Translation Tables
  Table of Contents  v-24.01.01 - asc2ebc1.htm 
  The ASCII and EBCDIC Tables
  Decimal:  0-31  |  32-63  |  64-95  |  96-127   
     128-159  |  160-191  |  192-223  |  224-255   
  Hexadecimal:   00-1F  |  20-3F  |  40-5F  |   60-7F    
      80-9F   |   A0-BF   |   C0-DF   |   E0-FF    
  Special Characters or Symbols
  Currency Symbols and More
  Copyright & Registered Trademark
  Software Agreement and Disclaimer
  Downloads and Links
  Current Server or Internet Access
  Internet Access Required
  Glossary of Terms
  Contact or Feedback
  Company Overview

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Introduction

The following conversion table is provided as a reference for ASCII and EBCDIC translation. When moving information (files or data buffers) between EBCDIC machines and ASCII machines it is quite often necessary to convert the information. If the data strings contain only display or printable characters then it is a straightforward, byte-for-byte conversion. However, in the real world the actual conversion of data strings between an ASCII and EBCDIC encoding schema is usually more complicated than a simple byte-for-byte conversion. For example, if the data strings contain packed or binary data or control information then the data conversion becomes content sensitive.

The translation of records or data strings within a file may be an explicitly defined task or it may be done as part of a file transfer process when files are being moved between systems that use a different encoding schema. If a data conversion is done by the file transfer process the data should be reviewed to ensure that special characters (currency symbols, the copyright symbol, the trademark symbol and more) are correctly converted.

For more information about the automated or programmatic conversion between EBCDIC and ASCII refer to the Downloads and Links to Similar Pages at the end of this document.

We have made a significant effort to ensure the documents and software technologies are correct and accurate. We reserve the right to make changes without notice at any time. The function delivered in this version is based upon the enhancement requests from a specific group of users. The intent is to provide changes as the need arises and in a timeframe that is dependent upon the availability of resources.

Copyright © 1987-2024
SimoTime Technologies and Services
All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section The ASCII and EBCDIC Tables

The following is the ASCII and EBCDIC translation tables. In addition to the ASCII and EBCDIC values the following tables include the decimal, hexadecimal and binary values.

