Members Called Routines or Driver Programs http://www.simotime.com Copyright © 1987-2010 SimoTime Enterprises All Rights Reserved |
When technology complements business | Copyright © 1987-2010 SimoTime Enterprises All Rights Reserved |
This suite of sample programs performs global tasks and is divided into two categories, callable routines and driver programs.
The SimoBITS routine (or callable program) uses an approach of converting the bit information in a single byte to or from an eight-byte field of COBOL accessible zeroes and ones. SimoBITS is written and tested using the VS COBOL II dialect. Also, SimoBITS will work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A suite of sample programs that illustrate the use of the SimoBITS routine is provided on the SimoTime Web Site. SimoBITS may be compiled and executed on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) or Net Express running on a PC with Windows (refer to http://www.microfocus.com ).
Determining and changing the setting of a bit is possible using COBOL. An assembler routine or the use of a language extension is not required. The called COBOL routine (SIMOBITS) in this example provides two functions.
For each bit that is ON (1) in the BTS-PASS-BITS field the corresponding byte in the BTS-PASS-BYTES field is set to a value of one. For each bit that is OFF (0) in the BTS-PASS-BITS field the corresponding byte in the BTS-PASS-BYTES field is set to a value of zero.
Input | BTS-PASS-BITS, a one byte field (8-bits) | |
Output | BTS-PASS-BYTES, an eight byte field | |
Example | if BTS-PASS-BITS = x'55' then BTS-PASS-BYTES will be '01010101' | |
For each byte that is a one in the BTS-PASS-BYTES field the corresponding bit in the BTS-PASS-BITS field is set to ON (1). For each byte that is zero in the BTS-PASS-BYTES field the corresponding bit in the BTS-PASS-BITS field is set to OFF (0).
Input | BTS-PASS-BYTES, an eight byte field | |
Output | BTS-PASS-BITS, a one byte field (8-bits) | |
Example | if BTS-PASS-BYTES = '01010101' then BTS-PASS-BITS will be set to x'55' | |
The callable interface requires a data structure to be defined. A copy file (PASSBITS.CPY) is provided with the following source code.
***************************************************************** * Data Structure used for calling SIMOBITS. * ***************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1987-2010 SimoTime Enterprises * * All Rights Reserved * ***************************************************************** * Provided by SimoTime Enterprises * * Our e-mail address is: helpdesk@simotime.com * * Also, visit our Web Site at http://www.simotime.com * ***************************************************************** 01 BTS-PASS-AREA. 05 BTS-PASS-REQUEST PIC X(8). 05 BTS-PASS-RESULT PIC S9(9) COMP. 05 BTS-PASS-RECORD. 10 BTS-PASS-BITS PIC X. 10 BTS-PASS-BYTES. 15 BTS-PASS-BYTE-01 PIC X. 15 BTS-PASS-BYTE-02 PIC X. 15 BTS-PASS-BYTE-03 PIC X. 15 BTS-PASS-BYTE-04 PIC X. 15 BTS-PASS-BYTE-05 PIC X. 15 BTS-PASS-BYTE-06 PIC X. 15 BTS-PASS-BYTE-07 PIC X. 15 BTS-PASS-BYTE-08 PIC X. *! PASSBITS - End-of-Copy File...
The following will translate an eight character field of 0's and 1's to a one byte field with the bits set to match to 0's and 1's of the eight character field. Please note: the content of the BTS-PASS-REQUEST field must be upper case and contain 'COMPRESS'
***************************************************************** * The coding required to do the call to the Byte-Bit Routine * * (translate an 8-byte field to a 1-byte field). * ***************************************************************** MOVE '11111111' to BTS-PASS-BYTES MOVE 'COMPRESS' to BTS-PASS-REQUEST CALL 'SIMOBITS' using BTS-PASS-AREA
In the preceding example the contents of BTS-PASS-BITS will be X'FF' or high-value upon return from the call to SIMOBITS.
The following will set the individual bytes of an eight character field to 0's or 1's based on the bit settings of a one byte field. Please note: the content of the BTS-PASS-REQUEST field must be upper case and contain 'EXPAND' followed by two spaces
***************************************************************** * The coding required to do the call to the Byte-Bit Routine * * (translate a 1-byte field to an 8-byte field). * ***************************************************************** MOVE X'55' to BTS-PASS-BITS MOVE 'EXPAND ' to BTS-PASS-REQUEST CALL 'SIMOBITS' using BTS-PASS-AREA
In the preceding example the contents of BTS-PASS-BYTES will be '01010101' upon return from the call to SIMOBITS.
