This is the cover page. |
This page contains the following two frames. |
This is the left window pane within the frame set. It contains an index for linking to items within this site. |
This is the right window pane within the frame set.It contains the various pages selected from the index |
The Home Page contains links to the next level of informational pages. |
The Legacy-Internet article is an overview of some of the challenges of integrating the mainframe into an internet environment. |
An overview of SimoTime Enterprises. |
An update on recent activities at SimoTime. |
The Search390 is a link to an external site that is an excellent source of information for mainframe systems and large data centers. |
Contains articles about solving specific customer requests |
This section provides tips, techniques and coding examples for mainframe assembler programmers. |
This section provides tips, techniques and coding examples for mainframe COBOL programmers. |
This section provides examples of creating, populating, updating and deleting VSAM data sets. |
This section provides information about some of the technologies we use at SimoTime. |
The Legacy-Internet article is an overview of some of the challenges of integrating the mainframe into an internet environment. |
This section contains information about mainframe 370 assembler. |
This section contains an overview of the 370 assembler instruction set. |
This section contains a sample 370 assembler program that executes each of the problem-state, non-floating point instructions. |
This program provides examples of some of the coding techniques used by mainframe assembler programmers. |
There are various techniques used to generate labels within a macro and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. |
This program provides examples of some of the coding techniques used to display a message on the user console. |
An example of how a COBOL program calls a mainframe assembler I/O routine to access a VSAM data set. |
An example of how a COBOL program calls a mainframe assembler I/O routine to access a QSAM or Sequential file. |
An example of using the CALL, LOAD or LINK macro for passing parameters and processing control. |
This section provides tips, techniques and coding examples for mainframe COBOL programmers. |
This is an example of how a COBOL program can read a sequential file that has been downloaded from a mainframe in EBCDIC format and write an ASCII/Text file. |
This example explains the differences between the EBCDIC and ASCII encoding and the collating or sorting sequences. |
A callable program to display a data string in a hexadecimal format for both EBCDIC and ASCII. |
This example will read a VSAM data set and create a QSAM file of Hexadecimal information. |
An example of how COBOL uses data files with variable-length records. |
An example of how a mainframe COBOL program processes a parameter string from mainframe JCL. |
An example of how a mainframe COBOL program parses a data string. |
Determining and changing the setting of a bit is possible using COBOL.. |
This suite of programs provides an example of creating a new comma-delimted file. |
This suite of programs provides an example of reading and parsing an existing comma-delimited file. |
This suite of programs provides an example of various routines that validate, fomat or convert dates. |
This suite of programs provides an example of how to calculate the difference-in-days between two gregorian dates in the ccyymmdd format. |
This is a combination of examples that describes how to pass, parse and convert parameters passed bewteen JCL and COBOL or between two COBOL programs. |
Justify Text within a Field (Center, Right or Left). |
Convert a numeric string to a text string. |
Search for text string, Replace with different length string. |
Right-Adjust and Zero-Fill with erase to End-Of-Field feature. |
Format and display the File Status Code. |
Test for numeric content or scan for valid digits. |
Scan a data string, replace non-print characters with spaces. |
An example of how a mainline COBOL program calls a COBOL I/O routine to access a VSAM data set. |
An example of parsing a field containing a street address. Do case conversions and identify PO Box addresses. |
Create a file for four-across mailing labels. Also, provide an example for processing a two-dimensional table. |
An example of a Java Server Page (JSP) using Java to call COBOL to access a VSAM Data Set (and more). |
This document provides a quick reference for JCL with some examples. |
An example of Conditional JCL using the COND parameter or the IF/THEN/ELSE/ENDIF statement construct. |
Describe how to define (or name) a variable value and then use or change the variable by its referenced name |
An example of how to pass a parameter from JCL to a COBOL program. |
This document contains sample JCL to create Partioned Data Sets (PDS's). |
This document contains sample JCL to complie a program or compile and link a program. |
This section provides examples of creating, populating, updating and deleting VSAM data sets. |
This document is a list of the file status codes for the mainframe or Mainframe Express and NetExpress from Micro Focus. |
This suite of programs will create and populate the QSAM files and VSAM data sets used by many of the sample programs. |
An example of how a single COBOL program accesses a VSAM, Keyed-Sequential-Data-Set (KSDS). |
An example of how COBOL accesses VSAM or QSAM data with variable-length records. |
This section provides examples of creating, populating, updating and deleting relational data base tables. |
Create and process a relational table with customer information using COBOL with embedded SQL. |
Create and process a relational table with item or product information using COBOL with embedded SQL. |
This document provides a quick reference to the colors and their hexadecimal definitions. |
This information is provided as a reference for ASCII and EBCDIC translation. |
Contains articles about solving specific customer requests |
This links to other Web sites that provide information about mainframe systems. |
Links to various search engines and quick links to some informational items within the SimoTime web site. |
A list of the technologies available from SimoTime. |
Determine member type from member content. |
A collection of shared or commonly used program members. |
Convert BMS or MFS to HTML. |
Analyzye 370 Assembler source code. |
When working in a shared systems environment it is often necessary to view or modify the content and format of files. |
The ability to convert the file format and modify the content between ASCII/Text and EBCDIC files is a requirement. |
The ability to view the content of a file in a hexadecimal display format can also be very helpful. |
A list of the sample programs that may be downloaded. |
Links to other companies and websites used by SimoTime. |
Information and links to other companies. |
Information and links to other web sites and search engines. |
Offers practical, solution-oriented examples that use specific technologies. |
Provides documentation and sample source code for solutions using mainframe technologies. |
Provides documentation and sample source code for solutions using Micro Focus technologies. |
Send an e-mail to the Help desk or others at SimoTime. |