Enterprise System Model
Micro Focus Server for LUW
  Table of Contents  v-24.01.01 - simsam01.htm 
  Distributed System Architecture
  Diagram for a Directory Structure
  Execute, System Functions
  Start, Test & Stop Application Server
  Start a Server
  Submit a Job using ES Admin Interface
  Review the JES Spool Output
  Stop a Server
  Web Server & Java Run Time
  Execute, Application Functions
  Batch, Submit or Schedule Batch Jobs
  Install & Configure Validation Jobs
  UVBR00J1, Submit & Execute using IEFBR14
  UVDD01J1, File Creation using IEBGENER
  UVDD01J2, PDS Access & SORT Execution
  Batch, Application Examples
  Jobs using Traditional Files & VSAM Data Sets
  Create a Customer File for Testing
  Review a Customer File
  Submit a Multi-Step Job
  Batch SQL, Jobs using Relational Data Base
  Access a Customer Table using IKJEFT01
  Review and Summarize the Results
  Online, Execute Transactions
  Menu Screens, Navigate the Transactions
  Access VSAM, display BMS Screens to 3270
  EXEC SQL to access a Relational Data Base
  Utility Programs & Reference Information
  Regression Testing
  Create Test Data & Monitor Changes
  Record Counts & Summary Totals
  Prepare, Functional Environments
  System Preparation
  Application Build
  Application Support
  Creating a Directory Structure
  The DEVELOPMENT Environment
  The PRODUCTION Environment
  The TEST Environment
  Manage Technical Administrative Tasks
  Document Lists with Hyperlinks
  Create a Repository of Application Assets
  Create & Execute a Scripted Build Process
  Server Instances & Configuration Files
  Allocate Physical File Location, Overrides
  A Server for Batch Processing
  A Server for Online Transactions
  Define XA Resources for SQL Access
  Define the IMS Resources
  Populate the Catalog
  Entries for Partitioned Data Sets (PDS's)
  Entries for Generation Data Groups (GDG's)
  Entries for Sequential Files
  Entries for VSAM Key-Sequenced-Data-Sets
  Entries for non-Relational Data Structures
  Non-Relational Data Management
  Non-Relational Data File Conversion
  Overview, Convert and Share
  Data File Convert, Technology and Services
  Non-Relational Data File Validation
  Data File Compare, Technology and Services
  Summary Totals and Record Counts
  Hex-Dump for VSAM, KSDS
  Documentation for Record Structures
  Micro Focus File Formats
  Additional Topics
  REXX Program Examples
  IBM WebSphere MQ
  Software Agreement and Disclaimer
  Downloads and Links
  Current Server or Internet Access
  Internet Access Required
  Glossary of Terms
  Comments or Feedback
  Company Overview
The SimoTime Home Page 

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Introduction

This session is planned as a working, interactive session. There is a planned agenda to be used as a high-level guideline. The level of technical drill-down will be determined by questions and requests from the participants. This document will focus of the transitioning of a mainframe-oriented business application to an enterprise-oriented application that may be moved and executed on a Mainframe, Windows, UNIX or Linux System.

The focus will be on defining, creating and managing the Environments, Processes, Functions and Data that are needed (required) to expand the platform flexibility and allow a business application currently running on a Mainframe System to run on a Windows, UNIX or Linux system using Micro Focus Enterprise Server.

The primary objective of this document is to provide an introduction into what is required to build, test and deploy a mainframe centric application to a Windows, UNIX or Linux platform. This document contains some preliminary discussions about the effort required to create the Development, Test and Production Systems with hyperlinks to documents that contain detailed information.

We have made a significant effort to ensure the documents and software technologies are correct and accurate. We reserve the right to make changes without notice at any time. The function delivered in this version is based upon the enhancement requests from a specific group of users. The intent is to provide changes as the need arises and in a timeframe that is dependent upon the availability of resources.

Copyright © 1987-2024
SimoTime Technologies and Services
All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Overview

The following is a list of the critical tasks required to create a software system environment to receive, build, test and deploy an application that is being moved from a Mainframe System to a Windows, UNIX or Linux System with Micro Focus Enterprise Server.

1. Create and Document the System Environment.
1.1. Server Hardware
1.2. System, Sub-System and Third Party Software
1.3. Directory Structure
1.4. Environment Variables
1.5. Interfaces
2. Create and Document the Application Environment
2.1. Copy the Assets to the Server, Source and Control
2.2. Provide Summary of Application Properties
2.3. Provide detail of Member Properties
2.4. Build the Load members using an automated, unattended process
3. Configure a Server Instance and Document the Process
3.1. Batch Process (a JES Sub-system)
3.2. Online Process (a CICS Server)
3.3. Data Base Access (XA Resources)
4. Populate a Catalog using a Repeatable Process and Document the Process
4.1. Partitioned Data Sets (PDS’s)
4.2. Generation Data Groups (GDG’s)
4.3. Sequential Files (both Fixed and Variable)
4.4. VSAM Data Sets
5. Prepare Data and Document the Process
5.1. Traditional Files (non-relational data structures)
5.1.1. File Format Conversions (i.e. Sequential to VSAM)
5.1.2. Record Content conversions (i.e. EBCDIC/ASCII)
5.1.3. Data File Comparison
5.2. Data Base (relational tables)
5.2.1. Unload/Reload
5.2.2. Configure Access
6. Execute System Functions and Document the Process
6.1. Start a Server
6.2. Stop a Server
6.3. Trace Functions
6.4. Review Functions
6.5. Scheduler or On-demand
7. Execute Application Functions and Document the Process
7.1. Submit a Job
7.2. Schedule a Job
7.3. Review Results
7.4. Scheduler or On-demand


Next, we will need to take a closer look at the Distributed System Architecture we will be using for this workshop session.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Distributed System Architecture

The following shows a very simple overview of the systems required to support an application or suite of applications running in a distributed architecture.

Systems or Machines
Data Base
Physical or Virtual Machines
Direct Access Storage Devices
Overview of System/Machine Environment

It is possible to run all three (3) of the systems on a single machine. We do application maintenance and application unit testing on a laptop machine. The Operating System is Windows/7 Professional running on a dual core Laptop Computer with 8GB of memory. Disk storage is a 300GB drive with 7200rpm. The Micro Focus Studio is version 6.1.

Additional details are provided in separate documents starting with the following link.

Explore a Distributed System Architecture that will provide a foundation to run an application or suite of applications that is currently running on a Mainframe System.

Next, we will need to take a closer look at the library (or Directory) we will be using for this workshop session.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Diagram for a Directory Structure

The directory structure for the Application Development Environment is based on the following model.

BASESYS sub-DIR's Comments
Base Directory for Administrative Functions
Directory for the DEVELOPMENT System
Directory for the PRODUCTION System
Directory for the TEST System
The Base Directory and the First Level of sub-Directories

This link provides additional detail about a  Directory Structure for a DEVELOPMENT Environment  that supports the development,testing, deployment and support of business applications using Micro Focus Studio Enterprise Edition.

This link provides additional detail about a  Directory Structure for a PRODUCTION Environment  that supports the execution of business application using Micro Focus Server Enterprise Edition.

This link provides additional detail about a  Directory Structure for a TEST Environment  that supports the execution of business applications using Micro Focus Enterprise Server.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Execute, System Functions

The Micro Focus Enterprise Server Administration provides a capability for starting and stopping servers and submitting jobs from the browser interface. A command line capability is provided when user interfaces and business requirements need additional customization. For example, if batch jobs will be executed in an automated, unattended manner by a job scheduler the command line interface would be used. If batch jobs need to be executed on-demand with parameters that are set at execution time the command line interface would be used. A set of predefined commands are used to address these requirements.

