Validate a Street Address COBOL parses a Street Address |
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The objective of this suite of programs is to examine a data string containing a street address and produce a new data string with an edited version of the street address.
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Functions provided by the Routine that does Parsing and Editing of a Street Address |
The parsing routine uses reference modification to identify the position of the first significant character after a delimiter character. This approach compensates for multiple leading or embedded delimiter characters. For example, if the delimiter character is a space then leading spaces will be ignored and multiple, embedded spaces will be treated as a single space.
We have made a significant effort to ensure the documents and software technologies are correct and accurate. We reserve the right to make changes without notice at any time. The function delivered in this version is based upon the enhancement requests from a specific group of users. The intent is to provide changes as the need arises and in a timeframe that is dependent upon the availability of resources.
Copyright © 1987-2025
SimoTime Technologies and Services
All Rights Reserved
The following table shows examples of the editing and formatting capabilities of this suite of programs.
Control | Street Address | Conversion Description |
MOD | 15 Carnoustie Drive | Do a simple case conversion. |
POB | P.O. Box 9144 | Identify and format a Post Office Box. |
INP | 23 Post Street | |
AOK | 23 Post Street | Input is OK, no conversion required. |
MOD | 710 Hollywood Blvd | Do case conversion and word substitution. |
INP | P O box 32447 | |
POB | P.O. Box 32447 | Identify and format for a Post Office Box. Also, remove leading and multiple embedded spaces. |
MOD | The Corner of Hollywood and Vine | Do case conversion and word substitution. |
INP | POB 27 | |
POB | P.O. Box 27 | Identify and format a Post Office Box. |
The following is a flowchart of the demonstration for processing a street address to reformat and identify Post Office Box addresses.
Color Associations: The
To call the routine (SIMOROAD) the fields for the pass area need to be initialized. The following shows an example of initializing the pass area fields and making the call. *> Prepare linkage section and call SimoROAD… move 'UNK ' to SYSADR2-CNTL-01 move 'SIMOROAD' to RDPA-REQUEST move SYSADR1-CNTL-01 to RDPA-ADR1-CNTL move SYSADR1-DATA-01 to RDPA-ADR1-DATA add 76 to ZERO giving RDPA-ADR1-SIZE call 'SIMOROAD' using ROAD-PASS-AREA For a brief description of all the fields used in the pass area refer to the COBOL Copy File that is used when defining the pass area and calling SIMOROAD.
Two CMD members are provided. This first CMD member CBLSTRE1.cmd will run the demonstration program. The second CMD member CBLSTRE2.cmd is used to create the input data file that is used by the first CMD member.
The following is the Windows CMD member (CBLSTRE1.cmd) required to run the mainline program. The SET statement will need to be modified for unique PC requirements. @echo OFF rem * ******************************************************************* rem * CBLSTRE1.cmd - a Windows Command File * rem * This program is provided by SimoTime Technologies * rem * (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved * rem * Web Site URL: * rem * e-mail: * rem * ******************************************************************* rem * rem * Text - Read a file of Street Address, create edited file. rem * Author - SimoTime Technologies rem * Date - January 24, 1996 rem * rem * The job will read an 80-byte file that contains street address rem * record. The job will then edit the street address and identify rem * PO Boxes. A new file of edited street addresses will be created. rem * rem * This set of programs will run on a Windows Systems and rem * Micro Focus technology. rem * rem * ************ rem * * CBLSTRE1 * rem * ********cmd* rem * * rem * ************ rem * * If Exist * rem * *******stmt* rem * * rem * ************ ************ ************ rem * * run ******* SIMOLOGS ******* CONSOLE * rem * ************ * ********cbl* * ************ rem * * * * rem * * * * ************ rem * * * **** SYSLOG * rem * * * ********txt* rem * * * rem * * ************************** rem * * * rem * * ************ ************ ************ rem * * * SIMOADR1 ******* CBLSTRC1 ******* SIMOADR2 * rem * * ********txt* ********cbl* ********csv* rem * * * rem * * ************ rem * * * SIMOROAD * rem * * ********cbl* rem * * * rem * * ************ rem * * * SIMOPARS * rem * * ********cbl* rem * ************ rem * * EOJ * rem * ************ rem * rem * rem * ******************************************************************* rem * Step 1 Delete any previously created file... rem * set CmdName=CBLSTRE1 call ..\Env1Base rem * call SimoNOTE "*******************************************************%CmdName%.cmd" call SimoNOTE "Starting JobName %CmdName%.cmd" :DeleteQSAM call SimoNOTE "Identify JobStep DeleteQSAM" set SIMOADR1=%BaseLib1%\DATA\Asc1\SIMOADR1.DAT set SIMOADR2=%BaseLib1%\DATA\Wrk1\SIMOADR2.DAT if exist %SIMOADR2% del %SIMOADR2% rem * rem * ******************************************************************* rem * Step 2 Edit input, create a new output file... rem * :CBLSTRC1 call SimoNOTE "Identify JobStep ExecuteStreetAddressEditRoutine" run CBLSTRC1 if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "1" set JobStatus=0001 if not "%JobStatus%" == "0000" goto :EojNOK if exist %SIMOADR2% goto :EojAok set JobStatus=0002 goto :EojNok :EojAOK call SimoNOTE "Finished CmdName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus%" goto :End :EojNOK call SimoNOTE "ABENDING CmdName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus%" echo %DATE% - %TIME% Starting User ABEND Processing...>>%SYSLOG% set >>%SYSLOG% echo %DATE% - %TIME% Complete User ABEND Processing...>>%SYSLOG% goto :End :End call SimoNOTE "DATATAKE is %SIMOADR1%" call SimoNOTE "DATAMAKE is %SIMOADR2%" call SimoNOTE "SYSOUT.. is %SYSOUT%" if not "%1" == "nopause" pause exit /B %JobStatus%
The following is the Windows CMD member (CBLSTRE2.cmd) that creates the input data file.. The SET statement will need to be modified for unique PC requirements. @echo OFF rem * ******************************************************************* rem * CBLSTRE2.CMD - a Windows Command File * rem * This program is provided by SimoTime Technologies * rem * (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved * rem * Web Site URL: * rem * e-mail: * rem * ******************************************************************* rem * rem * Text - Create a Sequential Data Set on disk using ECHO function. rem * Author - SimoTime Technologies rem * Date = January 24, 1996 rem * rem * The first job step (DeleteQSAM) will delete any previously created rem * file. The second job step (CreateQSAM) will create a new file. rem * rem * This set of programs will run on a Personal Computer with Windows rem * and Micro Focus Net Express. rem * set CmdName=CBLSTRE2 call ..\Env1Base rem * call SimoNOTE "*******************************************************%CmdName%.CMD" call SimoNOTE "Starting JobName %CmdName%.CMD" rem * rem * ******************************************************************* rem * Step 1 of 2 Delete previously created QSAM file... rem * :DeleteQSAM call SimoNOTE "Identify JobStep DeleteQSAM" set SIMOADR0=%BaseLib1%\DATA\Txt1\LSEQADR1.TXT if exist %SIMOADR0% del %SIMOADR0% rem * rem * ******************************************************************* rem * Step 2 of 2 Create and populate a new QSAM file... rem * :CreateQSAM call SimoNOTE "Identify JobStep CreateQSAM" rem *....1....:....2....:....3....:....4....:....5....:....6....:....7....:....8 echo INP 15 CARNOUSTIE DRIVE >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP POST OFFICE BOX 9144 >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP 123 MAIN STREET >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP POB 27 >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP 1317 ST. CHARLES AVE. >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP 23 Post Street >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP PO BOX 21637 >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP 710 HOLLYWOOD BL. >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP 1271 MACDOUGAL LANE >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP 14 VAN NESS AVENUE >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP 77 SUNSET BL >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP P.O. BOX 1665 >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP PO 94949-5849 >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP 777 Seventh Avenue >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP PO BOX 12638 >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP P O box 32447 >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP 1564 Alameda de la Loma >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP THE CORNER OF HOLLYWOOD AND VINE >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP 16 LARKSPUR LANDING CIRCLE, SUITE 116 >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP pO 0123456789 CAN you FiX tHiS AnD THAT TEst bL. >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP 17 LINCOLN WAY, APT 101D >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP 1454 Po Way >>%SIMOADR0% echo INP 1656 SOUTH EVANS AVE >>%SIMOADR0% if exist %SIMOADR0% goto :Convert set JobStatus=0020 goto :EojNok rem * :Convert set GETLS080=%BaseLib1%\DATA\Txt1\LSEQADR1.TXT set PUTRS080=%BaseLib1%\DATA\Asc1\SIMOADR1.DAT if exist %PUTRS080% erase %PUTRS080% run CV80ALAR if not "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" set JobStatus=0030 if not "%JobStatus%" == "0000" goto :EojNOK if not exist %PUTRS080% set JobStatus=0035 if not "%JobStatus%" == "0000" goto :EojNOK goto EojAok rem * :EojAOK call SimoNOTE "Finished CmdName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus%" goto :End :EojNOK call SimoNOTE "ABENDING CmdName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus%" echo %DATE% - %TIME% Starting User ABEND Processing...>>%SYSLOG% set >>%SYSLOG% echo %DATE% - %TIME% Complete User ABEND Processing...>>%SYSLOG% goto :End :End call SimoNOTE "Conclude SysOut is %SYSOUT%" if not "%1" == "nopause" pause exit /B %JobStatus%
Two JCL members are provided. This first JCL member CBLSTRJ1.jcl will run the demonstration program. The second JCL member CBLSTRJ2.jcl is used to create the input data file that is used by the first JCL member.