The following (SIMOBITS.CBL) is the COBOL source code.
IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. SIMOBITS. AUTHOR. SIMOTIME ENTERPRISES. ***************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1987-2010 SimoTime Enterprises, LLC. * * * * All rights reserved. Unpublished, all rights reserved under * * copyright law and international treaty. Use of a copyright * * notice is precautionary only and does not imply publication * * or disclosure. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software * * for any non-commercial purpose and without fee is hereby * * granted, provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all * * copies of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be * * used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use * * of the software without the written permission of SimoTime * * Enterprises.This software contains confidential information * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software * * for any commercial purpose requires a fee to be paid to * * Simotime Enterprises. Once the fee is received by SimoTime * * the latest version of the software will be delivered and a * * license will be granted for use within an enterprise, * * provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies * * of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used * * in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the * * software without the written permission of SimoTime * * Enterprises. * * * * SimoTime Enterprises makes no warranty or representations * * about the suitability of the software for any purpose. It is * * provided "AS IS" without any express or implied warranty, * * including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness * * for a particular purpose and non-infringement. SimoTime * * Enterprises shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, * * special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of * * use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or * * tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or * * performance of this software * * * * SimoTime Enterprises * * 15 Carnoustie Drive * * Novato, CA 94949-5849 * * 415.883.6565 * * * * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND * * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject * * to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of * * the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at * * DFARS 52.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of * * Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights at 48 * * CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Contact SimoTime Enterprises, * * 15 Carnoustie Drive, Novato, CA 94949-5849. * * * ***************************************************************** * This program is provided by SimoTime Enterprises * * Our e-mail address is: helpdesk@simotime.com * * Also, visit our Web Site at http://www.simotime.com * * * ***************************************************************** * ***************************************************************** * Source Member: SIMOBITS.CBL * Copy Files: PASSBITS.CPY ***************************************************************** * * SIMOBITS - A called routine for bit and byte conversions. * * CALLING PROTOCOL * ---------------- * Use standard COBOL calling procedures. * * DESCRIPTION * ----------- * This program will do Bit and Byte conversions. * **************************************************************** * * MAINTENANCE * ----------- * 1989/02/27 Simmons, Created program. * 1989/02/27 Simmons, no changes to date * ***************************************************************** * DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. * ***************************************************************** * Data-structure for Title and Copyright... * ------------------------------------------------------------ 01 SIM-TITLE. 05 T1 pic X(11) value '* SIMOBITS '. 05 T2 pic X(34) value 'Convert between Bits and Bytes '. 05 T3 pic X(10) value ' v03.01.24'. 05 T4 pic X(24) value ' http://www.simotime.com'. 01 SIM-COPYRIGHT. 05 C1 pic X(11) value '* SIMOBITS '. 05 C2 pic X(20) value 'Copyright 1987-2010 '. 05 C3 pic X(28) value ' SimoTime Enterprises, LLC '. 05 C4 pic X(20) value ' All Rights Reserved'. 01 FIRST-TIME pic X value 'Y'. 01 MESSAGE-BUFFER. 05 MESSAGE-HEADER pic X(11) value '* SIMOBITS '. 05 MESSAGE-TEXT pic X(68). 01 TWO-BYTES. 