This link provides additional detail about the  Pre-Defined System and Application Commands  that include the "SYS1" and "EZ" Series suite of commands.

The following sections provide an operational description of the commonly used predefined commands.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Start, Test & Stop Application Server

The next four steps will describe how to start a server, submit a job, review the results of the job and stop the server. Notice in step-1 and step-4 the start and stop functions are performed from the "C:\SIMOSAM1\SYS1\LOADLIB" directory. The EZSUB function or job submission is performed from the "C:\SIMOSAM1\LOADLIB" directory.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Start a Server

The SYS1START command calls the ENV1BASE command file to set commonly used environment variables. It then calls the SYS1BAKConsole command file to provide a backup of the previously created "console.log" file. It then starts the specified server based on the first parameter of the command line. The following is an example of the command line syntax. The first parameter is the name of the server to be started.


The name of the JES Server for the Mainframe Model Environment is SIMOBATA. The following is the command that is used to start the JES Server .


Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Submit a Job using ES Admin Interface

The EZSUB command file calls the ENV1BASE command file to set commonly used environment variables. It then submits the job name that is specified as the second parameter to the specified server based on the first parameter of the command line. The following is an example of the command line syntax. The first parameter is the name of the server and the second parameter is the job name (i.e. JCL member).


The following is the command that is used to submit a job to the JES Server .


Note: The specified job will be submitted to the server. When the server accepts the job control is returned to the user with a zero return code. The preceding job uses IEFBR14 to set the return code to zero and end the job or return to the caller.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Review the JES Spool Output

The Micro Focus Enterprise Server Administration (ESADMIN) uses a browser interface to provide access to the JES Logs. The following shows how to use ESADMIN to view the spooled output for the job.

1 From the "Home Page" or Enterprise Server Administration (ESADMIN) Page click on the "Details" button for the SIMOBATA Server.
2 From the ESADMIN Details page click on the "ES Monitor & Control" button.
3 From the left-center of the new page click on the drop-down box and select the "JES" item from the list
4 Click on the "Spool" button under the drop-down box.
5 Click on the radio button for "Out Hold".
  Review the Results of Submitting a Job

The following shows the spooled output for the submitted job.

     *-*-*  Micro Focus ESJCL Version 6.0.001 ASCII  JES2 SEE60_GA_20090618        *-*-*
     *-*-*  Copyright (C) 1997-2009 Micro Focus (IP) Limited. All rights reserved. *-*-*
     *-*-*  Job: 01536 Name: UVBR00J1 User: SIMOTIME Date: 06/11/11 Time: 00:25:34 *-*-*
     *-*-*  File: $TXRFDIR/T000000091.T                                            *-*-*
     *-*-*  DSN:                                                                   *-*-*

   2 //* *******************************************************************
   3 //*       This JCL Member is provided by SimoTime Enterprises         *
   4 //*           (C) Copyright 1987-2011 All Rights Reserved             *
   5 //*             Web Site URL:   http://www.simotime.com               *
   6 //*                   e-mail:   helpdesk@simotime.com                 *
   7 //* *******************************************************************
   8 //*
   9 //* Text   - Set Condition-Code to ZERO and return to caller
  10 //* Author - SimoTime Enterprises
  11 //* Date   - January 24, 1996
  12 //*
  13 //* *******************************************************************
  14 //* Step 1 of 1, Execute the program...
  15 //*
  17 //*
**** JCLCM0180I Job ready for execution.
**** EXECUTION SUMMARY -----------------------------------------------------

     00:25:34 JCLCM0188I JOB  STARTED

---> 00:25:35 JCLCM0191I STEP ENDED     NULLSTEP - COND CODE 0000

---> 00:25:35 JCLCM0182I JOB  ENDED   - COND CODE 0000

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Stop a Server

The SYS1STOP command file calls the ENV1BASE command file to set commonly used environment variables. It then stops the specified server based on the first parameter of the command line. The following is an example of the command line syntax. The first parameter is the name of the server to be stopped.


The following is the command that is used to stop the JES Server .


Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Web Server & Java Run Time

The SIMOTIME programs use the Apache Tomcat Web Server running on a Windows7 system. The Java Developer's Kit (JDK) is used to create the browser front-end for the application programs.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the system configuration and directory (or folder) structure for a Web Server environment that supports Java, JSP and Beans. This document references an Apache/Tomcat Server running on a Windows System.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Execute, Application Functions

This section will describe the User-Verification programs that will validate the installation and configuration has been completed and the Micro Focus Application Servers are ready. Also, this section includes a description of additional sample programs that may serve as models to create test data and perform other system administrator tasks.

This section is divided into two sub-sections. The first sub-section will describe how to submit or schedule batch jobs for execution and review the results of the jobs. The batch jobs being submitted and executed originally ran on a Mainframe System. The second sub-section will describe how to execute transactions in an online environment using application code that originally executed in a CICS environment on a Mainframe System.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Batch, Submit or Schedule Batch Jobs

Submitting jobs to a Micro Focus Enterprise Server may be done in a variety of ways. The following shows a few of the ways to submit a job.

1 Use the browser interface or the ES Administration Control Page.
2 Use CASSUB provided by Micro Focus
3 Use EZSUB.CMD provided by SimoTime
4 Use MFBSIJCL provided by Micro Focus to submit and wait
5 Use EZSCHEDULE.CMD provided by SimoTime to submit and wait
  Alternatives for Submitting and Executing Jobs to a JES Server

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Install & Configure Validation Jobs

The purpose of this suite of programs is to validate a Micro Focus Server has been configured, started and is ready to accept batch jobs for processing.

This link provides detailed information to the  User Verification Tests for the JES Server  . This suite of test jobs starts with a simple test of the basic functions and advances step-by-step through the advanced functions.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section UVBR00J1, Submit & Execute using IEFBR14

This is a very simple test job (UVBR00J1.JCL) that uses IEFBR14 to return to caller. This job will test the basic job execution functions of the JES Server's configuration.


Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section UVDD01J1, File Creation using IEBGENER

This is a simple test job (UVDD01J1.JCL) that uses IEBGENER to create a test file. This job will test the JES Server's configuration for allocating and accessing data files.


Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section UVDD01J2, PDS Access & SORT Execution

This is a simple test job (UVDD01J2.JCL) that will access a member within a PDS and execute the SORT program. This job will test the JES Server's configuration for accessing and sorting data files. The sorting specification are obtained by accessing a PDS Member within a PDS. Also, it may be used to show the differences in the EBCDIC and ASCII collating sequencing. This job sorts the file created by the job (UVDD01J1.JCL) described in the preceding section of this document.


Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Batch, Application Examples

This section contains examples of application functions using application source code and are used in the regression testing process.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Jobs using Traditional Files & VSAM Data Sets

This job (CUKAREJ1.jcl) will use a COBOL program to copy the ASCII-encoded Customer Master that is a VSAM, KSDS to a Record Sequential file that is EBCDIC-encoded.