The following is the mainframe JCL (CBLSTRJ1.jcl) required to run the mainline program. The JOB and DD statements will need to be modified for unique mainframe requirements. //CBLSTRJ1 JOB SIMOTIME,CLASS=1,MSGCLASS=0,NOTIFY=CSIP1 //* ******************************************************************* //* CBLSTRJ1.JCL - a JCL Member for Batch Job Processing * //* This JCL Member is provided by SimoTime Technologies * //* (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved * //* Web Site URL: * //* e-mail: * //* ******************************************************************* //* //* Text - Read a file containing street addresses, write output. //* Author - SimoTime Technologies //* Date - January 24, 1996 //* //* The job will read an 80-byte file that contains street address //* information. The job will also write a file containing the results //* of the street address parse and edit functions.. //* //* This set of programs will run on a mainframe under MVS or on a //* Personal Computer with Windows and Micro Focus Mainframe Express. //* //* ************ //* * CBLSTRJ1 * //* ********jcl* //* * //* ************ //* * IEFBR14 * //* ********utl* //* * //* ************ ************ ************ //* * SIMOADR1 *-----* CBLSTRC1 *-----* SIMOADR2 * //* ********dat* ********cbl* ********dat* //* * * //* * * ************ //* * ***CALL** SIMOROAD * //* * ********cbl* //* * * //* * * ************ //* * ***CALL** SIMOPARS * //* * ********cbl* //* ************ //* * EOJ * //* ************ //* //* ******************************************************************* //* Step 1 of 2, Delete any previously created file... //* //QSAMDELT EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //SIMOADR2 DD DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.SIMOADR2,DISP=(MOD,DELETE,DELETE), // STORCLAS=MFI, // SPACE=(TRK,5), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=256,BLKSIZE=2560,DSORG=PS) //* //* ******************************************************************* //* Step 2 of 2, Edit input, create a new output file... //* //EXECDAT1 EXEC PGM=CBLSTRC1 //STEPLIB DD DSN=SIMOTIME.DEMO.LOADLIB1,DISP=SHR //SIMOADR1 DD DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.SIMOADR1,DISP=SHR //SIMOADR2 DD DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.SIMOADR2, // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // STORCLAS=MFI, // SPACE=(TRK,5), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=256,BLKSIZE=2560,DSORG=PS) //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //
The following is the mainframe JCL member (CBLSTRJ2.jcl) that creates the input data file.. The JOB and DD statements will need to be modified for unique mainframe requirements. //CBLSTRJ2 JOB SIMOTIME,CLASS=1,MSGCLASS=0,NOTIFY=CSIP1 //* ******************************************************************* //* CBLSTRJ2.JCL - a JCL Member for Batch Job Processing * //* This JCL Member is provided by SimoTime Technologies * //* (C) Copyright 1987-2019 All Rights Reserved * //* Web Site URL: * //* e-mail: * //* ******************************************************************* //* //* Text - Create a Sequential Data Set on disk using IEBGENER. //* Author - SimoTime Technologies //* Date - January 24, 1996 //* //* The first job step (DELTQSAM) will delete any previously created //* file. The second job step (CRTQNAME) will create a new file. //* //* This set of programs will run on a mainframe under MVS or on a //* Personal Computer with Windows and Micro Focus Mainframe Express. //* //* ******************************************************************* //* Step 1 of 2, Delete any previously created file... //* //QSAMDELT EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //SIMOADR1 DD DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.SIMOADR1,DISP=(MOD,DELETE,DELETE), // STORCLAS=MFI, // SPACE=(TRK,5), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800,DSORG=PS) //* //* ******************************************************************* //* Step 2 of 2, Create and populate a new QSAM file... //* //QCRTDIN1 EXEC PGM=IEBGENER //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* :....1....:....2....:....3....:....4....:....5....:....6....:....7. //SYSUT1 DD * INP 15 CARNOUSTIE DRIVE INP POST OFFICE BOX 9144 INP 123 MAIN STREET INP POB 27 INP 1317 ST. CHARLES AVE. INP 23 Post Street INP PO BOX 21637 INP 710 HOLLYWOOD BL. INP 1271 MACDOUGAL LANE INP 14 VAN NESS AVENUE INP 77 SUNSET BL INP P.O. BOX 1665 INP PO 94949-5849 INP 777 Seventh Avenue INP PO BOX 12638 INP P O box 32447 INP 1564 Alameda de la Loma INP THE CORNER OF HOLLYWOOD AND VINE INP 16 LARKSPUR LANDING CIRCLE, SUITE 116 INP pO 0123456789 CAN you FiX tHiS AnD THAT TEst bL. INP 17 LINCOLN WAY, APT 101D INP 1454 Po Way INP 1656 SOUTH EVANS AVE /* //SYSUT2 DD DSN=SIMOTIME.DATA.SIMOADR1, // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // STORCLAS=MFI, // SPACE=(TRK,5), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800,DSORG=PS) //
This program (CBLSTRC1.cbl) was written to test and demonstrate the calling of a COBOL program (SIMOROAD.cbl) that does the editing of a field or data string containing the street address. SIMOROAD calls SIMOPARS.cbl to do the parsing of the street address information into keywords. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. CBLSTRC1. AUTHOR. SIMOTIME TECHNOLOGIES. ***************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1987-2019 SimoTime Technologies. * * * * All rights reserved. Unpublished, all rights reserved under * * copyright law and international treaty. Use of a copyright * * notice is precautionary only and does not imply publication * * or disclosure. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software * * for any non-commercial purpose and without fee is hereby * * granted, provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all * * copies of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be * * used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use * * of the software without the written permission of SimoTime * * Technologies. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software * * for any commercial purpose requires a fee to be paid to * * SimoTime Technologies. Once the fee is received by SimoTime * * the latest version of the software will be delivered and a * * license will be granted for use within an enterprise, * * provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies * * of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used * * in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the * * software without the written permission of SimoTime * * Technologies. * * * * SimoTime Technologies makes no warranty or representations * * about the suitability of the software for any purpose. It is * * provided "AS IS" without any expressed or implied warranty, * * including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness * * for a particular purpose and non-infringement. SimoTime * * Technologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, * * special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of * * use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or * * tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or * * performance of this software * * * * SimoTime Technologies * * 15 Carnoustie Drive * * Novato, CA 94949-5849 * * 415.883.6565 * * * * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND * * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject * * to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of * * the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at * * DFARS 52.