(Next) (Previous) (Table-of-Contents) ( Decimal 000-031 ) ( Hexadecimal 00-1F )
000 00 NUL NUL 0000 0000   016 10 DLE DLE 0001 0000
001 01 SOH SOH 0000 0001   017 11 DC1 DC1 0001 0001
002 02 STX STX 0000 0010   018 12 DC2 DC2 0001 0010
003 03 ETX ETX 0000 0011   019 13 DC3 DC3 0001 0011
004 04 SEL EOT 0000 0100   020 14 RES/ENP DC4 0001 0100
005 05 TAB ENQ 0000 0101   021 15 NL NAK 0001 0101
006 06 RNL ACK 0000 0110   022 16 BS SYN 0001 0110
007 07 DEL BEL 0000 0111   023 17 POC ETB 0001 0111
008 08 GE BS 0000 1000   024 18 CAN CAN 0001 1000
009 09 SPS TAB 0000 1001   025 19 EM EM 0001 1001
010 0A RPT LF 0000 1010   026 1A UBS SUB 0001 1010
011 0B VT VT 0000 1011   027 1B CU1 ESC 0001 1011
012 0C FF FF 0000 1100   028 1C IFS FS 0001 1100
013 0D CR CR 0000 1101   029 1D IGS GS 0001 1101
014 0E SO SO 0000 1110   030 1E IRS RS 0001 1110
015 0F SI SI 0000 1111   031 1F ITB/IUS US 0001 1111
(Next) (Previous) (Table-of-Contents) ( Decimal 032-063 ) ( Hexadecimal 20-3F )
032 20 DS Space 0010 0000   048 30   0 0011 0000
033 21 SOS ! 0010 0001   049 31   1 0011 0001
034 22 FS " 0010 0010   050 32 SYN 2 0011 0010
035 23 WUS # 0010 0011   051 33 IR 3 0011 0011
036 24 BYP/INP $ 0010 0100   052 34 PP 4 0011 0100
037 25 LF % 0010 0101   053 35 TRN 5 0011 0101
038 26 ETB & 0010 0110   054 36 NBS 6 0011 0110
039 27 ESC ' 0010 0111   055 37 EOT 7 0011 0111
040 28 SA ( 0010 1000   056 38 SBS 8 0011 1000
041 29 SFE ) 0010 1001   057 39 IT 9 0011 1001
042 2A SM/SW * 0010 1010   058 3A RFF : 0011 1010
043 2B CSP + 0010 1011   059 3B CU3 ; 0011 1011
044 2C MFA ,comma 0010 1100   060 3C DC4 < 0011 1100
045 2D ENQ - 0010 1101   061 3D NAK = 0011 1101
046 2E ACK . 0010 1110   062 3E   > 0011 1110
047 2F BEL / 0010 1111   063 3F SUB ? 0011 1111
(Next) (Previous) (Table-of-Contents) ( Decimal 064-095 ) ( Hexadecimal 40-5F )
064 40 Space @ 0100 0000   080 50 & P 0101 0000
065 41 RSP A 0100 0001   081 51 é Q 0101 0001
066 42 â B 0100 0010   082 52 ê R 0101 0010
067 43 ä C 0100 0011   083 53 ë S 0101 0011
068 44 à D 0100 0100   084 54 è T 0101 0100
069 45 á E 0100 0101   085 55 í U 0101 0101
070 46 ã F 0100 0110   086 56 î V 0101 0110
071 47 å G 0100 0111   087 57 ï W 0101 0111
072 48 ç H 0100 1000   088 58 ì X 0101 1000
073 49 ñ I 0100 1001   089 59 ß Y 0101 1001
074 4A ¢ J 0100 1010   090 5A ! Z 0101 1010
075 4B . K 0100 1011   091 5B $ [ 0101 1011
076 4C < L 0100 1100   092 5C * \ 0101 1100
077 4D ( M 0100 1101   093 5D ) ] 0101 1101
078 4E + N 0100 1110   094 5E ; ^ 0101 1110
079 4F | O 0100 1111   095 5F ¬ _ 0101 1111
(Next) (Previous) (Table-of-Contents) ( Decimal 096-127 ) ( Hexadecimal 60-7F )
096 60 - ` 0110 0000   112 70 ø p 0111 0000
097 61 / a 0110 0001   113 71 É q 0111 0001
098 62 Â b 0110 0010   114 72 Ê r 0111 0010
099 63 Ä c 0110 0011   115 73 Ë s 0111 0011
100 64 À d 0110 0100   116 74 È t 0111 0100
101 65 Á e 0110 0101   117 75 Í u 0111 0101
102 66 Ã f 0110 0110   118 76 Î v 0111 0110
103 67 Å g 0110 0111   119 77 Ï w 0111 0111
104 68 Ç h 0110 1000   120 78 Ì x 0111 1000
105 69 Ñ i 0110 1001   121 79 ` y 0111 1001
106 6A ¦ j 0110 1010   122 7A : z 0111 1010
107 6B ,comma k 0110 1011   123 7B # { 0111 1011
108 6C % l 0110 1100   124 7C @ | 0111 1100
109 6D _ m 0110 1101   125 7D ' } 0111 1101
110 6E > n 0110 1110   126 7E = ~ 0111 1110
111 6F ? o 0110 1111   127 7F " DEL 0111 1111
(Next) (Previous) (Table-of-Contents) ( Decimal 128-159 ) ( Hexadecimal 80-9F )
128 80 Ø 1000 0000   144 90 DLE   1001 0000
129 81 a   1000 0001   145 91 j   1001 0001
130 82 b   1000 0010   146 92 k   1001 0010
131 83 c   1000 0011   147 93 l   1001 0011
132 84 d   1000 0100   148 94 m   1001 0100
133 85 e   1000 0101   149 95 n   1001 0101
134 86 f   1000 0110   150 96 0   1001 0110
135 87 g   1000 0111   151 97 p   1001 0111
136 88 h   1000 1000   152 98 q   1001 1000
137 89 i   1000 1001   153 99 r   1001 1001
138 8A     1000 1010   154 9A     1001 1010
139 8B     1000 1011   155 9B     1001 1011
140 8C     1000 1100   156 9C æ   1001 1100
141 8D ý   1000 1101   157 9D     1001 1101
142 8E     1000 1110   158 9E Æ   1001 1110
143 8F     1000 1111   159 9F Ÿ 1001 1111
(Next) (Previous) (Table-of-Contents) ( Decimal 160-191 ) ( Hexadecimal A0-BF )
160 A0     1010 0000   176 B0 ^   1011 0000
161 A1 ~   1010 0001   177 B1 £   1011 0001
162 A2 s ¢ 1010 0010   178 B2 ¥   1011 0010
163 A3 t £ 1010 0011   179 B3     1011 0011
164 A4 u   1010 0100   180 B4 ©   1011 0100
165 A5 v ¥ 1010 0101   181 B5     1011 0101
166 A6 w ¦ 1010 0110   182 B6     1011 0110
167 A7 x   1010 0111   183 B7     1011 0111
168 A8 y   1010 1000   184 B8     1011 1000
169 A9 z © 1010 1001   185 B9     1011 1001
170 AA     1010 1010   186 BA [   1011 1010
171 AB     1010 1011   187 BB ] » 1011 1011
172 AC   ¬ 1010 1100   188 BC     1011 1100
173 AD Ý   1010 1101   189 BD     1011 1101
174 AE   ® 1010 1110   190 BE     1011 1110
175 AF ®   1010 1111   191 BF     1011 1111
(Next) (Previous) (Table-of-Contents) ( Decimal 192-223 ) ( Hexadecimal C0-DF )
192 C0 { À 1100 0000   208 D0 }   1101 0000
193 C1 A Á 1100 0001   209 D1 J Ñ 1101 0001
194 C2 B Â 1100 0010   210 D2 K Ò 1101 0010
195 C3 C Ã 1100 0011   211 D3 L Ó 1101 0011
196 C4 D Ä 1100 0100   212 D4 M Ô 1101 0100
197 C5 E Å 1100 0101   213 D5 N Õ 1101 0101
198 C6 F Æ 1100 0110   214 D6 O Ö 1101 0110
199 C7 G Ç 1100 0111   215 D7 P   1101 0111
200 C8 H È 1100 1000   216 D8 Q Ø 1101 1000
201 C9 I É 1100 1001   217 D9 R Ù 1101 1001
202 CA   Ê 1100 1010   218 DA   Ú 1101 1010
203 CB ô Ë 1100 1011   219 DB û Û 1101 1011
204 CC ö Ì 1100 1100   220 DC ü Ü 1101 1100
205 CD ò Í 1100 1101   221 DD ù Ý 1101 1101
206 CE ó Î 1100 1110   222 DE ú   1101 1110
207 CF õ Ï 1100 1111   223 DF ÿ ß 1101 1111
(Next) (Previous) (Table-of-Contents) ( Decimal 224-255 ) ( Hexadecimal E0-FF )
224 E0 \ à 1110 0000   240 F0 0   1111 0000
225 E1   á 1110 0001   241 F1 1 ñ 1111 0001
226 E2 S â 1110 0010   242 F2 2 ò 1111 0010
227 E3 T ã 1110 0011   243 F3 3 ó 1111 0011
228 E4 U ä 1110 0100   244 F4 4 ô 1111 0100
229 E5 V å 1110 0101   245 F5 5 õ 1111 0101
230 E6 W æ 1110 0110   246 F6 6 ö 1111 0110
231 E7 X ç 1110 0111   247 F7 7   1111 0111
232 E8 Y è 1110 1000   248 F8 8 ø 1111 1000
233 E9 Z é 1110 1001   249 F9 9 ù 1111 1001
234 EA   ê 1110 1010   250 FA   ú 1111 1010
235 EB Ô ë 1110 1011   251 FB Û û 1111 1011
236 EC Ö ì 1110 1100   252 FC Ü ü 1111 1100
237 ED Ò í 1110 1101   253 FD Ù ý 1111 1101
238 EE Ó î 1110 1110   254 FE Ú   1111 1110
239 EF Õ ï 1110 1111   255 FF Ÿ ÿ 1111 1111
Decimal Values
0-31 | 32-63 | 64-95 | 96-127 | 128-159 | 160-191 | 192-223 | 224-255
Hexadecimal Values
00-1F | 20-3F | 40-5F | 60-7F | 80-9F | A0-BF | C0-DF | E0-FF

