Compare SYSOUT Files Line Sequential or ASCII/Text Files |
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The 1st section (Primary Functions) of this document will focus on doing an actual compare of two line sequential (or ASCII/Text) files. The 2nd section (Secondary Functions) will focus on the preparation tasks required prior to doing file compare. The 3rd section (Ancillary Functions) will describe some of the supporting tasks (such as creating test files) that are required.
This example will use the Windows ECHO command to create three line sequential files. The files will be used to demonstrate the capabilities of the data file compare processes. The first two files contain the same record content and produce an equal compare result. The third file has a record with different content and the compare process will identify the difference.
This example includes Windows CMD Files and a COBOL program. In the world of programming there are many ways to solve a problem. This suite of programs is provided as one of the many possible solutions for comparing data files. The files used in this suite of sample programs use Line Sequential files with variable length record and a maximum record length of 4,096 bytes. The positions within the records to be compared are defined at execution time. When the files are compared and if a difference is found the COBOL compare program will call SIMOHEX4.CBL and SIMOLOGS.CBL. These programs and their associated copy files are part of the SIMOLIBR package. Refer to the Downloads and Links section of this document for additional information.
Many companies are looking for ways to compare data files using a mainframe system and a distributed system (i.e. Linux, UNIX and/or Windows or "LUW") running Micro Focus sub-systems. This utility program (UTCOMPRT) is intended to assist in these efforts. The UTCOMPRT program runs in the Windows environment and generates comparison programs (COBOL Source Code) that may be compiled and executed on a distributed LUW platform with Micro Focus.
We have made a significant effort to ensure the documents and software technologies are correct and accurate. We reserve the right to make changes without notice at any time. The function delivered in this version is based upon the enhancement requests from a specific group of users. The intent is to provide changes as the need arises and in a timeframe that is dependent upon the availability of resources.
Copyright © 1987-2018
SimoTime Technologies and Services
All Rights Reserved
This section will focus on the items (process and procedures) that do the actual data file comparison. A second group of items will be used to generate the comparison program and prepare the environment for the compare tasks. These secondary command files and programs will be described in the Secondary Functions section of this document.
This section will focus on two CMD Files that execute a simple file compare process. The first CMD File will compare to files that are identical.. The second CMD File will compare two files that have a difference embedded within the files. The Data File Compare programs will find the difference and produce a NOT-Equal result.
This CMD File (CPLS4KW1.cmd) will compare two sequential files that are identical. The job execution will result in a zero return code and display the record counts to the SYSOUT device.
@echo OFF rem * ******************************************************************* rem * CPLS4KW1.cmd - a Windows Command File * rem * This program is provided by SimoTime Technologies * rem * (C) Copyright 1987-2018 All Rights Reserved * rem * Web Site URL: * rem * e-mail: * rem * ******************************************************************* rem * rem * Text - Compare two line sequential files rem * Author - SimoTime Technologies rem * Date - January 24, 1996 rem * rem * This set of programs will run on a mainframe under MVS or on a rem * Personal Computer with Windows and Micro Focus Net Express. rem * rem * ************ rem * * CPLS4KW1 * rem * ********cmd* rem * * rem * * rem * ************ ************ ************ rem * * SYSUT1 *-----* CPLS4KC1 *-----* SYSLOG * rem * *******lseq* * ********cbl* ************ rem * * * rem * ************ * * rem * * SYSUT2 *--* * rem * *******lseq* * rem * * * rem * ************ * * rem * * SYSUT3 *--* * rem * *******lseq* * rem * * rem * ************ rem * * EOJ * rem * ************ rem * rem * ******************************************************************* rem * Step 1 Delete any previously created file... rem * set CmdName=CPLS4KW1 call ..\Env1BASE %CmdName% set JobStatus=0000 set SYSLOG=%BaseLib1%\LOGS\CPLS4K01_SYSLOG.DAT call SYSLOGW9 rem * call SimoNOTE "*******************************************************%CmdName%" call SimoNOTE "Starting CmdName %CmdName%" :PrepareQSAM call SimoNOTE "StepInfo Prepare the File Name Mapping" set SYSUT1=%BaseLib1%\DATA\APPL\SIMOTIME.TEST.CPLS4KD1.TXT set SYSUT2=%BaseLib1%\DATA\APPL\SIMOTIME.TEST.CPLS4KD2.TXT set SYSUT3=%BaseLib1%\PARMLIB\CPLS4KT1.CTL rem * echo 0000000010>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000030>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000050>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000070>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000090>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000100>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000110>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000130>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000150>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000170>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000190>>%SYSUT1% rem * echo 0000000020>%SYSUT2% echo 0000000040>>%SYSUT2% echo 0000000050>>%SYSUT2% rem * call SIMONOTE "SYSLOG is %SYSLOG% " rem * rem * ******************************************************************* rem * Step 2 Compare the two files... rem * :ExecuteCompareRoutine call SimoNOTE "StepInfo Execute the Compare Program" run CPLS4KC1 set ERRORLEVELTWO=%ERRORLEVEL% if not "%ERRORLEVELTWO%" == "0" set JobStatus=0010 if "%ERRORLEVELTWO%" == "4" set JobStatus=0004 if not %JobStatus% == 0000 goto :EojNok call SimoNOTE "Compare-One is %SYSUT1%" call SimoNOTE "Compare-Two is %SYSUT2%" rem * rem * rem * ******************************************************************* :EojAok call SimoNOTE "Finished JobName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus%" goto :End :EojNok call SimoNOTE "ABENDING JobName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus%" :End rem * Convert VREC to LSEQ and display using NotePad... if "SIMOGENS" == "BATCH" goto End2 if %JobStatus% == 0004 call VRECCVW1 if "%ERRORLEVELTWO%" == "4" set JobStatus=0004 pause :End2 exit /b
This CMD File (CPLS4KW2.cmd) will compare two sequential files that have a difference embedded within the files. The Data File Compare programs will find the difference and produce a NOT-Equal or non-Zero result. The record counts and the difference will be displayed to the SYSOUT device.
@echo OFF rem * ******************************************************************* rem * CPLS4KW2.cmd - a Windows Command File * rem * This program is provided by SimoTime Technologies * rem * (C) Copyright 1987-2018 All Rights Reserved * rem * Web Site URL: * rem * e-mail: * rem * ******************************************************************* rem * rem * Text - Compare two line sequential files rem * Author - SimoTime Technologies rem * Date - January 24, 1996 rem * rem * This set of programs will run on a mainframe under MVS or on a rem * Personal Computer with Windows and Micro Focus Net Express. rem * rem * ************ rem * * CPLS4KW2 * rem * ********cmd* rem * * rem * * rem * ************ ************ ************ rem * * SYSUT1 *-----* CPLS4KC1 *-----* SYSLOG * rem * *******lseq* * ********cbl* ************ rem * * * rem * ************ * * rem * * SYSUT2 *--* * rem * *******lseq* * rem * * * rem * ************ * * rem * * SYSUT3 *--* * rem * *******lseq* * rem * * rem * ************ rem * * EOJ * rem * ************ rem * rem * ******************************************************************* rem * Step 1 Delete any previously created file... rem * set CmdName=CPLS4KW2 call ..\Env1BASE %CmdName% set JobStatus=0000 set SYSLOG=%BaseLib1%\LOGS\CPLS4K01_SYSLOG.DAT call SYSLOGW9 rem * call SimoNOTE "*******************************************************%CmdName%" call SimoNOTE "Starting CmdName %CmdName%" :PrepareQSAM call SimoNOTE "StepInfo Prepare the File Name Mapping" set SYSUT1=%BaseLib1%\DATA\APPL\SIMOTIME.TEST.CPLS4KD1.TXT set SYSUT2=%BaseLib1%\DATA\APPL\SIMOTIME.TEST.CPLS4KD2.TXT set SYSUT3=%BaseLib1%\PARMLIB\CPLS4KT1.CTL rem * echo 0000000010>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000030>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000050>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000070>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000090>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000100>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000110>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000130>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000150>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000170>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000190>>%SYSUT1% rem * echo 0000000020>%SYSUT2% echo 0000000040>>%SYSUT2% echo 0000000050>>%SYSUT2% rem * call SIMONOTE "SYSLOG is %SYSLOG% " rem * rem * ******************************************************************* rem * Step 2 Compare the two files... rem * :ExecuteCompareRoutine call SimoNOTE "StepInfo Execute the Compare Program" run CPLS4KC1 set ERRORLEVELTWO=%ERRORLEVEL% if not "%ERRORLEVELTWO%" == "0" set JobStatus=0010 if "%ERRORLEVELTWO%" == "4" set JobStatus=0004 if not %JobStatus% == 0000 goto :EojNok call SimoNOTE "Compare-One is %SYSUT1%" call SimoNOTE "Compare-Two is %SYSUT2%" rem * rem * rem * ******************************************************************* :EojAok call SimoNOTE "Finished JobName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus%" goto :End :EojNok call SimoNOTE "ABENDING JobName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus%" :End rem * Convert VREC to LSEQ and display using NotePad... if "SIMOGENS" == "BATCH" goto End2 if %JobStatus% == 0004 call SYSLOGW1 if "%ERRORLEVELTWO%" == "4" set JobStatus=0004 pause :End2 exit /b
This File Compare program (CPLS4KC1.cbl) was generated by the SimoTime Utility for Data File Compare. For addition information refer to the Generating a Data File Comparison Program section of this document for additional information.
IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. CPLS4KC1. AUTHOR. SIMOTIME TECHNOLOGIES. ***************************************************************** * This program was generated by SimoZAPS * * A product of SimoTime Technologies * * Our e-mail address is: * * Also, visit our Web Site at * * * * Generation Date: 2015-01-17 Generation Time: 20:02:57:27 * * * * Record Record Key * * Function Name Organization Format Max-Min Pos-Len * * PRIMARY SYSUT1 ASCII/CRLF FIXED 04096 * * * * SECONDARY SYSUT2 ASCII/CRLF FIXED 04096 * * * * * ***************************************************************** ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT SYSUT1-FILE ASSIGN TO SYSUT1 ORGANIZATION IS LINE SEQUENTIAL ACCESS MODE IS SEQUENTIAL FILE STATUS IS SYSUT1-STATUS. SELECT SYSUT2-FILE ASSIGN TO SYSUT2 ORGANIZATION IS LINE SEQUENTIAL ACCESS MODE IS SEQUENTIAL FILE STATUS IS SYSUT2-STATUS. SELECT SYSUT3-FILE ASSIGN TO SYSUT3 ORGANIZATION IS LINE SEQUENTIAL ACCESS MODE IS SEQUENTIAL FILE STATUS IS SYSUT3-STATUS. ***************************************************************** DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. FD SYSUT1-FILE DATA RECORD IS SYSUT1-REC . 01 SYSUT1-REC. 05 SYSUT1-DATA-01 PIC X(04096). FD SYSUT2-FILE DATA RECORD IS SYSUT2-REC . 01 SYSUT2-REC. 05 SYSUT2-DATA-01 PIC X(04096). FD SYSUT3-FILE DATA RECORD IS SYSUT3-REC . 01 SYSUT3-REC. 05 SYSUT3-DATA-01 PIC X(80). ***************************************************************** * This program was created using the SYSCOMP2.TXT file as the * * template for the data file comparison. The positions to be * * compared are determined by reading a control file at * * execution time. * * * * For more information or questions please contact SimoTime * * Technologies. The version control number is 13.09.12 * * * * Our e-mail address is: * * Also, visit our Web Site at * * * ***************************************************************** WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 SIM-TITLE. 05 T1 pic X(11) value '* CPLS4KC1 '. 05 T2 pic X(34) value 'Compare LSEQ, SYSUT3 and KEYFIELD '. 05 T3 pic X(10) value ' v15.10.31'. 05 T4 pic X(24) value ''. 01 SIM-COPYRIGHT. 05 C1 pic X(11) value '* CPLS4KC1 '. 05 C2 pic X(32) value 'This Data File Compare Member wa'. 05 C3 pic X(32) value 's generated by SimoTime Technolo'. 05 C4 pic X(04) value 'gies'. 01 SIM-THANKS-01. 05 C1 pic X(11) value '* CPLS4KC1 '. 05 C2 pic X(32) value 'A Data File Compare Program gene'. 05 C3 pic X(32) value 'rated by using SimoTime Technolo'. 05 C4 pic X(04) value 'gies'. 01 SIM-THANKS-02. 05 C1 pic X(11) value '* CPLS4KC1 '. 05 C2 pic X(32) value 'Please send all inquires or sugg'. 05 C3 pic X(32) value 'estions to the helpdesk@simotime'. 05 C4 pic X(04) value '.com'. 01 SYSUT1-STATUS. 05 SYSUT1-STATUS-L pic X. 05 SYSUT1-STATUS-R pic X. 01 SYSUT1-EOF pic X value 'N'. 01 SYSUT1-OPEN-FLAG pic X value 'C'. 01 SYSUT2-STATUS. 05 SYSUT2-STATUS-L pic X. 05 SYSUT2-STATUS-R pic X. 01 SYSUT2-EOF pic X value 'N'. 01 SYSUT2-OPEN-FLAG pic X value 'C'. 01 SYSUT3-STATUS. 05 SYSUT3-STATUS-L pic X. 05 SYSUT3-STATUS-R pic X. 01 SYSUT3-EOF pic X value 'N'. 01 SYSUT3-OPEN-FLAG pic X value 'C'. ***************************************************************** * The following buffers are used to create a four-byte status * * code that may be displayed. * ***************************************************************** 01 IO-STATUS. 05 IO-STAT1 pic X. 05 IO-STAT2 pic X. 01 IO-STATUS-04. 05 IO-STATUS-0401 pic 9 value 0. 05 IO-STATUS-0403 pic 999 value 0. 01 TWO-BYTES-BINARY pic 9(4) BINARY. 01 TWO-BYTES-ALPHA redefines TWO-BYTES-BINARY. 05 TWO-BYTES-LEFT pic X. 05 TWO-BYTES-RIGHT pic X. ***************************************************************** * Message Buffer used by the Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT routine. * ***************************************************************** 01 MESSAGE-BUFFER. 05 MESSAGE-HEADER pic X(11) value '* CPLS4KC1 '. 05 MESSAGE-TEXT. 10 MESSAGE-TEXT-1 pic X(68) value SPACES. 10 MESSAGE-TEXT-2 pic X(188) value SPACES. ***************************************************************** 01 APPL-RESULT pic S9(9) comp. 88 APPL-AOK value 0. 88 APPL-EOF value 16. 01 KEY-ACTIVE pic X value 'Y'. 01 KEY-CONTROL-1. 05 K-PS-1 pic 9(5) value 00001. 05 K-LN-1 pic 9(5) value 00010. 01 KEY-CONTROL-2. 05 K-PS-2 pic 9(5) value 00001. 05 K-LN-2 pic 9(5) value 00010. 01 KEYRECID-ACTIVE pic X value 'N'. 01 KEYRECID-CONTROL-1. 05 E-PS-1 pic 9(5) value 00000. 05 E-LN-1 pic 9(5) value 00000. 01 KEYRECID-CONTROL-2. 05 E-PS-2 pic 9(5) value 00000. 05 E-LN-2 pic 9(5) value 00000. 01 READ-FLAGS. 05 READ-1 pic X value 'Y'. 05 READ-2 pic X value 'Y'. 01 DUMP-FLAGS. 05 DUMP-ASC pic X value 'Y'. 05 DUMP-EBC pic X value 'Y'. 05 DUMP-HEX pic X value 'Y'. 05 DUMP-DET-GRP. 10 DUMP-DET pic X value 'Y'. 10 DUMP-DET-2 pic XX value 'EQ'. 05 DUMP-SUM pic X value 'Y'. 01 FUNCTION-FLAGS. 05 FF-01 pic X value '0'. 05 FF-02 pic X value '0'. 01 COMPACT-STATUS pic XX value 'EQ'. 01 COMPACT-PENDED pic XX value 'EQ'. 01 COMPARE-STATUS pic XX value 'EQ'. 01 FLAG-EQ pic XX value 'EQ'. 01 FLAG-NE pic XX value 'NE'. 01 FLAG-QT pic XX value 'QT'. 01 DELTA-LINE-1 pic X(1024) value all '-'. 01 DELTA-LINE-2 pic X(1024) value all '-'. 01 PTR-1 pic 9(5) value 0. 01 PTR-2 pic 9(5) value 0. 01 IDX-1 pic 9(5) value 0. 01 IDX-2 pic 9(5) value 0. 01 DELTA-MAXIMUM-X pic X(9) value '000500000'. 01 DELTA-MAXIMUM redefines DELTA-MAXIMUM-X pic 9(9). 01 DELTA-PROCESS pic X(4) value 'EOF '. 01 IFNECODE-GROUP. 05 IFNECODE-VALUE pic 9(4) value 0004. 01 YES-YES pic XX value 'YY'. 01 N-BYTE pic X value 'N'. 01 Y-BYTE pic X value 'Y'. 01 GROUP-DELIMITER pic X value 'Y'. 01 SYSUT1-LRECL pic 9(5) value 04096. 01 SYSUT2-LRECL pic 9(5) value 04096. 01 D-LEN pic 9(5) value 128. 01 D-POS pic 9(5) value 1. 01 CONTINUE-FLAG pic X value 'Y'. 01 ASC-OR-EBC pic 9(3) comp value 0. 01 ASC-OR-EBC-R redefines ASC-OR-EBC. 05 ASC-A pic X. 05 EBC-A pic X. * Header row for positional indicator... 01 DUMP-H10. 05 FILLER pic X(5) value '....:'. 05 POS-NO pic 9(5) value 10. 05 FILLER pic X(10) value '....:.....'. 01 DUMP-W10. 05 FILLER pic X(5) value '....:'. 05 W10-POS-NO pic X(5) value '00000'. 05 FILLER pic X(10) value '....:.....'. 01 DUMP-HEADER pic X(1024) value all '.'. 01 D-P1 pic 9(5) value 0. 01 WK-1 pic 9(5) value 0. 01 WK-2 pic 9(5) value 0. 01 RECORD-HEADER. 05 RECORD-ID pic X(8) value 'SYSUT1'. 05 filler pic X(2) value '..'. 05 REC-NUMBER pic 9(9) value 0. 05 filler pic X value '('. 05 RECORD-POS pic 9(5) value 0. 05 filler pic X value ':'. 05 RECORD-LEN pic 9(5) value 0. 05 filler pic X value ')'. 05 REC-CTYPE pic X(10) value 'SYSUT3 '. 05 filler pic X(2) value SPACES. 05 REC-CMODE pic X(10) value 'SYSUT3 '. 01 SYSLOG-OUTPUT pic X(4) value 'LOG1'. 01 SYSUT3-KEYWORD pic X(10) value SPACES. 01 INFO-STATEMENT. 05 INFO-SHORT. 10 INFO-ID pic X(8) value 'Starting'. 10 filler pic X(4) value ' - '. 10 INFO-34 pic X(34) value 'Compare LSEQ, SYSUT3 and KEYFIELD '. 05 filler pic X(33) value ''. 01 UT1-MISSING. 05 filler pic X(5) value 'This '. 05 filler pic X(31) value 'record is MISSING from SYSUT1'. 05 filler pic X(7) value ' - the '. 05 filler pic X(29) value 'record is PRESENT in SYSUT2'. 01 UT2-MISSING. 05 filler pic X(5) value 'This '. 05 filler pic X(29) value 'record is PRESENT in SYSUT1'. 05 filler pic X(7) value ' - the '. 05 filler pic X(31) value 'record is MISSING from SYSUT2'. 01 SYSUT1-TOTAL. 05 SYSUT1-RDR pic 9(9) value 0. 05 filler pic X(3) value ' - '. 05 filler pic X(25) value 'Record count for SYSUT1'. 01 SYSUT2-TOTAL. 05 SYSUT2-RDR pic 9(9) value 0. 05 filler pic X(3) value ' - '. 05 filler pic X(25) value 'Record count for SYSUT2'. 01 SYSUT3-TOTAL. 