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of * * Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights at 48 * * CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Contact SimoTime Technologies, * * 15 Carnoustie Drive, Novato, CA 94949-5849. * * * ***************************************************************** * This program is provided by SimoTime Technologies * * Our e-mail address is: * * Also, visit our Web Site at * * * ***************************************************************** * ***************************************************************** * Source Member: CBLSTRC1.CBL * Copy Files: PASSROAD.CPY * Calls to: SIMOROAD * Copy Files: PASSPARS.CPY * Calls to: SIMOPARS ***************************************************************** * * ************ * * CBLSTRJ1 * * ********jcl* * * * ************ * * IEFBR14 * * ********utl* * * * ************ ************ ************ * * SIMOADR1 *-----* CBLSTRC1 *-----* SIMOADR2 * * ********dat* ********cbl* ********dat* * * * * * * ************ * * ***call** SIMOROAD * * * ********cbl* * * * * * * ************ * * ***call** SIMOPARS * * * ********cbl* * ************ * * EOJ * * ************ * ***************************************************************** * ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT SIMOADR1-FILE ASSIGN to SIMOADR1 ORGANIZATION is SEQUENTIAL ACCESS MODE is SEQUENTIAL FILE STATUS is SIMOADR1-STATUS. SELECT SIMOADR2-FILE ASSIGN to SIMOADR2 ORGANIZATION is SEQUENTIAL ACCESS MODE is SEQUENTIAL FILE STATUS is SIMOADR2-STATUS. ***************************************************************** DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. FD SIMOADR1-FILE DATA RECORD is SIMOADR1-RECORD. 01 SIMOADR1-RECORD. 05 SIMOADR1-CNTL-01 pic X(4). 05 SIMOADR1-DATA-01 pic X(76). FD SIMOADR2-FILE DATA RECORD is SIMOADR2-RECORD. 01 SIMOADR2-RECORD. 05 SIMOADR2-CNTL-01 pic X(4). 05 SIMOADR2-SIZE-01 pic 9(5). 05 SIMOADR2-BLANK pic X. 05 SIMOADR2-DATA-01 pic X(246). WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 SIM-TITLE. 05 T1 pic X(11) value '* CBLSTRC1 '. 05 T2 pic X(32) value 'Processing a Street Address '. 05 T3 pic X(10) value ' v08.01.04'. 05 T4 pic X(24) value ''. 01 SIM-COPYRIGHT. 05 C1 pic X(11) value '* CBLSTRC1 '. 05 C2 pic X(20) value 'Copyright 1987-2019 '. 05 C3 pic X(28) value ' SimoTime Technologies '. 05 C4 pic X(20) value ' All Rights Reserved'. 01 SIM-THANKS-01. 05 C1 pic X(11) value '* CBLSTRC1 '. 05 C2 pic X(32) value 'Thank you for using this program'. 05 C3 pic X(32) value ' provided from SimoTime Technolo'. 05 C4 pic X(04) value 'gies'. 01 SIM-THANKS-02. 05 C1 pic X(11) value '* CBLSTRC1 '. 05 C2 pic X(32) value 'Please send all inquires or sugg'. 05 C3 pic X(32) value 'estions to the helpdesk@simotime'. 05 C4 pic X(04) value '.com'. 01 MESSAGE-BUFFER. 05 MESSAGE-HEADER pic X(11) value '* CBLSTRC1 '. 05 MESSAGE-TEXT. 10 MESSAGE-TEXT-1 pic X(68) value SPACES. 10 MESSAGE-TEXT-2 pic X(188) value SPACES. 01 SIMOADR1-STATUS. 05 SIMOADR1-STATUS-L pic X. 05 SIMOADR1-STATUS-R pic X. 01 SIMOADR1-EOF pic X value 'N'. 01 SIMOADR1-OPEN-FLAG pic X value 'C'. 01 SIMOADR2-STATUS. 05 SIMOADR2-STATUS-L pic X. 05 SIMOADR2-STATUS-R pic X. 01 SIMOADR2-EOF pic X value 'N'. 01 SIMOADR2-OPEN-FLAG pic X value 'C'. 01 IO-STATUS. 05 IO-STAT1 pic X. 05 IO-STAT2 pic X. 01 TWO-BYTES. 05 TWO-BYTES-LEFT pic X. 05 TWO-BYTES-RIGHT pic X. 01 TWO-BYTES-BINARY redefines TWO-BYTES pic 9(4) comp. 01 APPL-RESULT pic S9(9) comp. 88 APPL-AOK value 0. 88 APPL-EOF value 16. 01 SIMOADR1-TOTAL. 05 filler pic X(23) value 'SIMOADR1 line count is '. 05 SIMOADR1-LOC pic 9(7) value 0. 01 SUB-AOK pic 9(7) value 0. 01 SUB-MOD pic 9(7) value 0. 01 SUB-POB pic 9(7) value 0. 01 SUB-POX pic 9(7) value 0. 01 SUB-OTH pic 9(7) value 0. 01 SUB-TOT pic 9(7) value 0. ***************************************************************** * The following copy file of the pass area for calling SIMODATE, * the date editing routine. ***************************************************************** COPY PASSROAD. ***************************************************************** PROCEDURE DIVISION. perform Z-POST-COPYRIGHT perform SIMOADR1-OPEN perform SIMOADR2-OPEN initialize SIMOADR2-RECORD perform until SIMOADR1-STATUS not = '00' perform SIMOADR1-READ if SIMOADR1-STATUS = '00' add 1 to SIMOADR1-LOC * * Prepare linkage section and call SimoROAD... move 'UNK ' to SIMOADR2-CNTL-01 move 'SIMOROAD' to RDPA-REQUEST move SIMOADR1-CNTL-01 to RDPA-ADR1-CNTL move SIMOADR1-DATA-01 to RDPA-ADR1-DATA add 76 to ZERO giving RDPA-ADR1-SIZE call 'SIMOROAD' using ROAD-PASS-AREA if RDPA-RESULT = 0 * * The following two statements are for * * demonstration purposes. * * Write Input record to output file. initialize SIMOADR2-RECORD move SIMOADR1-CNTL-01 to SIMOADR2-CNTL-01 add RDPA-ADR1-SIZE to ZERO giving SIMOADR2-SIZE-01 move SIMOADR1-DATA-01 to SIMOADR2-DATA-01 perform SIMOADR2-WRITE initialize SIMOADR2-RECORD move RDPA-ADR2-CNTL to SIMOADR2-CNTL-01 add RDPA-ADR2-SIZE to ZERO giving SIMOADR2-SIZE-01 move RDPA-ADR2-DATA to SIMOADR2-DATA-01 perform SIMOADR2-WRITE perform CALCULATE-SUB-TOTALS else move RDPA-ADR2-CNTL to SIMOADR2-CNTL-01 move RDPA-ADR2-DATA to SIMOADR2-DATA-01 move SIMOADR2-RECORD to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE perform SIMOADR2-WRITE move SIMOADR1-DATA-01 to SIMOADR2-DATA-01 perform SIMOADR2-WRITE end-if end-if end-perform perform DISPLAY-SUB-TOTALS perform Z-THANK-YOU GOBACK. ***************************************************************** * The following routines are in alphabetical sequence.. * ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** CALCULATE-SUB-TOTALS. evaluate RDPA-ADR2-CNTL when 'AOK ' add 1 to SUB-AOK when 'MOD ' add 1 to SUB-MOD when 'POB ' add 1 to SUB-POB when 'PO? ' add 1 to SUB-POX when OTHER add 1 to SUB-OTH end-evaluate exit. ***************************************************************** DISPLAY-SUB-TOTALS. add SUB-AOK SUB-MOD SUB-POB SUB-POX SUB-OTH to SUB-TOT move 'AOK .... ' to MESSAGE-TEXT move SUB-AOK to MESSAGE-TEXT(10:7) perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE move 'MOD .... ' to MESSAGE-TEXT move SUB-MOD to MESSAGE-TEXT(10:7) perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE move 'POB .... ' to MESSAGE-TEXT move SUB-POB to MESSAGE-TEXT(10:7) perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE move 'PO? .... ' to MESSAGE-TEXT move SUB-POX to MESSAGE-TEXT(10:7) perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE move 'Other .. ' to MESSAGE-TEXT move SUB-OTH to MESSAGE-TEXT(10:7) move 'TOTAL .. ' to MESSAGE-TEXT move SUB-TOT to MESSAGE-TEXT(10:7) perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE exit. ***************************************************************** * I/O ROUTINES FOR SIMOADR1... * ***************************************************************** SIMOADR1-CLOSE. add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT. close SIMOADR1-FILE if SIMOADR1-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else move 'SIMOADR1-Failure-CLOSE...' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE move SIMOADR1-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* SIMOADR1-READ. read SIMOADR1-FILE if SIMOADR1-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT else if SIMOADR1-STATUS = '10' add 16 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else if APPL-EOF move 'Y' to SIMOADR1-EOF else move 'SIMOADR1-Failure-GET...' