Binary & Linear Search
Table Define, Load, Search and Sort
  Table of Contents  v-24.01.01 - cblbin01.htm 
  Programming Objectives
  Programming Input and Output
  Programming Requirements
  Programming Overview
  CMD Members
  Run the Sample Application
  Create the Control File
  Create a Table of the Fifty States
  JCL Member
  Partitioned Data Set Member
  COBOL Source Member
  COBOL Copy File
  Software Agreement and Disclaimer
  Downloads and Links
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  Glossary of Terms
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Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Introduction

This suite of programs provides an example of how a COBOL program does various table functions such as a table load, a standard COBOL "SEARCH", a standard COBOL "SEARCH ALL", a user written binary search and a user written linear search. The COBOL program is written using the IBM COBOL for OS/390 dialect and will also work with IBM Enterprise COBOL. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows. A batch or command file is provided to run the job as a Windows batch job on a Wintel platform using Micro Focus Net Express.

We have made a significant effort to ensure the documents and software technologies are correct and accurate. We reserve the right to make changes without notice at any time. The function delivered in this version is based upon the enhancement requests from a specific group of users. The intent is to provide changes as the need arises and in a timeframe that is dependent upon the availability of resources.

Copyright © 1987-2024
SimoTime Technologies and Services
All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Programming Objectives

This example illustrates the following functions.

1 Demonstrate how to define a table.
2 Demonstrate how to load a table.
3 Demonstrate how to search a table using standard COBOL functions.
4 Demonstrate how to do a binary search of a table using standard COBOL functions.
5 Provide an example of a uniquely coded linear search of a table
6 Provide an example of a uniquely coded binary search of a table
7 Provide an example of how to sort a table using a bubble sort routine
  Programming Objectives

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Programming Input and Output

The input files are created as described in "The CMD Members" section of this document. The following shows an example of the output produced by this sample program.

* CBLBINC1 Table Processing, A COBOL Example  v06.05.04
* CBLBINC1 Copyright 1987-2011 --- SimoTime Enterprises --- All Rights Reserved
* CBLBINC1 ********************************************************************
* CBLBINC1 * TABLE-LOAD is starting
* CBLBINC1 STATEDB1 line count is 0000050
* CBLBINC1 State Name......... Alabama        AL
* CBLBINC1 State Capitol...... Montgomery
* CBLBINC1 State Bird......... Yellowhammer
* CBLBINC1 State Flower....... Camellia
* CBLBINC1 Population......... 00004447100
* CBLBINC1 Size (Sq Miles).... 00000050750
* CBLBINC1 State Name......... Alaska         AK
* CBLBINC1 State Capitol...... Juneau
* CBLBINC1 State Bird......... Willow
* CBLBINC1 State Flower....... Ptarmigan Forget-me-not
* CBLBINC1 Population......... 00000626932
* CBLBINC1 Size (Sq Miles).... 00000570373
* CBLBINC1 State Name......... Arizona        AZ
* CBLBINC1 State Capitol...... Phoenix
* CBLBINC1 State Bird......... Cactus Wren
* CBLBINC1 State Flower....... Saguaro Cactus Flower
* CBLBINC1 Population......... 00005130632
* CBLBINC1 Size (Sq Miles).... 00000113642
* CBLBINC1 State Name......... Arkansas       AR
* CBLBINC1 State Capitol...... LittleRock
* CBLBINC1 State Bird......... Mockingbird
* CBLBINC1 State Flower....... Apple Blossom
* CBLBINC1 Population......... 00002673400
* CBLBINC1 Size (Sq Miles).... 00000052075

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Programming Requirements

This suite of samples programs will run on the following platforms.

1 Executes on Windows/XP, Windows/7 or Windows/Server using Micro Focus Net Express and the CMD file provided.
2 May be ported to run on the UNIX and Linux platforms supported by Micro Focus COBOL.
3 Executes on a mainframe with OS/390 or Windows/XP, Windows/7 and Windows Server using Micro Focus Mainframe Express and the JCL file provided.
  Operating Systems or Platform Support for Program Execution

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Programming Overview

This program reads a file (STATEDB1) that contains the table information. This table information contains the name of a state, the two byte abbreviation, the state flower, the state bird, the population (1999) and the size of the state (square miles). The information in the file will be used to load a table.

The program then reads a file (STATEGET) that contains records with control information as to how to search the table and the name of a state that will be used as the search argument. If a matching element is found the information about the state is written to an output file and displayed to the screen.

Entry Point
Entry Point
The JCL or CMD member for running the application.
IF Exist
Delete any previously created STATEPUT file.
Load the table from the STATEDB1 file. Read the input file (STATECTL) containing the search type and argument. Create a new file (STATEPUT) containing the results of the searches.
Flowchart of the Table Processing using Various Search Techniques

Color Associations: The  light-green  boxes are unique to SIMOTIME Technologies using an IBM Mainframe System or Micro Focus Enterprise Developer. The  light-red  boxes are unique to the SIMOTIME Technologies using a Linux, UNIX or Windows System and COBOL Technologies such as Micro Focus. The  light-yellow  boxes are SIMOTIME Technologies, Third-party Technologies, decision points or program transitions in the processing logic or program generations. The  light-blue  boxes identify the input/output data structures such as Documents, Spreadsheets, Data Files, VSAM Data Sets, Partitioned Data Set Members (PDSM's) or Relational Tables. The  light-gray  boxes identify a system function or an informational item.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section CMD Members

The following three (3) programs (or command files) are used to execute the sample application and to create the input data files needed by the application.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Run the Sample Application

The following is the Windows CMD File (CBLBINE1.cmd) required to run the sample COBOL program. This is a two step job. The first step (identified by the :DeleteQSAM statement) will delete the file that was created from a previous run of this job. The second step (identified by the :CreateQSAM statement) will execute the sample program.

@echo OFF
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  *               CBLBINE1.CMD - a Windows Command File               *
rem  *         This program is provided by SimoTime Technologies         *
rem  *           (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved             *
rem  *             Web Site URL:               *
rem  *                   e-mail:                 *
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  *
rem  * Text   - Sample Table Functions using COBOL...
rem  * Author - SimoTime Technologies
rem  * Date   - January 24, 1996
rem  *
rem  * The first job step (DeleteQSAM) will delete any previously created
rem  * file.
rem  *
rem  * The second job step (CreateQSAM) will create a new file that shows
rem  * the table searches.
rem  * For this program to work the COBOL program must be compiled with
rem  * the ASSIGN(EXTERNAL) and SEQUENTIAL(LINE) directives under
rem  * Net Express.
rem  *
rem  * This set of programs will run on a Personal Computer with
rem  * Windows and Micro Focus Net Express.
rem  *
rem  * ********************************************************************
rem  * Step   1 of 3  Set the global environment variables,
rem  *                Delete any previously created file...
rem  *
     call ..\Env1BASE
     if "%SYSLOG%" == "" set syslog=c:\SimoLIBR\LOGS\SimoTime.LOG
     set JobName=CBLBINE1
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*******************************************************%JobName%"
     call SimoNOTE "Starting JobName %JobName%, User is %USERNAME%"
     call SimoNOTE "Identify JobStep DeleteQSAM"
     set SYSOUT=%BaseLib1%\LOGS\SYSOUT_%JobName%.TXT
     if exist %STATEPUT% del %STATEPUT%
     echo %STATEDB1%
     echo %SYSOUT%
rem  *
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  * Step   2 of 3  Create and populate a new QSAM file...
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "Identify JobStep CreateQSAM"
     run CblBinC1
     if not "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" set JobStatus=0010
     if not "%JobStatus%" == "0000" goto :EojNOK
     call SimoNOTE "Produced %STATEPUT%"
     call SimoNOTE "Produced %SYSOUT%"
     call SimoNOTE "Finished JobName %JobName%, Job Status is %JobStatus%"
     goto :End
     type %SYSOUT%
     call SimoNOTE "ABENDING JobName %JobName%, Job Status is %JobStatus%"
     call SimoNOTE "Conclude SysLog is %SYSLOG%"
     if not "%1" == "nopause" pause