05 SYSUT3-RDR pic 9(9) value 0. 05 filler pic X(3) value ' - '. 05 filler pic X(25) value 'Record count for SYSUT3 '. 01 COMPARE-NE-TOTAL. 05 COMPARE-NE pic 9(9) value 0. 05 filler pic X(3) value ' - '. 05 COMPARE-TAG. 10 filler pic X(25) value 'NOT Equal count for compa'. 10 filler pic X(25) value 're of existing records '. 01 COMPACT-NE-TOTAL. 05 COMPACT-NE pic 9(9) value 0. 05 filler pic X(3) value ' - '. 05 COMPACT-TAG. 10 filler pic X(25) value 'NOT Equal count for compa'. 10 filler pic X(25) value 'ct of existing records '. 01 COMPARE-EQ-TOTAL. 05 COMPARE-EQ pic 9(9) value 0. 05 filler pic X(3) value ' - '. 05 filler pic X(25) value 'Number of matching record'. 05 filler pic X(25) value ' pairs for Compare Task '. 01 COMPACT-EQ-TOTAL. 05 COMPACT-EQ pic 9(9) value 0. 05 filler pic X(3) value ' - '. 05 filler pic X(25) value 'Number of matching record'. 05 filler pic X(25) value ' pairs for Compact Task '. 01 FORMAT-TYPE pic X value 'B'. 01 WORK-05-X. 05 WORK-05-N pic 9(5). 01 COMPARE-TABLE. 05 POS-1 pic 9(5) value 0 occurs 32 times. 05 LEN-1 pic 9(5) value 0 occurs 32 times. 05 POS-2 pic 9(5) value 0 occurs 32 times. 05 LEN-2 pic 9(5) value 0 occurs 32 times. 01 CX-LIMIT pic 9(3) value 32. 01 CX-1 pic 9(3) value 0. 01 CX-ACTIVE pic 9(3) value 0. 01 SYSUT3-STMTS pic 9(3) value 0. 01 PARSE-TABLE. 05 PT-OSET pic 9(3) value 0 occurs 15 times. 05 PT-SIZE pic 9(3) value 0 occurs 15 times. 01 PT-LIMIT pic 9(3) value 15. 01 PX-1 pic 9(3) value 0. 01 PX-2 pic 9(3) value 0. 01 PX-MAX-ITEMS pic 9(3) value 15. 01 PX-ACTIVE pic 9(3) value 0. 01 PX-BUFFER-SIZE pic 9(3) value 80. 01 PX-LAST-SIG-BYTE pic 9(5) value 0. 01 B-COUNT pic 9(3) value 0. 01 DISPLAY-MODE pic X(10) value 'CONSOLE '. 01 SYSLOG-MODE pic X(10) value 'DISABLE '. 01 SYSLOG-OUTPUT-FLAG pic X value 'N'. 01 FIVE-BYTES pic X(5) value SPACES. 01 LOOP-FLAG pic X value 'A'. 01 COMPARE-MSG-DATA. 05 FILLER pic X(30) value 'Error, /COMPARE '. 05 FILLER pic X(30) value 'Error, /COMPARE SYSUT1 '. 05 FILLER pic X(30) value 'Error, /COMPARE SYSUT1 POS '. 05 FILLER pic X(30) value 'Error, /COMPARE SYSUT1 POS nnn'. 05 FILLER pic X(30) value 'Error, /COMPARE SYSUT1 LEN '. 05 FILLER pic X(30) value 'Error, /COMPARE SYSUT1 LEN nnn'. 05 FILLER pic X(30) value 'Error, /COMPARE SYSUT2 '. 05 FILLER pic X(30) value 'Error, /COMPARE SYSUT2 POS '. 05 FILLER pic X(30) value 'Error, /COMPARE SYSUT2 POS nnn'. 05 FILLER pic X(30) value 'Error, /COMPARE SYSUT2 LEN '. 05 FILLER pic X(30) value 'Error, /COMPARE SYSUT2 LEN nnn'. 01 COMPARE-MSG-DATA-R redefines COMPARE-MSG-DATA. 05 COMPARE-MSG pic X(30) occurs 11 times. 01 U-CASE pic X(26) value 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'. 01 L-CASE pic X(26) value 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'. COPY PASSHEX4. COPY PASSLOGS. COPY PAENVARS. ***************************************************************** PROCEDURE DIVISION. perform JOB-STARTING perform until COMPARE-STATUS = 'QT' or SYSUT1-STATUS not = '00' or SYSUT2-STATUS not = '00' if READ-1 = 'Y' perform SYSUT1-READ end-if if READ-2 = 'Y' perform SYSUT2-READ end-if if SYSUT1-STATUS = '00' and SYSUT2-STATUS = '00' move 'EQ' to COMPARE-STATUS if KEY-ACTIVE = 'Y' and COMPARE-STATUS = FLAG-EQ perform COMPARE-KEYS end-if if COMPARE-STATUS = FLAG-EQ perform COMPARE-RECORDS end-if if COMPARE-STATUS = FLAG-NE add 1 to COMPARE-NE end-if else move 'NE' to COMPARE-STATUS end-if if COMPARE-STATUS = 'EQ' add 1 to COMPARE-EQ end-if if DELTA-PROCESS = 'QUIT' and COMPARE-NE > DELTA-MAXIMUM perform JOB-FINISHED move 'ABENDING, Not Equal count exceeds Limit...' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if if DELTA-PROCESS = 'EOF ' and COMPARE-NE > DELTA-MAXIMUM move 'ABENDING, Not Equal count exceeds Limit...' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-TO-CONSOLE move 'QT' to COMPARE-STATUS end-if end-perform perform JOB-FINISHED GOBACK. ***************************************************************** COMPARE-RECORDS. * Compare using SYSUT3 parameters... move 'SYSUT3 ' to REC-CTYPE move 'SYSUT3 ' to REC-CMODE add 1 to ZERO giving CX-1 perform until CX-1 > CX-LIMIT or CX-1 > CX-ACTIVE if SYSUT1-REC(POS-1(CX-1):LEN-1(CX-1)) not = SYSUT2-REC(POS-2(CX-1):LEN-2(CX-1)) move FLAG-NE to COMPARE-STATUS end-if if DUMP-DET = 'Y' and COMPARE-STATUS = 'NE' add POS-1(CX-1) to ZERO giving D-POS add POS-1(CX-1) to ZERO giving RECORD-POS add LEN-1(CX-1) to ZERO giving D-LEN add LEN-1(CX-1) to ZERO giving PASSHEX4-LENGTH add LEN-1(CX-1) to ZERO giving RECORD-LEN if DUMP-DET-GRP = 'YNE' if GROUP-DELIMITER = 'Y' move SPACES to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE move all '*' to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE(1:79) move COMPARE-STATUS to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE(78:2) call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA end-if add POS-2(CX-1) to ZERO giving D-POS add POS-2(CX-1) to ZERO giving RECORD-POS add LEN-2(CX-1) to ZERO giving D-LEN add LEN-2(CX-1) to ZERO giving PASSHEX4-LENGTH add LEN-2(CX-1) to ZERO giving RECORD-LEN perform DUMP-PRIMARY-RECORD perform DUMP-SECONDARY-RECORD perform DUMP-POSITION-DIFFERENCE end-if end-if if READ-FLAGS not = 'YY' add CX-LIMIT to 1 giving CX-1 else add 1 to CX-1 end-if end-perform exit. ***************************************************************** COMPARE-KEYS. move YES-YES to READ-FLAGS if SYSUT1-REC(K-PS-1:K-LN-1) < SYSUT2-REC(K-PS-2:K-LN-2) move N-BYTE to READ-2 move FLAG-NE to COMPARE-STATUS if COMPARE-NE < DELTA-MAXIMUM and DUMP-DET-GRP = 'YNE' perform DUMP-SECONDARY-MISSING end-if end-if if SYSUT1-REC(K-PS-1:K-LN-1) > SYSUT2-REC(K-PS-2:K-LN-2) move N-BYTE to READ-1 move FLAG-NE to COMPARE-STATUS if COMPARE-NE < DELTA-MAXIMUM and DUMP-DET-GRP = 'YNE' perform DUMP-PRIMARY-MISSING end-if end-if exit. ***************************************************************** DUMP-TO-LOG. * HexDump... * Dump DD Name, Record-Number, (position,length) move RECORD-HEADER to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA * DUMP position indicator perform DUMP-POSITION-INDICATOR if DUMP-ASC = 'Y' move PASSHEX4-ASCII(1:D-LEN) to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA end-if if DUMP-HEX = 'Y' move PASSHEX4-UPPER(1:D-LEN) to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA move PASSHEX4-LOWER(1:D-LEN) to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA end-if if DUMP-EBC = 'Y' move PASSHEX4-EBCDIC(1:D-LEN) to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA end-if exit. ***************************************************************** * Build the position header row... ***************************************************************** DUMP-POSITION-INDICATOR. add 10 to ZERO giving POS-NO subtract 1 from D-POS giving WK-1 divide 10 into WK-1 giving WK-1 remainder WK-2 add 1 to WK-2 perform varying D-P1 from 1 by 10 until D-P1 > 1020 move DUMP-H10 to DUMP-W10 inspect W10-POS-NO replacing leading ZEROES by '.' move DUMP-W10(WK-2:10) to DUMP-HEADER(D-P1:10) add 10 to POS-NO end-perform move DUMP-HEADER(1:D-LEN) to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA exit. ***************************************************************** DUMP-PRIMARY-MISSING. if GROUP-DELIMITER = 'Y' move SPACES to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE move all '*' to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE(1:79) call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA end-if move UT1-MISSING to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA move SPACES to PASSHEX4-SOURCE add SYSUT2-RDR to ZERO giving REC-NUMBER add K-PS-1 to ZERO giving RECORD-POS add K-LN-1 to ZERO giving RECORD-LEN add K-PS-1 to ZERO giving D-POS add K-LN-1 to ZERO giving D-LEN move 'KEYFIELD..' to RECORD-ID move