05 TWO-BYTES-01 pic X. 05 TWO-BYTES-02 pic X. 01 TWO-BYTES-BINARY redefines TWO-BYTES pic S9(4) binary. 01 IX-1 pic 99 value 0. 01 REGISTER-1 pic S9(5) value 0. ***************************************************************** LINKAGE SECTION. COPY PASSBITS. ***************************************************************** PROCEDURE DIVISION using BTS-PASS-AREA. MAIN-ROUTINE. subtract BTS-PASS-RESULT from BTS-PASS-RESULT if FIRST-TIME not = 'N' perform Z-POST-COPYRIGHT move 'N' to FIRST-TIME end-if evaluate BTS-PASS-REQUEST when 'COMPRESS' perform COMPRESS-BYTES when 'EXPAND ' perform EXPAND-BITS when OTHER perform INVALID-REQUEST end-evaluate add BTS-PASS-RESULT to ZERO giving RETURN-CODE GOBACK. ***************************************************************** INVALID-REQUEST. display '* SIMOBITS, INVALID REQUEST, ' BTS-PASS-REQUEST add 16 to ZERO giving BTS-PASS-RESULT exit. ***************************************************************** * Input: BTS-PASS-BYTES, an eight byte field * Output: BTS-PASS-BITS, a one byte field (8-bits) * * For each byte that is a one in the BTS-PASS-BYTES field the * corresponding bit in the BTS-PASS-BITS field is set to ON (1) * * For each byte that is zero in the BTS-PASS-BYTES field the * corresponding bit in the BTS-PASS-BITS field is set to OFF (0). * * Example: * BTS-PASS-BYTES = '01010101' then BTS-PASS-BITS set to x'55' ***************************************************************** COMPRESS-BYTES. subtract TWO-BYTES-BINARY from TWO-BYTES-BINARY add 1 to ZERO giving IX-1 add 128 to ZERO giving REGISTER-1 perform until IX-1 GREATER THAN 8 if BTS-PASS-BYTES(IX-1:1) = '1' add REGISTER-1 to TWO-BYTES-BINARY else if BTS-PASS-BYTES(IX-1:1) not = '0' move '8-Byte string must be zeroes or ones...' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-POST-MESSAGE add 8 to IX-1 add 8 to ZERO giving BTS-PASS-RESULT end-if end-if divide 2 INTO REGISTER-1 add 1 to IX-1 end-perform move TWO-BYTES-02 to BTS-PASS-BITS exit. ***************************************************************** * Input: BTS-PASS-BITS, a one byte field (8-bits) * OUTPUT: BTS-PASS-BYTES, an eight byte field * * For each bit that is on in BTS-PASS-BITS set the * corresponding byte in BTS-PASS-BYTES to a value of one. * * For each bit that is off in BTS-PASS-BITS set the * corresponding byte in BTS-PASS-BYTES to a value of zero. * * Example: * BTS-PASS-BITS = x'55' then BTS-PASS-BYTES will be '01010101' ***************************************************************** EXPAND-BITS. subtract TWO-BYTES-BINARY from TWO-BYTES-BINARY add 1 to ZERO giving IX-1 add 128 to ZERO giving REGISTER-1 move BTS-PASS-BITS to TWO-BYTES-02 perform 8 times if TWO-BYTES-BINARY = REGISTER-1 or TWO-BYTES-BINARY > REGISTER-1 move '1' to BTS-PASS-BYTES(IX-1:1) subtract REGISTER-1 from TWO-BYTES-BINARY else move '0' to BTS-PASS-BYTES(IX-1:1) end-if divide 2 INTO REGISTER-1 add 1 to IX-1 end-perform exit. ***************************************************************** * Display the Copyright data-structure... * ------------------------------------------------------------ Z-POST-COPYRIGHT. display SIM-TITLE upon console display SIM-COPYRIGHT upon console exit. Z-POST-MESSAGE. display MESSAGE-BUFFER upon console move SPACES to MESSAGE-TEXT exit. ***************************************************************** * This example is provided by SimoTime Enterprises * * Our e-mail address is: helpdesk@simotime.com * * Also, visit our Web Site at http://www.simotime.com * *****************************************************************
This program ...
This program ...
This is a driver program used with Micro Focus Net Express running on a Windows platform on a Personal Computer. Quite often the COBOL programs may be ported from an IBM Mainframe and were executed from a JCL (Job Control Language) script that passed a parameter. Also, the ability to write to a log file may be required as a replacement for the mainframe spool file function that shows the start, stop and status of the completed or abended job.
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This program ...
This program ...
This program ...
The SimoTXTN routine will create a 150-character text data string from a 12-digit numeric field. For example, if the numeric field contains 000000001234 then a text string is created with the following information.
The callable interface requires a data structure to be defined. A copy file (PASSTXTN.CPY) is provided with the following source code.