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Create the Control File

The following is the Windows CMD File (CBLBINE2.cmd) that creates a control file. The control file is a PDA Member.

@echo OFF
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  *               CBLBINE2.CMD - a Windows Command File               *
rem  *         This program is provided by SimoTime Technologies         *
rem  *           (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved             *
rem  *             Web Site URL:               *
rem  *                   e-mail:                 *
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  *
rem  * Text   - Create a Sequential Data Set on disk using IEBGENER.
rem  * Author - SimoTime Technologies
rem  * Date   = January 24, 1996
rem  *
rem  * The first job step (DeleteTEXT) will delete any previously created
rem  * files.
rem  * The second job step (CreateTEXT) will create a new ASCII/Text file.
rem  * The third step will convert the Line Sequential file to a Record
rem  * Sequential file.
rem  *
rem  * This set of programs will run on a Personal Computer with Windows
rem  * and Micro Focus Net Express.
rem  *
     set CmdName=CBLBINE2
     call ..\Env1BASE %CmdName%
     if "%SYSLOG%" == "" set syslog=c:\SimoLIBR\LOGS\SimoTime.LOG
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*******************************************************%CmdName%"
     call SimoNOTE "Starting CmdName %CmdName%, User is %USERNAME%"
     call SimoNOTE "StepInfo Delete previously created files"
rem  *
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  * Step   1 of 3  Create and populate a new ASCII/TEXT file...
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "StepInfo Create an ASCII/Text File"
     if exist %STATECTL% del %STATECTL%
rem  * ..1....:....2....:....3....:....4....:....5....:....6....:....7.
echo /LINEAR        Texas           * A custom LINEAR search with expected hit       >%STATECTL%
echo /BINARY        Texas           * A custom BINARY search with expected hit       >>%STATECTL%
echo /LINEAR        Illinois        * Custom LINEAR search from first to last        >>%STATECTL%
echo /BINARY        Illinois        * A custom BINARY search with expected hit       >>%STATECTL%
echo /SEARCH        Indiana         * Use standard COBOL dialect                     >>%STATECTL%
echo /BINARY        Alabama         * First entry in table, custom BINARY search     >>%STATECTL%
echo /BINARY        Wyoming         * Last entry in table, custome BINARY search     >>%STATECTL%
echo /SEARCHALL     Vermont         * Binary search using standard COBOL dialect     >>%STATECTL%
echo /SEARCHALL     Delaware        * Binary search using standard COBOL dialect     >>%STATECTL%
     if exist %STATECTL% call SimoNOTE "DataMake %STATECTL%"
     if not exist %STATECTL% set JobStatus=9001
     if not %JobStatus% == 0000 goto :EojNok
rem  *
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  * Step   2 of 3  Convert ASCII/TEXT file to ASCII RSEQ File...
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "StepInfo Convert Line Sequential to Record Sequential"
     set GETLS080=%STATECTL%
     if exist %PUTRS080% del %PUTRS080%
     run CV80ALAR
     if not ERRORLEVEL = 0 set JobStatus=0030
     if not %JobStatus% == 0000 goto :EojNok
     call SimoNOTE "DataTake %GETLS080%"
     call SimoNOTE "DataMake %PUTRS080%"
rem  *
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  * Step   3 of 3  Convert ASCII/TEXT file to ASCII RSEQ File...
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "StepInfo Convert Line Sequential to Record Sequential"
     set GETLS080=%STATECTL%
     if exist %PUTRS080% del %PUTRS080%
     run CV80ALAR
     if not ERRORLEVEL = 0 set JobStatus=0030
     if not %JobStatus% == 0000 goto :EojNok
     call SimoNOTE "DataTake %GETLS080%"
     call SimoNOTE "DataMake %PUTRS080%"
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "Finished CmdName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus% "
     goto :End
     call SimoNOTE "NOTE ABENDING CmdName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus% "
     if not "%1" == "nopause" pause

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Create a Table of the Fifty States

The following is the Windows CMD File (CBLBINE3.cmd) that creates a data table with information about the fifty states.