//* *******************************************************************
//*       CUKAREJ1.JCL - a JCL Member for Batch Job Processing        *
//*       This JCL Member is provided by SimoTime Technologies        *
//*           (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved             *
//*             Web Site URL:   http://www.simotime.com               *
//*                   e-mail:   helpdesk@simotime.com                 *
//* *******************************************************************
//* Text   -   Execute a COBOL program to read RSEQ and write KSDS.
//* Author -   SimoTime Technologies
//* Date   -   January 01, 1997
//* This COBOL program will read an EBCDIC-encoded, Record Sequential
//* file with fixed length records of 512-bytes and write to an
//* ASCII-encoded, VSAM Key-Sequenced-Data-Set.
//*                     ************
//*                     * CURAREJ1 *
//*                     ********jcl*
//*                          *
//*                          *
//*                     ************     ************
//*                     * IEFBR14  *-----* MOD,DELT *
//*                     ************     ************
//*                          *
//*                          *
//*    ************     ************     ************
//*    * CUSKA512 *-----* CURAREC1 *-----* CUSRE512 *
//*    *******ksds*     ********cbl*     *******rseq*
//*                          *
//*                          *
//*                     ************
//*                     *   EOJ    *
//*                     ************
//* *******************************************************************
//* Step 1 of 2, Delete any previously created file...
//             STORCLAS=MFI,
//             SPACE=(TRK,5),
//             DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=512,BLKSIZE=5120,DSORG=PS)
//* *******************************************************************
//* Step 2 of 2, Copy and Convert, ASCII to EBCDIC.
//             DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),
//             STORCLAS=MFI,
//             SPACE=(TRK,5),
//             DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=512,BLKSIZE=5120,DSORG=PS)

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Create a Customer File for Testing

This job (CUGNRUJ1.jcl) uses an in-stream control file to populate (i.e. add new records or update existing records) a Customer Master file that is used for testing. The customer information is generic and is derived from a set of name and address files using a pseudo-random creation process. The following shows the content of the JCL Member.

//* *******************************************************************
//*       CUGNRUJ1.JCL - a JCL Member for Batch Job Processing        *
//*       This JCL Member is provided by SimoTime Technologies        *
//*           (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved             *
//*             Web Site URL:   http://www.simotime.com               *
//*                   e-mail:   helpdesk@simotime.com                 *
//* *******************************************************************
//* Text   -   Execute a COBOL program to update a Customer File.
//* Author -   SimoTime Technologies
//* Date   -   January 01, 1997
//* This COBOL program will read a control file and access the various
//* name files to populate or update a customer master file.
//* This program uses a random UPDATE/ADD methodology.
//*                     ************
//*                     * CUGNRUJ1 *
//*                     ********jcl*
//*                          *
//*                          *
//*    ************     ************     ************
//*    * OBFCTL80 *--*--* OBFDATC1 *-----* CUSTMAST *
//*    *******rseq*  *  ********cbl*     *******ksds*
//*                  *       *
//*    ************  *       *
//*    * LASTNAME *--*       *
//*    *******rseq*  *       *
//*                  *       *
//*    ************  *       *
//*    * FNAMEF01 *--*       *
//*    *******rseq*  *       *
//*                  *       *
//*    ************  *       *
//*    * FNAMEM01 *--*       *
//*    *******rseq*  *       *
//*                  *       *
//*    ************  *       *
//*    * STREET01 *--*       *
//*    *******rseq*  *       *
//*                  *       *
//*    ************  *       *
//*    * POSTCODE *--*       *
//*    *******rseq*  *       *
//*                          *
//*                     ************
//*                     *   EOJ    *
//*                     ************
//* *******************************************************************
//* Step 1 of 1, Update existing or add new records to CUSTMAST
//* :....1....:....2....:....3....:....4....:....5....:....6....:....7....:....8
//OBFCTL80 DD  *
* A comment is identified by an asterisk (*) in position one (1)
* ..:....1....:....2....:....3....:....4....:....5....:....6....

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Review a Customer File

The Micro Focus Enterprise Server Administration provides access to the CATALOG. The following shows how to use the browser interface of the Enterprise Server to view the CATALOG and Data Files.

1 From the "Home Page" or Enterprise Server Administration (ESA) Page click on the "Details" button for the SAMDEVS1 Server.
2 From the ESA Details page click on the "ES Monitor & Control" button.
3 From the left-center of the new page click on the drop-down box and select the "JES" item from the list.
4 Click on the "Catalog" button under the drop-down box.
5 Click on the List button (a filter or high level qualifier value may be used, the default value is an Asterisk).
6 From the list of catalog entries simply click on one of the file names to display the content of the records in the file.
Note: For additional options and file information click on the DCB item to the right of the file name.
 Review the CATALOG Entries and Data Files
Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Submit a Multi-Step Job

This sample application illustrates the use of JCL, the SORT utility and COBOL programs to access a VSAM, KSDS or Indexed file and create a QSAM or sequential file of mailing addresses in zip code sequence and formatted for 1, 2, 3 or 4 across mailing labels.

Explore  How to Produce Four-Across Mailing Labels  by submitting a job that will read a VSAM Data Set, sort a sequential work file by Postal Code and execute a COBOL program.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Batch SQL, Jobs using Relational Data Base

This suite of sample programs will show how to create, manipulate and delete a table within a relational data base. A Customer Master File resides on an IBM Mainframe as a VSAM, Keyed-Sequential-Data-Set (KSDS) using EBCDIC encoding. This suite of sample programs will show how to migrate the data in the VSAM/KSDS to a relational data base. A suite of COBOL programs with embedded SQL will be used to demonstrate each of the steps in the process.

Explore  How to Create and Populate a Relational Table  from data stored in a VSAM, Keyed-Sequence-Data-Set (KSDS).

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Access a Customer Table using IKJEFT01

This example uses embedded SQL in a COBOL program to INSERT rows into a table of a relational data base. This example will read a VSAM, Keyed-Sequential-Data-Set (KSDS) to obtain the data that will be loaded into the table.

Explore  How to Load a Relational Table  using a COBOL program with embedded SQL statements to insert rows.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Review and Summarize the Results

A utility program is available that will provide a quick summary of the jobs that were executed. This summary provides the start, stop and elapsed times for the individual jobs. The utility is SYS1JESLOG.CMD and is a part of the EZSERIES of programs.

This link provides additional detail about the  Pre-Defined System and Application Commands  that include the "SYS1" and "EZ" Series suite of commands.

The Micro Focus Enterprise Server Administration (ESADMIN) uses a browser interface to provide access to the JES Logs. The following shows how to use ESADMIN to view the spooled output for the job.

1 From the "Home Page" or Enterprise Server Administration (ESADMIN) Page click on the "Details" button for the SIMOBATA Server.
2 From the ESADMIN Details page click on the "ES Monitor & Control" button.
3 From the left-center of the new page click on the drop-down box and select the "JES" item from the list
4 Click on the "Spool" button under the drop-down box.
5 Click on the radio button for "Out Hold".
  Review the Results of Submitting a Job

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Online, Execute Transactions

1 Use the browser interface or the ES Administration Control Page.
2 Use Rumba provided by Micro Focus as a 3270 Emulator
3 Introduction to Menu driven system provided by SimoTime
4 Execute Transactions by the Transaction Identifier (or TRANID)
  Alternatives for Executing Transactions using Micro Focus Studio or Server

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Menu Screens, Navigate the Transactions

This example uses a suite of COBOL programs and BMS mapsets to display menu screens and transfer control to programs that will perform various application and utilitarian functions such as links between menu programs and data file inquiry or update programs.