SYSUT2-REC(K-PS-2:K-LN-2) to PASSHEX4-SOURCE call 'SIMOHEX4' using PASSHEX4-PASS-AREA perform DUMP-TO-LOG perform DUMP-POSITION-DIFFERENCE if E-PS-1 > ZERO and E-LN-1 > ZERO and E-PS-2 > ZERO and E-LN-2 > ZERO move SPACES to PASSHEX4-SOURCE add E-PS-1 to ZERO giving RECORD-POS add E-LN-1 to ZERO giving RECORD-LEN add E-PS-1 to ZERO giving D-POS add E-LN-1 to ZERO giving D-LEN move 'KEYRECID..' to RECORD-ID move SYSUT2-REC(E-PS-2:E-LN-2) to PASSHEX4-SOURCE call 'SIMOHEX4' using PASSHEX4-PASS-AREA perform DUMP-TO-LOG end-if exit. ***************************************************************** DUMP-PRIMARY-RECORD. move SPACES to PASSHEX4-SOURCE if READ-1 = 'Y' and SYSUT1-EOF = 'N' move 'SYSUT1..' to RECORD-ID add SYSUT1-RDR to ZERO giving REC-NUMBER move SYSUT1-REC(D-POS:D-LEN) to PASSHEX4-SOURCE call 'SIMOHEX4' using PASSHEX4-PASS-AREA perform DUMP-TO-LOG else move 'SYSUT1..Record is missing from SYSUT1 file' to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA end-if exit. ***************************************************************** DUMP-SECONDARY-MISSING. if GROUP-DELIMITER = 'Y' move SPACES to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE move all '*' to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE(1:79) call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA end-if move UT2-MISSING to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA move SPACES to PASSHEX4-SOURCE add SYSUT1-RDR to ZERO giving REC-NUMBER add K-PS-2 to ZERO giving RECORD-POS add K-LN-2 to ZERO giving RECORD-LEN add K-PS-2 to ZERO giving D-POS add K-LN-2 to ZERO giving D-LEN move 'KEYFIELD..' to RECORD-ID move SYSUT1-REC(K-PS-1:K-LN-1) to PASSHEX4-SOURCE call 'SIMOHEX4' using PASSHEX4-PASS-AREA perform DUMP-TO-LOG perform DUMP-POSITION-DIFFERENCE if E-PS-1 > ZERO and E-LN-1 > ZERO and E-PS-2 > ZERO and E-LN-2 > ZERO move SPACES to PASSHEX4-SOURCE add E-PS-2 to ZERO giving RECORD-POS add E-LN-2 to ZERO giving RECORD-LEN add E-PS-2 to ZERO giving D-POS add E-LN-2 to ZERO giving D-LEN move 'KEYRECID..' to RECORD-ID move SYSUT1-REC(E-PS-1:E-LN-1) to PASSHEX4-SOURCE call 'SIMOHEX4' using PASSHEX4-PASS-AREA perform DUMP-TO-LOG end-if exit. ***************************************************************** DUMP-SECONDARY-RECORD. move SPACES to PASSHEX4-SOURCE move 'SYSUT2..' to RECORD-ID add SYSUT2-RDR to ZERO giving REC-NUMBER move SYSUT2-REC(D-POS:D-LEN) to PASSHEX4-SOURCE call 'SIMOHEX4' using PASSHEX4-PASS-AREA perform DUMP-TO-LOG exit. ***************************************************************** DUMP-POSITION-DIFFERENCE. if READ-FLAGS = 'YY' move all '-' to DELTA-LINE-2 add POS-1(CX-1) to ZERO giving PTR-1 add POS-2(CX-1) to ZERO giving PTR-2 add 1 to ZERO giving IDX-2 perform until IDX-2 > 1024 or IDX-2 > D-LEN if SYSUT1-REC(PTR-1:1) = SYSUT2-REC(PTR-2:1) move '=' to DELTA-LINE-2(IDX-2:1) else move '#' to DELTA-LINE-2(IDX-2:1) end-if add 1 to PTR-1 add 1 to PTR-2 add 1 to IDX-2 end-perform else move all '#' to DELTA-LINE-2 end-if move DELTA-LINE-2(1:D-LEN) to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA move '*' to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA exit. ***************************************************************** JOB-FINISHED. if SYSUT1-STATUS = '00' and DELTA-PROCESS = 'EOF ' perform until SYSUT1-STATUS not = '00' perform SYSUT1-READ add 1 to COMPARE-NE end-perform end-if if SYSUT2-STATUS = '00' and DELTA-PROCESS = 'EOF ' perform until SYSUT2-STATUS not = '00' perform SYSUT2-READ add 1 to COMPARE-NE end-perform end-if perform SYSUT2-CLOSE perform SYSUT1-CLOSE if GROUP-DELIMITER = 'Y' move SPACES to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE move all '*' to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE(1:79) call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA end-if move 'Conclude' to INFO-ID move INFO-SHORT to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA move 'Finished' to INFO-ID move SYSUT1-TOTAL to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA move SYSUT2-TOTAL to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA if SYSUT1-RDR not = SYSUT2-RDR move 'WARNING! - Record counts are not equal' to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA move 'ABENDING' to INFO-ID end-if if COMPARE-NE = 0 inspect COMPARE-TAG replacing first ' of existing records ' by ' is ZERO ' else move 'ABENDING' to INFO-ID end-if move COMPARE-NE-TOTAL to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA move COMPARE-EQ-TOTAL to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA if COMPACT-NE = 0 inspect COMPACT-TAG replacing first ' of existing records ' by ' is ZERO ' else move 'ABENDING' to INFO-ID end-if move COMPACT-NE-TOTAL to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA if SYSUT1-EOF not = 'Y' or SYSUT2-EOF not = 'Y' move 'ABENDING' to INFO-ID end-if move INFO-STATEMENT to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA move INFO-SHORT to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-THANK-YOU. if COMPARE-NE > 0 or SYSUT1-RDR not = SYSUT2-RDR add IFNECODE-VALUE to ZERO giving RETURN-CODE end-if exit. ***************************************************************** JOB-STARTING. perform Z-POST-COPYRIGHT perform Z-DETERMINE-ENVIRONMENT perform JOB-STARTING-GET-CONTROL perform SYSUT1-OPEN perform SYSUT2-OPEN move 'Y' to READ-1 move 'Y' to READ-2 if DELTA-MAXIMUM not numeric add 100 to ZERO giving DELTA-MAXIMUM end-if if K-PS-1 > 0 and K-PS-2 > 0 and K-LN-1 > 0 and K-LN-2 > 0 move 'Y' to KEY-ACTIVE move 'Key control is ENABLED...' to MESSAGE-TEXT else move 'N' to KEY-ACTIVE move 'Key control is NOT enabled...' to MESSAGE-TEXT end-if perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move 'DUMP' to PASSHEX4-REQUEST add 128 to ZERO giving PASSHEX4-LENGTH move SYSLOG-OUTPUT to SIMOLOGS-REQUEST move SPACES to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE move all '*' to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE(1:80) call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA move SIM-TITLE to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA move SIM-COPYRIGHT to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA move all '*' to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE(1:80) call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA move INFO-STATEMENT to SIMOLOGS-MESSAGE call 'SIMOLOGS' using SIMOLOGS-PASS-AREA exit. ***************************************************************** JOB-STARTING-GET-CONTROL. perform SYSUT3-OPEN perform INITIALIZE-TABLE-CX perform until SYSUT3-STATUS not = '00' perform SYSUT3-READ if SYSUT3-STATUS = '00' move SYSUT3-REC to MESSAGE-TEXT-1 perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT if SYSUT3-REC(1:1) = '/' perform INITIALIZE-TABLE-PX inspect SYSUT3-REC converting L-CASE to U-CASE perform PARSE-BUFFER perform PROCESS-CONTROL-RECORD else if SYSUT3-REC(1:1) not = '*' move 'Preceding Control statement is invalid' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if end-if else if SYSUT3-EOF = 'Y' move 'SYSUT3 - End of File...' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move 'SYSUT3 - Active Compare Statements = &&&' to MESSAGE-TEXT inspect MESSAGE-TEXT replacing first '&&&' by CX-ACTIVE perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move 'SYSUT3 - Active Statement Count is = &&&' to MESSAGE-TEXT inspect MESSAGE-TEXT replacing first '&&&' by SYSUT3-STMTS perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT end-if end-if end-perform perform SYSUT3-CLOSE if SYSLOG-OUTPUT-FLAG = 'Y' if SYSLOG-MODE = 'ENABLE ' evaluate DISPLAY-MODE when 'CONSOLE ' move 'OPR2' to SYSLOG-OUTPUT when 'SYSOUT ' move 'OUT2' to SYSLOG-OUTPUT when other move 'LOG1' to SYSLOG-OUTPUT end-evaluate else evaluate DISPLAY-MODE when 'CONSOLE ' move 'OPR1' to SYSLOG-OUTPUT when 'SYSOUT ' move 'OUT1' to SYSLOG-OUTPUT end-evaluate end-if end-if exit. ***************************************************************** INITIALIZE-TABLE-CX. add 1 to ZERO giving CX-1 perform until CX-1 > CX-LIMIT move 0 to POS-1(CX-1) move 0 to LEN-1(CX-1) move 0 to POS-2(CX-1) move 0 to LEN-2(CX-1) add 1 to CX-1 end-perform move ZERO to RETURN-CODE subtract CX-1 from CX-1 exit. ***************************************************************** INITIALIZE-TABLE-PX. add 1 to ZERO giving PX-1 perform until PX-1 > PT-LIMIT move 0 to PT-OSET(PX-1) move 0 to PT-SIZE(PX-1) add 1 to PX-1 end-perform add 1 to ZERO giving PX-1 add 1 to ZERO giving PX-2 exit. ***************************************************************** PARSE-BUFFER. if SYSUT3-REC(PX-1:1) not = SPACE add PX-1 to ZERO giving PX-LAST-SIG-BYTE end-if perform until PX-1 > PX-BUFFER-SIZE if SYSUT3-REC(PX-1:1) = SPACE add 1 to B-COUNT if B-COUNT = 1 and PT-SIZE(PX-2) > 0 if PX-2 < PX-MAX-ITEMS add 1 to PX-2 add 1 to PX-MAX-ITEMS else move PX-BUFFER-SIZE to PX-2 end-if end-if else subtract B-COUNT from B-COUNT add 1 to PT-SIZE(PX-2) if PT-SIZE(PX-2) = 1 move PX-1 to PT-OSET(PX-2) end-if end-if add 1 to PX-1 end-perform exit. ***************************************************************** PROCESS-CONTROL-RECORD. add 1 to ZERO giving PX-1 if PT-OSET(PX-1) > ZERO and PT-SIZE(PX-1) < 11 move SPACES to SYSUT3-KEYWORD move SYSUT3-REC(PT-OSET(PX-1):PT-SIZE(PX-1)) to SYSUT3-KEYWORD evaluate SYSUT3-KEYWORD when '/COMPARE ' perform PROCESS-CONTROL-RECORD-COMPARE when '/DFORMAT ' perform PROCESS-CONTROL-RECORD-DFORMAT when '/DISPLAY ' add 1 to PX-1 move SYSUT3-REC(PT-OSET(PX-1):PT-SIZE(PX-1)) to DISPLAY-MODE move 'Y' to SYSLOG-OUTPUT-FLAG add 1 to SYSUT3-STMTS when '/SYSLOG ' add 1 to PX-1 move SYSUT3-REC(PT-OSET(PX-1):PT-SIZE(PX-1)) to SYSLOG-MODE move 'Y' to SYSLOG-OUTPUT-FLAG add 1 to SYSUT3-STMTS when '/SYSOUT ' add 1 to PX-1 if SYSUT3-REC(PT-OSET(PX-1):8) = 'SYSOUT ' or SYSUT3-REC(PT-OSET(PX-1):8) = 'CONSOLE ' or SYSUT3-REC(PT-OSET(PX-1):8) = 'NONE ' move SYSUT3-REC(PT-OSET(PX-1):PT-SIZE(PX-1)) to DISPLAY-MODE add 1 to SYSUT3-STMTS end-if when other move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-evaluate else move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. ***************************************************************** PROCESS-CONTROL-RECORD-COMPARE. add 1 to CX-1 add 1 to CX-ACTIVE add 2 to ZERO giving PX-1 if PT-OSET(PX-1) > ZERO and PT-SIZE(PX-1) = 6 if SYSUT3-REC(PT-OSET(PX-1):PT-SIZE(PX-1)) not = 'SYSUT1' move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if else move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if add 1 to PX-1 if PT-OSET(PX-1) > ZERO and PT-SIZE(PX-1) = 3 if SYSUT3-REC(PT-OSET(PX-1):PT-SIZE(PX-1)) not = 'POS' move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if else move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if add 1 to PX-1 if PT-OSET(PX-1) > ZERO and PT-SIZE(PX-1) < 6 move SPACES to WORK-05-X move SYSUT3-REC(PT-OSET(PX-1):PT-SIZE(PX-1)) to WORK-05-X perform RIGHT-ADJUST-05 if WORK-05-X is NUMERIC add WORK-05-N to ZERO giving POS-1(CX-1) else move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if else move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if add 1 to PX-1 if PT-OSET(PX-1) > ZERO and PT-SIZE(PX-1) = 3 if SYSUT3-REC(PT-OSET(PX-1):PT-SIZE(PX-1)) not = 'LEN' move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if else move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if add 1 to PX-1 if PT-OSET(PX-1) > ZERO and PT-SIZE(PX-1) < 6 move SPACES to WORK-05-X move SYSUT3-REC(PT-OSET(PX-1):PT-SIZE(PX-1)) to WORK-05-X perform RIGHT-ADJUST-05 if WORK-05-X is NUMERIC add WORK-05-N to ZERO giving LEN-1(CX-1) else move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if else move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if add 1 to PX-1 if PT-OSET(PX-1) > ZERO and PT-SIZE(PX-1) = 6 if SYSUT3-REC(PT-OSET(PX-1):PT-SIZE(PX-1)) not = 'SYSUT2' move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if else move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if add 1 to PX-1 if PT-OSET(PX-1) > ZERO and PT-SIZE(PX-1) = 3 if SYSUT3-REC(PT-OSET(PX-1):PT-SIZE(PX-1)) not = 'POS' move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if else move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if add 1 to PX-1 if PT-OSET(PX-1) > ZERO and PT-SIZE(PX-1) < 6 move SPACES to WORK-05-X move SYSUT3-REC(PT-OSET(PX-1):PT-SIZE(PX-1)) to WORK-05-X perform RIGHT-ADJUST-05 if WORK-05-X is NUMERIC add WORK-05-N to ZERO giving POS-2(CX-1) else move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if else move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if add 1 to PX-1 if PT-OSET(PX-1) > ZERO and PT-SIZE(PX-1) = 3 if SYSUT3-REC(PT-OSET(PX-1):PT-SIZE(PX-1)) not = 'LEN' move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if else move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if add 1 to PX-1 if PT-OSET(PX-1) > ZERO and PT-SIZE(PX-1) < 6 move SPACES to WORK-05-X move SYSUT3-REC(PT-OSET(PX-1):PT-SIZE(PX-1)) to WORK-05-X perform RIGHT-ADJUST-05 if WORK-05-X is NUMERIC add WORK-05-N to ZERO giving LEN-2(CX-1) else move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if else move COMPARE-MSG(PX-1) to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if add 1 to SYSUT3-STMTS exit. ***************************************************************** PROCESS-CONTROL-RECORD-DFORMAT. add 2 to ZERO giving PX-1 move 'A' to LOOP-FLAG perform until LOOP-FLAG = 'Q' if PX-1 < 5 and PT-OSET(PX-1) > ZERO and PT-SIZE(PX-1) < 6 move SPACES to FIVE-BYTES move SYSUT3-REC(PT-OSET(PX-1):PT-SIZE(PX-1)) to FIVE-BYTES evaluate FIVE-BYTES when 'ASC ' move 'Y' to DUMP-ASC when 'NOASC' move 'N' to DUMP-ASC when 'EBC ' move 'Y' to DUMP-EBC when 'NOEBC' move 'N' to DUMP-EBC when 'HEX ' move 'Y' to DUMP-HEX when 'NOHEX' move 'N' to DUMP-HEX end-evaluate else move 'Q' to LOOP-FLAG end-if add 1 to PX-1 end-perform add 1 to SYSUT3-STMTS exit. ***************************************************************** RIGHT-ADJUST-05. if WORK-05-X(5:1) = SPACES perform until WORK-05-X(5:1) not = SPACE move WORK-05-X(4:1) to WORK-05-X(5:1) move WORK-05-X(3:1) to WORK-05-X(4:1) move WORK-05-X(2:1) to WORK-05-X(3:1) move WORK-05-X(1:1) to WORK-05-X(2:1) move "0" to WORK-05-X(1:1) end-perform end-if exit. ***************************************************************** * I/O Routines for the Control File... * ***************************************************************** SYSUT3-CLOSE. add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT. close SYSUT3-FILE if SYSUT3-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else move 'CLOSE Failure with SYSUT3' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move SYSUT3-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* SYSUT3-READ. read SYSUT3-FILE if SYSUT3-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT add 1 to SYSUT3-RDR else if SYSUT3-STATUS = '10' add 16 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else if APPL-EOF move 'Y' to SYSUT3-EOF else move 'READ Failure with SYSUT3' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move SYSUT3-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* SYSUT3-OPEN. add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT. open input SYSUT3-FILE if SYSUT3-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT move 'O' to SYSUT3-OPEN-FLAG else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else move 'OPEN Failure with SYSUT3' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-TO-CONSOLE perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move