The 370 Instruction Set Assembler Coding Examples |
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This sample program is written entirely in IBM 370 Assembler. The program executes each of the problem-state, non-floating-point instructions in alphabetical sequence and will run as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a Windows System.
This program may serve as a learning tool for programmers that are new to 370 assembler or as a reference for experienced programmers. For additional examples and information about assembler programming refer to the Assembler Connection of the Simotime Library.
Refer to the Download and Links section of this document for additional information about Micro Focus and the SimoTime Assembler Connection.
We have made a significant effort to ensure the documents and software technologies are correct and accurate. We reserve the right to make changes without notice at any time. The function delivered in this version is based upon the enhancement requests from a specific group of users. The intent is to provide changes as the need arises and in a timeframe that is dependent upon the availability of resources.
Copyright © 1987-2025
SimoTime Technologies and Services
All Rights Reserved
The following table is a summary of the problem state 370 instruction set with links to the coding examples for each instruction. When linking to a 370 instruction from the following table use the browser's "back" function to return to this table.
Add | Compare Decimal (packed) | Multiply (registers) | Subtract Decimal (packed) |
Add Halfword | Compare Registers | Move Characters | Set Program Mask |
Add Logical | Compare and Swap | Move Inverse | Subtract (registers) |
Add Logical Register | Convert to Binary | Move Characters Long | Shift Right Single |
Add Decimal (packed) | Convert to Decimal | Move Immediate | Shift Right Double |
Add Register | Divide | Move Numeric | Shift Right Double Logical |
Branch And Link | Divide Decimal (packed) | Move with Offset | Shift Right Single Logical |
Branch And Link Register | Divide Registers | Move Zone | Shift and Round Decimal |
Branch And Save | Edit | aNd (register-memory) | Store |
Branch And Save Register | Edit Mask | aNd (memory-memory) | Store Character |
Branch on Condition | Execute | aNd Immediate | Store Clock |
Branch on Condition Register | Insert Character | aNd (register-register) | Store Characters under Mask |
Branch on Count | Insert Character under Mask | Or (register-memory) | Store Halfword |
Branch on Count Register | Load (register) | Or (memory-memory) | Store Multiple |
Branch Index High | Load Address | Or Immediate | Supervisor Call |
Branch Index Low Equal | Load Complement | Or (register-register) | Test under Mask |
Compare | Load Halfword | Pack | Translate |
Compare Double and Swap | Load Multiple | Subtract (register-memory) | Translate and Test |
Compare Halfword | Load Negative | Subtract Halfword | Unpack |
Compare Logical | Load Positive | Subtract Logical | eXclusive Or (register-memory) |
Compare Logical Characters | Load Register | Shift Left Single | eXclusive Or (memory-memory) |
Compare Logical Characters Long | Load Test Register | Shift Left Double | eXclusive Or Immediate |
Compare Logical Immediate | Multiply | Shift Left Double Logical | eXclusive Or (register-register) |
Compare with Mask | Multiply Halfword | Shift Left Single Logical | Zero Add Packed |
Compare Logical Register | Multiply Decimal (packed) | Subtract Logical (register) | Coding Techniques |
Note: When linking to a 370 instruction from the preceding table use the browser's "back" function to return to this table.
The assembler compiler supports a set of Extended Mnemonics for Branching that simplify the initial coding and makes the code easier to read and understand. For example, rather than coding a branch on condition (BC) with a mask value of 8 the programmer simply codes a branch on equal (BE) and the mask is generated by the compiler.
Explore the Extended Mnemonic Opcodes included in the IBM Mainframe Assembler Language.
The following is a summary of the Program Interruption codes.
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Program Check, Interrupt Codes |
This example consist of two parts. The first part is the mainframe JCL required to run the program. The second part is the 370 assembler program.
The following is the mainframe JCL (ASM370J1.jcl) used to execute the program.
//ASM370J1 JOB SIMOTIME,ACCOUNT,CLASS=1,MSGCLASS=0,NOTIFY=CSIP1 //* ******************************************************************* //* ASM370J1.JCL - a JCL Member for Batch Job Processing * //* This JCL Member is provided by SimoTime Technologies * //* (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved * //* Web Site URL: * //* e-mail: * //* ******************************************************************* //* //* Text - 370 Assembler, Problem State Instruction Set //* Author - SimoTime Technologies //* Date - January 01, 1997 //* //* This 370 Assembler program will execute each of the //* non-floating-point instructions. //* //* This set of programs will run on a mainframe under MVS or on a //* Personal Computer with Windows and Micro Focus Mainframe Express. //* //* Micro Focus Mainframe Express, version 2.5 or later (MFE) with //* the Assembler Option should be used to Animate or visualize the //* execution of the sample program. //* //* The Animator or Debugger is an excellent tool for visualizing the //* execution of the individual instructions as they execute. //* //* This is a very effective way to become familiar with the 370 //* instruction set. //* //* ******************************************************************* //* Step 1 of 1, This is a single step job. //* //I370STP1 EXEC PGM=ASM370A1 //STEPLIB DD DSN=SIMOTIME.DEMO.LOADLIB1,DISP=SHR //*
Note: Micro Focus Mainframe Express version 2.5 or later with the Assembler Option is required.
This program does not provide much information when it is executed on the mainframe. The real value to this program is when it is animated using the 370 Assembler Option of Mainframe Express provided by Micro Focus. It is possible to watch the actual execution of each individual instruction and to immediately see the results.