This example uses a suite of COBOL programs and BMS mapsets to display menu screens and transfer control to programs that will perform various application and utilitarian functions such as links between menu programs and data file inquiry or update programs.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Access VSAM, display BMS Screens to 3270

This example uses a suite of COBOL programs and BMS mapsets to display a menu screen and transfer control to programs that will perform various data file inquiry or update functions.

This example uses a suite of COBOL programs and BMS mapsets to  Access Files and VSAM Data Sets  that will do inquiries, and updates to existing records and allow adding of new records.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section EXEC SQL to access a Relational Data Base

This example uses a suite of COBOL programs and BMS mapsets to execute programs that will provide relational data base inquiry or update functionality for a Customer Table. The programs use embedded EXEC SQL statements to access the Customer Table and display information to a 3270 terminal or terminal emulator. The programs originally ran on an IBM Mainframe System with CICS and DB/2. The programs now run on a Microsoft Windows System with SQL Server and Micro Focus Server, Enterprise Edition.

This example uses a suite of COBOL programs and BMS mapsets to Access Relational Data Tables that will do reads, and updates to existing rows and allow for the inserting of new rows.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Utility Programs & Reference Information

This example uses a COBOL program and a BMS map to display a menu screen and transfer control to programs that will perform various utilitarian function. The program uses command level CICS statements and display information to a 3270 terminal or terminal emulator. The program runs on an IBM Mainframe System with CICS or a Microsoft Windows System with Micro Focus Server for Mainframe Migration.

This example uses a suite of COBOL programs and BMS mapsets to deliver Utility Programs and Reference Information that are used to support the development, testing and deployment of business applications.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Regression Testing

This section will address some of the requirements for the regression testing efforts.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Create Test Data & Monitor Changes

The first step in the regression test cycle is to create a new customer master file and a copy of the file to be used as a reference point for comparison as changes are made to the master file.

Explore  How to Create a Customer Data Set and Monitor Changes  that are made by various application processing cycles. The change monitoring is accomplished by doing a record-by-record compare of the master file with a copy that was created prior to the application processing cycles.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Record Counts & Summary Totals

This suite of programs and documentation will describe and demonstrate an approach for reading a file, calculating record counts and producing summary totals for a set of pre-defined numeric fields. The approach uses two COBOL programs that were generated using SimoTime technology. The programs are generated on a Windows System with Micro Focus COBOL and may be compiled and executed on an IBM Mainframe or a Linux, UNIX or Windows System with Micro Focus COBOL.

Explore  How to Calculate Record Counts and Summary Totals  when reading a file with numeric or currency fields.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Prepare

This section will focus on the preparation tasks that are usually performed by a technical administrator and/or systems programmer. These tasks include the creation of the system environment, the configuration of the Micro Focus Servers, the creation and management of the catalog and the application build for the production environment.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Prepare, Functional Environments

When migrating an application and/or data between a systems it will be necessary to manage three functional environments. These environments are discussed in the following sub-sections of this document and links to additional documents.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section System Preparation

When migrating an application from a mainframe it is necessary to create a new system (consisting of Hardware, Operating System Software, sub-System Software and System Utility Programs) to receive the application and its associated data.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the System Preparation Requirements and Tasks that are used when migrating an application and/or data between a Mainframe System and a Linux, UNIX or Windows System.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Application Build

When migrating an application from a Mainframe System to a Linux, UNIX or Windows System running Micro Focus Server it is necessary to setup a process to transfer and compile new executable members for the target environment. This document will focus on this process and the tasks required.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the Application Build Requirements and Tasks that are used when migrating an application and/or data between a Mainframe System and a Linux, UNIX or Windows System.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Application Support

This document will describe the utility programs and procedures that are used in support of the system and application environments. This document is intended for individuals that will be doing the system management and application testing. The programs and procedures are not part of the application but may be used to meet the service level objectives and system availability requirements of the business.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the Application Support Requirements and Tasks that are used when migrating an application and/or data between a Mainframe System and a Linux, UNIX or Windows System.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Creating a Directory Structure

The approach used in the model will provide and automated and repeatable process for creating multiple versions (or copies with different properties) of a Development, Test and Production environment.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section The DEVELOPMENT Environment

A sample command file (MDIRDEVL.cmd) is provided as a model for creating a Directory with sub-directories for a development environment.