***************************************************************** * Data Structure used for calling SIMOTXTN * ***************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1987-2010 SimoTime Enterprises * * All Rights Reserved * ***************************************************************** * Provided by SimoTime Enterprises * * Our e-mail address is: helpdesk@simotime.com * * Also, visit our Web Site at http://www.simotime.com * ***************************************************************** * * The following is a summary of the fields used as linkage items. * * TXN-PASS-REQUEST This is an eight character data string * and should contain one of the following * in upper case. * DECIMAL0 - The numeric data string has * zero decimal positions. * DECIMAL2 - The numeric data string has * two decimal positions. * TXN-PASS-RESULT Zero Request was successful * non-Zero Request was invalid or failed * TXN-PASS-DIGITS Numeric field provided by caller * TXN-PASS-TXT-DELIMITER Character used between words in text * TXN-PASS-TXT-SUFFIX A word that is appended to text string * TXN-PASS-TXT-LENGTH Length of text within text field * TXN-PASS-TXT Text string created by conversion * TXN-PASS-NUM-SYMBOL Character used to insert in front * of the edited numeric amount string. * TXN-PASS-NUM-LEFT-EDITED The numeric field edited for decimal, * comma and currency symbol. * TXN-PASS-NUM-RIGHT-ADJUST The numeric field right adjusted. * ***************************************************************** 01 TXN-PASS-AREA. * Control Information provided by calling program, * the TXN-PASS-RESULT field may be modified by SimoTXTN. 05 TXN-PASS-REQUEST PIC X(8). 05 TXN-PASS-RESULT PIC 9(4). 05 TXN-PASS-DIGITS PIC 9(12). 05 TXN-PASS-DIGITS-R redefines TXN-PASS-DIGITS PIC X(12). * Textual specifications supplied by calling program. 05 TXN-PASS-TXT-DELIMITER PIC X. 05 TXN-PASS-TXT-SUFFIX PIC X(16). * Textual length and word string supplied by SimoTXTN routine. 05 TXN-PASS-TXT-LENGTH PIC 9(3). 05 TXN-PASS-TXT PIC X(150). * Numeric editing currency symbol supplied by calling program. 05 TXN-PASS-NUM-SYMBOL PIC X. * Left-justified with currency, commas, and decimal point, * supplied by SimoTXTN routine. 05 TXN-PASS-NUM-LEFT-EDITED PIC X(17). * Right-justified numeric value supplied by SimoTXTN. 05 TXN-PASS-NUM-RIGHT-ADJUST PIC 9(12). *! PASSTXTN - End-of-Copy File...
The following will translate a twelve digit field of "000000001898" to a 150 byte field of text..
***************************************************************** * The coding required to do the call to the Numbers-to-Words * * is as follows. * ***************************************************************** move 'DECIMAL2' to TXN-PASS-REQUEST move '000000001898' to TXN-PASS-DIGITS-R move '-' to TXN-PASS-TXT-DELIMITER move 'Dollars ' to TXN-PASS-TXT-SUFFIX move '$' to TXN-PASS-NUM-SYMBOL call 'SIMOTXTN' using TXN-PASS-AREA
In the preceding example the contents of TXN-PASS-TEXT will be "Eighteen-and-98/100-Dollars" upon return from the call to SIMOTXTN. Also, the TXN-PASS-NUM-LEFT-EDITED field will contain "$18.98", the value will be left-justified with trailing spaces.
The following (SIMOTXTN.CBL) is the COBOL source code.
IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. SIMOTXTN. AUTHOR. SIMOTIME ENTERPRISES. ***************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1987-2010 SimoTime Enterprises, LLC. * * * * All rights reserved. Unpublished, all rights reserved under * * copyright law and international treaty. Use of a copyright * * notice is precautionary only and does not imply publication * * or disclosure. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software * * for any non-commercial purpose and without fee is hereby * * granted, provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all * * copies of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be * * used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use * * of the software without the written permission of SimoTime * * Enterprises.This software contains confidential information * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software * * for any commercial purpose requires a fee to be paid to * * Simotime Enterprises. Once the fee is received by SimoTime * * the latest version