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Special Characters or Symbols

The following tables are provided as a matter of convenience. The symbols are included in the preceding table but may be easier to find in the smaller tables that follow.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Grave-Acute-Circumflex-Umlaut-Tilde

The following table shows the ASCII and EBCDIC values for the alternate symbols of the Acute, Circumflex, Grave, Tilde and Umlaut. The "Courier New (fixed font)" and "Times Roman (proportional font)" fonts will display the following characters.

Acute Circumflex Grave Tilde Umlaut
Á C1 65
á E1 45
É C9 71
é E9 51
Í CD 75
í ED 55
ó F3 CE
ý FD 8D
 C2 62
â E2 42
Ê CA 72
ê EA 52
Î CE 76
î EE 56
ô F4 CB
À C0 64
à E0 44
È C8 74
è E8 54
Ì CC 78
ì EC 58
ò F2 CD
ù F9 DD
à C3 66
ã E3 46
õ F5 CF
Ñ D1 69
ñ F1 49
Ä C4 63
ä E4 43
Ë CB 73
ë EB 53
Ï CF 77
ï EF 57
ö F6 CC

Note:  In the preceding table the "Y" character with an umlaut (both upper and lower case characters of Ÿ and ÿ) may affect program logic that is dependent on a High-Values or HEX "FF" content.


Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Currency Symbols and More

The following table shows the ASCII and EBCDIC values for currency symbols and more of the alternate symbols. The "Courier New (fixed font)" and "Times Roman (proportional font)" fonts will display the following characters.

Symbol     ASCII       EBCDIC   Comment
$ x'24' or 036 x'5B' or 091 Dollar Sign
x'80' or 128 x'9F' or 159 Euro Currency
¢ x'A2' or 162 x'4A' or 074 US Cent
£ x'A3' or 163 x'B1' or 177 Pound
¥ x'A5' or 165 x'B2' or 178 Yen
¦ x'A6' or 166 x'6A' or 106 Two-Piece Vertical Bar
ß x'DF' or 223 x'59' or 089 Strasse, Germany
Å x'C5' or 197 x'67' or 103 A-ring
å x'E5' or 229 x'47' or 071 a-ring
Ç x'C7' or 199 x'68' or 104 letter "C" with cedilla (upper case)
ç x'E7' or 231 x'48' or 072 letter "c" with cedilla (lower case)
Ø x'D8' or 216 x'80' or 128 O-slash
ø x'F8' or 248 x'70' or 112 o-slash
Æ x'C6' or 198 x'9E' or 158 Diphthong
æ x'E6' or 230 x'9C' or 156 Diphthong
¬ x'AC' or 172 x'5F' or 095 Logical NOT
© x'89' or 169 x'B4' or 180 Copyright
® x'AE' or 174 x'AF' or 175 Registered Trademark
X x'99' or 153 Unknown Trademark (Superset TM)
nn° or ° x'B0' or 176   Degree Symbol, specify as &deg; or &#176;
¨ x'A8' or 168   Umlaut

Note: The ASCII and EBCDIC columns of the preceding table show the two-byte hexadecimal notation or the three-digit numeric value for the symbol.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Copyright & Registered Trademark

The copyright symbol © (a circled "C" Character) may be placed in an HTML document using the &#0169; text string. The Registered Trademark symbol ® (a circled "R" Character) may be placed in an HTML document using the &#0174; text string.

Another way to accomplish the task is to use the following.

The copyright symbol © (a circled "C" Character) may be placed in an HTML document using the &copy; text string.
The Registered Trademark symbol ® (a circled "R" Character) may be placed in an HTML document using the &reg; text string.

Note:  The Copyright symbol for ASCII-encoding is 169 or x'89'. The copyright symbol for EBCDIC-encoding is 180 or x'B4'.

Note:  The Registered Trademark symbol for ASCII-encoding is 174 or x'AE'. The Registered Trademark symbol for EBCDIC-encoding is 175 or x'AF'.

The trademark symbol ™ (a "TM" in superscript) may be placed in an HTML document using the &trade; text string.
Another approach would be to use the <sup>TM</sup> for HTML documents. This would produce the following results - My_SymbolTM.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Summary

The purpose of this document is to provide a quick reference for ASCII and EBCDIC translation. This document may be used as a tutorial for new programmers or as a quick reference for experienced programmers.

In the world of programming there are many ways to solve a problem. This documentation and software were developed and tested on systems that are configured for a SIMOTIME environment based on the hardware, operating systems, user requirements and security requirements. Therefore, adjustments may be needed to execute the jobs and programs when transferred to a system of a different architecture or configuration.

SIMOTIME Services has experience in moving or sharing data or application processing across a variety of systems. For additional information about SIMOTIME Services or Technologies please contact us using the information in the  Contact or Feedback  section of this document.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Software Agreement and Disclaimer

Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software, documentation or training material for any purpose requires a fee to be paid to SimoTime Technologies. Once the fee is received by SimoTime the latest version of the software, documentation or training material will be delivered and a license will be granted for use within an enterprise, provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the software without the written permission of SimoTime Technologies.

SimoTime Technologies makes no warranty or representations about the suitability of the software, documentation or learning material for any purpose. It is provided "AS IS" without any expressed or implied warranty, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. SimoTime Technologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software, documentation or training material.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Downloads and Links

This section includes links to documents with additional information that are beyond the scope and purpose of this document. The first group of documents may be available from a local system or via an internet connection, the second group of documents will require an internet connection.