Standard 370 Assembler coding guidelines are used. The labels in this example are the mnemonic opcode preceded by an "I@". For example, a CLC instruction would have a label of I@CLC.
The following member (ASM370A1.mlc) is the assembler source code that executes each of problem-state instruction in alphabetic sequence.
ASM370A1 CSECT *********************************************************************** * ASM370A1.MLC - This is an HLASM Program * * Provided by SimoTime Technologies * * (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved * * Web Site URL: * * e-mail: * *********************************************************************** * * * Created: 1986/04/01, Simmons * * Changed: 1988/09/15, Simmons, added additional instruction * * * *********************************************************************** * * * Micro Focus Mainframe Express, version 2.5 or later with the * * Assembler Option is required. * * * * This program provides a sample of the syntax used to code the * * problem-state instructions. The real value is in the animation of * * this program. You can immediately see the results of each * * instruction execution. This is a very effective way to become * * familiar with the 370 instruction set. * * set. * * * *********************************************************************** * This program will execute the non-floating-point 370 instructions * * supported by MF/370. Standard 370 Assembler coding guidelines are * * used. * * Position 1 - Optional Label * * Position 10 - Mnemonic Opcode or Directive * * Position 16 - Operands * * Position 30 - Optional Comment * * The labels in this example are the mnemonic opcode preceded by an * * "I@". For example, a CLC instruction would have a label of I@CLC. * * Note: The comments on the EQU statements are HTML links. * *********************************************************************** BALR 12,0 PREPARE A BASE REGISTER USING *,12 ESTABLISH BASE REGISTER LA R11,WTOID *********************************************************************** I@A EQU * * SIMOHTML-TAG * Add 4-byte memory value to register L R4,FW00XX02 x'00000002' A R4,FW00XX01 * Add x'00000001' = x'00000003' cc=2 A R4,FW80XX05 * Add x'80000005' = x'80000008' cc=1 *********************************************************************** I@AH EQU * * SIMOHTML-TAG * Add 2-byte memory value to register AH R4,HEX2+2 * Add HEX-2 TO REG-3 *********************************************************************** I@AL EQU * * Add 4-byte memory value to register L R4,FW00XX02 x'00000002' AL R4,FW00XX01 * Add x'00000001' result x'00000003' AL R4,FW80XX05 * Add x'80000005' result x'80000008' *********************************************************************** I@ALR EQU * * Add Logical Register to Register ALR R3,R4 * Add Register-Register *********************************************************************** I@AP EQU * * Add decimal (packed) AP D1,D2 * Add Memory-Memory *********************************************************************** I@AR EQU * * Add Register to Register AR R3,R4 * Add R4 to R3, Register-Register *********************************************************************** I@BAL EQU * * The following two instructions are primarily used in 24-bit mode. * Branch and Link, the BAL and BALR Instructions BAL R9,*+4 * Load R9 with LINK ADDR,BRANCH (24-BIT) I@BALR EQU * BALR R9,R0 * Load R9 with LINK ADDR (24-BIT) *********************************************************************** I@BAS EQU * * The following two instructions are primarily used in 31-bit mode. * Branch and Save, the BAS and BASR Instructions BAS R10,*+4 * Load R10 with LINK ADDR,BRANCH (31-BIT) I@BASR EQU * BASR R10,R0 * Load R10 with LINK ADDR (31-BIT) *********************************************************************** I@BC EQU * * BRANCH on Condition BC 15,*+8 * BRANCH to SELF-PLUS-FOUR B *+4 Same as preceding instruction *********************************************************************** I@BCR EQU * * BRANCH on Condition Register LA R8,BCREND Load BRANCH-TO ADDRESS into REG-8 BCR 15,R8 * BRANCH to ADDRESS specified in REG-8 BR R8 Same as preceding instruction BCREND EQU * Label for BCR-INSTRUCTION *********************************************************************** I@BCT EQU * * Branch on Count LA R3,3 Load 3 into REG-3 for DECREMENTING BCTLOOP EQU * NOP * NO-OPERATION to show BCT-LOOP BCT R3,BCTLOOP * Loop until REG-3 goes to ZERO *********************************************************************** I@BCTR EQU * * Branch on Count Register LA R3,3 Load 3 into REG-3 for decrementing LA R4,BCTRLOOP Load BRANCH-TO ADDRESS into REG4 BCTRLOOP EQU * NOP BCTRNEXT NO-OPERATION to show BCTR-LOOP BCTR R3,R4 * LOOP until REG-3 GOES to ZERO BCTRNEXT EQU * LA R3,3 The BCTR may be used to decrement a REG BCTR R3,R0 * If OP-2 is 0 then DECR OP-1, NO BRANCH *********************************************************************** I@BXH EQU * * BRANCH on INDEX High LA R10,BXHEND Establish BRANCH ADDRESS L R4,BXHIDX Establish INDEX L R6,BXHINCR 1ST of EVEN/ODD - INCR VALUE L R7,BXHCOMP 2ND of EVEN/ODD - COMP VALUE BXHLOOP EQU * BXH R4,R6,0(R10) * Add