of the software will be delivered and a * * license will be granted for use within an enterprise, * * provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies * * of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used * * in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the * * software without the written permission of SimoTime * * Enterprises. * * * * SimoTime Enterprises makes no warranty or representations * * about the suitability of the software for any purpose. It is * * provided "AS IS" without any express or implied warranty, * * including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness * * for a particular purpose and non-infringement. SimoTime * * Enterprises shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, * * special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of * * use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or * * tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or * * performance of this software * * * * SimoTime Enterprises * * 15 Carnoustie Drive * * Novato, CA 94949-5849 * * 415.883.6565 * * * * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND * * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject * * to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of * * the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at * * DFARS 52.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of * * Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights at 48 * * CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Contact SimoTime Enterprises, * * 15 Carnoustie Drive, Novato, CA 94949-5849. * * * ***************************************************************** * This program is provided by SimoTime Enterprises * * Our e-mail address is: helpdesk@simotime.com * * Also, visit our Web Site at http://www.simotime.com * * * ***************************************************************** * ***************************************************************** * Source Member: SIMOTXTN.CBL * Copy Files: PASSTXTN.CPY ***************************************************************** * * SIMOTXTN - A called routine for digit to text conversions. * * CALLING PROTOCOL * ---------------- * Use standard COBOL calling procedures. * * DESCRIPTION * ----------- * This program will do Digits to Text conversions. * **************************************************************** * * MAINTENANCE * ----------- * 1989/02/27 Simmons, Created program. * 1989/02/27 Simmons, no changes to date * ***************************************************************** * DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. * ***************************************************************** * Data-structure for Title and Copyright... ***************************************************************** 01 SIM-TITLE. 05 T1 pic X(11) value '* SIMOTXTN '. 05 T2 pic X(34) value 'Convert Digits to a Text String '. 05 T3 pic X(10) value ' v04.01.12'. 05 T4 pic X(24) value ' http://www.simotime.com'. 01 SIM-COPYRIGHT. 05 C1 pic X(11) value '* SIMOTXTN '. 05 C2 pic X(20) value 'Copyright 1987-2010 '. 05 C3 pic X(28) value ' SimoTime Enterprises, LLC '. 05 C4 pic X(20) value ' All Rights Reserved'. 01 FIRST-TIME pic X value 'Y'. 01 MESSAGE-BUFFER. 05 MESSAGE-HEADER pic X(11) value '* SIMOTXTN '. 05 MESSAGE-TEXT pic X(68). 01 WORK-DIGITS-A. 05 WORK-DIGITS-A1 pic X(3). 05 WORK-DIGITS-A2 pic X(3). 05 WORK-DIGITS-A3 pic X(3). 05 WORK-DIGITS-A4 pic X(3). 01 WORK-DIGITS-N redefines WORK-DIGITS-A pic 9(12). 01 WORK-DECIMAL-2A. 05 WORK-DECIMAL-N1 pic 9(10). 05 WORK-DECIMAL-N2 pic 9(2). 01 TEXT-FOR-CENTS. 05 filler pic X(4) value 'and-'. 05 TEXT-CENT-AMOUNT pic 9(2) value 0. 05 filler pic X(5) value '/100-'. 01 TEXT-FOR-CENTS-A1 redefines TEXT-FOR-CENTS pic X(11). 01 WORK-01 pic X. 01 WORK-03 pic X(3). 01 WORK-10 pic X(10). 01 I-X1 pic 9(3) value 0. 01 I-X2 pic 9(3) value 0. 01 DIGITS-FLAG pic X value 'N'. 01 EDIT-WORD-0 pic X(17) value '$@@@,@@@,@@@,@@@ '. 01 EDIT-WORD-2 pic X(17) value '$@,@@@,@@@,@@@.