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE move SIMOADR1-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* SIMOADR1-OPEN. add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT. open input SIMOADR1-FILE if SIMOADR1-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT move 'O' to SIMOADR1-OPEN-FLAG else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else move 'SIMOADR1-Failure-OPEN...' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE move SIMOADR1-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. ***************************************************************** * I/O ROUTINES FOR SIMOADR2... * ***************************************************************** SIMOADR2-WRITE. if SIMOADR2-OPEN-FLAG = 'C' perform SIMOADR2-OPEN end-if write SIMOADR2-RECORD if SIMOADR2-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT else if SIMOADR2-STATUS = '10' add 16 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if end-if. if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else move 'SIMOADR2-Failure-WRITE...' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE move SIMOADR2-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* SIMOADR2-OPEN. add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT. open output SIMOADR2-FILE if SIMOADR2-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT move 'O' to SIMOADR2-OPEN-FLAG else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else move 'SIMOADR2-Failure-OPEN...' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE move SIMOADR2-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* SIMOADR2-CLOSE. add 8 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT. close SIMOADR2-FILE if SIMOADR2-STATUS = '00' subtract APPL-RESULT from APPL-RESULT move 'C' to SIMOADR2-OPEN-FLAG else add 12 to ZERO giving APPL-RESULT end-if if APPL-AOK CONTINUE else move 'SIMOADR2-Failure-CLOSE...' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE move SIMOADR2-STATUS to IO-STATUS perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. ***************************************************************** * The following Z-Routines perform administrative tasks * * for this program. * ***************************************************************** * ***************************************************************** * ABEND the program, post a message to the console and issue * * a STOP RUN. * ***************************************************************** Z-ABEND-PROGRAM. if MESSAGE-TEXT not = SPACES perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE end-if move 'PROGRAM-IS-ABENDING...' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE add 12 to ZERO giving RETURN-CODE STOP RUN. * exit. ***************************************************************** * Display CONSOLE messages... * ***************************************************************** Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE. if MESSAGE-TEXT-2 = SPACES display MESSAGE-BUFFER(1:79) upon console else display MESSAGE-BUFFER upon console end-if move all SPACES to MESSAGE-TEXT exit. **************************************************************** * Display the file status bytes. This routine will display as * * two digits if the full two byte file status is numeric. If * * second byte is non-numeric then it will be treated as a * * binary number. * ***************************************************************** Z-DISPLAY-IO-STATUS. if IO-STATUS not NUMERIC or IO-STAT1 = '9' subtract TWO-BYTES-BINARY from TWO-BYTES-BINARY move IO-STAT2 to TWO-BYTES-RIGHT display '* CBLSTRC1 File-Status-' IO-STAT1 '/' TWO-BYTES-BINARY upon console else display '* CBLSTRC1 File-Status-' IO-STATUS upon console end-if exit. ***************************************************************** Z-POST-COPYRIGHT. display SIM-TITLE upon console display SIM-COPYRIGHT upon console exit. ***************************************************************** Z-THANK-YOU. display SIM-THANKS-01 upon console display SIM-THANKS-02 upon console exit. ***************************************************************** * This example is provided by SimoTime Technologies * * Our e-mail address is: * * Also, visit our Web Site at * *****************************************************************
This program (SIMOROAD.cbl) does the editing of the street address. It does the case conversion, word substitution, identifies Post Office Box addresses and calculates the length of the text strings within the fields. Note: This member is a part of the SIMOMODS package and is included here as a reference point or matter of convenience. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. SIMOROAD. AUTHOR. SIMOTIME TECHNOLOGIES. ***************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1987-2019 SimoTime Technologies. * * * * All rights reserved. Unpublished, all rights reserved under * * copyright law and international treaty. Use of a copyright * * notice is precautionary only and does not imply publication * * or disclosure. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software * * for any non-commercial purpose and without fee is hereby * * granted, provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all * * copies of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be * * used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use * * of the software without the written permission of SimoTime * * Technologies. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software * * for any commercial purpose requires a fee to be paid to * * SimoTime Technologies. Once the fee is received by SimoTime * * the latest version of the software will be delivered and a * * license will be granted for use within an enterprise, * * provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies * * of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used * * in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the * * software without the written permission of SimoTime * * Technologies. * * * * SimoTime Technologies makes no warranty or representations * * about the suitability of the software for any purpose. It is * * provided "AS IS" without any expressed or implied warranty, * * including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness * * for a particular purpose and non-infringement. SimoTime * * Technologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, * * special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of * * use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or * * tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or * * performance of this software * * * * SimoTime Technologies * * 15 Carnoustie Drive * * Novato, CA 94949-5849 * * 415.883.6565 * * * * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND * * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject * * to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of * * the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at * * DFARS 52.