@echo OFF
echo *********************************************************************
echo *              MDIRDEVL.CMD - a Windows Command File                *
echo *        This program is provided by SimoTime Technologies          *
echo *           (C) Copyright 1987-2016 All Rights Reserved             *
echo *             Web Site URL:   http://www.simotime.com               *
echo *                   e-mail:   helpdesk@simotime.com                 *
echo *********************************************************************
rem  *
rem  * This command will create a directory structure for the application
rem  * development environment.
rem  *
     call ..\Env1Base
     set CmdName=MDIRDEVL
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*******************************************%CmdName%.CMD"
     call SimoNOTE "Starting JobName %CmdName%.CMD"
     set Base1st=CANDYMAN
     set Base2nd=DEVL
     set BaseDir=c:\%Base1st%\%Base2nd%
     if exist %BaseDir% goto :Abend10
     set BaseLib1=%BaseDir%
     echo %BASEDIR%
     set DefaultServer=CANDYDEV
     call SimoNOTE "*----------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "Continue Build the Directory Structure"
     md %BaseDir%
     md %BaseDir%\ADM1
     md %BaseDir%\ADM1\CNTL
     md %BaseDir%\ADM1\DATA
     md %BaseDir%\ADM1\DATA\UTIL
     md %BaseDir%\ADM1\DATA\WRK1
     md %BaseDir%\ADM1\DATA\XLSS
     md %BaseDir%\ADM1\HTML
     md %BaseDir%\ADM1\LOGS
     md %BaseDir%\ASM
     md %BaseDir%\ASM\ASMCPY1
     md %BaseDir%\ASM\ASMMAC1
     md %BaseDir%\ASM\ASMPATCH
     md %BaseDir%\ASM\LIST
     md %BaseDir%\ASM\OBJS
     md %BaseDir%\ASM\WORK
     md %BaseDir%\COBCPY1
     md %BaseDir%\COBCPY6
     md %BaseDir%\COBOL
     md %BaseDir%\COBOLUT1
     md %BaseDir%\COBOLUT2
     md %BaseDir%\COBOLUT3
     md %BaseDir%\COMPARES
     md %BaseDir%\CONVERTS
     md %BaseDir%\CREATORS
     md %BaseDir%\DATA
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\APPL
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\Asc1
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\Ebc1
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\FTP1
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\SPOOL
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\TXT1
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\Wrk1
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\XLSS
     md %BaseDir%\DIRS
     md %BaseDir%\DOCS
     md %BaseDir%\GENS
     md %BaseDir%\HOLD
     md %BaseDir%\HOLD\BMSA
     md %BaseDir%\HOLD\GNTA
     md %BaseDir%\HOLD\MODA
     md %BaseDir%\HOLD\UT1A
     md %BaseDir%\HOLD\UT2A
     md %BaseDir%\HOLD\UT3A
     md %BaseDir%\IMSLIB
     md %BaseDir%\IMSLIB\DCB
     md %BaseDir%\IMSLIB\PCB
     md %BaseDir%\JCL
     md %BaseDir%\JCLINCS
     md %BaseDir%\LOADLIB
     md %BaseDir%\LOGS
     md %BaseDir%\PARMLIB
     md %BaseDir%\PPTS
     md %BaseDir%\PPTS\HTML
     md %BaseDir%\PROCLIB
     md %BaseDir%\REXXLIB
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1\CONFIG
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1\JCL
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1\LOADLIB
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1\PARMLIB
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1\LOGS
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1\LOGS\MFJESLOG
     md %BaseDir%\ZIPS
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*----------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "Continue Build Execution-Time Commands"
     copy C:\SimoWEB1\simohdr1.png %BaseDir%\PPTS\HTML\simohdr1.png
rem  *
     echo      set BaseLib1=%BaseDir%>Env1BASEscript002.TXT
     echo      set BaseLib8=c:\SIMOSAM8>>Env1BASEscript002.TXT
     echo      set SimoLIBR=c:\SimoLIBR>>Env1BASEscript002.TXT
     echo      set JESSERVERNAME=%DefaultServer%>>Env1BASEscript002.TXT
     copy Env1BASEscript001.TXT + Env1BASEscript002.TXT + Env1BASEscript003.TXT %BaseDir%\Env1Base.CMD
rem  *
     echo      call c:\SimoSam1\TEST\Env1Base.cmd >%BaseDir%\CMDSETUP.CMD
rem  *
     echo 01RCMD00001>%BaseDir%\SYS1\LOGS\%DefaultServer%\CMDTOKEN.CFG
     echo ES-Server=-r%DefaultServer%>%BaseDir%\SYS1\LOGS\%DefaultServer%\MFBSI.CFG
     echo JESYSMSG>>%BaseDir%\SYS1\LOGS\%DefaultServer%\MFBSI.CFG
     echo SJobID=JCL>>%BaseDir%\SYS1\LOGS\%DefaultServer%\MFBSI.CFG
     echo StartupTimeout=300>>%BaseDir%\SYS1\LOGS\%DefaultServer%\MFBSI.CFG
     echo RunTimeout=600>>%BaseDir%\SYS1\LOGS\%DefaultServer%\MFBSI.CFG
     echo AlertBackTimeout=600>>%BaseDir%\SYS1\LOGS\%DefaultServer%\MFBSI.CFG
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*----------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "Continue Build Data Files used for Application Support"
     copy c:\SimoSam8\XLSS\TEST\*.XLSX %BaseDir%\DATA\XLSS\*.XLSX
     copy c:\SimoSam8\XLSS\TEST\*.CSV %BaseDir%\DATA\XLSS\*.CSV
rem  *
     copy c:\SimoSam8\DATALIBR\*.DAT %BaseDir%\DATA\APPL\*.DAT
rem  *
     set  GETLIBR=c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\ADM1\DATA\UTIL
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "Continue Copy Utility programs to ADM1 Library"
     for /F "eol=; tokens=1,2* delims=." %%i in (%MEMBERLIST%) do call ZLSEQCPY c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\ADM1\%%i.cmd %BASEDIR%\ADM1\%%i.cmd
rem  *
     copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\JCL\UV*.JCL %BaseDir%\JCL\UV*.JCL
rem  *
     copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\PARMLIB\UV*.CTL %BaseDir%\PARMLIB\UV*.CTL
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*----------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "Continue Build Members used for System Support"
     echo     call CATALLE2>>%BaseDir%\SYS1\LOADLIB\CATALLE1.CMD
rem  *
     goto :EOJAOK
     call SimoNOTE "*----------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "ABENDING The Directory Already Exists... %BaseDir%"
     call SimoNOTE "ABENDING JobName %CmdName%.CMD"
     goto :End
     call SimoNOTE "*----------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "Finished JobName %CmdName%.CMD"

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section The PRODUCTION Environment

A sample command file (MDIRPROD.cmd) is provided as a model for creating a Directory with sub-directories for a production environment.

@echo OFF
echo *********************************************************************
echo *              MDIRPROD.CMD - a Windows Command File                *
echo *        This program is provided by SimoTime Technologies          *
echo *           (C) Copyright 1987-2017 All Rights Reserved             *
echo *             Web Site URL:   http://www.simotime.com               *
echo *                   e-mail:   helpdesk@simotime.com                 *
echo *********************************************************************
rem  *
rem  * This command will create a directory structure for the application
rem  * production environment.
rem  *
     call ..\Env1Base
     set CmdName=MDIRPROD
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*******************************************%CmdName%.CMD"
     call SimoNOTE "Starting JobName %CmdName%.CMD"
     set Base1st=SIMOSAM1
     set Base2nd=PROD
     set BaseDir=c:\%Base1st%\%Base2nd%
     if exist %BaseDir% goto :Abend10
     set BaseLib1=%BaseDir%
     echo %BASEDIR%
     md %BaseDir%
     md %BaseDir%\ADM1
     md %BaseDir%\ADM1\CNTL
     md %BaseDir%\DATA
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\APPL
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\Asc1
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\Ebc1
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\FTP1
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\SPOOL
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\TXT1
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\Wrk1
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\XLSS
     md %BaseDir%\DOCS
     md %BaseDir%\HOLD
     md %BaseDir%\HTML
     md %BaseDir%\JCL
     md %BaseDir%\JCLINCS
     md %BaseDir%\LOADLIB
     md %BaseDir%\LOGS
     md %BaseDir%\PARMLIB
     md %BaseDir%\PROCLIB
     md %BaseDir%\REXXLIB
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1\CONFIG
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1\JCL
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1\LOADLIB
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1\PARMLIB
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1\LOGS
     md %BaseDir%\ZIPS
rem  *
     copy C:\SimoWEB1\simologo.jpg %BaseDir%\HTML\simologo.jpg
rem  *
     echo set BaseLib1=%BaseDir%>Env1BASEscript002.TXT
     copy Env1BASEscript001.TXT + Env1BASEscript002.TXT + Env1BASEscript003.TXT %BaseDir%\Env1Base.CMD
rem  *
rem  *
     copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\JCL\UVBR00J1.JCL %BaseDir%\JCL\UVBR00J1.JCL
     copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\JCL\UVDD01J1.JCL %BaseDir%\JCL\UVDD01J1.JCL
     copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\JCL\UVDD01J2.JCL %BaseDir%\JCL\UVDD01J2.JCL
     copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\PARMLIB\UVDD01T1.CTL %BaseDir%\PARMLIB\UVDD01T1.CTL
     goto :End
     call SimoNOTE "ABENDING The Directory Already Exists... %BaseDir%"
     call SimoNOTE "ABENDING JobName %CmdName%.CMD"

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section The TEST Environment

A sample command file (MDIRTEST.cmd) is provided as a model for creating a Directory with sub-directories for a TEST environment.