INCR to IDX, BRANCH if IDX > COMP B BXHLOOP LOOP until IDX goes HIGH DS 0F Force alignment BXHIDX DC XL4'0000009E' INDEX VALUE, to be INCREMENTED BXHINCR DC XL4'00000002' INCR VALUE for EVEN PAIR REG BXHCOMP DC XL4'000000AA' COMP VALUE for ODD PAIR REG DS 0F BXHEND EQU * *********************************************************************** I@BXLE EQU * * BRANCH on INDEX Low-Equal LA R10,BXLLOOP Establish LOOP ADDRESS L R4,BXLIDX Establish INDEX L R6,BXLINCR 1ST of EVEN/ODD - INCR VALUE L R7,BXLCOMP 2ND of EVEN/ODD - COMP VALUE BXLLOOP EQU * NOP BXLEND Do nothing instruction BXLE R4,R6,0(R10) * Add INCR to IDX, BRANCH if IDX LE COMP B BXLEND LOOP until IDX goes HIGH DS 0F Force alignment BXLIDX DC XL4'0000009E' INDEX VALUE, to be INCREMENTED BXLINCR DC XL4'00000002' INCR VALUE for EVEN PAIR REG BXLCOMP DC XL4'000000AA' COMP VALUE for ODD PAIR REG DS 0F BXLEND EQU * ********************************************************************** I@C EQU * * Compare, Register-Memory BAS R11,*+12 * Prepare for possible ABEND... DC CL8'Compare.' L R8,ONEBIT01 C R8,ONEBIT00 * COMPARE Register-Memory BNL ABEND08 ********************************************************************** I@CDS EQU * * Compare DOUBLE and SWAP, Register-Memory CDS R2,R4,SBYTE * COMPARE Register-Memory ********************************************************************** I@CH EQU * * Compare Halfword CH R0,XBYTE * COMPARE Register-Memory ********************************************************************** I@CL EQU * * Compare Logical L R8,ONEBIT01 CL R8,ONEBIT00 * COMPARE Register-Memory BNH ABEND08 ********************************************************************** I@CLC EQU * * Compare Logical Characters CLC ALPHA1,ALPHA2 BNE ABEND08 ********************************************************************** I@CLCL EQU * * Compare Logical Characters Long BAS R11,*+12 * Prepare for possible ABEND... DC CL8'CLCL....' LA R4,ALPHA1 Load addr of opr1-1 LA R5,26 Length of opr-1 LA R6,ALPHA2 Load addr of opr-2 L R7,=X'4000001A' Pad and length of opr-2 CLCL R4,R6 * COMPARE Memory-Memory BNE ABEND08 * LA R4,ALPHA1 Load addr of opr1-1 LA R5,26 Length of opr-1 (26) LA R6,ALPHA2 Load addr of opr-2 L R7,=X'40000022' Pad and length of opr-2 (34) CLCL R4,R6 * Compare with different lengths BNE ABEND08 * LA R4,ALPHA1 LA R5,26 LA R6,ALPHA3 LA R7,26 CLCL R4,R6 * COMPARE Memory-Memory BE ABEND08 ********************************************************************** I@CLI EQU * * Compare Logical Immediate BAS R11,*+12 * Prepare for possible ABEND... DC CL8'CLI.....' I4EX CLI ALPHA1,C'A' BNE ABEND08 ********************************************************************** I@CLM EQU * * Compare Logical under Mask BAS R11,*+12 * Prepare for possible ABEND... DC CL8'CLM.....' L R8,DATAREG8 R8 value x'FF00FF00' CLM R8,10,DATA4CLM mask=1010, storage=x'FFFF0000' BNE ABEND08 CLM R8,5,DATA4CLM mask=0101, storage=x'FFFF0000' BE ABEND08 CLM R8,5,DATA4CLM+2 mask=0101, storage=x'FFFF0000' BNE ABEND08 ********************************************************************** I@CLR EQU * * Compare Logical (register-register) BAS R11,*+12 * Prepare for possible ABEND... DC CL8'CLR.....' L R8,ONEBIT01 L R9,ONEBIT00 CLR R8,R9 * COMPARE LOGICAL BNH ABEND08 ********************************************************************** I@CP EQU * * Compare Decimal (packed) CP D1,D2 * COMPARE PACKED ********************************************************************** I@CR EQU * * Compare (register-register) L R8,ONEBIT01 L R9,ONEBIT00 CR R8,R9 * COMPARE REGISTERS BNL ABEND08 ********************************************************************** I@CS EQU * * Compare and swap values CS R1,R2,SBYTE * COMPARE and SWAP ********************************************************************** I@CVB EQU * * Memory to register, decimal to binary CVB R3,D1 * CONVERT to BINARY ********************************************************************** I@CVD EQU * * Register to memory, binary to decimal CVD R3,D2 * CONVERT to DECIMAL *********************************************************************** I@D EQU * * Divide (register-memory) L R8,HEX0 Load EVEN-NUMBERED REG-8 with 0 L R9,HEX4 Load ODD-NUMBERED REG-9 with 4 D R8,HEX2 * DIVIDE EVEN/ODD REG-8/9 value of 2 *********************************************************************** I@DP EQU * * Divide Decimal (memory-memory) DP D1,D2+4(4) * DIVIDE DECIMAL, STORAGE & STORAGE *********************************************************************** I@DR EQU * * Divide (register-register) L R8,HEX0 EVEN/ODD PAIR, RESULT = REMAINDER L R9,HEX5 EVEN/ODD PAIR, RESULT = QUOTIENT L R3,HEX2 DIVISOR DR R8,R3 * DIVIDE, REGISTER & REGISTER *********************************************************************** I@ED EQU * * Edit MVC EDFLD,EDMASK Move EDIT MASK to OUTPUT FIELD ED EDFLD,EDDATA * MASK=ALL X'20, DATA=12345 *********************************************************************** I@EDMK EQU * * Edit and Mark EDMK S1,S2 * Edit-Mark, Memory-Memory *********************************************************************** I@EX EQU * * Execute LA R3,X'F0' Use X'F0' as second byte of CLI EX R3,I4EX * EXECUTE