Note: A SimoTime License is required for the items to be made available on a local system or server.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Current Server or Internet Access

The following links may be to the current server or to the Internet.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore a suite of sample programs that describes the ASCII and EBCDIC sorting or collating sequences and provides an example of programming logic that will work in an EBCDIC environment (i.e. Mainframe System with ZOS) but fail in an ASCII environment (i.e. Linux, UNIX or Windows with Micro Focus).

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the Principles of Data File Conversion. This link includes guidelines for defining requirements and determining the scope of effort for a data conversion effort.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore How to Generate a Data File Convert Program using simple specification statements in a Process Control File (PCF). This link to the User Guide includes the information necessary to create a Process Control File and generate the COBOL programs that will do the actual data file conversion. The User Guide contains a list of the PCF statements that are used for the data file convert process.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore The Binary or COMP format for numeric data strings. This numeric structure is supported by COBOL and may be explicitly defined with the "USAGE IS COMP" or "USAGE IS BINARY" clause.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore The Edited for Display format for numeric data strings. This numeric structure is supported by COBOL and may be used with an edit-mask to prepare the presentation for readability by human beings.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore The Packed-Decimal or COMP-3 format for numeric data strings. This numeric structure is supported by COBOL and may be explicitly defined with the "USAGE IS COMP-3" clause.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore The Zoned-Decimal format for numeric data strings. This numeric structure is the default numeric for COBOL and may be explicitly defined with the "USAGE IS DISPLAY" clause.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore commonly used formats and processing techniques for managing various numeric formats available on the mainframe.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the Numbers Connection for additional information about the structure and processing of numeric data items (or numeric fields).

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the cycle of converting and transferring non-relational data files between an IBM Mainframe System and a Windows, Linux or UNIX System. This discussion will leverage the non-relational file support provided by Micro Focus for the distributed systems.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore a typical data file conversion process that may be required when working in a multi-system environment. This suite of documents describes a model for managing non-relational data structures (Sequential Files and VSAM Data Sets) that contain ASCII or EBCDIC text strings and various numeric formats such as BINARY, PACKED-Decimal and ZONED-Decimal. This model has the capability of creating a test file for an ASCII or EBCDIC encoded environment. This suite of documents will address many of the challenges of doing a record content conversion of a file that will be transferred between an EBCDIC-encoded Mainframe System and an ASCII-encoded Linux, UNIX or Windows System.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore The File Status Return Codes that are used to interpret the results of accessing VSAM data sets and/or QSAM files.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Internet Access Required

The following links will require an internet connection.

A good place to start is The SimoTime Home Page for access to white papers, program examples and product information. This link requires an Internet Connection

Explore The Micro Focus Web Site for more information about products (including Micro Focus COBOL) and services available from Micro Focus. This link requires an Internet Connection.

Explore the GnuCOBOL Technologies available from SourceForge. SourceForge is an Open Source community resource dedicated to helping open source projects be as successful as possible. GnuCOBOL (formerly OpenCOBOL) is a COBOL compiler with run time support. The compiler (cobc) translates COBOL source to executable using intermediate C, designated C compiler and linker. This link will require an Internet Connection.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Glossary of Terms

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the Glossary of Terms for a list of terms and definitions used in this suite of documents and white papers.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Contact or Feedback

This document was created and is maintained by SimoTime Technologies. If you have any questions, suggestions, comments or feedback please use the following contact information.

1. Send an e-mail to our helpdesk.
2. Our telephone numbers are as follows.
2.1. 1 415 763-9430 office-helpdesk
2.2. 1 415 827-7045 mobile


We appreciate hearing from you.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Company Overview

SimoTime Technologies was founded in 1987 and is a privately owned company. We specialize in the creation and deployment of business applications using new or existing technologies and services. We have a team of individuals that understand the broad range of technologies being used in today's environments. Our customers include small businesses using Internet technologies to corporations using very large mainframe systems.

Quite often, to reach larger markets or provide a higher level of service to existing customers it requires the newer Internet technologies to work in a complementary manner with existing corporate mainframe systems. We specialize in preparing applications and the associated data that are currently residing on a single platform to be distributed across a variety of platforms.

Preparing the application programs will require the transfer of source members that will be compiled and deployed on the target platform. The data will need to be transferred between the systems and may need to be converted and validated at various stages within the process. SimoTime has the technology, services and experience to assist in the application and data management tasks involved with doing business in a multi-system environment.

Whether you want to use the Internet to expand into new market segments or as a delivery vehicle for existing business functions simply give us a call or check the web site at

ASCII or EBCDIC, Translation Tables
Copyright © 1987-2024
SimoTime Technologies and Services
All Rights Reserved
When technology complements business