@echo OFF
echo *********************************************************************
echo *              MDIRTEST.cmd - a Windows Command File                *
echo *        This program is provided by SimoTime Technologies          *
echo *           (C) Copyright 1987-2017 All Rights Reserved             *
echo *             Web Site URL:   http://www.simotime.com               *
echo *                   e-mail:   helpdesk@simotime.com                 *
echo *********************************************************************
rem  *
rem  * This command will create a directory structure for an Application
rem  * TEST environment.
rem  *
     call ..\ENV1BASE
     set CmdName=MDIRTEST
rem  *
rem  *********************************************************************
rem  * Step 01 of nn, Job Setup
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "************************************************************%CmdName%.CMD"
     call SimoNOTE "JOBSETUP Function, JobName %CmdName%.CMD"
     set Base1st=SIMOSAM1
     set Base2nd=TEST
     set BaseDir=c:\%Base1st%\%Base2nd%
     if exist %BaseDir% goto :Abend10
     set BaseLib1=%BaseDir%
     echo %BASEDIR%
     set DefaultServer=SIMTSTS1
rem  *
rem  *********************************************************************
rem  * Step 02 of nn, Build a Directory Structure
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*----------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "BLDLDIRS Functions, Build the Directory Structure"
     md %BaseDir%
     md %BaseDir%\ADM1
     md %BaseDir%\ADM1\CNTL
     md %BaseDir%\ADM1\DATA
     md %BaseDir%\ADM1\DATA\UTIL
     md %BaseDir%\ADM1\DATA\WRK1
     md %BaseDir%\DATA
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\APPL
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\Asc1
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\Ebc1
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\FTP1
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\SPOOL
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\TXT1
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\Wrk1
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\XLSS
     md %BaseDir%\DATA\ZERO
     md %BaseDir%\DOCS
     md %BaseDir%\HOLD
     md %BaseDir%\HTML
     md %BaseDir%\IMSLIB
     md %BaseDir%\JCL
     md %BaseDir%\JCLINCS
     md %BaseDir%\LOADLIB
     md %BaseDir%\LOGS
     md %BaseDir%\LOGS\%DefaultServer%
     md %BaseDir%\LOGS\MFJESLOG
     md %BaseDir%\PARMLIB
     md %BaseDir%\PROCLIB
     md %BaseDir%\REXXLIB
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1\CONFIG
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1\JCL
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1\LOADLIB
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1\PARMLIB
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1\LOGS
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1\LOGS\%DefaultServer%
     md %BaseDir%\SYS1\LOGS\MFJESLOG
     md %BaseDir%\ZIPS
rem  *
rem  *********************************************************************
rem  * Step 03 of nn, Build Environment for Execution-Time of Test Cases
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*----------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "BLDLENV1 Function, Build Execution-Time Commands"
     copy C:\SimoWEB1\simologo.jpg %BaseDir%\HTML\simologo.jpg
rem  *
     echo      set BaseLib1=%BaseDir%>Env1BASEscript002.TXT
     echo      set BaseLib8=c:\SIMOSAM8>>Env1BASEscript002.TXT
     echo      set SimoLIBR=c:\SimoLIBR>>Env1BASEscript002.TXT
     echo      set JESSERVERNAME=%DefaultServer%>>Env1BASEscript002.TXT
     copy Env1BASEscript001.TXT + Env1BASEscript002.TXT + Env1BASEscript003.TXT %BaseDir%\ENV1BASE.cmd
rem  *
     echo      call c:\SimoSam1\TEST\ENV1BASE.cmd >%BaseDir%\CMDSETUP.CMD
rem  *
     echo 01RCMD00001>%BaseDir%\SYS1\LOGS\%DefaultServer%\CMDTOKEN.CFG
     echo ES-Server=-r%DefaultServer%>%BaseDir%\SYS1\LOGS\%DefaultServer%\MFBSI.CFG
     echo JESYSMSG>>%BaseDir%\SYS1\LOGS\%DefaultServer%\MFBSI.CFG
     echo SJobID=JCL>>%BaseDir%\SYS1\LOGS\%DefaultServer%\MFBSI.CFG
     echo StartupTimeout=300>>%BaseDir%\SYS1\LOGS\%DefaultServer%\MFBSI.CFG
     echo RunTimeout=600>>%BaseDir%\SYS1\LOGS\%DefaultServer%\MFBSI.CFG
     echo AlertBackTimeout=600>>%BaseDir%\SYS1\LOGS\%DefaultServer%\MFBSI.CFG
rem  *
rem  *********************************************************************
rem  * Step 04 of nn, Build non-relational Data Files
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*----------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "MKAPLSUP Function,Build Data Files used for Application Support"
     copy c:\SimoSam8\SYS1\XLSS\TEST\*.XLSX %BaseDir%\DATA\XLSS\*.XLSX
     copy c:\SimoSam8\SYS1\XLSS\TEST\*.CSV %BaseDir%\DATA\XLSS\*.CSV
rem  *
     copy c:\SimoSam8\DATALIBR\*.DAT %BaseDir%\DATA\APPL\*.DAT
rem  *
     set  GETLIBR=c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\ADM1\DATA\UTIL
rem  *
rem  *
rem  *********************************************************************
rem  * Step 05 of nn, Promote Executables, Load Members, Screens, ParmLibs
rem  *
     copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\JCL\*.JCL %BaseDir%\JCL\*.JCL
     copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\JCLINCS\*.INC %BaseDir%\JCLINCS\*.INC
     copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\PROCLIB\*.PRC %BaseDir%\PROCLIB\*.PRC
     copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\PARMLIB\*.CTL %BaseDir%\PARMLIB\*.CTL
     copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\LOADLIB\*.GNT %BaseDir%\LOADLIB\*.GNT
     copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\LOADLIB\*.MOD %BaseDir%\LOADLIB\*.MOD
     copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\LOADLIB\*.CMD %BaseDir%\LOADLIB\*.CMD
     copy C:\%Base1st%\DEVL\ADM1\DATA\TXT1\RT0001W1FORTEST.txt %BaseDir%\LOADLIB\RT0001W1.cmd
rem  *
rem  *
rem  *********************************************************************
rem  * Step 06 of nn, Promote Members for System Support Functions
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*----------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "MKSYSSUP Function, Build Members used for System Support"
     copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\SYS1\LOADLIB\SYS1*.CMD %BaseDir%\SYS1\LOADLIB\SYS1*.CMD
     copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\SYS1\JCL\*.JCL %BaseDir%\SYS1\JCL\*.JCL
     copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\SYS1\LOADLIB\CAT*.CMD %BaseDir%\SYS1\LOADLIB\CAT*.CMD
     echo     call CATALLE2>>%BaseDir%\SYS1\LOADLIB\CATALLE1.CMD
rem  *
     copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\ADM1\DATA\MKTLIBJ1FORTEST.txt %BaseDir%\SYS1\JCL\MKTLIBJ1.jcl
rem  *
rem  *********************************************************************
rem  * Step 07 of nn, Promote Installation Verification Programs
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*----------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE MKPDSJCL Function, Build Members used for Installation Verification"
rem  copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\JCL\UVBR00J1.JCL %BaseDir%\JCL\UVBR00J1.JCL
rem  copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\JCL\UVDD01J1.JCL %BaseDir%\JCL\UVDD01J1.JCL
rem  copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\JCL\UVDD01J2.JCL %BaseDir%\JCL\UVDD01J2.JCL
rem  copy c:\SimoSam1\DEVL\PARMLIB\UVDD01T1.CTL %BaseDir%\PARMLIB\UVDD01T1.CTL
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*----------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "Continue TASK_005, Build JCL to Create PDS Catalog Entries"
     call SIMONOTE "DataTake is %Base1st%\DEVL\ADM1\DATA\TXT1\MKTLIBJ1FORTEST.txt"
     call SIMONOTE "DataMake is %BASEDIR%\SYS1\JCL\MKTLIBJ1.jcl
rem  *
     goto :EOJAOK
     call SimoNOTE "*----------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "ABENDING The Directory Already Exists... %BaseDir%"
     call SimoNOTE "ABENDING JobName %CmdName%.CMD"
     goto :End
     call SimoNOTE "*----------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "Finished JobName %CmdName%.CMD"

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Manage Technical Administrative Tasks

Depending on the size and complexity of the system and application environment the Technical Administrator tasks may require a full-time individual or it may be a shared responsibility between a lead developer and a systems operator.