CLI INST at CLI ADDRESS *********************************************************************** I@IC EQU * * Insert Character IC R0,XBYTE * INSERT Register-Memory *********************************************************************** I@ICM EQU * * Insert Character under Mask LA R4,0 Set REG-4 to ZERO LA R5,0 Set REG-5 to ZERO ICM R4,MASK01,HEX1234 * Insert HEX-04, position 4 ICM R4,MASK02,HEX1234+1 * Insert HEX-03, position 3 ICM R4,MASK04,HEX1234+2 * Insert HEX-02, position 2 ICM R4,MASK08,HEX1234+3 * Insert HEX-01, position 1 * ICM R5,MASK01,HEX1234+3 * Insert HEX-04, position 4 ICM R5,MASK02,HEX1234+2 * Insert HEX-03, position 3 ICM R5,MASK04,HEX1234+1 * Insert HEX-02, position 2 ICM R5,MASK08,HEX1234 * Insert HEX-01, position 1 * BAS R11,*+12 * Prepare for possible ABEND DC CL8'ICM.....' L R6,HEX4321 * Expected value CR R4,R6 * Is R4 as expected, BNE ABEND08 L R6,HEX1234 * Expected value CR R5,R6 * Is R5 as expected, BNE ABEND08 *********************************************************************** I@L EQU * * Load, Register-Memory L R0,XBYTE * LOAD Register-Memory *********************************************************************** I@LA EQU * * Show the different 'Load Address' functions LA R8,I@LA * Load ADDR of this routine into REG-8 LA R8,0 * Load ZERO to REGISTER 8 LA R8,1(,R8) * Increment REGISTER-8 by 1 LA R8,2(,R8) * Increment REGISTER-8 by 2 LA R8,3(,R8) * Increment REGISTER-8 by 3 *********************************************************************** I@LCR EQU * * Load Complement LA R2,1 Load R2 with a value of 1 LCR R1,R2 * Result R1=x'FFFFFFFF' LA R4,16 Load R4 with a value of 16 LCR R3,R4 * Result R3 = x'FFFFFFF0' *********************************************************************** I@LH EQU * * Load Halfword LH R0,XBYTE * Load register-memory *********************************************************************** I@LM EQU * * Load Multiple LM R1,R2,SBYTE * Load registers-memory *********************************************************************** I@LNR EQU * * Load Negative LNR R1,R2 * Load register-register *********************************************************************** I@LPR EQU * * Load Positive LPR R1,R2 * Load register-register *********************************************************************** I@LR EQU * * Load register-register LR R1,R2 * Load register-register *********************************************************************** I@LTR EQU * * Load Test Register LTR R1,R2 * Load and Test register content *********************************************************************** I@M EQU * * Multiply, Register-Memory M R0,XBYTE * MULTPLY Register-Memory *********************************************************************** I@MH EQU * * Multiply Halfword MH R0,XBYTE * MULTPLY Register-Memory *********************************************************************** I@MP EQU * * Multiply Packed Decimal MVC D3,D3X Restore D1 value MVC D4,D4X Restore D2 value MP D3,D4+1(7) * MULTPLY PACKED, length of OP2=<8 *********************************************************************** I@MR EQU * * Multiply, Register-pair by Register LA R6,0 Load EVEN REG-6 LA R7,4 Load ODD REG-7 LA R8,2 Load MULTIPLIER MR R6,R8 * MULTIPLY REG-6/7 by REG-8 *********************************************************************** I@MVC EQU * * Move Characters MVC Z00,Z99 * MOVE CHARACTERS *********************************************************************** I@MVCIN EQU * * Move Inverse MVCIN WDIGITS,XDIGITS+9 * MOVE INVERSE *********************************************************************** I@MVCL EQU * * Move Characters Long LA R4,WORK4A LA R5,4 LA R6,FW55 LA R7,4 MVCL R4,R6 * MOVE Long Memory-Memory * Different length operands... MVI DATA80,X'00' Set DATA80 to low values MVC DATA80+1(80),DATA80 LA R4,DATA80 Set address of DATA80 into R4 LA R5,80 Set length of operand-1 to 80 LA R6,SIMOTIME Set address of SIMOTIME into R6 L R7,FW40XX00 Set pad character for different length LA R7,46(R7) Set length of operand-2 to 46 MVCL R4,R6 Move with pad character of a space *********************************************************************** I@MVI EQU * * Move Immediate MVI SBYTE,I * MOVE IMMEDIATE to STORAGE *********************************************************************** I@MVN EQU * * Move Numeric MVN S1,S2 * MOVE NUMERIC *********************************************************************** I@MVO EQU * * Move with OFFSET MVO S1,S2 * Rightmost 4-bits are unchanged *********************************************************************** I@MVZ EQU * * Move Zone MVZ S1,S2 * MOVE memory-memory *********************************************************************** I@N EQU * * And, Set OFF high order bit L R1,FW55 Load R1 with X'55555555' MVC WORK4A,FWAA Move X'AAAAAAAA' to WORK4A N R1,WORK4A * AND, into R1 from STORAGE LA R2,0 Load ZERO into REG-2 BCTR R2,0 DECR by 1, make it 'FFFFFFFF' N R2,=X'7FFFFFFF' Set OFF high order bit *********************************************************************** I@NC EQU * * And, storage & storage MVC WORK4A,FWAA Move X'AAAAAAAA' to WORK4A MVC WORK4B,FW55 Move X'55555555' to WORK4B NC WORK4A,WORK4B * AND, STORAGE & STORAGE *********************************************************************** I@NI EQU * * And, immediate to storage MVI WORK1A,X'AA' Move X'AA' to WORK1A NI WORK1A,X'55' * AND, IMMEDIATE to STORAGE *********************************************************************** I@NR EQU * * And, register & register L R1,FW55 Load R1 with X'55555555' L R2,FWAA Load R2 with X'AAAAAAAA' NR R1,R2 * AND, REGISTER & REGISTER *********************************************************************** I@O EQU * * Or, Set on HIGH-ORDER bit L R1,FW55 Load R1 with X'55555555' MVC WORK4A,FWAA Move X'AAAAAAAA' to WORK4 O R1,WORK4A * OR, into R1 from STORAGE LA R2,0 O R2,=X'80000000' Set on HIGH-ORDER bit *********************************************************************** I@OC EQU * * Or, storage & storage MVC WORK4A,FWAA Move X'AAAAAAAA' to WORK4A MVC WORK4B,FW55 Move X'55555555' to WORK4B OC WORK4A,WORK4B * OR, STORAGE & STORAGE *********************************************************************** I@OI EQU * * Or, immediate & storage MVI WORK1A,X'AA' Move X'AA' to WORK1A OI WORK1A,X'55' * OR, IMMEDIATE & STORAGE *********************************************************************** I@OR EQU * * Or, register & register L R1,FW55 Load R1 with X'55555555' L R2,FWAA Load R2 with X'FFFFFFFF' OR R1,R2 * OR, REGISTER & REGISTER *********************************************************************** I@PACK EQU * * Pack Decimal PACK D2,Z2 * PACK ZONED-DECIMAL to PACKED-DECIMAL *********************************************************************** I@S EQU * * Subtract, register-memory S R0,XBYTE * Subtract register-memory *********************************************************************** I@SH EQU * * Subtract Halfword SH R0,XBYTE * Subtract register-memory *********************************************************************** I@SL EQU * * Subtract Logical SL R0,XBYTE * Subtract register-memory *********************************************************************** I@SLA EQU * * Shift Left * * The 1ST-OPERAND is a 32-bit single register. * Only the rightmost 31-bit part of this signed * value is shifted, the lefmost sign-bit remains * unchanged. * * The 2ND-OPERAND address is not used to address * memory. The rightmost 6-bits specify the number * of bit positions to be shifted. * * If an overflow occurs then CONDITION CODE 3 is * set. * L R10,=X'81010101' Load REGISTER SLA R10,X'01' * Shift left 1-bit position *********************************************************************** I@SLDA EQU * * Shift Left Double * * The 1ST-OPERAND is a 64-bit EVEN/ODD register * pair. Only the rightmost 63-bit part of this * signed value is shifted, the lefmost sign-bit * remains unchanged. * * NOTE: If an ODD/EVEN pair is specified then an * 0C6 error will occur. * * The 2ND-OPERAND address is not used to address * memory. The rightmost 6-bits specify the number * * * If an overflow occurs then CONDITION CODE 3 is * set. * L R8,=X'81010101' Load EVEN REGISTER L R9,=X'01010101' Load ODD REGISTER SLDA R8,X'01' * Shift left 1-bit position *********************************************************************** I@SLDL EQU * * Shift Left Double Logical * * The 1ST-OPERAND, 64-bit EVEN/ODD register pair. * * NOTE: If an ODD/EVEN pair is specified then an * 0C6 error will occur. * * The 2ND-OPERAND address is not used to address * memory. The rightmost 6-bits specify the number * of bit positions to be shifted. * L R2,=X'05050505' Load EVEN REGISTER L R3,=X'05050505' Load ODD REGISTER SLDL R2,X'01' * Shift left 1-bit position *********************************************************************** I@SLL EQU * * Shift Left Single Logical * * The 1ST-OPERAND, 32-bit single register. * * The 2ND-OPERAND address is not used to address * memory. The rightmost 6-bits specify the number * of bit positions to be shifted. * L R4,=X'05050505' Load Register SLL R4,X'01' * Shift left 1-bit position *********************************************************************** I@SLR EQU * * Subtract Logical (register) SLR R1,R2 * Subtract register-register *********************************************************************** I@SP EQU * * Subtract, Packed Decimal MVC D1,D1X * Restore D1 MVC D2,D2X * Restore D2 SP D2,D1 * SUBTRACT DECIMAL *********************************************************************** I@SPM EQU * L R1,CC00 Set BITS 2-3 of REG-1 to 0 SPM R1 * Set CONDITION-CODE using BITS 2-3 L R1,CC01 Set BITS 2-3 of REG-1 to 1 SPM R1 * Set CONDITION-CODE using BITS 2-3 L R1,CC02 Set BITS 2-3 of REG-1 to 2 SPM R1 * Set CONDITION-CODE using BITS 2-3 L R1,CC03 Set BITS 2-3 of REG-1 to 3 SPM R1 * Set CONDITION-CODE using BITS 2-3 *********************************************************************** I@SR SR R1,R2 * SUBTRACT REGISTER *********************************************************************** I@SRA EQU * * Shift Right Single * * The 1ST-OPERAND is a 32-bit single register. * only the rightmost 31-bit part of this signed * value is shifted. The lefmost sign-bit remains * unchanged. * * The 2ND-OPERAND address is not used to address * memory. The rightmost 6-bits specify