@@'. ***************************************************************** LINKAGE SECTION. COPY PASSTXTN. ***************************************************************** PROCEDURE DIVISION using TXN-PASS-AREA. if FIRST-TIME not = 'N' perform Z-POST-COPYRIGHT move 'N' to FIRST-TIME end-if initialize TXN-PASS-RESULT initialize TXN-PASS-TXT-LENGTH move SPACES to TXN-PASS-TXT move SPACES to WORK-DIGITS-A move TXN-PASS-NUM-SYMBOL to EDIT-WORD-0(1:1) move TXN-PASS-NUM-SYMBOL to EDIT-WORD-2(1:1) perform EDIT-TXN-PASS-DIGITS evaluate TXN-PASS-REQUEST when 'DECIMAL0' perform CREATE-TEXT-FOR-ZERO-DECIMALS when 'DECIMAL2' perform CREATE-TEXT-FOR-TWO-DECIMALS when OTHER perform Z-POST-INVALID-REQUEST end-evaluate add TXN-PASS-RESULT to ZERO giving RETURN-CODE GOBACK. ***************************************************************** CREATE-TEXT-FOR-TWO-DECIMALS. * * Validate the input string contains all digits... * perform VALIDATE-DIGITS-OR-ABEND move TXN-PASS-NUM-RIGHT-ADJUST to WORK-DECIMAL-2A add WORK-DECIMAL-N1 to ZERO giving WORK-DIGITS-N add WORK-DECIMAL-N2 to ZERO giving TEXT-CENT-AMOUNT perform CREATE-TEXT-02 perform CREATE-LEFT-EDIT-2 exit. CREATE-LEFT-EDIT-0. move TXN-PASS-NUM-RIGHT-ADJUST to TXN-PASS-NUM-LEFT-EDITED exit. CREATE-LEFT-EDIT-2. move EDIT-WORD-2 to TXN-PASS-NUM-LEFT-EDITED move TXN-PASS-NUM-SYMBOL to TXN-PASS-NUM-LEFT-EDITED(1:1) add 12 to ZERO giving I-X1 add 17 to ZERO giving I-X2 move TXN-PASS-NUM-RIGHT-ADJUST to WORK-DIGITS-A perform until I-X1 = 0 or I-X2 = 1 if TXN-PASS-NUM-LEFT-EDITED(I-X2:1) = '@' move WORK-DIGITS-A(I-X1:1) to TXN-PASS-NUM-LEFT-EDITED(I-X2:1) subtract 1 from I-X1 subtract 1 from I-X2 else subtract 1 from I-X2 end-if end-perform move 'N' to DIGITS-FLAG add 1 to ZERO giving I-X1 perform until DIGITS-FLAG = 'Y' if TXN-PASS-NUM-LEFT-EDITED(I-X1:1) = '0' or TXN-PASS-NUM-LEFT-EDITED(I-X1:1) = EDIT-WORD-2(I-X1:1) add 1 to I-X1 else move 'Y' to DIGITS-FLAG end-if if I-X1 > 13 move 'Y' to DIGITS-FLAG end-if end-perform if I-X1 > 1 subtract 1 from I-X1 perform until I-X1 < 2 add 2 to ZERO giving I-X2 perform 15 times move TXN-PASS-NUM-LEFT-EDITED(I-X2 + 1:1) to TXN-PASS-NUM-LEFT-EDITED(I-X2:1) add 1 to I-X2 end-perform subtract 1 from I-X1 move SPACE to TXN-PASS-NUM-LEFT-EDITED(17:1) end-perform end-if exit. ***************************************************************** CREATE-TEXT-FOR-ZERO-DECIMALS. * * Validate the input string contains all digits... * perform VALIDATE-DIGITS-OR-ABEND add TXN-PASS-NUM-RIGHT-ADJUST to ZERO giving WORK-DIGITS-N perform CREATE-TEXT-02 perform CREATE-LEFT-EDIT-0 exit. ***************************************************************** CREATE-TEXT-02. * * Process a Zero value... if TXN-PASS-NUM-RIGHT-ADJUST = 0 if TXN-PASS-REQUEST = 'DECIMAL2' if TXN-PASS-TXT-SUFFIX = SPACES move 'Zero-and-00/100' to TXN-PASS-TXT perform CREATE-TEXT-CALCULATE-LENGTH else move 'Zero-and-00/100-' to TXN-PASS-TXT inspect TXN-PASS-TXT replacing FIRST ' ' by TXN-PASS-TXT-SUFFIX perform CREATE-TEXT-CALCULATE-LENGTH end-if else move 'Zero' to TXN-PASS-TXT add 4 to ZERO giving TXN-PASS-TXT-LENGTH end-if move SPACES to TXN-PASS-NUM-LEFT-EDITED move '$0.00***' to TXN-PASS-NUM-LEFT-EDITED(1:8) GOBACK end-if * * Process when two-decimal positions and the value to the * left of the decimal position is zero... if WORK-DIGITS-N = 0 move 'Zero-' to TXN-PASS-TXT end-if * * Process the first group of three digits... if WORK-DIGITS-A1 not = '000' move WORK-DIGITS-A1 to WORK-03 perform CREATE-TEXT-THREE-DIGIT-GROUP inspect TXN-PASS-TXT replacing FIRST ' ' by 'Billion-' end-if * * Process the second group of three digits... if WORK-DIGITS-A2 not = '000' move WORK-DIGITS-A2 to WORK-03 perform CREATE-TEXT-THREE-DIGIT-GROUP inspect TXN-PASS-TXT replacing FIRST ' ' by 'Million-' end-if * * Process the third group of three digits... if WORK-DIGITS-A3 not = '000' move WORK-DIGITS-A3 to WORK-03 perform CREATE-TEXT-THREE-DIGIT-GROUP inspect TXN-PASS-TXT replacing FIRST ' ' by 'Thousand-' end-if * * Process the fourth group of three digits... if WORK-DIGITS-A4 not = '000' move WORK-DIGITS-A4 to WORK-03 perform CREATE-TEXT-THREE-DIGIT-GROUP end-if * * Add suffix info for two decimal positions... if TXN-PASS-REQUEST = 'DECIMAL2' inspect TXN-PASS-TXT replacing FIRST ' ' by TEXT-FOR-CENTS-A1 end-if * * Add suffix to text string... inspect TXN-PASS-TXT replacing FIRST ' ' by TXN-PASS-TXT-SUFFIX * * Remove trailing hyphen... inspect TXN-PASS-TXT replacing FIRST '- ' by ' ' * * Calculate the length of the text within the text string... perform CREATE-TEXT-CALCULATE-LENGTH * * Replace word delimiter with user