@echo OFF
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  *               CBLBINE3.CMD - a Windows Command File               *
rem  *         This program is provided by SimoTime Technologies         *
rem  *           (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved             *
rem  *             Web Site URL:               *
rem  *                   e-mail:                 *
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  *
rem  * Text   - Create a Sequential Data Set on disk using IEBGENER.
rem  * Author - SimoTime Technologies
rem  * Date   = January 24, 1996
rem  *
rem  * The first job step (DeleteTEXT) will delete any previously created
rem  * files.
rem  * The second job step (CreateTEXT) will create a new ASCII/Text file.
rem  * The third step will convert the Line Sequential file to a Record
rem  * Sequential file.
rem  *
rem  * This set of programs will run on a Personal Computer with Windows
rem  * and Micro Focus Net Express.
rem  *
     set CmdName=CBLBINE3
     call ..\Env1BASE %CmdName%
     set JobStatus=0000
     if "%SYSLOG%" == "" set syslog=c:\SimoLIBR\LOGS\SimoTime.LOG
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*******************************************************%CmdName%"
     call SimoNOTE "Starting CmdName %CmdName%, User is %USERNAME%"
     call SimoNOTE "StepInfo Delete previously created files"
rem  *
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  * Step   1 of 2  Create and populate a new ASCII/TEXT file...
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "StepInfo Create an ASCII/Text File"
     if exist %STATEDB1% del %STATEDB1%
rem  * ..1....:....2....:....3....:....4....:....5....:....6....:....7.
echo Alabama        AL Montgomery      Yellowhammer                Camellia                  00004447100 00000050750>%STATEDB1%
echo Alaska         AK Juneau          Willow                      Ptarmigan Forget-me-not   00000626932 00000570373>>%STATEDB1%
echo Arizona        AZ Phoenix         Cactus Wren                 Saguaro Cactus Flower     00005130632 00000113642>>%STATEDB1%
echo Arkansas       AR LittleRock      Mockingbird                 Apple Blossom             00002673400 00000052075>>%STATEDB1%
echo California     CA Sacramento      Valley Quail                Golden Poppy              00033871648 00000155973>>%STATEDB1%
echo Colorado       CO Denver          Lark                        Bunting Columbine         00004301261 00000103730>>%STATEDB1%
echo Connecticut    CT Hartford        Robin                       Mountain Laurel           00003405565 00000004845>>%STATEDB1%
echo Delaware       DE Dover           Blue Hen Chicken            Peach Blossom             00000783600 00000001955>>%STATEDB1%
echo Florida        FL Tallahassee     Mockingbird                 Orange Blossom            00015982378 00000053997>>%STATEDB1%
echo Georgia        GA Atlanta Brown   Thrasher Cherokee           Rose                      00008186453 00000057919>>%STATEDB1%
echo Hawaii         HI Honolulu        Hawaiian Goose              Hibiscus                  00001211537 00000006423>>%STATEDB1%
echo Idaho          ID Boise           Mountain Bluebird           Syringa                   00001293953 00000082751>>%STATEDB1%
echo Illinois       IL Springfield     Cardinal                    Violet                    00012419293 00000055593>>%STATEDB1%
echo Indiana        IN Indianapolis    Cardinal                    Peony                     00006080485 00000035870>>%STATEDB1%
echo Iowa           IA Des Moines      Eastern Goldfinch           Wild Rose                 00002926324 00000055875>>%STATEDB1%
echo Kansas         KS Topeka          Western Meadowlark          Sunflower                 00002688418 00000081823>>%STATEDB1%
echo Kentucky       KY Frankfort       Cardinal                    Goldenrod                 00004041769 00000039732>>%STATEDB1%
echo Louisiana      LA Baton Rouge     Pelican                     Magnolia                  00004468976 00000043566>>%STATEDB1%
echo Maine          ME Augusta         Chickadee                   White Pine Cone           00001274923 00000030865>>%STATEDB1%
echo Maryland       MD Annapolis       Baltimore                   Oriole Black-eyed Susan   00005296486 00000009775>>%STATEDB1%
echo Massachusetts  MA Boston          Chickadee                   Mayflower                 00006349097 00000007838>>%STATEDB1%
echo Michigan       MI Lansing         Robin                       Apple Blossom             00009938444 00000056809>>%STATEDB1%
echo Minnesota      MN SaintPaul       Loon                        Lady's Slipper            00004919479 00000079617>>%STATEDB1%
echo Mississippi    MS Jackson         Mockingbird                 Magnolia                  00002844658 00000046914>>%STATEDB1%
echo Missouri       MO Jefferson City  Bluebird                    Hawthorn                  00005595211 00000068898>>%STATEDB1%
echo Montana        MT Helena          Western Meadowlark          Bitterroot                00000902195 00000145556>>%STATEDB1%
echo Nebraska       NE Lincoln         Western Meadowlark          Goldenrod                 00001711263 00000076878>>%STATEDB1%
echo Nevada         NV Carson City     Mountain Bluebird           Sagebrush                 00001998257 00000109806>>%STATEDB1%
echo New Hampshire  NH Concord         Purple Finch                Purple Lilac              00001235786 00000008969>>%STATEDB1%
echo New Jersey     NJ Trenton         Eastern Goldfinch           Purple Violet             00008414350 00000007419>>%STATEDB1%
echo New Mexico     NM Santa Fe        Roadrunner                  Yucca                     00001819046 00000121364>>%STATEDB1%
echo New York       NY Albany          Bluebird                    Rose                      00018976457 00000047224>>%STATEDB1%
echo North Carolina NC Raleigh         Cardinal                    Dogwood                   00008049313 00000048718>>%STATEDB1%
echo North Dakota   ND Bismarck        Western Meadowlark          Wild Prairie Rose         00000642200 00000068994>>%STATEDB1%
echo Ohio           OH Columbus        Cardinal                    Scarlet Carnation         00011353140 00000040953>>%STATEDB1%
echo Oklahoma       OK Oklahoma City   Scissor-tailed Flycatcher   Mistletoe                 00003450654 00000068679>>%STATEDB1%
echo Oregon         OR Salem Western   Meadowlark                  Oregon Grape              00003421399 00000096003>>%STATEDB1%
echo Pennsylvania   PA Harrisburg      Ruffed Grouse               Mountain Laurel           00012281054 00000044820>>%STATEDB1%
echo Rhode Island   RI Providence      Rhode Island Red            Violet                    00001048319 00000001045>>%STATEDB1%
echo South Carolina SC Columbia        Carolina Wren               Jessamine                 00004012012 00000030111>>%STATEDB1%
echo South Dakota   SD Pierre          Ring-necked Pheasant        Pasque                    00000754844 00000075898>>%STATEDB1%
echo Tennessee      TN Nashville       Mockingbird                 Iris                      00005689283 00000041220>>%STATEDB1%
echo Texas          TX Austin          Mockingbird                 Bluebonnet                00020851820 00000261914>>%STATEDB1%
echo Utah           UT Salt Lake City  Seagull                     Sego Lily                 00002233169 00000082168>>%STATEDB1%
echo Vermont        VT Montpelier      Hermit Thrush               Red Clover                00000608827 00000009249>>%STATEDB1%
echo Virginia       VA Richmond        Cardinal                    Dogwood                   00007078515 00000039598>>%STATEDB1%
echo Washington     WA Olympia         Willow Goldfinch            Rhododendron              00005894121 00000066582>>%STATEDB1%
echo West Virginia  WV Charleston      Cardinal                    Rhododendron              00001808344 00000024087>>%STATEDB1%
echo Wisconsin      WI Madison         Robin Wood                  Violet                    00005363675 00000054314>>%STATEDB1%
echo Wyoming        WY Cheyenne        Meadowlark                  Indian Paintbrush         00000493782 00000097105>>%STATEDB1%
     if exist %STATEDB1% call SimoNOTE "DataMake %STATEDB1%"
     if not exist %STATEDB1% set JobStatus=9001
     if not %JobStatus% == 0000 goto :EojNok
rem  *
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  * Step   2 of 2  Convert ASCII/TEXT file to ASCII RSEQ File...
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "StepInfo Convert Line Sequential to Record Sequential"
     set GETLS128=%STATEDB1%
     if exist %PUTRS128% del %PUTRS128%
     run C128ALAR
     if not ERRORLEVEL = 0 set JobStatus=0030
     if not %JobStatus% == 0000 goto :EojNok
     call SimoNOTE "DataTake %GETLS128%"
     call SimoNOTE "DataMake %PUTRS128%"
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "Finished CmdName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus% "
     goto :End
     call SimoNOTE "NOTE ABENDING CmdName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus% "
     if not "%1" == "nopause" pause

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section JCL Member

The following (CBLBINJ1.jcl) is the mainframe JCL Member (CBLBINJ1.jcl) required to run the sample COBOL program. This is a two step job. The first step (identified by the //JOBSETUP statement) will delete the file that was created from a previous run of this job. The second step (identified by the //CBLBINS1 statement) will execute the sample program.