the number * of bit positions to be shifted. * * If an overflow occurs then CONDITION CODE 3 is * set. * L R10,=X'82020202' Load REGISTER SRA R10,X'01' * Shift right 1-bit position *********************************************************************** I@SRDA EQU * * Shift Right Double * * The 1ST-OPERAND is a 64-bit EVEN/ODD register * pair. Only the rightmost 63-bit part of this * signed value is shifted. The lefmost sign-bit * remains unchanged. * * NOTE: If an ODD/EVEN pair is specified then an * 0C6 error will occur. * * The 2ND-OPERAND address is not used to address * memory. The rightmost 6-bits specify the number * of bit positions to be shifted. * * If an overflow occurs then CONDITION CODE 3 is * set. * L R8,=X'82020202' Load EVEN REGISTER L R9,=X'02020202' Load ODD REGISTER SRDA R8,X'01' * Shift right 1-bit position *********************************************************************** I@SRDL EQU * * Shift Right Double Logical * * The 1ST-OPERAND, 64-bit EVEN/ODD register pair. * * NOTE: If an ODD/EVEN pair is specified then an * 0C6 error will occur. * * The 2ND-OPERAND address is not used to address * memory. The rightmost 6-bits specify the number * of bit positions to be shifted. * L R2,=X'0A0A0A0A' Load EVEN REGISTER L R3,=X'0A0A0A0A' Load ODD REGISTER SRDL R2,X'01' * Shift right 1-bit position *********************************************************************** I@SRL EQU * * Shift Right Single Logical * * The 1ST-OPERAND is a 32-bit single register. * * The 2ND-OPERAND address is not used to address * memory. The rightmost 6-bits specify the number * of bit positions to be shifted. * L R4,=X'0A0A0A0A' Load REGISTER SRL R4,X'01' * Shift right 1-bit position *********************************************************************** I@SRP EQU * * Shift and Round Decimal SRP SRP1,1,1 * Shift 1ST OPR one digit to left *********************************************************************** I@ST EQU * * Store, a storage value into a register ST R0,REGWORK * Store REG-0 value into memory *********************************************************************** I@STC EQU * * Store Character * * The 1ST-OPERAND is a 32-bit single register * (BITS 0-31). * * The 2ND-OPERAND specifies a memory location. * * Bits 24-31 of the 1ST-OPERAND are stored at * the 2ND-OPERAND location. * L R8,=X'C1C2C3C4' Load C'ABCD' into REG-8 STC R8,REGWORK * STORE the 'D' at REGWORK location *********************************************************************** I@STCK EQU * * Store Clock STCK STCKTIME * Clock System-Memory *********************************************************************** I@STCM EQU * * Store Character under Mask * * STCM R1,M3,D2(B2) * * The contents of OPERAND-1 is stored at * OPERAND-2 under control of OPERAND-3. * * The following STCM with a mask of X'F' (1111) * is the same as a STORE (ST) instruction. * L R3,=X'A0B1C2D3' Initialize REGISTER to STORE MVC STCMDATA(4),XFF Initialize MEMORY for STORE STCM R3,MASKF,STCMDATA * STORE all four bytes * * The following STCM with a mask of X'8' (1000) * will store BYTE-0 of the contents of R3. * MVC STCMDATA(4),XFF Initialize MEMORY for STORE STCM R3,MASK8,STCMDATA * STORE BYTE-0 * * The following STCM with a mask of X'3' (0011) * will store bytes 2 and 3 of the contents of R3, * This performs the same function as a STORE- * HALFWORD instruction (STH). * MVC STCMDATA(4),XFF Initialize MEMORY for STORE STCM R3,MASK3,STCMDATA * STORE BYTES 2 and 3 * * The following STCM with a mask of X'7' (0111) * will store bytes 1, 2 and 3 of the contents of * R3, this may be used to store 24-bit (3-BYTE) * addresses into control blocks. * MVC STCMDATA(4),XFF Initialize MEMORY for STORE STCM R3,MASK7,STCMDATA * STORE BYTES 1, 2 and 3 *********************************************************************** I@STH EQU * * Store Halfword STH R3,STHDATA * Ignore BYTES 0 & 1, STORE 2 & 3 *********************************************************************** I@STM EQU * * Store Multiple STM R1,R2,SBYTE * Store multiple registers to memory *********************************************************************** I@SVC EQU * * Supervisor Call B *+6 Skip SVC Instruction SVC 27 * RETURN to CALLER via MF/370 DETACH *********************************************************************** I@TM EQU * * Test under Mask TM HEX1+3,X'01' * TEST BIT for ON. *********************************************************************** I@TR EQU * * Translate, memory-memory TR S1,S2 * TRANSLATE memory-memory *********************************************************************** I@TRT EQU * * Translate and Test, memory-register TRT S1,S2 * Translate-Test, memory-register *********************************************************************** I@UNPK EQU * * Unpack UNPK Z4,D4 * UNPACK PACKED-DECIMAL to ZONED-DECIMAL *********************************************************************** I@X EQU * * eXclusive or, into R1 from storage L R1,FW5A Load R1 with X'5A5A5A5A' MVC WORK4A,FWAA Move X'AAAAAAAA' to WORK4 X R1,WORK4A * EXCLUSIVE OR, into R1 from STORAGE *********************************************************************** I@XC EQU * * eXclusive