Issues and Possibilities section has been added to the SimoTime Library.
This section offers solutions to business and technical problems. |
Assembler Connection in the SimoTime Library contains a number of sample
programs for the mainframe. |
COBOL Connection in the SimoTime Library provides examples of coding
techniques. |
JCL Connection in the SimoTime Library provides examples of JCL coding
techniques. |
VSAM Connection in the SimoTime Library contains examples of how to create,
populate, update and delete VSAM Data Sets. |
By popular request we have added the
SimoTEK2 Series to the technology section of the SimoTime
Library. |
SimoLYZE does member typing and provides an overview of the number and type
of members stored in a library. |
The primary purpose of
SimoVIEW is to convert BMS to HTML. |
SimoX390 scans mainframe assembler source members and identifies macro and
copy file dependencies. |
SimoZAPS program may be called from a batch file to make global changes,
convert formats, do quick patches or do ASCII/EBCDIC translation for PC files. |