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of * * Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights at 48 * * CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Contact SimoTime Technologies, * * 15 Carnoustie Drive, Novato, CA 94949-5849. * * * ***************************************************************** * This program is provided by SimoTime Technologies * * Our e-mail address is: * * Also, visit our Web Site at * * * ***************************************************************** * Source Member: SIMOROAD.CBL * Copy Files: PASSPARS.CPY * Calls to: SIMOPARS ***************************************************************** * MAINTENANCE * ----------- * 1994/02/27 Simmons, Created program. * 1994/03/17 Simmons, Fixed bug to correct recalculation of the * size of the edited street address. * ***************************************************************** DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 SIM-TITLE. 05 T1 pic X(11) value '* SIMOROAD '. 05 T2 pic X(32) value 'Processing a Street Address '. 05 T3 pic X(10) value ' v08.03.28'. 05 T4 pic X(24) value ''. 01 SIM-COPYRIGHT. 05 C1 pic X(11) value '* SIMOROAD '. 05 C2 pic X(20) value 'Copyright 1987-2019 '. 05 C3 pic X(28) value ' SimoTime Technologies '. 05 C4 pic X(20) value ' All Rights Reserved'. 01 MESSAGE-BUFFER. 05 MESSAGE-HEADER pic X(11) value '* SIMOROAD '. 05 MESSAGE-TEXT. 10 MESSAGE-TEXT-1 pic X(68) value SPACES. 10 MESSAGE-TEXT-2 pic X(188) value SPACES. 01 WORD-14 pic X(14) value SPACES. 01 WORD-12 pic X(12) value SPACES. 01 WORD-SIZE pic 9(5) value 0. 01 X1 pic 9(5) value 0. 01 X2 pic 9(5) value 0. 01 X3 pic 9(5) value 0. 01 LOWER-CASE pic X(26) value 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'. 01 UPPER-CASE pic X(26) value 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'. ***************************************************************** * The following copy file is the pass area for calling SIMOPARS, * the field parsing routine. ***************************************************************** COPY PASSPARS. ***************************************************************** LINKAGE SECTION. COPY PASSROAD. ***************************************************************** PROCEDURE DIVISION using ROAD-PASS-AREA. * perform Z-POST-COPYRIGHT move 'UNK ' to RDPA-ADR2-CNTL move SPACES to RDPA-ADR2-DATA add 16 to ZERO giving RDPA-RESULT evaluate RDPA-ADR1-CNTL when 'INP ' perform PROCESS-STREET-ADDRESS when OTHER perform Z-ABEND-INVALID-REQUEST end-evaluate GOBACK. ***************************************************************** * The following routines are in alphabetical sequence.. * ***************************************************************** * This routine is used for debugging purposes, ***************************************************************** ADDR-FUNCTION-DISPLAY-WORDS. * Display the contents of the parsing tables. add 1 to ZERO giving X1 perform until PRS-SIZE(X1) = 0 or PRS-POSITION(X1) = 0 or X1 > PRS-TABLE-MAX or X1 > PRS-NUMBER-OF-ITEMS move X1 to MESSAGE-TEXT(6:5) move PRS-POSITION(X1) to MESSAGE-TEXT(19:4) move PRS-SIZE(X1) to MESSAGE-TEXT(32:4) if PRS-SIZE(X1) < 20 move PRS-BUFFER(PRS-POSITION(X1):PRS-SIZE(X1)) to MESSAGE-TEXT(50:PRS-SIZE(X1)) else move PRS-BUFFER(PRS-POSITION(X1):19) to MESSAGE-TEXT(50:19) end-if perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE add 1 to X1 end-perform exit. ***************************************************************** * Call the SIMOPARS routine to parse the Street Addres ***************************************************************** ADDR-FUNCTION-PARSE. *> Prepare control items for parsing. move '0' to PRS-REQUEST add 9 to ZERO giving PRS-STATUS move ' ' to PRS-DELIMITER move 'N' to PRS-TERMINATOR move ' ' to PRS-TERMINATOR-BYTE add 32 to ZERO giving PRS-TABLE-MAX if RDPA-ADR1-SIZE > 0 add RDPA-ADR1-SIZE to ZERO giving PRS-BUFFER-SIZE else add 48 to ZERO giving PRS-BUFFER-SIZE end-if move ZERO to PRS-NUMBER-OF-ITEMS *> Move the data string to the parsing buffer and call *> the parsing routine. move RDPA-ADR1-DATA to PRS-BUFFER call 'SIMOPARS' using PRS-PARAMETERS if PRS-STATUS not = 0 move 'Parsing Failure of Address Field' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-ABEND-PROGRAM end-if exit. ***************************************************************** BUILD-NEW-STREET-ADDRESS. move SPACES to RDPA-ADR2-DATA inspect PRS-BUFFER(1:PRS-BUFFER-SIZE) converting UPPER-CASE to LOWER-CASE add 1 to ZERO giving X1 add 1 to ZERO giving X2 perform until PRS-SIZE(X1) = 0 or PRS-POSITION(X1) = 0 or X1 > PRS-TABLE-MAX or X1 > PRS-NUMBER-OF-ITEMS if PRS-BUFFER(PRS-POSITION(X1):1) is NUMERIC move PRS-BUFFER(PRS-POSITION(X1):PRS-SIZE(X1)) to RDPA-ADR2-DATA(X2:PRS-SIZE(X1)) inspect RDPA-ADR2-DATA(X2:PRS-SIZE(X1)) converting LOWER-CASE to UPPER-CASE add PRS-SIZE(X1) to X2 add 1 to X2 else perform BUILD-NEW-STREET-ADDRESS-100 end-if add 1 to X1 end-perform exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* BUILD-NEW-STREET-ADDRESS-100. if PRS-BUFFER(PRS-POSITION(X1):1) = 'p' and PRS-SIZE(X1) < 5 move SPACES to WORD-14 move PRS-BUFFER(PRS-POSITION(X1):PRS-SIZE(X1)) to WORD-14 perform BUILD-NEW-STREET-POSSIBLE-POB else perform BUILD-NEW-STREET-NORMAL-WORD end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* BUILD-NEW-STREET-POSSIBLE-POB. evaluate WORD-14 when 'pob ' perform BUILD-NEW-STREET-POSSIBLE-PO-1 when 'pobox ' perform BUILD-NEW-STREET-POSSIBLE-PO-1 when ' ' perform BUILD-NEW-STREET-POSSIBLE-PO-1 when 'pob. ' perform BUILD-NEW-STREET-POSSIBLE-PO-1 when 'po ' perform BUILD-NEW-STREET-POSSIBLE-PO-2 when 'p.o. ' perform BUILD-NEW-STREET-POSSIBLE-PO-2 when 'p. ' perform BUILD-NEW-STREET-POSSIBLE-PO-3 when 'p ' perform BUILD-NEW-STREET-POSSIBLE-PO-3 when 'post ' perform BUILD-NEW-STREET-POSSIBLE-PO-3 when OTHER perform BUILD-NEW-STREET-NORMAL-WORD end-evaluate exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* BUILD-NEW-STREET-POSSIBLE-PO-1. move 'POB ' to RDPA-ADR2-CNTL move 'P.O. Box ' to RDPA-ADR2-DATA(X2:9) add 9 to X2 subtract RDPA-RESULT from RDPA-RESULT exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* BUILD-NEW-STREET-POSSIBLE-PO-2. add X1 to 1 giving X3 if PRS-POSITION(X3) > 0 and PRS-SIZE(X3) > 0 if PRS-BUFFER(PRS-POSITION(X3):4) = 'box ' move 'POB ' to RDPA-ADR2-CNTL move 'P.O. Box ' to RDPA-ADR2-DATA(X2:9) add 1 to X1 add 9 to X2 subtract RDPA-RESULT from RDPA-RESULT else if PRS-BUFFER(PRS-POSITION(X3):1) is NUMERIC move 'POB ' to RDPA-ADR2-CNTL move 'P.O. Box ' to RDPA-ADR2-DATA(X2:9) add 9 to X2 subtract RDPA-RESULT from RDPA-RESULT else move 'PO? ' to RDPA-ADR2-CNTL perform BUILD-NEW-STREET-NORMAL-WORD subtract RDPA-RESULT from RDPA-RESULT end-if end-if end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* BUILD-NEW-STREET-POSSIBLE-PO-3. add X1 to 1 giving X3 if PRS-POSITION(X3) > 0 and PRS-SIZE(X3) > 0 if PRS-BUFFER(PRS-POSITION(X3):2) = 'o ' or PRS-BUFFER(PRS-POSITION(X3):3) = 'o. ' or PRS-BUFFER(PRS-POSITION(X3):7) = 'office ' add 1 to X3 if PRS-BUFFER(PRS-POSITION(X3):4) = 'box ' and PRS-POSITION(X3) > 0 and PRS-SIZE(X3) > 0 move 'POB ' to RDPA-ADR2-CNTL move 'P.O. Box ' to RDPA-ADR2-DATA(X2:9) add 2 to X1 add 9 to X2 subtract RDPA-RESULT from RDPA-RESULT else if PRS-BUFFER(PRS-POSITION(X3):1) is NUMERIC move 'POB ' to RDPA-ADR2-CNTL move 'P.O. Box ' to RDPA-ADR2-DATA(X2:9) add 9 to X2 subtract RDPA-RESULT from RDPA-RESULT else move 'PO? ' to RDPA-ADR2-CNTL perform BUILD-NEW-STREET-NORMAL-WORD subtract RDPA-RESULT from RDPA-RESULT end-if end-if else perform BUILD-NEW-STREET-NORMAL-WORD end-if end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* BUILD-NEW-STREET-NORMAL-WORD. *> Test for possible word substitution... move