a local system or via an internet connection, the second group of documents will require an internet connection.
Note: A SimoTime License is required for the items to be made available on a local system or server.
The following links may be to the current server or to the Internet.
Explore the Assembler Connection for more examples of mainframe Assembler programming techniques and sample code.
Explore the JCL Connection for more examples of JCL functionality with programming techniques and sample code.
Explore an Extended List of Software Technologies that are available for review and evaluation. The software technologies (or Z-Packs) provide individual programming examples, documentation and test data files in a single package. The Z-Packs are usually in zip format to reduce the amount of time to download.
Explore The ASCII and EBCDIC Translation Tables. These tables are provided for individuals that need to better understand the bit structures and differences of the encoding formats.
Explore The File Status Return Codes that are used to interpret the results of accessing VSAM data sets and/or QSAM files.
The following links will require an internet connect.
This suite of programs and documentation is available to download for review and evaluation purposes. Other uses will require a SimoTime Software License. Link to an Evaluation zPAK Option that includes the program members, documentation and control files.
A good place to start is The SimoTime Home Page for access to white papers, program examples and product information. This link requires an Internet Connection
Explore The Micro Focus Web Site for more information about products (including Micro Focus COBOL) and services available from Micro Focus. This link requires an Internet Connection.
Explore the Glossary of Terms for a list of terms and definitions used in this suite of documents and white papers.
This document was created and is maintained by SimoTime Technologies. If you have any questions, suggestions, comments or feedback please use the following contact information.
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We appreciate hearing from you.
SimoTime Technologies was founded in 1987 and is a privately owned company. We specialize in the creation and deployment of business applications using new or existing technologies and services. We have a team of individuals that understand the broad range of technologies being used in today's environments. Our customers include small businesses using Internet technologies to corporations using very large mainframe systems.
Quite often, to reach larger markets or provide a higher level of service to existing customers it requires the newer Internet technologies to work in a complementary manner with existing corporate mainframe systems. We specialize in preparing applications and the associated data that are currently residing on a single platform to be distributed across a variety of platforms.
Preparing the application programs will require the transfer of source members that will be compiled and deployed on the target platform. The data will need to be transferred between the systems and may need to be converted and validated at various stages within the process. SimoTime has the technology, services and experience to assist in the application and data management tasks involved with doing business in a multi-system environment.
Whether you want to use the Internet to expand into new market segments or as a delivery vehicle for existing business functions simply give us a call or check the web site at
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Assembler Programming or Coding Techniques for a Mainframe System |
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