SYSUT3-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. ***************************************************************** * I/O Routines for the Primary File... * ***************************************************************** SYSUT1-CLOSE. add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT. close SYSUT1-FILE if SYSUT1-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else move 'CLOSE Failure with SYSUT1 ' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move SYSUT1-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* SYSUT1-READ. read SYSUT1-FILE if SYSUT1-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT add 1 to SYSUT1-RDR else if SYSUT1-STATUS = '10' add 16 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else if APPL-EOF move 'Y' to SYSUT1-EOF else move 'READ Failure with SYSUT1 ' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move SYSUT1-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* SYSUT1-OPEN. add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT. open input SYSUT1-FILE if SYSUT1-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT move 'O' to SYSUT1-OPEN-FLAG else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else move 'OPEN Failure with SYSUT1 ' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-TO-CONSOLE perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move SYSUT1-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. ***************************************************************** * I/O Routines for the Secondary File... * ***************************************************************** SYSUT2-READ. read SYSUT2-FILE if SYSUT2-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT add 1 to SYSUT2-RDR else if SYSUT2-STATUS = '10' add 16 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if end-if. if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else if APPL-EOF move 'Y' to SYSUT2-EOF else move 'READ Failure with SYSUT2 ' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move SYSUT2-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* SYSUT2-OPEN. add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT. open input SYSUT2-FILE if SYSUT2-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT move 'O' to SYSUT2-OPEN-FLAG else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else move 'OPEN Failure with SYSUT2 ' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-TO-CONSOLE perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move SYSUT2-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* SYSUT2-CLOSE. add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT. close SYSUT2-FILE if SYSUT2-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT move 'C' to SYSUT2-OPEN-FLAG else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else move 'CLOSE Failure with SYSUT2 ' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move SYSUT2-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. ***************************************************************** * The following Z-ROUTINES provide administrative functions * * for this program. * ***************************************************************** * ABEND the program, post a message to the console and issue * * a STOP RUN. * ***************************************************************** Z-ABEND-PROGRAM. if MESSAGE-TEXT not = SPACES perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT end-if move 'PROGRAM-IS-ABENDING...' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT add 12 to ZERO giving RETURN-CODE STOP RUN. * exit. ***************************************************************** Z-DETERMINE-ENVIRONMENT. add 16833 to ASC-OR-EBC if ASC-A = 'A' move 'Compiled for an ASCII environment...' to MESSAGE-TEXT else if EBC-A = 'A' move 'Compiled for an EBCDIC environment...' to MESSAGE-TEXT else move 'Compiled for an UNKNOWN environment...' to MESSAGE-TEXT end-if end-if perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT exit. ***************************************************************** * Display to SYSOUT Device... * ***************************************************************** Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT. if MESSAGE-TEXT-2 = SPACES display MESSAGE-BUFFER(1:79) else display MESSAGE-BUFFER end-if move all SPACES to MESSAGE-TEXT exit. ***************************************************************** * Display CONSOLE messages... * ***************************************************************** Z-DISPLAY-TO-CONSOLE. if MESSAGE-TEXT-2 = SPACES display MESSAGE-BUFFER(1:79) upon console else display MESSAGE-BUFFER upon console end-if exit. ***************************************************************** * Display the file status bytes. This routine will display as * * four digits. If the full two byte file status is numeric it * * will display as 00nn. If the 1st byte is a numeric nine (9) * * the second byte will be treated as a binary number and will * * display as 9nnn. * ***************************************************************** Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS. if IO-STATUS not NUMERIC or IO-STAT1 = '9' move IO-STAT1 to IO-STATUS-04(1:1) subtract TWO-BYTES-BINARY from TWO-BYTES-BINARY move IO-STAT2 to TWO-BYTES-RIGHT add TWO-BYTES-BINARY to ZERO giving IO-STATUS-0403 move 'File Status is: nnnn' to MESSAGE-TEXT move IO-STATUS-04 to MESSAGE-TEXT(17:4) perform Z-DISPLAY-TO-CONSOLE perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT else move '0000' to IO-STATUS-04 move IO-STATUS to IO-STATUS-04(3:2) move 'File Status is: nnnn' to MESSAGE-TEXT move IO-STATUS-04 to MESSAGE-TEXT(17:4) perform Z-DISPLAY-TO-CONSOLE perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT end-if exit. ***************************************************************** Z-POST-COPYRIGHT. move SIM-TITLE to MESSAGE-BUFFER perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move SIM-COPYRIGHT to MESSAGE-BUFFER perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT exit. ***************************************************************** Z-THANK-YOU. move SIM-THANKS-01 to MESSAGE-BUFFER perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT move SIM-THANKS-02 to MESSAGE-BUFFER perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT exit. ***************************************************************** * This program was generated by SimoZAPS * * A product of SimoTime Technologies * * Our e-mail address is: * * Also, visit our Web Site at * * * * Generation Date: 2015-01-17 Generation Time: 20:02:57:35 * *****************************************************************
This section will focus on the items (process and programs) that do the generation and compilation of a data file compare programs.
The SimoTime Utility Program for Data File Comparison runs on a Windows System with Micro Focus and will generate the COBOL source code for a program that will do a compare of two data files. The generation of the COBOL source code requires a Windows System with Micro Focus Studio or Micro Focus Server, version 6.0 or later. The generated COBOL source code may be compiled and executed on the following systems and will do the actual comparison of the two data files.
| ||||||||
Express is recommended. Once a program is compiled with Micro Focus Server Express it may be executed using Micro Focus Server. |
The SimoTime Utility for Data File Compare will provide additional detail about creating a Process Control File and generating the COBOL source code for a data file compare program.
The following is the Process Control File (CPLS4K01.pcf) that will define the process and parameters required for generating a COBOL program that will compare two record sequential file (RSEQ) containing 80-byte, fixed length records.