or, storage & storage MVC WORK4A,FW5A Move X'5A5A5A5A' to WORK4A MVC WORK4B,FW55 Move X'55555555' to WORK4B XC WORK4A,WORK4B * EXCLUSIVE OR, STORAGE & STORAGE * MVC WORKA16,A16 Move all A's to WORKA16 MVC WORKZ16,Z16 Move all Z's to WORKZ16 XC WORKA16(16),WORKZ16 * The next three exclusive-or XC WORKZ16(16),WORKA16 instructions will swap WORKA16 XC WORKA16(16),WORKZ16 contents with WORKZ16 contents *********************************************************************** I@XI EQU * * eXclusive or, immediate & storage MVI WORK1A,X'5A' Move X'5A' to WORK1A XI WORK1A,X'55' * EXCLUSIVE OR, IMMEDIATE & STORAGE *********************************************************************** I@XR EQU * * eXclusive or, register & register L R1,FW5A Load R1 with X'5A5A5A5A' L R2,FWAA Load R2 with X'FFFFFFFF' XR R1,R2 * EXCLUSIVE OR, REGISTER & REGISTER *********************************************************************** I@ZAP EQU * * ZERO and ADD Packed ZAP D2,D4 * ZERO-ADD Memory-Memory * *********************************************************************** * NORMAL END-OF-JOB * * RETURN to the CALLING PROGRAM OR OPERATING SYSTEM * *********************************************************************** LA R15,0 * Set RETURN-CODE to ZERO BR 14 * RETURN to CALLER *********************************************************************** * ABENDING WITH RETURN-CODE OF 8 * * RETURN to the CALLING PROGRAM OR OPERATING SYSTEM * *********************************************************************** ABEND08 EQU * MVC WTOID(8),0(R11) WTO MF=(E,WTOBLOCK) LA R15,8 BR 14 WTOBLOCK DC H'84' DC XL2'0000' WTOID DC CL8'????????' DC CL72' ASM370A1 failed on or after this instruction...' *********************************************************************** * Define Constants and EQUates * *********************************************************************** DS 0F + Force alignment STCKTIME DC XL8'0000000000000000' D0 DC XL8'000000000000000C' D1 DC XL8'000000000000001C' D2 DC XL8'000000000000002C' D3 DC XL8'000000000000003C' D4 DC XL8'000000000000004C' D0X DC XL8'000000000000000C' D1X DC XL8'000000000000001C' D2X DC XL8'000000000000002C' D3X DC XL8'000000000000003C' D4X DC XL8'000000000000004C' X00 DC XL8'0000000000000000' X55 DC XL8'5555555555555555' XAA DC XL8'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' XFF DC XL8'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' X00X DC XL8'0000000000000000' X55X DC XL8'5555555555555555' XAAX DC XL8'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' XFFX DC XL8'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' ALPHA1 DC CL26'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' ALPHA2 DC CL26'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' SPACE8 DC 8CL1' ' ALPHA3 DC CL26'ABCDEFGHI?KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' WORK1A DC XL1'00' WORK1B DC XL1'00' WORK4A DC XL4'00000000' WORK4B DC XL4'00000000' FW55 DC XL4'55555555' FW5A DC XL4'5A5A5A5A' FWAA DC XL4'AAAAAAAA' SRP1 DC XL4'0000123F' Z0 DC CL15'000000000000000' Z1 DC CL15'000000000000001' Z2 DC CL15'000000000000002' Z3 DC CL15'000000000000003' Z4 DC CL15'000000000000004' DS 0F + Force alignment A16 DC 16CL1'A' Z16 DC 16CL1'Z' WORKA16 DC 16CL1'A' WORKZ16 DC 16CL1'Z' Z00 DC CL2'00' Z98 DC CL2'98' Z99 DC CL2'99' XDIGITS DC XL10'F0F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9' WDIGITS DC XL10'00000000000000000000' HEX0 DC XL4'00000000' HEX1 DC XL4'00000001' HEX2 DC XL4'00000002' HEX4 DC XL4'00000004' HEX5 DC XL4'00000005' HEX1234 DC XL4'01020304' HEX4321 DC XL4'04030201' CC00 DC XL4'0000CC00' CC01 DC XL4'1000CC01' CC02 DC XL4'2000CC02' CC03 DC XL4'3000CC03' EDFLD DC X'00000000000000000000' EDMASK DC X'F0202020202020202020' EDDATA DC X'000012345C' SIMOTIME DC CL46'SimoTime, when technology complements business' DS 0F * Ensure full-word boundary DATA80 DC 80XL1'00' STCMDATA DC XL4'00000000' STHDATA DC XL4'00000000' REGWORK DC XL4'00000000' DATA4CLM DC XL4'FFFF0000' DATAREG8 DC XL4'FF00FF00' ONEBIT00 DC XL4'00000001' ONEBIT01 DC XL4'80000001' FW00XX00 DC XL4'00000000' FW00XX01 DC XL4'00000001' FW00XX02 DC XL4'00000002' FW00XX03 DC XL4'00000003' FW00XX04 DC XL4'00000004' FW00XX05 DC XL4'00000005' FW40XX00 DC XL4'40000000' FW80XX00 DC XL4'80000000' FW80XX01 DC XL4'80000001' FW80XX02 DC XL4'80000002' FW80XX03 DC XL4'80000003' FW80XX04 DC XL4'80000004' FW80XX05 DC XL4'80000005' MASK8 EQU X'8' MASK7 EQU X'7' MASK4 EQU X'4' MASK3 EQU X'3' MASK2 EQU X'2' MASK1 EQU X'1' MASKF EQU X'F' XBYTE EQU * AS EQU 0 SBYTE EQU * S1 EQU * S2 EQU * MASK EQU X'F' MASK00 EQU X'00' MASK01 EQU X'01' MASK02 EQU X'02' MASK04 EQU X'04' MASK08 EQU X'08' MASKFF EQU X'FF' I EQU X'FF' * LTORG * R0 EQU 0 R1 EQU 1 R2 EQU 2 R3 EQU 3 R4 EQU 4 R5 EQU 5 R6 EQU 6 R7 EQU 7 R8 EQU 8 R9 EQU 9 R10 EQU 10 R11 EQU 11 R12 EQU 12 R13 EQU 13 R14 EQU 14 R15 EQU 15 * END
The program executes each of the problem-state, non-floating-point instructions in alphabetical sequence and will run as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a Windows System. This document may be used to assist as a tutorial for new programmers or as a quick reference for experienced programmers.