defined character... if TXN-PASS-TXT-DELIMITER not = '-' inspect TXN-PASS-TXT replacing all '-' by TXN-PASS-TXT-DELIMITER end-if exit. ***************************************************************** CREATE-TEXT-CALCULATE-LENGTH. add 1 to ZERO giving TXN-PASS-TXT-LENGTH perform until TXN-PASS-TXT-LENGTH = 150 or TXN-PASS-TXT(TXN-PASS-TXT-LENGTH:1) = SPACE add 1 to TXN-PASS-TXT-LENGTH end-perform subtract 1 from TXN-PASS-TXT-LENGTH exit. ***************************************************************** CREATE-TEXT-THREE-DIGIT-GROUP. move SPACES to WORK-10 move WORK-03(1:1) to WORK-01 perform CREATE-TEXT-ONE-THRU-NINE if WORK-10 not = SPACES inspect TXN-PASS-TXT replacing FIRST ' ' by WORK-10 inspect TXN-PASS-TXT replacing FIRST ' ' by 'Hundred-' end-if if WORK-03(2:1) = '1' perform CREATE-TEXT-FOR-TEEN else perform CREATE-TEXT-FOR-NON-TEEN end-if exit. ***************************************************************** CREATE-TEXT-FOR-TEEN. move SPACES to WORK-10 evaluate WORK-03(3:1) when '0' move 'Ten- ' to WORK-10 when '1' move 'Eleven- ' to WORK-10 when '2' move 'Twelve- ' to WORK-10 when '3' move 'Thirteen- ' to WORK-10 when '4' move 'Fourteen- ' to WORK-10 when '5' move 'Fifteen- ' to WORK-10 when '6' move 'Sixteen- ' to WORK-10 when '7' move 'Seventeen-' to WORK-10 when '8' move 'Eighteen- ' to WORK-10 when '9' move 'Nineteen- ' to WORK-10 end-evaluate if WORK-10 not = SPACES inspect TXN-PASS-TXT replacing FIRST ' ' by WORK-10 end-if exit. ***************************************************************** CREATE-TEXT-FOR-NON-TEEN. move SPACES to WORK-10 evaluate WORK-03(2:1) when '2' move 'Twenty- ' to WORK-10 when '3' move 'Thirty- ' to WORK-10 when '4' move 'Forty- ' to WORK-10 when '5' move 'Fifty- ' to WORK-10 when '6' move 'Sixty- ' to WORK-10 when '7' move 'Seventy- ' to WORK-10 when '8' move 'Eighty- ' to WORK-10 when '9' move 'Ninety- ' to WORK-10 end-evaluate if WORK-10 not = SPACES inspect TXN-PASS-TXT replacing FIRST ' ' by WORK-10 end-if move SPACES to WORK-10 move WORK-03(3:1) to WORK-01 perform CREATE-TEXT-ONE-THRU-NINE if WORK-10 not = SPACES inspect TXN-PASS-TXT replacing FIRST ' ' by WORK-10 end-if exit. ***************************************************************** CREATE-TEXT-ONE-THRU-NINE. evaluate WORK-01 when '1' move 'One- ' to WORK-10 when '2' move 'Two- ' to WORK-10 when '3' move 'Three- ' to WORK-10 when '4' move 'Four- ' to WORK-10 when '5' move 'Five- ' to WORK-10 when '6' move 'Six- ' to WORK-10 when '7' move 'Seven- ' to WORK-10 when '8' move 'Eight- ' to WORK-10 when '9' move 'Nine- ' to WORK-10 end-evaluate exit. ***************************************************************** * Scan the input digets and create right-adjusted, numeric... ***************************************************************** EDIT-TXN-PASS-DIGITS. add 1 to ZERO giving I-X1 add 1 to ZERO giving I-X2 move SPACES to WORK-DIGITS-A perform until I-X1 > 12 if TXN-PASS-DIGITS-R(I-X1:1) = ',' or TXN-PASS-DIGITS-R(I-X1:1) = '.' add 1 to I-X1 else move TXN-PASS-DIGITS-R(I-X1:1) to WORK-DIGITS-A(I-X2:1) add 1 to I-X1 add 1 to I-X2 end-if end-perform if WORK-DIGITS-A(12:1) = SPACE perform until WORK-DIGITS-A(12:1) not = SPACE add 11 to ZERO giving I-X1 add 12 to ZERO giving I-X2 perform 11 times move WORK-DIGITS-A(I-X1:1) to WORK-DIGITS-A(I-X2:1) subtract 1 from I-X1 subtract 1 from I-X2 end-perform move '0' to WORK-DIGITS-A(1:1) end-perform end-if move WORK-DIGITS-A to TXN-PASS-NUM-RIGHT-ADJUST exit. ***************************************************************** * Validate that input string is all digits, if not ABEND... ***************************************************************** VALIDATE-DIGITS-OR-ABEND. add 1 to ZERO giving I-X1 perform 12 times if TXN-PASS-NUM-RIGHT-ADJUST(I-X1:1) > 0 and TXN-PASS-NUM-RIGHT-ADJUST(I-X1:1) < 9 or TXN-PASS-NUM-RIGHT-ADJUST(I-X1:1) = 0 or TXN-PASS-NUM-RIGHT-ADJUST(I-X1:1) = 9 add 1 to I-X1 else perform Z-POST-NOT-ALL-DIGITS end-if end-perform exit. ***************************************************************** * The following Z-Routines perform administrative tasks ***************************************************************** Z-POST-COPYRIGHT. display SIM-TITLE upon console display SIM-COPYRIGHT upon console exit. ***************************************************************** Z-POST-INVALID-REQUEST. move 