@echo OFF set JOB_NAME=PSDIMPW2 rem * ******************************************************************* rem * This Job Script is provided by SimoTime Technologies * rem * (C) Copyright 1987-2020 All Rights Reserved * rem * Web Site URL: http://www.simotime.com * rem * e-mail: helpdesk@simotime.com * rem * ******************************************************************* rem * rem * Text - Read LSEQ_CSV, Make RSEQ containing Zoned-Decimal-Unsign. rem * Author - SimoTime Technologies rem * Date - January 24, 1996 rem * rem * The job will execute a program that will read an ASCII encoded, rem * Line Sequential{LSEQ) file that contains a Comma-Separated-Values rem * (CSV) Record structure. rem * Next, the program will write to a new ASCII encoded, rem * Record Sequential file that contains various numeric values stored rem * in a Packed-decimal. rem * rem * ************ rem * * PSDIMPW2 * rem * ********cmd* rem * * rem * * rem * ************ rem * * ENV1BASE * rem * ********cmd* rem * * rem * * rem * ************ rem * * SIMONOTE * rem * ********cmd* rem * * rem * * rem * ************ rem * * RUN *---------------------------* rem * ********rts* * rem * * ************ ************ ************ rem * * * SYSUT1 *--*--* PSDIMPC5 *--*--* SYSUT2 * rem * * * Note-1 * * ********cbl* * * Note-2 * rem * * *******lseq* * * *******rseq* rem * * * * rem * * ************ * * ************ rem * * * CSVHDR *--* *--* SYSOUT * rem * * * Note-3 * * Note-4 * rem * * *******lseq* *******lseq* rem * ************ rem * * EOJ * rem * ************ rem * rem * Note-1: SYSUT1 is an ASCII-encoded,Line Sequential (LSEQ) file. rem * Also, referred to as an ASCII/Text File. rem * The record format is Comma-Separated-values (CSV). rem * rem * Note-2: SYSUT2 is an ASCII-encoded, record sequential (RSEQ) rem * file. The record content imcludes numeric values that rem * are stored in a Packed-Decimal format. rem * rem * Note-3: This file contains a list of field names that are rem * extracted and re-formatted. The field names are obtained rem * from a COBOL Copy File. rem * This file is used to insert header information as the rem * first record of the SYSUT2 file. rem * Note: This is optional feature. rem * rem * Note-4: SYSOUT is an ASCII-encoded, line sequential (LSEQ) rem * file. rem * rem * ******************************************************************* rem * Step 1, Set Environment Variables rem * Delete any previously created ASCII-encoded file... rem * call ..\ENV1BASE rem * call SIMONOTE "*******************************************************************************%JOB_NAME% " call SIMONOTE "* Starting JobName %JOB_NAME%, User is %USERNAME% " call SIMONOTE "* Job_Step 01 of 03, Preparing the System and Job Environments" set JobStatus=0 set PGMFLAGS=NNNNNNNN/NNNNYNNN set SYSOUT=%BaseLib1%\LOGS\SYSOUT_%JOB_NAME%.txt set SYSUT1=%BaseLib1%\DATA\CSV1\NVPSDDD1.csv set SYSUT2=%BaseLib1%\DATA\ASC1\NVPSDDD2.DAT set CSVHDR=%BaseLib1%\DATA\GENS\NVPDSDWB1_IMPORT.txt if exist %SYSUT2% del %SYSUT2% rem * call SIMONOTE "* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * " call SIMONOTE "* Job_Step 02 of 03, Execute LSEQ_CSV to RSEQ_FFL Conversion" call SIMONOTE "* DataTake SYSUT1=%SYSUT1% " call SIMONOTE "* DataMake SYSUT2=%SYSUT2% " run PSDIMPC5 if not "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" set JobStatus=10 if not "%JobStatus%" == "0" goto EOJTAG if exist %SYSUT2% goto EOJTAG set JobStatus=20 rem * :EOJTAG call SIMONOTE "* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * " call SIMONOTE "* Job_Step 03 of 03, End of Job Processing" if not "%JobStatus%" == "0" goto EojNOK :EojAOK call SIMONOTE "* Produced %SYSUT2% " call SIMONOTE "* Finished JOB_NAME %JOB_NAME%, Job Status is %JobStatus% " goto :End :EojNOK call SIMONOTE "* ABENDING JOB_NAME %JOB_NAME%, Job Status is %JobStatus% " goto :End :End call SIMONOTE "* Conclude SysOut is %SYSOUT% " if not "%1" == "nopause" pause exit /B %JobStatus%