In the world of programming there are many ways to solve a problem. This documentation and software were developed and tested on systems that are configured for a SIMOTIME environment based on the hardware, operating systems, user requirements and security requirements. Therefore, adjustments may be needed to execute the jobs and programs when transferred to a system of a different architecture or configuration.
SIMOTIME Services has experience in moving or sharing data or application processing across a variety of systems. For additional information about SIMOTIME Services or Technologies please contact us using the information in the Contact or Feedback section of this document.
Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software, documentation or training material for any purpose requires a fee to be paid to SimoTime Technologies. Once the fee is received by SimoTime the latest version of the software, documentation or training material will be delivered and a license will be granted for use within an enterprise, provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the software without the written permission of SimoTime Technologies.
SimoTime Technologies makes no warranty or representations about the suitability of the software, documentation or learning material for any purpose. It is provided "AS IS" without any expressed or implied warranty, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. SimoTime Technologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software, documentation or training material.
This section includes links to documents with additional information that are beyond the scope and purpose of this document. The first group of documents may be available from a local system or via an internet connection, the second group of documents will require an internet connection.
Note: A SimoTime License is required for the items to be made available on a local system or server.
The following links may be to the current server or to the Internet.
Note: The latest versions of the SimoTime Documents and Program Suites are available on the Internet and may be accessed using the icon. If a user has a SimoTime Enterprise License the Documents and Program Suites may be available on a local server and accessed using the
Explore the Assembler Connection for more examples of mainframe Assembler programming techniques and sample code.
Explore an Extended List of Software Technologies that are available for review and evaluation. The software technologies (or Z-Packs) provide individual programming examples, documentation and test data files in a single package. The Z-Packs are usually in zip format to reduce the amount of time to download.
Explore An Enterprise System Model that describes and demonstrates how Applications that were running on a Mainframe System and non-relational data that was located on the Mainframe System were copied and deployed in a Microsoft Windows environment with Micro Focus Enterprise Server.
Explore The ASCII and EBCDIC Translation Tables. These tables are provided for individuals that need to better understand the bit structures and differences of the encoding formats.
Explore The File Status Return Codes that are used to interpret the results of accessing VSAM data sets and/or QSAM files.
The following links will require an internet connection.
This suite of programs and documentation is available for download. Link to an Evaluation zPAK Option that includes the program members, documentation and control files.
A good place to start is The SimoTime Home Page for access to white papers, program examples and product information. This link requires an Internet Connection
Explore The Micro Focus Web Site for more information about products (including Micro Focus COBOL) and services available from Micro Focus. This link requires an Internet Connection.
Explore the Glossary of Terms for a list of terms and definitions used in this suite of documents and white papers.
This document was created and is maintained by SimoTime Technologies. If you have any questions, suggestions, comments or feedback please use the following contact information.
1. | Send an e-mail to our helpdesk. |
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2.1. | 1 415 763-9430 office-helpdesk |
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We appreciate hearing from you.
SimoTime Technologies was founded in 1987 and is a privately owned company. We specialize in the creation and deployment of business applications using new or existing technologies and services. We have a team of individuals that understand the broad range of technologies being used in today's environments. Our customers include small businesses using Internet technologies to corporations using very large mainframe systems.
Quite often, to reach larger markets or provide a higher level of service to existing customers it requires the newer Internet technologies to work in a complementary manner with existing corporate mainframe systems. We specialize in preparing applications and the associated data that are currently residing on a single platform to be distributed across a variety of platforms.
Preparing the application programs will require the transfer of source members that will be compiled and deployed on the target platform. The data will need to be transferred between the systems and may need to be converted and validated at various stages within the process. SimoTime has the technology, services and experience to assist in the application and data management tasks involved with doing business in a multi-system environment.
Whether you want to use the Internet to expand into new market segments or as a delivery vehicle for existing business functions simply give us a call or check the web site at
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The 370 Instruction Set, Assembler Coding Examples |
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