*********************************************************************** * CPLS4K01.pcf - a Process Control File * * SimoTime Program Generation Technologies * * (C) Copyright 1987-2018 All Rights Reserved * * Web Site URL: * * e-mail: * *********************************************************************** * This is an example of the advanced compare specifications that * track inserts and/or deletes and determines the record positions to * be compared at execution time using a control file (SYSUT3). *********************************************************************** * * The following group of statements will define the high level * functions and processes to be performed. * &SIMOPREP call ..\..\ENV1BASE &USERPREP call USERCOMP &FUNCTION COMPARE &CONFORM MF * * The following statements will cause an HTML document to be created * for the record structure defined by a COBOL copy file. For this * example the statements have been commented. * *COPYFILE CHAR80B1.CPY *HTMLFILE cpls80h1.htm * * The following group of statements will define the behavioral * characteristics and environment variable for the file I/O * functions within the Program to be generated. * *HEAD34 ....:....1....:....2....:....3.... &HEAD34 Compare LSEQ, SYSUT3 and KEYFIELD &PROGID CPLS4KC1 &SYSUT1 org=ASCII/Text recfm=FIXED rlen=4096 &SYSUT2 org=ASCII/Text recfm=FIXED rlen=4096 &SYSUT3 org=ASCII/Text recfm=FIXED rlen=4096 * * The following group of statements will define the behavioral * characteristics and environment variables for the compare functions * within the Program to be generated. * &KEYFIELD SYSUT1 pos 1 len 10 SYSUT2 pos 1 len 10 *COMPARE SYSUT1 pos 1 len 80 SYSUT2 pos 1 len 80 * * The following group of statements will define the behavioral * characteristics and environment variable for the compare functions * within the Program to be generated. * &DELTAMAX 500000 EOF &IFNECODE 0004 * &DFORMAT ASC HEX EBC EQDETAIL &DISPLAY NONE &SYSLOG ENABLE * &END
This section provides additional detail about the CMD files and programs that are used to support this set of sample programs.
A Windows command file (ENV1BASE.cmd) is called from other command files to set commonly used environment variables. This provides a single point of definition. The following is a listing of the contents of the command file.
@echo OFF rem * ******************************************************************* rem * ENV1BASE.cmd - a Windows Command File * rem * This program is provided by SimoTime Technologies * rem * (C) Copyright 1987-2018 All Rights Reserved * rem * Web Site URL: * rem * e-mail: * rem * ******************************************************************* rem * rem * Text - Provide a single point to set common environment variables. rem * Author - SimoTime Technologies rem * Date - January 24, 1996 rem * rem * Set the commonly used environment variables. This is used to provide rem * a single point for managing the commonly used environment variables. rem * set SimoLIBR=c:\SimoLIBR set BASELIB1=c:\SIMOSAM1\DEVL set BASELIB8=c:\SimoSAM8 set BaseWIP1=c:\SimoSAM1\WIP1 set DATAZERO=c:\SIMODATA\DEVL\DATA\ZERO set BASEAPP=%BaseLib1% set BASESYS=%BaseLib1%\SYS1 set BASECAT=%BaseLib1%\DATA set SYSLOG=%BASESYS%\LOGS\SYSLOG_USER.DAT set SYSOUT=%BASEAPP%\LOGS\SYSOUT_SIMSAM01.TXT set SLZMSG=%BASEAPP%\LOGS\SLZMSG_USER.TXT set PostNOTE=%BASEAPP%\LOGS\JOBLOG_SIMONOTE.TXT set SimoNOTE=%BASEAPP%\LOGS\JOBLOG_SIMONOTE.TXT call SIMONOTE "* SIMONOTE Job Log File is %SIMONOTE% " rem * set MQBASE=C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ rem * rem * Set the location for the Apache-Tomcat Server... set CATALINA_HOME=C:\APACHETC\apache-tomcat-7.0.52 rem * rem * Set the Environment for the Java Environment... set JAVABASE=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_112 set JAVASDK="%JAVABASE%\bin" set JAVA_HOME=%JAVABASE% set JRE_HOME=%JAVABASE% rem * rem * Set the environment for the Micro Focus technology... set MIFOEDEV=C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer set MIFOVCBL=C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL set MIFOESTU=C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Studio Enterprise Edition 6.0 set MIFOEMFE="C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Mainframe Express" rem * rem * Large file support, performance tuning and record locking of the File Handler set EXTFH=%BASESYS%\CONFIG\EXTFHBIG.CFG rem * rem * For IMS Support set ES_IMSLIB=%BASEAPP%\IMSLIB set ES_ACBLIB=%BASEAPP%\IMSLIB rem * rem * EZASOKETS Check EZASOKETS Enabled box or set ES_EZASOKET_SUPPORT=YES set EZACONFG=BASESYS1\CONFIG\EZACONFG.dat rem * rem * Resource Allocation and Performance for SORT and non-Relational Data rem set MFJSENGINE=SYNCSORT set SORTSCHEME=1 set SORTSPACE=750000000 set TMP=C:\SORTWORK rem * set ES_ALLOC_OVERRIDE=%BASESYS%\CONFIG\CATMAPA1.cfg rem * For CORE_ON_ERROR function, ABEND Dump rem * set COBCONFIG_=%BASESYS%\CONFIG\diagnose.cfg rem * rem * Consolidated Trace Facility (CTF) rem * set MFTRACE_CONFIG=%BASESYS%\CONFIG\ctf.cfg rem * set MFTRACE_LOGS=c:\ctflogs rem * rem * For Job Restart, ABEND Recovery set MF_UCC11=Y set ES_JES_RESTART=Y rem * rem * Set environment for MFBSI (Micro Focus Batch Scheduling Interface) set ES_EMP_EXIT_1=mfbsiemx set MFBSI_DIR=%BASESYS%\LOGS\%JESSERVERNAME% set MFBSIEOP_CMD=ENABLE set MFBSIEOP_CSV=ENABLE set MFBSIEOP_HTM=ENABLE set MFBSIEOP_XML=ENABLE rem * rem * Set Behavior and Trace Flags for GETJOBDD rem * Position=12345678/12345678 set JDDFLAGS=nnnWnnnn/YYnnnnnn rem * set MAINFRAME_FLOATING_POINT=true set COBIDY=%BASEAPP%\COBIDY set COBPATH=.;%BASEAPP%\LOADLIB;%BASESYS%\LOADLIB;%SimoLIBR% set LIBPATH=.;%BASEAPP%\LOADLIB;%BASESYS%\LOADLIB;%SimoLIBR% set TXDIR=%BASESYS%\LOADLIB;%MIFOBASE% set CobCpy=%BASEAPP%\CobCpy1;%BASEAPP%\CobCpy2;%BASEAPP%\CobCpy6;%SimoLIBR% rem * rem * If not already set then set the PATH for Micro Focus Directories if "%SIMOPATH%" == "Y" goto JUMPPATH if "%MIFOSYS1%" == "EDEV" goto JUMPEDEV if "%MIFOSYS1%" == "VCBL" goto JUMPVCBL if "%MIFOSYS1%" == "ESTU" goto JUMPESTU if "%MIFOSYS1%" == "EMFE" goto JUMPEMFE :JUMPEDEV set path=%BASESYS%\LOADLIB;%MIFOEDEV%\bin;%JAVASDK%;%BASEAPP%\JAVA;%PATH%; set CobCpy=%BASEAPP%\CobCpy1;%BASEAPP%\CobCpy2;%BASEAPP%\CobCpy6;%SimoLIBR%;%MIFOEDEV%\CPYLIB set MIFOBASE=%MIFOEDEV% goto JUMPPATH :JUMPVCBL set path=%MIFOVCBL%\bin;%JAVASDK%;%BASEAPP%\JAVA;%PATH%; set MIFOBASE=%MIFOVCBL% goto JUMPPATH :JUMPESTU set MIFOBASE=%MIFOESTU%\Base set MIFOBIN=%MIFOBASE%\bin set path=%BASESYS%\LOADLIB;%MIFOBASE%;%MIFOBIN%;%JAVASDK%;%BASEAPP%\JAVA;%PATH%; set CobCpy=%BASEAPP%\CobCpy1;%BASEAPP%\CobCpy2;%BASEAPP%\CobCpy6;%SimoLIBR%;%MIFOBASE%\SOURCE goto JUMPPATH :JUMPEMFE set MIFOBASE=%MIFOEMFE%\Base set MIFOBIN=%MIFOBASE%\bin set path=%BASESYS%\LOADLIB;%MIFOBASE%;%MIFOBIN%;%JAVASDK%;%BASEAPP%\JAVA;%PATH%; set CobCpy=%BASEAPP%\CobCpy1;%BASEAPP%\CobCpy2;%BASEAPP%\CobCpy6;%SimoLIBR%;%MIFOBASE%\SOURCE goto JUMPPATH rem * :JUMPPATH set SIMOPATH=Y rem * set USERCLASS=%BASELIB1%\LOADLIB set CLASSPATH=. set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%JAVABASE% set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%JAVABASE%\lib set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;\%USERCLASS%\simpacks set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;C:\APACHETC\apache-tomcat-7.0.52\webapps\simotcat\WEB-INF\classes set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;C:\APACHETC\apache-tomcat-7.0.52\webapps\simotcat\WEB-INF\classes\simpacks if "%MIFOSYS1%" == "ESTU" set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%MIFOBIN% if "%MIFOSYS1%" == "EDEV" set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%MIFOEDEV% if "%MIFOSYS1%" == "VCBL" set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%MIFOVCBL% if "%MIFOSYS1%" == "VCBL" set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%MIFOVCBL%\mfcobol.jar rem * set JobStatus=0000 call SimoNOTE "* Settings CmdName ENV1BASE.cmd, Version 14.03.28, %MIFOSYS1%" call SimoNOTE "* BaseAPP ..... %BASEAPP%" rem * call SimoNOTE "* MFBSIDIR .... %MFBSI_DIR% " call SimoNOTE "* MIFOSYS1 is %MIFOSYS1% " call SimoNOTE "* MIFOBASE is %MIFOBASE% " call SimoNOTE "* SIMOLIBR is %SIMOLIBR% "
The following SIMONOTE.cmd) is a listing of the contents of the SimoNOTE.CMD command file.