The JOB and DD statements will need to be modified for different mainframe environments.

//* *******************************************************************
//*       CBLBINJ1.JCL - a JCL Member for Batch Job Processing        *
//*       This JCL Member is provided by SimoTime Technologies        *
//*           (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved             *
//*             Web Site URL:               *
//*                   e-mail:                 *
//* *******************************************************************
//* Text   - Using COBOL to do a binary search
//* Author - SimoTime Technologies
//* Date   - January 01, 1989
//* This set of programs illustrate the use a COBOL program to do
//* a binary search of a table.
//* This set of programs may be compiled and executed on a Mainframe
//* System with ZOS or a Linux, UNIX or Windows System with Micro Focus
//* Enterprise Server.
//*                    ************
//*                    * CBLBINJ1 *
//*                    ********JCL*
//*                         *
//*                         *
//*   ************     ************     ************
//*   * STATECTL *--*--* CBLBINC1 *--*--* STATEPUT *
//*   ************  *  ********CBL*  *  ************
//*                 *       *        *
//*   ************  *       *        *  ************
//*   * STATEDB1 *--*       *        *--* DISPLAY  *
//*   ************          *           ************
//*                         *
//*                    ************
//*                    *   EOJ    *
//*                    ************
//* *******************************************************************
//* Step 1 of 2, Delete previously created file.
//             DISP=(MOD,DELETE,DELETE),
//             STORCLAS=MFI,
//             SPACE=(TRK,5),
//             DCB=(RECFM=VB,LRECL=132,DSORG=PS)
//* *******************************************************************
//* Step 2 of 2, Execute the sample table processing program.
//             DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),
//             STORCLAS=MFI,
//             SPACE=(TRK,5),
//             DCB=(RECFM=VB,LRECL=132,DSORG=PS)

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Partitioned Data Set Member

The following (STATECTL.ctl) is a Partitioned Data Set Member (or PDSM) that is used to control behavior within the COBOL Program. This member may be referred to as a PARM or CONTROL file.

/LINEAR        Texas           * A custom LINEAR search with expected hit
/BINARY        Texas           * A custom BINARY search with expected hit
/LINEAR        Illinois        * Custom LINEAR search from first to last
/BINARY        Illinois        * A custom BINARY search with expected hit
/SEARCH        Indiana         * Use standard COBOL dialect
/BINARY        Alabama         * First entry in table, custom BINARY search
/BINARY        Wyoming         * Last entry in table, custome BINARY search
/SEARCHALL     Vermont         * Binary search using standard COBOL dialect
/SEARCHALL     Delaware        * Binary search using standard COBOL dialect

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section COBOL Source Member

The following (CBLBINC1.cbl) is the source code for the sample COBOL program. This program will read the STAT1999.TXT file as a sequential file and load a table with information about the states in the United States.

Once the table is loaded the control file is read. Each record in the control file contains a keyword and the name of a state. The keyword identifies the type of table search. This program includes four examples of accessing a table using COBOL.

The "/SEARCH" keyword will do a linear scan of the table starting at the first element. This search uses standard COBOL functionality to do a table search.

The "/SEARCHALL" keyword will do a binary search of the table. This search uses standard COBOL functionality to do a table search. For this function to work the table must be in sequence.

The "/LINEAR" keyword will do a linear scan of the table starting at the first element. This search uses a customer written routine to do a table search.

The "/BINARY" keyword will do a binary search of the table. This search uses written routine to do the table search. For this function to work the table must be in sequence.

Once the control file is processed through end-of-file the table is then moved to a working table in memory. This working table is then sorted by descending sequence according to size by population. The working table information is then displayed to the screen and written to the STATEPUT file.

      * Copyright (C) 1987-2019 SimoTime Technologies.                *
      *                                                               *
      * All rights reserved.  Unpublished, all rights reserved under  *
      * copyright law and international treaty.  Use of a copyright   *
      * notice is precautionary only and does not imply publication   *
      * or disclosure.                                                *
      *                                                               *
      * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software  *
      * for any commercial purpose requires a fee to be paid to       *
      * SimoTime Technologies. Once the fee is received by SimoTime   *
      * the latest version of the software will be delivered and a    *
      * license will be granted for use within an enterprise,         *
      * provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies   *
      * of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used    *
      * in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the  *
      * software without the written permission of SimoTime           *
      * Technologies.                                                 *
      *                                                               *
      * Permission to use, copy and modify this software for any      *
      * non-commercial purpose and without fee is hereby granted,     *
      * provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies   *
      * of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used in *
      * any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the     *
      * software without the written permission of SimoTime           *
      * Technologies.                                                 *
      *                                                               *
      * SimoTime Technologies makes no warranty or representations    *
      * about the suitability of the software for any purpose. It is  *
      * provided "AS IS" without any expressed or implied warranty,   *
      * including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness  *
      * for a particular purpose and non-infringement. SimoTime       *
      * Technologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect,    *
      * special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of   *
      * use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or    *
      * tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or         *
      * performance of this software                                  *
      *                                                               *
      * SimoTime Technologies                                         *
      * 15 Carnoustie Drive                                           *
      * Novato, CA 94949-5849                                         *
      * 415.883.6565                                                  *
      *                                                               *
      * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND                                      *
      * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject  *
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      * DFARS 52.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of          *
      * Commercial  Computer Software - Restricted Rights  at 48      *
      * CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.  Contact SimoTime Technologies, *
      * 15 Carnoustie Drive, Novato, CA 94949-5849.                   *
      *                                                               *
      *      This program is provided by SimoTime Technologies        *
      *        Our e-mail address is:           *
      *     Also, visit our Web Site at       *
      * Source Member: CBLBINC1.CBL
      * Copy Files:    STINFOB1.CPY
      * This program provides an example of how a COBOL program does
      * various table functions such as a table load, a standard
      * COBOL search, a standard COBOL "search all", a user written
      * binary search and a user written linear search.
      * The COBOL program is written using the IBM COBOL for OS/390
      * dialect and will also work with IBM Enterprise COBOL.
      * A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on
      * an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe
      * Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
      * A batch or command file is provided to run the job as a
      * Windows batch job on a Wintel platform using Micro Focus Net
      * Express.
      *                   ************
      *                   * CBLBINJ1 *
      *                   ********jcl*
      *                        *
      *                   ************
      *                   * IEFBR14  *
      *                   ********utl*
      *                        *
      *  ************     ************     ************
      *  * STATECTL *--*--* CBLBINC1 *--*--* STATEPUT *
      *  *******pdsm*  *  ********cbl*  *  ********dat*
      *                *       *        *
      *                *       *        *
      *  ************  *       *        *  ************
      *  * STATEDB1 *--*       *        *--* CONSOLE  *
      *  ********dat*          *           ******dsply*
      *                        *
      *                   ************
      *                   *   EOJ    *
      *                   ************
                  ORGANIZATION is SEQUENTIAL
                  ACCESS MODE  is SEQUENTIAL
                  FILE STATUS  is STATEDB1-STATUS.
                  ORGANIZATION is SEQUENTIAL
                  ACCESS MODE  is SEQUENTIAL
                  FILE STATUS  is STATECTL-STATUS.
                  ORGANIZATION is SEQUENTIAL
                  ACCESS MODE  is SEQUENTIAL
                  FILE STATUS  is STATEPUT-STATUS.