This link provides additional detail about the  Technical Administrative Tasks  for the Application Documentation, Development and Deployment environments.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Document Lists with Hyperlinks

Two document list are available. The first document list is for use on a user-defined server that has a licensed copy of the documents. The second list provides a user with two choices for accessing each document. One choice is to the SimoTime Web Site via the Internet. The other choice is via the user-defined server.

The SIMOSAM1 Libraries (or Directory Structure) is the foundation for the Mainframe System Model. This architecture makes it possible to migrate (or move) a batch or online application that is currently running on an IBM Mainframe System with ZOS to a Linux, UNIX or Windows System with Micro Focus Server.

This list provides one hyperlink to each of the individual documents. The hyperlink is via a user-defined server.

This list provides two hyperlinks to each of the individual documents. One hyperlink is to the SimoTime Web Site via the Internet. The other hyperlink is via a user-defined server.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Create a Repository of Application Assets

The Application Repository is a VSAM, KSDS with each record in the data set containing information about a source member.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore how to load a Repository of Information about Application Assets that includes information about the source members. The repository is a VSAM, Key-Sequenced-Data-Set (a KSDS named APMASTER).

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Create & Execute a Scripted Build Process

Many shops now require a scripted build process of creating the load members for the production version of an application. This process needs to be an automated process that runs without operator intervention and produces documentation of the results.

Explore A Scripted Build for additional information about how to do an automated, unattended build of an application that was migrated from a Mainframe System.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Server Instances & Configuration Files

This section will describe how to configure multiple regions with each region focusing on specific function. For this work shop session the objective is to maintain clarity of focus. However, many of the functions may be accomplished or mixed-and-matched in a variety of configuration combinations.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Allocate Physical File Location, Overrides

When a Micro Focus Server is configured to run batch jobs (i.e. submit JCL) a default directory is defined and used for placement of new physical files that are allocate by a job. This is an example of how to catalog a new data set and override the base configuration and place the physical file in an alternate directory based on the name or other characteristics of the file.

This is an example of how to catalog a new data set and  override the base configuration  and place the physical file in an alternate directory.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section A Server for Batch Processing

A Batch Server can be configured in a Micro Focus environment. The will provide the capability of submitting user-coded JCL Members that will be accepted into a job queue and executed by a job initiator.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore how to Configure a Batch JES sub-system (or Server Instance) that will run under Micro Focus Enterprise Server and execute batch jobs using JCL.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section A Server for Online Transactions

An Online Transaction Server can be configured to provide a CICS-oriented region running in a Micro Focus environment. This will provide the capability of executing online application transactions and programs that use EXEC CICS syntax and are using a 3270 interface with screens defined with BMS Members.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore how to Configure an Online Region (or Server Instance) that will run under Micro Focus Enterprise Server and execute CICS Transactions.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Define XA Resources for SQL Access

This section describes how to configure a Micro Focus Server that will provide a connection to a relational data base. This will provide the capability of executing COBOL programs that contain embedded SQL statements.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore how to Define the XA Resources for SQL Access for a user-defined Server Instance that will run under Micro Focus Enterprise Server and allow access to an SQL Data Base.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Define the IMS Resources

This section describes how to configure a Micro Focus Server to include support for IMS. This will provide access to an IMS Data Base.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore how to Define the Resources for IMS Access for a user-defined Server Instance that will run under Micro Focus Enterprise Server and provide access to an IMS Data Base.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Populate the Catalog

When doing an "application migration" or "transferring and sharing data" between a Mainframe System and a Windows System with Micro Focus Enterprise Server it can be a challenge to create the catalog entries for a user-defined application server. The unique specifications required for Sequential Data Files, VSAM Data Sets, Partitioned Data Sets and GDG Base Definitions add to the confusion. This document describes a possible solution to this challenge.

This link provides a starting point to  Populate a Catalog  for Micro Focus Enterpise Server.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Entries for Partitioned Data Sets (PDS's)

This link provides detailed information to Identify, Document and Create Catalog Entries for Partioned Data Sets (PDS's) This approach uses a list of PDS Members that are managed in an Excel Spreadsheet and saved as a Comma-Separated-Values (CSV) file. This provides for a documented, repeatable process.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Entries for Generation Data Groups (GDG's)

This suite of sample programs describes how to  Identify, Document and Define a Generation Data Group (GDG) Once the GDG is defined the creation of a Generation Data Set (referred to as a generation or GDS) within the group is discussed. This provides for a documented, repeatable process.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Entries for Sequential Files

This link provides detailed information to  Identify, Document and Create Catalog Entries for Sequential Data Files This approach uses a list of Sequential Data Files that are managed in an Excel Spreadsheet and saved as a Comma-Separated-Values (CSV) file. This provides for a documented, repeatable process.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Entries for VSAM Key-Sequenced-Data-Sets

This suite of sample programs describes how to  Identify, Document and Define a Key Sequenced Data Set (VSAM, KSDS) Once the VSAM, KSDS is identified and documented the process for creating a catalog entry and copying the data into the pre-defined directory is discussed.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Entries for non-Relational Data Structures

This link provides detailed information to  Identify, Document and Create Catalog Entries for Special Purpose Files This category of files is used to address unique requirements of the application processing cycle or application support functions. This file list is managed in an Excel Spreadsheet and saved as a Comma-Separated-Values (CSV) file. This provides for a documented, repeatable process.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Non-Relational Data Management

A data management task such as data transfer or data conversion should not be treated as a simple "do it one-time" migration of the data. The objective should be to describe and demonstrate a model process that may be repeatedly executed across a variety of platforms.

This link provides a repository of information for  Managing Data in a Multi-System Complex  and this includes the transfer, share, convert and compare of data between Mainframe (z/OS), Linux, UNIX and Windows Systems.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Non-Relational Data File Conversion

Data file conversions are typically required when transferring and sharing files between systems of different architectures. A data file conversion may be done on the sending system, during the transfer process or on the receiving system.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Overview, Convert and Share

This example will focus on using a Mainframe System as the Sending System and a Windows System running Micro Focus Enterprise Server as the Receiving System.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the cycle of converting and transferring non-relational data files between an IBM Mainframe System and a Windows, Linux or UNIX System. This discussion will leverage the non-relational file support provided by Micro Focus for the distributed systems.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Data File Convert, Technology and Services

This section will focus on the Data file Conversion Technologies and Services that are available from SimoTime.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore How to Generate a Data File Convert Program using simple specification statements in a Process Control File (PCF). This link to the User Guide includes the information necessary to create a Process Control File and generate the COBOL programs that will do the actual data file conversion. The User Guide contains a list of the PCF statements that are used for the data file convert process.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Non-Relational Data File Validation

Data file validation processes are typically required during the various application testing processes. A simple form of data validation is human observation. This may be acceptable for small amounts of data. For larger amounts of data a programmatic data file compare is usually required. For data that contains currency values or other numeric fields an accumulation and comparison of summary totals and record counts may be required.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Data File Compare, Technology and Services

This example will focus on using a Mainframe System as the Sending System and a Windows System running Micro Focus Enterprise Server as the Receiving System.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore How to Generate a Data File Compare, Validate or Hex-Dump Program using simple specification statements in a Process Control File (PCF). This link to the User Guide includes the information necessary to create a Process Control File and generate the COBOL programs that will do a data file compare, accumulate summary totals with a record count or produce a Hex-Dump of records in a VSAM, KSDS based on a list of user-defined keys. The User Guide contains a list of the PCF statements that are used for the data file compare, validate or dump process.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Summary Totals and Record Counts