'INVALID REQUEST - ' to MESSAGE-TEXT move TXN-PASS-REQUEST to MESSAGE-TEXT(19:8) perform Z-POST-MESSAGE add 16 to ZERO giving TXN-PASS-RESULT exit. ***************************************************************** Z-POST-MESSAGE. display MESSAGE-BUFFER upon console move SPACES to MESSAGE-TEXT exit. ***************************************************************** Z-POST-NOT-ALL-DIGITS. move 'Not all DIGITS - ' to MESSAGE-TEXT move TXN-PASS-DIGITS-R to MESSAGE-TEXT(18:12) perform Z-POST-MESSAGE add 16 to ZERO giving TXN-PASS-RESULT move SPACES to TXN-PASS-TXT move 'ERROR, VOID this item...' to TXN-PASS-TXT GOBACK exit. ***************************************************************** * This program is provided by SimoTime Enterprises * * Our e-mail address is: helpdesk@simotime.com * * Also, visit our Web Site at http://www.simotime.com * *****************************************************************
The purpose of this program is to provide examples ...
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Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software for a non-commercial purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the software without the written permission of SimoTime Enterprises.
SimoTime Enterprises makes no warranty or representations about the suitability of the software for any purpose. It is provided "AS IS" without any express or implied warranty, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. SimoTime Enterprises shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.
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The hexadecimal dump of the parameter-buffer uses the same technique as describe in another SimoTime example that describes the dumping of a data string using COBOL. The name of the member that does the actual hexadecimal dump is called SimoDUMP. A copy file (PASSDUMP.CPY) is provided for defining the pass area.
The SimoZAPS Utility Program has the capability of generating a COBOL program that will do the conversion of sequential and VSAM (KSDS) files between EBCDIC and ASCII. SimoZAPPER can also read a sequential file in EBCDIC format and create an ASCII/CRLF file or VSAM KSDS file in ASCII format. The conversion tables may be viewed or modified to meet unique requirements. The Hexcess/2 function provides the capability of viewing, finding or patching the contents of a file in hexadecimal.
This item will provide a link to an ASCII or EBCDIC translation table. A column for decimal, hexadecimal and binary is also included.
Check out The VSAM - QSAM Connection for more examples of mainframe VSAM and QSAM accessing techniques and sample code.
This document provides a quick summary of the File Status Key for VSAM data sets and QSAM files.
Check out The SimoTime Library for a wide range of topics for Programmers, Project Managers and Software Developers.
To review all the information available on this site start at The SimoTime Home Page .
If you have any questions, suggestions or comments please call or send an e-mail to: helpdesk@simotime.com
We appreciate your comments and feedback.
Founded in 1987, SimoTime Enterprises is a privately owned company. We specialize in the creation and deployment of business applications using new or existing technologies and services. We have a team of individuals that understand the broad range of technologies being used in today's environments. This includes the smallest thin client using the Internet and the very large mainframe systems. There is more to making the Internet work for your company's business than just having a nice looking WEB site. It is about combining the latest technologies and existing technologies with practical business experience. It's about the business of doing business and looking good in the process. Quite often, to reach larger markets or provide a higher level of service to existing customers it requires the newer Internet technologies to work in a complementary manner with existing corporate mainframe systems. Whether you want to use the Internet to expand into new market segments or as a delivery vehicle for existing business functions simply give us a call or check the web site at http://www.simotime.com
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