           05  STATECTL-DATA-01.
               10  STATECTL-CONTROL.
                   15  STATECTL-SLASH      pic X.
                   15  STATECTL-CONTROL    pic X(14).
               10  FILLER                  pic X.
               10  STATECTL-SEARCH         pic X(15).
               10  STATECTL-COMMENT        pic X(40).
               10  FILLER                  pic X(9).
           RECORDING MODE is V
           RECORD is VARYING in SIZE from 4 to 128

           05  STATEPUT-DATA-01  pic X(128).

       01  SIM-TITLE.
           05  T1 pic X(11) value '* CBLBINC1 '.
           05  T2 pic X(34) value 'Table Processing, A COBOL Example '.
           05  T3 pic X(10) value ' v06.05.04'.
           05  T4 pic X(24) value ''.
       01  SIM-COPYRIGHT.
           05  C1 pic X(11) value '* CBLBINC1 '.
           05  C2 pic X(20) value 'Copyright 1987-2019 '.
           05  C3 pic X(28) value '   SimoTime Technologies    '.
           05  C4 pic X(20) value ' All Rights Reserved'.

       01  SIM-THANKS-01.
           05  C1 pic X(11) value '* CBLBINC1 '.
           05  C2 pic X(32) value 'Thank you for using this program'.
           05  C3 pic X(32) value ' provided from SimoTime Technolo'.
           05  C4 pic X(04) value 'gies'.

       01  SIM-THANKS-02.
           05  C1 pic X(11) value '* CBLBINC1 '.
           05  C2 pic X(32) value 'Please send all inquires or sugg'.
           05  C3 pic X(32) value 'estions to the helpdesk@simotime'.
           05  C4 pic X(04) value '.com'.

       01  MESSAGE-BUFFER.
           05  MESSAGE-HEADER      pic X(11)   value '* CBLBINC1 '.
           05  MESSAGE-TEXT.
               10  MESSAGE-TEXT-1  pic X(68)   value SPACES.
               10  MESSAGE-TEXT-2  pic X(188)  value SPACES.

       01  STATEDB1-STATUS.
           05  STATEDB1-STATUS-L     pic X.
           05  STATEDB1-STATUS-R     pic X.
       01  STATEDB1-EOF              pic X       value 'N'.
       01  STATEDB1-OPEN-FLAG        pic X       value 'C'.

           05  STATECTL-STATUS-L     pic X.
           05  STATECTL-STATUS-R     pic X.
       01  STATECTL-EOF              pic X       value 'N'.
       01  STATECTL-OPEN-FLAG        pic X       value 'C'.

           05  STATEPUT-STATUS-L     pic X.
           05  STATEPUT-STATUS-R     pic X.
       01  STATEPUT-EOF              pic X       value 'N'.
       01  STATEPUT-OPEN-FLAG        pic X       value 'C'.
       01  STATEPUT-LRECL            pic 9(5)    value 128.

       01  IO-STATUS.
           05  IO-STAT1            pic X.
           05  IO-STAT2            pic X.
       01  TWO-BYTES.
           05  TWO-BYTES-LEFT      pic X.
           05  TWO-BYTES-RIGHT     pic X.
       01  TWO-BYTES-BINARY        redefines TWO-BYTES pic 9(4) comp.

       01  APPL-RESULT             pic S9(9)   comp.
           88  APPL-AOK            value 0.
           88  APPL-EOF            value 16.

      *    The "ASSCENDING KEY" and "INDEXED BY" clauses are used and
      *    required by the "SEARCH ALL" and "SEARCH" functions.
       01  T-STATEDB1-BUFFER.
           05  T-STATEDB1-TABLE        occurs 50 times
                                       ascending key T-STATE-NAME
                                       indexed by IX-1.
               10  T-STATE-NAME        pic X(15).
               10  T-STATE-SHORT       pic X(2).
               10  T-STATE-CAPITOL     pic X(16).
               10  T-STATE-BIRD        pic X(28).
               10  T-STATE-FLOWER      pic X(26).
               10  T-STATE-POPULATION  pic 9(11).
               10  T-STATE-SQ-MILES    pic 9(11).
               10  T-STATE-DATE-POP    pic 9(8).

       01  W-STATEDB1-BUFFER.
           05  W-STATEDB1-TABLE        occurs 50 times.
               10  W-STATE-NAME        pic X(15).
               10  W-STATE-SHORT       pic X(2).
               10  W-STATE-CAPITOL     pic X(16).
               10  W-STATE-BIRD        pic X(28).
               10  W-STATE-FLOWER      pic X(26).
               10  W-STATE-POPULATION  pic 9(11).
               10  W-STATE-SQ-MILES    pic 9(11).
               10  W-STATE-DATE-POP    pic 9(8).

       01  WORK-109                    pic X(109).

       01  LO-1            pic 9(3)    value 0.
       01  HI-1            pic 9(3)    value 0.
       01  PT-1            pic 9(3)    value 0.
       01  SWAP-COUNT      pic 9(3)    value 0.
       01  HIT-FLAG        pic X       value 'N'.

       01  WORK-15         pic X(15)   value SPACES.

           05  POP-SEQ     pic 9(2)    value 0.
           05  filler      pic X(2)    value SPACES.
           05  POP-NAME    pic X(15).
           05  filler      pic X(2)    value SPACES.
           05  POP-COUNT   pic ZZ,ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZZ.

       01  DISPLAY-LINE.
           05  DISPLAY-DESCRIPTION     pic X(20).
           05  DISPLAY-CONTENT         pic X(32).

       01  ACCESS-TOTAL.
           05  filler       pic X(23)  value 'The indexed attempt is '.
           05  ACCESS-COUNT pic 9(3) value 0.

       01  SEARCH-NAME             pic X(15).

       01  STATEDB1-TOTAL.
           05  filler       pic X(23)  value 'STATEDB1 line count is '.
           05  STATEDB1-LOC pic 9(7) value 0.