@echo OFF rem * ******************************************************************* rem * SIMONOTE.CMD - a Windows Command File * rem * This program is provided by SimoTime Technologies * rem * (C) Copyright 1987-2018 All Rights Reserved * rem * Web Site URL: * rem * e-mail: * rem * ******************************************************************* rem * rem * Text - Display message on screen and write to a log file. rem * Author - SimoTime Technologies rem * rem * This script may be called from other scripts and expects a single rem * parameter enclosed in double quotes. The double quotes will be rem * removed. Before writing to the log file a date and time stamp rem * will be inserted in front of the message text. rem * rem * Note: The tilde (~) removes leading/trailing double-quotes. rem * if "%SimoNOTE%" == "" set SimoNOTE=c:\SimoLIBR\LOGS\SimoTime.LOG echo %date% %time% %~1>> %SimoNOTE% echo %~1
This example uses three data files to demonstrate the basic functions of the data file compare process. the first two files are sequential files containing three records of identical content. The third file is different from the first two files and is used to shows the results when a NOT-Equal condition occurs.
This Windows CMD file (CPRS80W8.cmd) will use the Windows ECHO Command to create three ASCII/Text (or Line Sequential) files. The ASCII/Text files will then be converted to sequential files that will be used to test the Data File Compare program that was generated.
@echo OFF rem * ******************************************************************* rem * CPLS4KW8.cmd - a Windows Command File * rem * This program is provided by SimoTime Technologies * rem * (C) Copyright 1987-2018 All Rights Reserved * rem * Web Site URL: * rem * e-mail: * rem * ******************************************************************* rem * rem * Text - Compare two line sequential files rem * Author - SimoTime Technologies rem * Date - January 24, 1996 rem * rem * This set of programs will run on a mainframe under MVS or on a rem * Personal Computer with Windows and Micro Focus Net Express. rem * rem * ******************************************************************* rem * Step 1 Prepare the environment... rem * set CmdName=CPLS4KW1 call ..\Env1BASE %CmdName% set JobStatus=0000 set SYSLOG=%BaseLib1%\LOGS\CPLS4K01_SYSLOG.DAT call SYSLOGW9 rem * call SimoNOTE "*******************************************************%CmdName%" call SimoNOTE "Starting CmdName %CmdName%" :PrepareQSAM call SimoNOTE "StepInfo Prepare the File Name Mapping" set SYSUT1=%BaseLib1%\DATA\APPL\SIMOTIME.TEST.CPLS4KD1.TXT set SYSUT2=%BaseLib1%\DATA\APPL\SIMOTIME.TEST.CPLS4KD2.TXT set SYSUT3=%BaseLib1%\PARMLIB\CPLS4KT1.CTL rem * echo 0000000010>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000030>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000050>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000070>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000090>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000100>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000110>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000130>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000150>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000170>>%SYSUT1% echo 0000000190>>%SYSUT1% rem * echo 0000000020>%SYSUT2% echo 0000000040>>%SYSUT2% echo 0000000050>>%SYSUT2% rem * call SIMONOTE "SYSLOG is %SYSLOG% " rem * rem * ******************************************************************* rem * Step 2 Compare the two files... rem * :ExecuteCompareRoutine call SimoNOTE "StepInfo Execute the Compare Program" run CPLS4KC1 set ERRORLEVELTWO=%ERRORLEVEL% if not "%ERRORLEVELTWO%" == "0" set JobStatus=0010 if "%ERRORLEVELTWO%" == "4" set JobStatus=0004 if not %JobStatus% == 0000 goto :EojNok call SimoNOTE "Compare-One is %SYSUT1%" call SimoNOTE "Compare-Two is %SYSUT2%" rem * rem * rem * ******************************************************************* :EojAok call SimoNOTE "Finished JobName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus%" goto :End :EojNok call SimoNOTE "ABENDING JobName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus%" :End rem * Convert VREC to LSEQ and display using NotePad... if "SIMOGENS" == "BATCH" goto End2 if %JobStatus% == 0004 call VRECCVW1 if "%ERRORLEVELTWO%" == "4" set JobStatus=0004 pause :End2 exit /b
The purpose of this document is to assist as a tutorial for new programmers or as a quick reference for experienced programmers. In the world of programming there are many ways to solve a problem. This document and the links to other documents are intended to provide a choice of alternatives.
Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software, documentation or training material for any purpose requires a fee to be paid to SimoTime Technologies. Once the fee is received by SimoTime the latest version of the software, documentation or training material will be delivered and a license will be granted for use within an enterprise, provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the software without the written permission of SimoTime Technologies.
SimoTime Technologies makes no warranty or representations about the suitability of the software, documentation or learning material for any purpose. It is provided "AS IS" without any expressed or implied warranty, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. SimoTime Technologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software, documentation or training material.
This section includes links to documents with additional information that are beyond the scope and purpose of this document. The first group of documents may be available from a local system or via an internet connection, the second group of documents will require an internet connection.
Note: A SimoTime License is required for the items to be made available on a local system or server.
The following links may be to the current server or to the Internet.
Note: The latest versions of the SimoTime Documents and Program Suites are available on the Internet and may be accessed using the icon. If a user has a SimoTime Enterprise License the Documents and Program Suites may be available on a local server and accessed using the
Explore the Principles of Data File Validation. This link includes guidelines for defining requirements and determining the scope of effort for a data validation effort. This effort includes a data file compare process, a technique for accumulating summary totals with a record count and a technique for reading a VSAM, KSDS and producing a hex-dump output based on a list of user-defined keys.
Explore How to Generate a Data File Compare, Validate or Hex-Dump Program using simple specification statements in a Process Control File (PCF). This link to the User Guide includes the information necessary to create a Process Control File and generate the COBOL programs that will do a data file compare, accumulate summary totals with a record count or produce a Hex-Dump of records in a VSAM, KSDS based on a list of user-defined keys. The User Guide contains a list of the PCF statements that are used for the data file compare, validate or dump process.
Explore a Data File Compare Utility Program that is used to compare the content of two sequential files with 80 byte records. The positions within the record that are to be compared are determined at execution time. When a difference occurs the output may be written to SYSOUT or a log file. The COBOL source code for the program was generated using SimoTime technologies.
Explore the COBOL Connection for more examples of COBOL programming techniques and sample code.
Explore The ASCII and EBCDIC Translation Tables. These tables are provided for individuals that need to better understand the bit structures and differences of the encoding formats.
Explore The File Status Return Codes to interpret the results of accessing VSAM data sets and/or QSAM files.
The following links will require an internet connect.
This suite of programs and documentation is available to download for review and evaluation purposes. Other uses will require a SimoTime Software License. Link to an Evaluation zPAK Option that includes the program members, documentation and control files.
A good place to start is The SimoTime Home Page for access to white papers, program examples and product information. This link requires an Internet Connection
Explore The Micro Focus Web Site for more information about products and services available from Micro Focus. This link requires an Internet Connection.
Explore the Glossary of Terms for a list of terms and definitions used in this suite of documents and white papers.
This document was created and is copyrighted and maintained by SimoTime Technologies.
If you have any questions, suggestions, comments or feedback please call or send an e-mail to:
We appreciate hearing from you.
SIMOTIME Technologies was founded in 1987 and is a privately owned company. We specialize in the creation and deployment of business applications using new or existing technologies and services. We have a team of individuals that understand the broad range of technologies being used in today's environments. Our customers include small businesses using Internet technologies to corporations using very large mainframe systems.
Quite often, to reach larger markets or provide a higher level of service to existing customers it requires the newer Internet technologies to work in a complementary manner with existing corporate mainframe systems. We specialize in preparing applications and the associated data that are currently residing on a single platform to be distributed across a variety of platforms.
Preparing the application programs will require the transfer of source members that will be compiled and deployed on the target platform. The data will need to be transferred between the systems and may need to be converted and validated at various stages within the process. SIMOTIME has the technology, services and experience to assist in the application and data management tasks involved with doing business in a multi-system environment.
Whether you want to use the Internet to expand into new market segments or as a delivery vehicle for existing business functions or need assistance with converting non-relational data structures simply give us a call at 415 883-6565 or check the web site at
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