This suite of programs and documentation will describe and demonstrate an approach for reading a file, calculating record counts and producing summary totals for a set of pre-defined numeric fields. The approach uses two COBOL programs that are generated using SimoTime technology. The source code for the programs is generated on a Windows System with Micro Focus COBOL and may be compiled and executed on an IBM Mainframe or a Linux, UNIX or Windows System with Micro Focus COBOL.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore how to accumulate Summary Totals and Record Counts by reading a sequential file or VSAM Data Set. This suite of programs and documentation will describe and demonstrate an approach for reading a file, calculating record counts and producing summary totals for a set of pre-defined numeric fields. This technology has the capability of managing non-numeric values in numeric fields.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Hex-Dump for VSAM, KSDS

This suite of programs and documentation will describe and demonstrate an approach for reading a VSAM, Key-Sequenced-Data-Set and producing hexadecimal dump output based on a list of user-defined keys. The approach uses a COBOL program that is generated using SimoTime technology. The program source code is generated on a Windows System with Micro Focus COBOL and may be compiled and executed on an IBM Mainframe or a Linux, UNIX or Windows System with Micro Focus COBOL.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore How to Create Hexadecimal Dump information for the records in a Customer Master file. The Customer Master file is a VSAM, KSDS. This document describes a process for generating a COBOL program that will read a VSAM/KSDS and write hexadecimal dump information to a sequential file. The user may define the records to be dumped by providing a list of primary keys in a control file. A second COBOL program is called to write the HEX-Dump information to a sequential file that contains variable length records.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Documentation for Record Structures

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore How to Document Record Layouts or other Data Structures using a COBOL copy file. For reference or documentation purposes SimoREC1 creates an ASCII/Text file and an HTML document from a COBOL copy file. The utility provides the length of a field and the position of the start of the field within a record. Also, the actual physical length for group items, packed fields, binary fields and tables will be calculated.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Micro Focus File Formats

Micro Focus Studio/EE and Server/EE provide support for record sequential files (both fixed and variable length records), Partitioned Data Sets (PDS's), Generation Data Groups (GDG's) and VSAM Data Sets.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the File Formats and various Numeric Formats being used in a multi-system complex consisting of Mainframe (z/OS), Linux, UNIX or Windows systems.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Additional Topics

This section contains information about programs and procedures that are optional or not included in all mainframe-oriented applications.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section REXX Program Examples

This link provides information about the  REXX Programming  language. A few sample programs are included.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section IBM WebSphere MQ

This link provides information about  IBM MQ WebSphere  and its installation and usage in a Micro Focus environment running on a Windows System. A few sample programs are included.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Summary

The purpose of this document is to assist as a tutorial for new programmers or as a quick reference for experienced programmers that are interested in defining, creating and managing the Environments, Processes, Functions and Data that are needed (or required) in order to expand the platform flexibility and allow a business application currently running on a Mainframe System to run on a Windows, UNIX or Linux system using Micro Focus Enterprise Server.

In the world of programming there are many ways to solve a problem. This documentation and software were developed and tested on systems that are configured for a SIMOTIME environment based on the hardware, operating systems, user requirements and security requirements. Therefore, adjustments may be needed to execute the jobs and programs when transferred to a system of a different architecture or configuration.

SIMOTIME Services has experience in moving or sharing data or application processing across a variety of systems. For additional information about SIMOTIME Services or Technologies please contact us using the information in the  Contact or Feedback  section of this document.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Software Agreement and Disclaimer

Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software, documentation or training material for any purpose requires a fee to be paid to SimoTime Technologies. Once the fee is received by SimoTime the latest version of the software, documentation or training material will be delivered and a license will be granted for use within an enterprise, provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the software without the written permission of SimoTime Technologies.

SimoTime Technologies makes no warranty or representations about the suitability of the software, documentation or learning material for any purpose. It is provided "AS IS" without any expressed or implied warranty, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. SimoTime Technologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software, documentation or training material.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Downloads and Links

This section includes links to documents with additional information that are beyond the scope and purpose of this document. The first group of documents may be available from a local system or via an internet connection. The second group of documents will require an internet connection.

Note: A SimoTime License is required for the items to be made available on a local system or server.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Current Server or Internet Access

The following links may be to the current server or to the Internet.

Note: The latest versions of the SimoTime Documents and Program Suites are available on the Internet and may be accessed using the Link to Internet icon. If a user has a SimoTime Enterprise License the Documents and Program Suites may be available on a local server and accessed using the Link to Server icon.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore a description of the Challenges of Application Migration and Data File Management that includes data file sharing, transferring, conversion and validation or comparison.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the evolution of application software from conception to retirement. This document includes an overview of how to setup a Development, Test and Production environment on a Windows System using Micro Focus Enterprise Server.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the cycle of converting and transferring non-relational data files between an IBM Mainframe System and a Windows, Linux or UNIX System. This discussion will leverage the non-relational file support provided by Micro Focus for the distributed systems.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the non-Relational Data Connection for more examples of accessing methodologies and coding techniques for Data Files and VSAM Data Sets.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore The File Status Return Codes that are used to interpret the results of accessing VSAM data sets and/or QSAM files.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore The ASCII and EBCDIC Translation Tables. These tables are provided for individuals that need to better understand the bit structures and differences of the encoding formats.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Internet Access Required

The following links will require an internet connect.

A good place to start is The SimoTime Home Page for access to white papers, program examples and product information. This link requires an Internet Connection

Explore The Micro Focus Web Site for more information about products (including Micro Focus COBOL) and services available from Micro Focus. This link requires an Internet Connection.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Glossary of Terms

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the Glossary of Terms for a list of terms and definitions used in this suite of documents and white papers.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Comments or Feedback

This document was created and is maintained by SimoTime Technologies. If you have any questions, suggestions, comments or feedback please use the following contact information.

1. Send an e-mail to our helpdesk.
1.1. helpdesk@simotime.com.
2. Our telephone numbers are as follows.
2.1. 1 415 763-9430 office-helpdesk
2.2. 1 415 827-7045 mobile


We appreciate hearing from you.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Company Overview

SimoTime Technologies was founded in 1987 and is a privately owned company. We specialize in the creation and deployment of business applications using new or existing technologies and services. We have a team of individuals that understand the broad range of technologies being used in today's environments. Our customers include small businesses using Internet technologies to corporations using very large mainframe systems.

Quite often, to reach larger markets or provide a higher level of service to existing customers it requires the newer Internet technologies to work in a complementary manner with existing corporate mainframe systems. We specialize in preparing applications and the associated data that are currently residing on a single platform to be distributed across a variety of platforms.

Preparing the application programs will require the transfer of source members that will be compiled and deployed on the target platform. The data will need to be transferred between the systems and may need to be converted and validated at various stages within the process. SimoTime has the technology, services and experience to assist in the application and data management tasks involved with doing business in a multi-system environment.

Whether you want to use the Internet to expand into new market segments or as a delivery vehicle for existing business functions simply give us a call or check the web site at http://www.simotime.com

Enterprise System Model using Micro Focus Server for LUW
Copyright © 1987-2024
SimoTime Technologies and Services
All Rights Reserved
When technology complements business