       01  STATECTL-TOTAL.
           05  filler       pic X(23)  value 'STATECTL line count is '.
           05  STATECTL-LOC pic 9(7) value 0.

           perform Z-POST-COPYRIGHT
           perform STATEPUT-OPEN
      *    Load and display the table for State information...
           perform TABLE-LOAD
           perform TABLE-DISPLAY
      *    Perform various table search examples using input from
      *    the STATECTL file.
           perform STATECTL-OPEN
           perform until STATECTL-STATUS not = '00'
             perform STATECTL-READ
             if  STATECTL-STATUS = '00'
      *          Display Start-Up banner...
                 move all '*' to MESSAGE-TEXT-1
                 perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
                 move STATECTL-RECORD to MESSAGE-TEXT
                 perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
                 move STATECTL-RECORD(1:15)  to WORK-15
                 move STATECTL-RECORD(16:15) to SEARCH-NAME
                 add 1 to STATECTL-LOC
      *          Determine the type of search and execute...
                 evaluate WORK-15
                   when '/BINARY        ' perform TABLE-BINARY-SEARCH
                   when '/LINEAR        ' perform TABLE-LINEAR-SEARCH
                   when '/SEARCH        ' perform TABLE-SEARCH
                   when '/SEARCHALL     ' perform TABLE-SEARCH-ALL
                   when other display WORK-15 ' - Invalid request'
           if  STATECTL-EOF = 'Y'
               move 'is Finished...' to MESSAGE-TEXT
               move 'is ABENDING...' to MESSAGE-TEXT
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
           perform STATECTL-CLOSE
      *    Move the existing table to a work table then sort the work
      *    table. Display the results showing the states in sequence
      *    by descending order according to population.
           perform TABLE-SORT-BY-POPULATION
      *    End-of-Job Processing
           perform STATEPUT-CLOSE
           perform Z-THANK-YOU.

      * Process a /BINARY contol record with custom written code...   *
           move '* TABLE-BINARY-SEARCH is starting'
             to MESSAGE-TEXT-1
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
      *    Prepare for the binary search...
           add 1 to ZERO giving LO-1
           add 50 to ZERO giving HI-1
           move ZERO to ACCESS-COUNT
      *    Do the binary search...
           perform until HI-1 - LO-1 < 1
             if  HI-1 - LO-1 - 1 > 1
                 compute PT-1 = LO-1 + (HI-1 - LO-1) / 2
      *          The following will ensure access to the first and last
      *          entries in the table. When the search argument does
      *          not find a match in the table this will ensure the
      *          search proceeds down to the last of two elements.
                 if  PT-1 - 1 = LO-1
                     add LO-1 to ZERO giving PT-1
                     add LO-1 to ZERO giving HI-1
                     add HI-1 to ZERO giving PT-1
                     add HI-1 to ZERO giving LO-1

             if  SEARCH-NAME > T-STATE-NAME(PT-1)
                 add PT-1 to ZERO giving LO-1
                 if  SEARCH-NAME = T-STATE-NAME(PT-1)
                     if  PT-1 > 1
                     and SEARCH-NAME not = T-STATE-NAME(PT-1 - 1)
                         add PT-1 to ZERO giving HI-1
                         add PT-1 to ZERO giving LO-1
                     add PT-1 to ZERO giving HI-1
             add 1 to ACCESS-COUNT
      *    Display closing information...
           move ACCESS-TOTAL to MESSAGE-TEXT-1
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE

           if  PT-1 > 0
           and PT-1 < 51
           and T-STATE-NAME(PT-1) = SEARCH-NAME
               perform TABLE-DISPLAY-SINGLE-ELEMENT
               display SEARCH-NAME ' not found...' upon console

           perform varying PT-1 from 1 by 1 until PT-1 > 50

           move 'State Name......... ' to DISPLAY-DESCRIPTION
           move SPACES                 to DISPLAY-CONTENT
           move T-STATE-Name(PT-1)     to DISPLAY-CONTENT(1:15)
           move T-STATE-SHORT(PT-1)    to DISPLAY-CONTENT(16:2)
           move DISPLAY-LINE to MESSAGE-TEXT
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE

           move 'State Capitol...... ' to DISPLAY-DESCRIPTION
           move DISPLAY-LINE to MESSAGE-TEXT
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE

           move 'State Bird......... ' to DISPLAY-DESCRIPTION
           move T-STATE-BIRD(PT-1)     to DISPLAY-CONTENT
           move DISPLAY-LINE to MESSAGE-TEXT
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE

           move 'State Flower....... ' to DISPLAY-DESCRIPTION
           move T-STATE-FLOWER(PT-1)   to DISPLAY-CONTENT
           move DISPLAY-LINE to MESSAGE-TEXT
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE

           move 'Population......... ' to DISPLAY-DESCRIPTION
           move T-STATE-DATE-POP(PT-1)    to DISPLAY-CONTENT(16:8)
           move DISPLAY-LINE to MESSAGE-TEXT
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE

           move 'Size (Sq Miles).... ' to DISPLAY-DESCRIPTION
           move T-STATE-SQ-MILES(PT-1)  to DISPLAY-CONTENT
           move DISPLAY-LINE to MESSAGE-TEXT
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE

           move ' ' to MESSAGE-TEXT
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE

      * Process a /LINEAR contol record with custom written code...   *
           move '* TABLE-LINEAR-SEARCH is starting'
             to MESSAGE-TEXT-1
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
      *    Do the Linear search...
           perform varying PT-1 from 1 by 1
             until PT-1 > 50
             or T-STATE-NAME(PT-1) = SEARCH-NAME
      *    Prepare and display closing information...
           add PT-1 to ZERO giving ACCESS-COUNT
           set IX-1 to PT-1
           move ACCESS-TOTAL to MESSAGE-TEXT-1
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
           if  PT-1 > 0
           and PT-1 < 51
           and T-STATE-NAME(PT-1) = SEARCH-NAME
               perform TABLE-DISPLAY-SINGLE-ELEMENT
               display SEARCH-NAME ' not found...' upon console

      *    Display Start-Up banner...
           move all '*' to MESSAGE-TEXT-1
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
           move '* TABLE-LOAD is starting'
             to MESSAGE-TEXT-1
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
      *    Prepare to load the table
           perform STATEDB1-OPEN
           add 1 to ZERO giving PT-1
      *    Read the file and load the table...
           perform until STATEDB1-STATUS not = '00'
             perform STATEDB1-READ
             if  STATEDB1-STATUS = '00'
                 add 1 to STATEDB1-LOC
                 move STATE-NAME       to T-STATE-NAME(PT-1)
                 move STATE-SHORT      to T-STATE-SHORT(PT-1)
                 move STATE-CAPITOL    to T-STATE-CAPITOL(PT-1)
                 move STATE-BIRD       to T-STATE-BIRD(PT-1)
                 move STATE-FLOWER     to T-STATE-FLOWER(PT-1)
                 move STATE-POPULATION to T-STATE-POPULATION(PT-1)
                 move STATE-SQ-MILES   to T-STATE-SQ-MILES(PT-1)
                 move STATE-DATE-POP   to T-STATE-DATE-POP(PT-1)
                 add 1 to PT-1
      *    Prepare and display closing information...
           perform STATEDB1-CLOSE
           move STATEDB1-TOTAL to MESSAGE-TEXT
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE

      * Process a /SEARCH contol record using standard COBOL dialect  *
           move '* TABLE-SEARCH is starting using COBOL SEARCH...'
             to MESSAGE-TEXT-1
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
      *    Do the search...
           add 1 to ZERO giving PT-1
           move 'N' to HIT-FLAG
           search T-STATEDB1-TABLE varying PT-1
                  at end
                     move 'N' to HIT-FLAG
                  when T-STATE-NAME(IX-1) = SEARCH-NAME
                       move 'Y' to HIT-FLAG
      *    Prepare and display closing information...
      *    Set pointer for use by the TABLE DISPLAY function....
           add PT-1 to ZERO giving ACCESS-COUNT
           move ACCESS-TOTAL to MESSAGE-TEXT-1
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
           if  HIT-FLAG = 'Y'
               perform TABLE-DISPLAY-SINGLE-ELEMENT