SPACES to WORD-12 if PRS-SIZE(X1) < 13 move PRS-BUFFER(PRS-POSITION(X1):PRS-SIZE(X1)) to WORD-12 perform BUILD-NEW-STREET-SUB-WORD-ALL end-if if WORD-12 = SPACES move PRS-BUFFER(PRS-POSITION(X1):PRS-SIZE(X1)) to RDPA-ADR2-DATA(X2:PRS-SIZE(X1)) inspect RDPA-ADR2-DATA(X2:1) converting LOWER-CASE to UPPER-CASE add PRS-SIZE(X1) to X2 add 1 to X2 subtract RDPA-RESULT from RDPA-RESULT else move WORD-12(1:WORD-SIZE) to RDPA-ADR2-DATA(X2:WORD-SIZE) if PRS-POSITION(X1) = 1 inspect RDPA-ADR2-DATA(X2:1) converting LOWER-CASE to UPPER-CASE end-if add WORD-SIZE to X2 add 1 to X2 subtract RDPA-RESULT from RDPA-RESULT end-if exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* BUILD-NEW-STREET-SUB-WORD-ALL. evaluate WORD-12 when 'ave ' move 'Avenue ' to WORD-12 add 6 to ZERO giving WORD-SIZE when 'ave. ' move 'Avenue ' to WORD-12 add 6 to ZERO giving WORD-SIZE when 'bl ' move 'Blvd ' to WORD-12 add 4 to ZERO giving WORD-SIZE when 'bl. ' move 'Blvd ' to WORD-12 add 4 to ZERO giving WORD-SIZE when 'de ' move 'de ' to WORD-12 add 2 to ZERO giving WORD-SIZE when 'la ' move 'la ' to WORD-12 add 2 to ZERO giving WORD-SIZE when 'of ' move 'of ' to WORD-12 add 2 to ZERO giving WORD-SIZE when 'and ' move 'and ' to WORD-12 add 3 to ZERO giving WORD-SIZE when 'the ' move 'the ' to WORD-12 add 3 to ZERO giving WORD-SIZE when 'macdougal ' move 'MacDougal' to WORD-12 add 9 to ZERO giving WORD-SIZE when OTHER move SPACES to WORD-12 end-evaluate exit. ***************************************************************** CALCULATE-BUFFER-SIZE-01. add PRS-NUMBER-OF-ITEMS to ZERO giving X1 add PRS-POSITION(X1) to PRS-SIZE(X1) giving RDPA-ADR1-SIZE subtract 1 from RDPA-ADR1-SIZE exit. ***************************************************************** CALCULATE-BUFFER-SIZE-02. if RDPA-ADR2-DATA = SPACES move ZERO to RDPA-ADR2-SIZE else add length of RDPA-ADR2-DATA to ZERO giving X1 add length of RDPA-ADR2-DATA to ZERO giving X3 perform until X1 not = X3 or X1 < 4 divide X3 by 2 giving X1 if X1 > 0 if RDPA-ADR2-DATA(X1 + 1:X3 - X1) = SPACES add X1 to ZERO giving X3 end-if end-if end-perform add 1 to ZERO giving RDPA-ADR2-SIZE move ZERO to X2 perform until X2 = X3 add 1 to X2 if RDPA-ADR2-DATA(X2:1) not = SPACE add X2 to ZERO giving RDPA-ADR2-SIZE end-if end-perform end-if exit. ***************************************************************** COMPRESS-MULTIPLE-SPACES. move SPACES to RDPA-ADR2-DATA add 1 to ZERO giving X1 add 1 to ZERO giving X2 perform until PRS-SIZE(X1) = 0 or PRS-POSITION(X1) = 0 or X1 > PRS-TABLE-MAX or X1 > PRS-NUMBER-OF-ITEMS move PRS-BUFFER(PRS-POSITION(X1):PRS-SIZE(X1)) to RDPA-ADR2-DATA(X2:PRS-SIZE(X1)) add X2 to ZERO giving PRS-POSITION(X1) add PRS-SIZE(X1) to X2 add 1 to X2 add 1 to X1 end-perform move SPACES to PRS-BUFFER move RDPA-ADR2-DATA to PRS-BUFFER move SPACES to RDPA-ADR2-DATA exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* POST-TABLE-ITEM. move 'Item-nnnn, Offset-nnnn, Length-nnnn, Parameter - ' to MESSAGE-TEXT(1:49) move X1 to MESSAGE-TEXT(6:4) move PRS-POSITION(X1) to MESSAGE-TEXT(19:4) move PRS-SIZE(X1) to MESSAGE-TEXT(32:4) if PRS-SIZE(X1) < 20 move PRS-BUFFER(PRS-POSITION(X1):PRS-SIZE(X1)) to MESSAGE-TEXT(50:PRS-SIZE(X1)) else move PRS-BUFFER(PRS-POSITION(X1):19) to MESSAGE-TEXT(50:19) end-if perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE exit. ***************************************************************** PROCESS-STREET-ADDRESS. if RDPA-ADR1-DATA = SPACES or RDPA-ADR1-DATA = LOW-VALUES perform Z-ABEND-INVALID-INPUT else perform ADDR-FUNCTION-PARSE perform CALCULATE-BUFFER-SIZE-01 if PRS-STATUS = 0 * perform ADDR-FUNCTION-DISPLAY-WORDS perform COMPRESS-MULTIPLE-SPACES perform PROCESS-STREET-ADDRESS-100 perform CALCULATE-BUFFER-SIZE-02 else move 'Parsing Error' to RDPA-ADR2-DATA move RDPA-ADR2-DATA to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE end-if end-if. exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* PROCESS-STREET-ADDRESS-100. perform BUILD-NEW-STREET-ADDRESS if RDPA-ADR2-CNTL = 'UNK ' and RDPA-ADR2-DATA not = SPACES if RDPA-ADR1-DATA = RDPA-ADR2-DATA move 'AOK ' to RDPA-ADR2-CNTL subtract RDPA-RESULT from RDPA-RESULT else move 'MOD ' to RDPA-ADR2-CNTL subtract RDPA-RESULT from RDPA-RESULT end-if subtract RDPA-RESULT from RDPA-RESULT end-if exit. ***************************************************************** * The following Z-Routines perform administrative functions * * for this program. * ***************************************************************** * ABEND the program, post a message to the console and issue * * a STOP RUN. * ***************************************************************** Z-ABEND-PROGRAM. if MESSAGE-TEXT not = SPACES perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE end-if move 'PROGRAM-IS-ABENDING...' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE add 12 to ZERO giving RETURN-CODE STOP RUN. * exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* Z-ABEND-INVALID-REQUEST. add 18 to ZERO giving RDPA-RESULT move 'ERR ' to RDPA-ADR2-CNTL move 'Call to SimoROAD with invalid request' to RDPA-ADR2-DATA exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* Z-ABEND-INVALID-INPUT. add 20 to ZERO giving RDPA-RESULT move 'ERR ' to RDPA-ADR2-CNTL move 'Call to SimoROAD with blank input address' to RDPA-ADR2-DATA exit. ***************************************************************** * Display CONSOLE messages... * ***************************************************************** Z-DISPLAY-CONSOLE-MESSAGE. if MESSAGE-TEXT-2 = SPACES display MESSAGE-BUFFER(1:79) upon console else display MESSAGE-BUFFER upon console end-if move all SPACES to MESSAGE-TEXT exit. ***************************************************************** Z-POST-COPYRIGHT. display SIM-TITLE upon console display SIM-COPYRIGHT upon console exit. ***************************************************************** * This example is provided by SimoTime Technologies * * Our e-mail address is: * * Also, visit our Web Site at * *****************************************************************
This program (SIMOPARS.cbl) was written to provide parsing capability of a data string. It uses "Reference Modification" to scan the data string. Note: This member is a part of the SIMOMODS package and is included here as a reference point or matter of convenience. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. SIMOPARS. AUTHOR. SIMOTIME TECHNOLOGIES. ***************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1987-2019 SimoTime Technologies. * * * * All rights reserved. Unpublished, all rights reserved under * * copyright law and international treaty. Use of a copyright * * notice is precautionary only and does not imply publication * * or disclosure. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software * * for any non-commercial purpose and without fee is hereby * * granted, provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all * * copies of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be * * used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use * * of the software without the written permission of SimoTime * * Technologies. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software * * for any commercial purpose requires a fee to be paid to * * SimoTime Technologies. Once the fee is received by SimoTime * * the latest version of the software will be delivered and a * * license will be granted for use within an enterprise, * * provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies * * of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used * * in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the * * software without the written permission of SimoTime * * Technologies. * * * * SimoTime Technologies makes no warranty or representations * * about the suitability of the software for any purpose. It is * * provided "AS IS" without any expressed or implied warranty, * * including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness * * for a particular purpose and non-infringement. SimoTime * * Technologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, * * special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of * * use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or * * tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or * * performance of this software * * * * SimoTime Technologies * * 15 Carnoustie Drive * * Novato, CA 94949-5849 * * 415.883.6565 * * * * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND * * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject * * to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of * * the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at * * DFARS 52.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of * * Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights at 48 * * CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Contact SimoTime Technologies, * * 15 Carnoustie Drive, Novato, CA 94949-5849. * * * ***************************************************************** * This program is provided by SimoTime Technologies * * Our e-mail address is: * * Also, visit our Web Site at * * * ***************************************************************** * ***************************************************************** * Source Member: SIMOPARS.CBL * Copy Files PASSPARS.CPY ***************************************************************** * * SIMOPARS - Parse Buffer defined in pass area. * * CALLING PROTOCOL * ---------------- * call 'SIMOPARS' using PRS-PARAMETERS * * 01 PRS-PARAMETERS. * 05 PRS-REQUEST PIC X VALUE '0'. * 05 PRS-STATUS PIC 9(4). * 05 PRS-DELIMITER PIC X VALUE SPACE. * 05 PRS-KEEP-NULL-FIELDS PIC X VALUE 'N'. * 05 PRS-SUSPEND PIC X VALUE 'N'. * 05 PRS-SUSPEND-BYTE PIC X VALUE SPACE. * 05 PRS-TERMINATOR PIC X VALUE 'N'. * 05 PRS-TERMINATOR-BYTE PIC X VALUE SPACE. * 05 PRS-BUFFER-SIZE PIC 9(4) VALUE 2048. * 05 PRS-BUFFER PIC X(2048). * 05 PRS-TABLE-MAX PIC 9(4) VALUE 128. * 05 PRS-NUMBER-OF-ITEMS PIC 9(4) VALUE 0. * 05 PRS-LAST-SIG-BYTE PIC 9(4) VALUE 0. * 05 PRS-POSITION OCCURS 128 TIMES * PIC 9(4) VALUE 0. * 05 PRS-SIZE OCCURS 128 TIMES * * This routine uses reference modification to identify the * position of the first significant character after the * delimiter character. This approach compensates for multiple * leading or embedded delimiter characters. The string function * of COBOL does not handle leading spaces. * * For example, if the delimiter character is a space then * leading spaces will be ignored and multiple, embedded spaces * will be treated as a single space. * * MAINTENANCE * ----------- * 1998/01/02 Simmons, CREATED PROGRAM. * 1998/01/02 Simmons, No changes to date... * ***************************************************************** * ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. ***************************************************************** * Data-structure for Program use... * ***************************************************************** 01 I-PTR pic 9(4) value 0. 01 O-PTR pic 9(4) value 0. 01 B-COUNT pic 9(4) value 0. ***************************************************************** * Message Buffer used by the Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT routine. * ***************************************************************** 01 MESSAGE-BUFFER. 05 MESSAGE-HEADER pic X(11) value '* SIMOPARS '. 05 MESSAGE-TEXT. 10 MESSAGE-TEXT-1 pic X(68) value SPACES. 10 MESSAGE-TEXT-2 pic X(188) value SPACES. ***************************************************************** LINKAGE SECTION. COPY PASSPARS. ***************************************************************** PROCEDURE DIVISION using PRS-PARAMETERS. if PRS-REQUEST not = '2' perform EDIT-LINKAGE-ITEMS end-if add 8 to ZERO giving RETURN-CODE add 9 to ZERO giving PRS-STATUS move ZERO to PRS-NUMBER-OF-ITEMS evaluate PRS-REQUEST when '0' perform PARSE-BUFFER when '1' perform INITIALIZE-TABLE-ELEMENTS when '2' perform INITIALIZE-DEFAULT-VALUES when OTHER add 12 to ZERO giving PRS-STATUS end-evaluate if PRS-STATUS = 9 subtract PRS-STATUS from PRS-STATUS end-if GOBACK. ***************************************************************** EDIT-LINKAGE-ITEMS. if PRS-TABLE-MAX not numeric add 128 to ZERO giving PRS-TABLE-MAX move 'PRS-TABLE-MAX set to 128' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT end-if if PRS-TABLE-MAX > 128 add 128 to ZERO giving PRS-TABLE-MAX move 'PRS-TABLE-MAX set to 128' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT end-if if PRS-BUFFER-SIZE not numeric add 2048 to ZERO giving PRS-BUFFER-SIZE move 'PRS-BUFFER-SIZE set to 2048' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT end-if if PRS-BUFFER-SIZE > 2048 add 2048 to ZERO giving PRS-BUFFER-SIZE move 'PRS-BUFFER-SIZE set to 2048' to MESSAGE-TEXT perform Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT end-if exit. ***************************************************************** INITIALIZE-DEFAULT-VALUES. move ',' to PRS-DELIMITER move 'Y' to PRS-SPACE-TRUNCATION move 'Y' to PRS-KEEP-NULL-FIELDS add 128 to ZERO giving PRS-TABLE-MAX add 2048 to ZERO giving PRS-BUFFER-SIZE perform INITIALIZE-TABLE-ELEMENTS move '0' to PRS-REQUEST move ZERO to PRS-STATUS move ZERO to PRS-NUMBER-OF-ITEMS move ZERO to PRS-LAST-SIG-BYTE exit. ***************************************************************** INITIALIZE-TABLE-ELEMENTS. move 1 to I-PTR move 1 to O-PTR perform until O-PTR > PRS-TABLE-MAX move 0 to PRS-POSITION(O-PTR) move 0 to PRS-SIZE(O-PTR) add 1 to O-PTR end-perform subtract RETURN-CODE from RETURN-CODE exit. ***************************************************************** PARSE-BUFFER. *! Initialize Position/Length tables to zero (0). perform INITIALIZE-TABLE-ELEMENTS move ZERO to PRS-LAST-SIG-BYTE *! Parse the Buffer. add 1 to ZERO giving O-PTR perform until I-PTR > PRS-BUFFER-SIZE perform PARSE-BUFFER-10 end-perform * Wrap-up the parse of this buffer... if PRS-LAST-SIG-BYTE > 0 and PRS-BUFFER(PRS-LAST-SIG-BYTE:1) not = PRS-DELIMITER add 1 to PRS-NUMBER-OF-ITEMS end-if if PRS-POSITION(O-PTR) = 0 subtract 1 from O-PTR end-if subtract RETURN-CODE from RETURN-CODE exit. *---------------------------------------------------------------* PARSE-BUFFER-10. if PRS-BUFFER(I-PTR:1) not = SPACE add I-PTR to ZERO giving PRS-LAST-SIG-BYTE end-if if PRS-BUFFER(I-PTR:1) = PRS-DELIMITER add 1 to B-COUNT if PRS-KEEP-NULL-FIELDS = 'Y' or B-COUNT = 1 and PRS-SIZE(O-PTR) > 0 if O-PTR < PRS-TABLE-MAX add 1 to O-PTR add 1 to PRS-NUMBER-OF-ITEMS else move PRS-BUFFER-SIZE to I-PTR end-if end-if else subtract B-COUNT from B-COUNT add 1 to PRS-SIZE(O-PTR) if PRS-SIZE(O-PTR) = 1 move I-PTR to PRS-POSITION(O-PTR) end-if end-if add 1 to I-PTR if PRS-TERMINATOR = 'Y' and I-PTR not > PRS-BUFFER-SIZE and PRS-BUFFER(I-PTR:1) = PRS-TERMINATOR-BYTE if PRS-SIZE(O-PTR) > 0 add 1 to PRS-NUMBER-OF-ITEMS end-if add PRS-BUFFER-SIZE to 1 giving I-PTR end-if exit. ***************************************************************** * Display CONSOLE messages... * ***************************************************************** Z-DISPLAY-MESSAGE-TEXT. if MESSAGE-TEXT-2 = SPACES display MESSAGE-BUFFER(1:79) else display MESSAGE-BUFFER end-if move all SPACES to MESSAGE-TEXT exit. ***************************************************************** * This example is provided by SimoTime Technologies * * Our e-mail address is: * * Also, visit our Web Site at * *****************************************************************