      * Process a /SEARCHALL contol record use standard COBOL dialect *
           move '* TABLE-SEARCH-ALL is starting using COBOL SEARCH...'
             to MESSAGE-TEXT-1
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
      *    Do the SEARCH ALL, this will do a binary search. The table
      *    must be in sequence for the SEARCH ALL to work properly...
           add 1 to ZERO giving PT-1
           move 'N' to HIT-FLAG
           search all T-STATEDB1-TABLE
                  at end
                     move 'N' to HIT-FLAG
                  when T-STATE-NAME(IX-1) = SEARCH-NAME
                       move 'Y' to HIT-FLAG
      *    Prepare and display closing information...
      *    Set pointer for use by the TABLE DISPLAY function....
           set PT-1 to IX-1
           move 'SEARCH ALL does a binary search' to MESSAGE-TEXT-1
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
      *    If a table hit then display table element.
           if  HIT-FLAG = 'Y'
               perform TABLE-DISPLAY-SINGLE-ELEMENT

      * Sort the table by the population value                        *
           add  1 to ZERO giving PT-1
           add  1 to ZERO giving LO-1
           add 50 to ZERO giving HI-1
           move 'Y' to HIT-FLAG
      *    Do a descending bubble sort of the work table by population
           perform until HIT-FLAG = 'N'
             move 'N' to HIT-FLAG
             add  1 to ZERO giving PT-1
             perform until PT-1 > HI-1
                        or PT-1 = HI-1
               if  W-STATE-POPULATION(PT-1)
                <  W-STATE-POPULATION(PT-1 + 1)
                   move 'Y' to HIT-FLAG
                   move W-STATEDB1-TABLE(PT-1) to WORK-109
                   move W-STATEDB1-TABLE(PT-1 + 1)
                     to W-STATEDB1-TABLE(PT-1)
                   move WORK-109 to W-STATEDB1-TABLE(PT-1 + 1)
               add 1 to PT-1
      *    Display the list of states with largest to smallest in
      *    size by population using the sorted work table.
           perform varying PT-1 from 1 by 1 until PT-1 > 50
             add PT-1 to ZERO giving POP-SEQ
             move W-STATE-NAME(PT-1)       to POP-NAME
             move W-STATE-POPULATION(PT-1) to POP-COUNT
      *      Display information to screen.
             perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
      *      Write to the file.
             perform STATEPUT-WRITE


      * I/O ROUTINES FOR STATEDB1...                                  *
           add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT.
           close STATEDB1-FILE
           if  STATEDB1-STATUS = '00'
               subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT
               add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT
           if  APPL-AOK
               move 'STATEDB1-Failure-CLOSE...' to MESSAGE-TEXT
               perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
               move STATEDB1-STATUS to IO-STATUS
               perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS
               perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM
           read STATEDB1-FILE
           if  STATEDB1-STATUS = '00'
               subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT
               if  STATEDB1-STATUS = '10'
                   add 16 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT
                   add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT
           if  APPL-AOK
               if  APPL-EOF
                   move 'Y' to STATEDB1-EOF
                   move 'STATEDB1-Failure-GET...' to MESSAGE-TEXT
                   perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
                   move STATEDB1-STATUS to IO-STATUS
                   perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS
                   perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM
           add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT.
           open input STATEDB1-FILE
           if  STATEDB1-STATUS = '00'
               subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT
               move 'O' to STATEDB1-OPEN-FLAG
               add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT
           if  APPL-AOK
               move 'STATEDB1-Failure-OPEN...' to MESSAGE-TEXT
               perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
               move STATEDB1-STATUS to IO-STATUS
               perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS
               perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM

      * I/O ROUTINES FOR STATECTL...                                  *
           add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT.
           close STATECTL-FILE
           if  STATECTL-STATUS = '00'
               subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT
               add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT
           if  APPL-AOK
               move 'STATECTL-Failure-CLOSE...' to MESSAGE-TEXT
               perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
               move STATECTL-STATUS to IO-STATUS
               perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS
               perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM
           read STATECTL-FILE
           if  STATECTL-STATUS = '00'
               subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT
               if  STATECTL-STATUS = '10'
                   add 16 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT
                   add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT
           if  APPL-AOK
               if  APPL-EOF
                   move 'Y' to STATECTL-EOF
                   move 'STATECTL-Failure-GET...' to MESSAGE-TEXT
                   perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
                   move STATECTL-STATUS to IO-STATUS
                   perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS
                   perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM
           add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT.
           open input STATECTL-FILE
           if  STATECTL-STATUS = '00'
               subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT
               move 'O' to STATECTL-OPEN-FLAG
               add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT
           if  APPL-AOK
               move 'STATECTL-Failure-OPEN...' to MESSAGE-TEXT
               perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
               move STATECTL-STATUS to IO-STATUS
               perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS
               perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM

      * I/O ROUTINES FOR STATEPUT...                                  *
           if  STATEPUT-OPEN-FLAG = 'C'
               perform STATEPUT-OPEN
           write STATEPUT-RECORD
           if  STATEPUT-STATUS = '00'
               subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT
               if  STATEPUT-STATUS = '10'
                   add 16 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT
                   add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT
           if  APPL-AOK
               move 'STATEPUT-Failure-WRITE...' to MESSAGE-TEXT
               perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
               move STATEPUT-STATUS to IO-STATUS
               perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS
               perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM
           add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT.
           open output STATEPUT-FILE
           if  STATEPUT-STATUS = '00'
               subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT
               move 'O' to STATEPUT-OPEN-FLAG
               add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT
           if  APPL-AOK
               move 'STATEPUT-Failure-OPEN...' to MESSAGE-TEXT
               perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
               move STATEPUT-STATUS to IO-STATUS
               perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS
               perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM
           add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT.
           close STATEPUT-FILE
           if  STATEPUT-STATUS = '00'
               subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT
               move 'C' to STATEPUT-OPEN-FLAG
               add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT
           if  APPL-AOK
               move 'STATEPUT-Failure-CLOSE...' to MESSAGE-TEXT
               perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
               move STATEPUT-STATUS to IO-STATUS
               perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS
               perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM

      * The following Z-Routines perform administrative tasks         *
      * for this program.                                             *
      * ABEND the program, post a message to the console and issue    *
      * a STOP RUN.                                                   *
           if  MESSAGE-TEXT not = SPACES
               perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
           move 'PROGRAM-IS-ABENDING...'  to MESSAGE-TEXT
           perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE
           add 12 to ZERO giving RETURN-CODE
           STOP RUN.
      *    exit.