The following is the copy file (PASSROAD.cpy) used for the pass area when calling the parsing routine. ***************************************************************** * Data Structure or Pass Area used for calling SIMOROAD. * ***************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1987-2019 SimoTime Technologies * * All Rights Reserved * ***************************************************************** * Provided by SimoTime Technologies * * Our e-mail address is: * * Also, visit our Web Site at * ***************************************************************** * RDPA-REQUEST, Type of request, must be "SIMOROAD" for * parsing. This item is provided by the calling * program and is not modified by the parse and * edit routine. * RDPA-RESULT, This is an indicator as to the success or * failure of the request. A value of zero (0000) * indicates the routine was successful. * A non-zero value indicates a failure. * RDPA-ADR1-CNTL, This is a four byte string that is used to * specify input data. This string should * contain "INP ". This item is provided by the * calling program and is not modified by the * parse and edit routine. * RDPA-ADR1-DATA, This string must contain the street address * to be parsed and edited. This string is not * modified by the parse and edit routine. * RDPA-ADR1-SIZE, This is the size of the actual text within * the RDPA-ADR1-DATA string. This item is * created by the parse and edit routine. * RDPA-ADR2-CNTL, This is a four byte string that is used to * specify the result of the parse and edit * routine for the input street address. This * item is created by the parse and edit routine. * RDPA-ADR2-DATA, This string will contain the street address * that is created by the parse and edit routine. * RDPA-ADR2-SIZE, This is the size of the actual text within * the RDPA-ADR2-DATA string. This item is * created by the parse and edit routine. * 01 ROAD-PASS-AREA. 05 RDPA-REQUEST PIC X(8). 05 RDPA-RESULT PIC S9(9) COMP. 05 RDPA-ADR1-CNTL PIC X(4). 05 RDPA-ADR1-DATA PIC X(128). 05 RDPA-ADR1-SIZE PIC 9(5). 05 RDPA-ADR2-CNTL PIC X(4). 05 RDPA-ADR2-DATA PIC X(256). 05 RDPA-ADR2-SIZE PIC 9(5). * *** PASSROAD - End-of-Copy File - - - - - - - - - - - PASSROAD * ***************************************************************** *
The objective of this suite of programs is to examine a data string containing a street address and produce a new data string with an edited version of the street address. This document may be used to assist as a tutorial for new programmers or as a quick reference for experienced programmers. In the world of programming there are many ways to solve a problem. This documentation and software were developed and tested on systems that are configured for a SIMOTIME environment based on the hardware, operating systems, user requirements and security requirements. Therefore, adjustments may be needed to execute the jobs and programs when transferred to a system of a different architecture or configuration. SIMOTIME Services has experience in moving or sharing data or application processing across a variety of systems. For additional information about SIMOTIME Services or Technologies please contact us using the information in the Contact or Feedback section of this document.
Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software, documentation or training material for any purpose requires a fee to be paid to SimoTime Technologies. Once the fee is received by SimoTime the latest version of the software, documentation or training material will be delivered and a license will be granted for use within an enterprise, provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the software without the written permission of SimoTime Technologies. SimoTime Technologies makes no warranty or representations about the suitability of the software, documentation or learning material for any purpose. It is provided "AS IS" without any expressed or implied warranty, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. SimoTime Technologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software, documentation or training material.
This section includes links to documents with additional information that are beyond the scope and purpose of this document. The first group of documents may be available from a local system or via an internet connection, the second group of documents will require an internet connection. Note: A SimoTime License is required for the items to be made available on a local system or server.
The following links may be to the current server or to the Internet.
The following links will require an internet connect. This suite of programs and documentation is available to download for review and evaluation purposes. Other uses will require a SimoTime Software License. Link to an Evaluation zPAK Option that includes the program members, documentation and control files. A good place to start is The SimoTime Home Page for access to white papers, program examples and product information. This link requires an Internet Connection Explore The Micro Focus Web Site for more information about products (including Micro Focus COBOL) and services available from Micro Focus. This link requires an Internet Connection.
This document was created and is maintained by SimoTime Technologies. If you have any questions, suggestions, comments or feedback please use the following contact information.
We appreciate hearing from you.
SimoTime Technologies was founded in 1987 and is a privately owned company. We specialize in the creation and deployment of business applications using new or existing technologies and services. We have a team of individuals that understand the broad range of technologies being used in today's environments. Our customers include small businesses using Internet technologies to corporations using very large mainframe systems. Quite often, to reach larger markets or provide a higher level of service to existing customers it requires the newer Internet technologies to work in a complementary manner with existing corporate mainframe systems. We specialize in preparing applications and the associated data that are currently residing on a single platform to be distributed across a variety of platforms. Preparing the application programs will require the transfer of source members that will be compiled and deployed on the target platform. The data will need to be transferred between the systems and may need to be converted and validated at various stages within the process. SimoTime has the technology, services and experience to assist in the application and data management tasks involved with doing business in a multi-system environment. Whether you want to use the Internet to expand into new market segments or as a delivery vehicle for existing business functions simply give us a call or check the web site at