      * Display CONSOLE messages...                                   *
           if MESSAGE-TEXT-2 = SPACES
               display MESSAGE-BUFFER(1:79)
               display MESSAGE-BUFFER
           move all SPACES to MESSAGE-TEXT

      * Display the file status bytes. This routine will display as   *
      * two digits if the full two byte file status is numeric. If    *
      * second byte is non-numeric then it will be treated as a       *
      * binary number.                                                *
           if  IO-STATUS not NUMERIC
           or  IO-STAT1    = '9'
               subtract TWO-BYTES-BINARY from TWO-BYTES-BINARY
               move IO-STAT2 to TWO-BYTES-RIGHT
               display '* CBLBINC1 File-Status-' IO-STAT1 '/'
               display '* CBLBINC1 File-Status-' IO-STATUS

           display SIM-TITLE
           display SIM-COPYRIGHT

           display SIM-THANKS-01
           display SIM-THANKS-02
      *      This example is provided by SimoTime Technologies        *
      *        Our e-mail address is:           *
      *     Also, visit our Web Site at       *

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section COBOL Copy File

The following (STINFOB1.cpy) is the source code for the COBOL copy file that defines the record layout for the Table File.

      *               STINFOB1.CPY - a COBOL Copy File                *
      *     The record layout for the STATEDB1 Master Table File      *
      *         Copyright (C) 1987-2019 SimoTime Technologies         *
      *                     All Rights Reserved                       *
      *              Provided by SimoTime Technologies                *
      *        Our e-mail address is:           *
      *     Also, visit our Web Site at       *
       01  STATEDB1-RECORD.
           05  STATE-NAME-SHORT.
               10  STATE-NAME    pic X(15).
               10  STATE-SHORT   pic X(2).
           05  FILLER            pic X.
           05  STATE-CAPITOL     pic X(16).
           05  STATE-BIRD        pic X(28).
           05  STATE-FLOWER      pic X(26).
           05  STATE-POPULATION  pic 9(11).
           05  FILLER            pic X.
           05  STATE-SQ-MILES    pic 9(11).
           05  FILLER            pic X(1).
           05  STATE-DATE-POP    pic 9(8).
           05  FILLER            pic X(8).
      ***  STINFOB1 - End-of-Copy File - - - - - - - - - - - STINFOB1 *

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Summary

This suite of programs provides an example of how a COBOL program does various table functions such as a table load, a standard COBOL "SEARCH", a standard COBOL "SEARCH ALL", a user written binary search and a user written linear search. This document may be used to assist as a tutorial for new programmers or as a quick reference for experienced programmers.

In the world of programming there are many ways to solve a problem. This documentation and software were developed and tested on systems that are configured for a SIMOTIME environment based on the hardware, operating systems, user requirements and security requirements. Therefore, adjustments may be needed to execute the jobs and programs when transferred to a system of a different architecture or configuration.

SIMOTIME Services has experience in moving or sharing data or application processing across a variety of systems. For additional information about SIMOTIME Services or Technologies please contact us using the information in the  Contact or Feedback  section of this document.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Software Agreement and Disclaimer

Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software, documentation or training material for any purpose requires a fee to be paid to SimoTime Technologies. Once the fee is received by SimoTime the latest version of the software, documentation or training material will be delivered and a license will be granted for use within an enterprise, provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the software without the written permission of SimoTime Technologies.

SimoTime Technologies makes no warranty or representations about the suitability of the software, documentation or learning material for any purpose. It is provided "AS IS" without any expressed or implied warranty, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. SimoTime Technologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software, documentation or training material.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Downloads and Links

This section includes links to documents with additional information that are beyond the scope and purpose of this document. The first group of documents may be available from a local system or via an internet connection, the second group of documents will require an internet connection.

Note: A SimoTime License is required for the items to be made available on a local system or server.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Current Server or Internet Access

The following links may be to the current server or to the Internet.

Note: The latest versions of the SimoTime Documents and Program Suites are available on the Internet and may be accessed using the Link to Internet icon. If a user has a SimoTime Enterprise License the Documents and Program Suites may be available on a local server and accessed using the Link to Server icon.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the JCL Connection for more examples of JCL functionality with programming techniques and sample code.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the COBOL Connection for more examples of COBOL programming techniques and sample code.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore how to Create a Binary Table of binary values from X'00' through X'FF'. This example will use a Windows CMD File or JCL Member to execute a COBOL program.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore various Table Processing Techniques using COBOL to perform functions such as a table load, a standard COBOL "SEARCH", a standard COBOL "SEARCH ALL", a user written binary search and a user written linear search.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore how to use COBOL to Load a Table with customer information and then sort the table using a bubble sort routine. The elements in the table will be sorted in postal code sequence.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore how to Produce 1, 2, 3 or 4 across Mailing Labels. This example uses a two-dimensional array to build the label-printing output.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore The ASCII and EBCDIC Translation Tables. These tables are provided for individuals that need to better understand the bit structures and differences of the encoding formats.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore The File Status Return Codes that are used to interpret the results of accessing VSAM data sets and/or QSAM files.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Internet Access Required

The following links will require an internet connect.

This suite of programs and documentation is available to download for review and evaluation purposes. Other uses will require a SimoTime Software License. Link to an Evaluation zPAK Option that includes the program members, documentation and control files.

A good place to start is The SimoTime Home Page for access to white papers, program examples and product information. This link requires an Internet Connection

Explore The Micro Focus Web Site for more information about products (including Micro Focus COBOL) and services available from Micro Focus. This link requires an Internet Connection.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Glossary of Terms

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the Glossary of Terms for a list of terms and definitions used in this suite of documents and white papers.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Contact or Feedback

This document was created and is maintained by SimoTime Technologies. If you have any questions, suggestions, comments or feedback please use the following contact information.

1. Send an e-mail to our helpdesk.
2. Our telephone numbers are as follows.
2.1. 1 415 763-9430 office-helpdesk
2.2. 1 415 827-7045 mobile


We appreciate hearing from you.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Company Overview

SimoTime Technologies was founded in 1987 and is a privately owned company. We specialize in the creation and deployment of business applications using new or existing technologies and services. We have a team of individuals that understand the broad range of technologies being used in today's environments. Our customers include small businesses using Internet technologies to corporations using very large mainframe systems.

Quite often, to reach larger markets or provide a higher level of service to existing customers it requires the newer Internet technologies to work in a complementary manner with existing corporate mainframe systems. We specialize in preparing applications and the associated data that are currently residing on a single platform to be distributed across a variety of platforms.

Preparing the application programs will require the transfer of source members that will be compiled and deployed on the target platform. The data will need to be transferred between the systems and may need to be converted and validated at various stages within the process. SimoTime has the technology, services and experience to assist in the application and data management tasks involved with doing business in a multi-system environment.

Whether you want to use the Internet to expand into new market segments or as a delivery vehicle for existing business functions simply give us a call or check the web site at

Binary & Linear Table Search - Define, Load, Search and Sort
Copyright © 1987-2024
SimoTime Technologies and Services
All Rights Reserved
When technology complements business